143 resultados para birch Kraft pulp


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Työssä tutkittiin Andritz-Ahlstrom toimittamien soodakattiloiden lämmönsiirtoa ANITA 2.20- suunnitteluohjelmalla feedback- laskentaa apuna käyttäen. Data laskentaan saatiin kattiloiden takuukokeissa mitatuista arvoista. Mittaukset on suoritettiin Andritz-Ahlstromin henkilökunnan toimesta tehdashenkilökunnan avustuksella. Feedback -laskenta tapahtui mittaustulosten perusteella, joten tiettyä virhettä luonnollisesti esiintyi. Aluksi laskettiin taseet molempien ekojen yli erikseen sekä molemmat yhdessä Excel-taulukkolaskentaohjelmalla. Täältä saatiin oletettu savukaasuvirtaus kattilassa. Tämän jälkeen lämpöpintoja muokattiin todellisuutta vastaaviksi yleislikaisuuskerrointa muuttamalla (overall fouling factor). Kertoimet ovat liikkuivat noin 0.4 ja 1.6 välillä riipuen kattilan tyypistä ja ANITAn oletuksesta lämpöpintojen likaisuudelle. Havaittin että yhtä varsinaista syytä lämpöpintojen eroavaisuuteen oletetusta ei saatu. Syitä toiminnan poikkeamiseen oli monia. Mm. etukammion koolla havaittiin olevan suurtakin vaikutusta tulistimien, etenkin savukaasuvirrassa ensimmäisen tulistimen toimintaan. Yleisesti todettiin muiden tulistimien vastaavan oletettua toimintaa. Keittopinnan ja ekonomiserien toimintaa tutkittiin hivenen suppeammin ja havaittiin niiden toimivan huomattavasti stabiilimmin kuin tulistimien. Likaisuus kertoimet oletetusta vaihtelivat noin ±20 %.


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Työn tavoitteena oli yritysjohdon käyttämän sisäisen raportin kehittäminen vastaamaan paremmin johdon tarpeita. Teoriaosuuden tarkoituksena oli selvittää kirjallisuuden avulla sisäisen raportin käyttöä johdon työkaluna, hyvän raportin vaatimuksia ja yleisiä raportoinnin periaatteita. Empiirinen osuus toteutettiin haastatteluiden avulla ja analysoimalla case-yrityksen sisäisiä raportteja. Empiirisen osan tavoitteena oli selvittää aiemman raportin ongelmat, löytää ratkaisut näihin ongelmiin ja laatia uusi raportointimalli, joka palvelee paremmin raportin käyttäjiä.Teoriaosuuden perusteella voidaan päätellä, että raportoinnin kehittämiseen vaikuttaa eniten raportin käyttötarkoitus ja henkilöt, joiden työväline raportti tulee olemaan. Raportin kehittäminen on jatkuva prosessi, sillä raportin tulee mukautua liiketoiminta- ja organisaatiomuutoksiin.Työn empiirisessä osassa esitetty uusi raportointimalli palvelee case-yritystä monella eri tasolla. Se tukee johdon työskentelyä ja tarjoaa yritystasolla välineen kustannusten parempaan hallintaan ja seurantaan.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli arvioida uutta sellu-, paperi- ja kartonkiteollisuuden Paper Profile -ympäristötuoteselostetta. Paper Profilen tarkoituksena on tarjota paperiteollisuuden asiakkaille ja muille kiinnostuneilla sidosryhmille yhtenäistä ympäristöinformaatiota koskien paperituotteiden koostumusta ja tuotteiden tärkeimpiä ympäristöparametrejä. Työn tärkein tavoite oli arvioida kriittisesti Paper Profilea ja verrata konseptia ISO:n, Kansainvälisen stardardisoimisliiton tuoteselosteeseen sekä löytää konseptien yhtäläisyydet ja erot. Tärkein tehtävä oli tunnistaa ne avaintekijät, joiden avulla Paper Profile -tuoteselostetta voitaisiin pitää yhtenevänä ISO/TR 14025 teknisen raportin kanssa. Lisäksi Paper Profile -tuoteselosteen mahdolliset kehittämistarpeet arvioitiin ISO-tuoteselosteen näkökulmasta. Työn toinen tavoite oli kerätä ja analysoida uuteen tuoteselosteeseen liittyvä asiakaspalaute ja verrata sitä Stora Enson tehtaiden ympäristöpäälliköiden antamiin Paper Profilea koskeviin kommentteihin. Työn tuloksena huomattiin, että Paper Profile -konsepti sellaisenaan ei ole kovin informatiivinen vaan tuoteseloste jättää monia ympäristökysymyksiä avoimeksi. Siitä huolimatta Paper Profile tarjoaa riittävän taustan eri paperituotteiden ympäristökuormitusten keskinäiselle vertailuille. Konseptin viestinnällinen näkökulma paranisi huomattavasti, jos tuoteselosteeseen lisättäisiin kolmannen osapuolen verifiointi. Lisäksi referenssiarvot kertoisivat asiakkaille paremmin esitettyjen parametrien taustoista. Stora Enson tehtaiden ympäristöpäälliköiden, samoin kuin asiakkaidenkin mielestä Paper Profile on yleisesti ottaen potentiaalinen ympäristöviestinnän työkalu, mutta silti konseptiin ehdotettiin joitakin pieniä muutoksia. Avoinna olevat metsäsertifiointikysymykset ja niiden puutteellinen tiedottaminen tuoteselosteessa puhututtivat sekä tehtaiden henkilöstöä että yritysasiakkaita.


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Taloudellisen laskennan yhdistäminen elinkaariarviointiin (LCA) on alkanut kiinnostaa eri teollisuuden aloja maailmanlaajuisesti viime aikoina. Useat LCA-tietokoneohjelmat sisältävät kustannuslaskentaominaisuuksia ja yksittäiset projektit ovat yhdistäneet ympäristö- ja talouslaskentamenetelmiä. Tässä projektissa tutkitaan näiden yhdistelmien soveltuvuutta suomalaiselle sellu- ja paperiteollisuudelle, sekä kustannuslaskentaominaisuuden lisäämistä KCL:n LCA-ohjelmaan, KCL-ECO 3.0:aan. Kaikki tutkimuksen aikana löytyneet menetelmät, jotka yhdistävät LCA:n ja taloudellista laskentaa, on esitelty tässä työssä. Monet näistä käyttävät elinkaarikustannusarviointia (LCCA). Periaatteessa elinkaari määritellään eri tavalla LCCA:ssa ja LCA:ssa, mikä luo haasteita näiden menetelmien yhdistämiselle. Sopiva elinkaari tulee määritellä laskennan tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Työssä esitellään suositusmenetelmä, joka lähtee suomalaisen sellu- ja paperiteollisuuden erikoispiirteistä. Perusvaatimuksena on yhteensopivuus tavanomaisesti paperin LCA:ssa käytetyn elinkaaren kanssa. Menetelmän yhdistäminen KCL-ECO 3.0:aan on käsitelty yksityiskohtaisesti.


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Diplomityö tehtiin tutkimusprojektissa yhteistyössä Andritz:n, Botnian ja Keskuslaboratorio KCL:n kanssa. Työn tavoitteena oli tarkastella KCL:n kehittämän hakkeen esikäsittelymentelmän soveltuvuutta tehdasympäristöön ja menetelmän taloudellisuutta. Tarkastelun tavoitteena oli löytää sopivat laitteet ja olosuhteet esikäsittelylle, sekä tutkia onko esikäsittelyn käyttäminen taloudellisesti kannattavaa. Menetelmän asentaminen olemassa olevalle tehtaalle havaittiin hankalaksi ja odotettua kalliimmaksi. Asennus uudelle tehtalle, jolloin menetelmä voidaan integroida suoraan tehdasprosessiin vaikuttaa kannattavalta vaihtoehdolta. Esikäsittely havaittiin kannattavaksi pienellä kemikaaliannoksella, mutta annoksen kasvaessa menelmästä saatava hyötä pienenee. Kokonaisuutena esikäsittely vaikuttaa tuottavalta ja mahdolliselta tavalta parantaa sulfaattikeiton saantoa. Työn perusteella lisätutkimukset menetelmästä ovat suositeltavia, jotta tarkempi suunnittelu voidaan tehdä.


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A total of over 200 different samples of bark and wood of Silver birch, Norway spruce and Scots pine were analysed. Samples were taken from several areas in western Finland, some with known sources of atmospheric heavy metal emission (Harjavalta, Ykspihlaja). Also analytical data for pine needles from some sites are reported. The chemical analyses were performed by thick-target particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) spectrometry after preconcentration by dry ashing of samples at 550oC. The following elements were quantified in most of the samples: P, S, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Cd, Ba and Pb. The ash percentage and the chemical composition of ashes of different wood materials were also obtained, as dry ashing was used in the analytical procedure. The variations in elemental concentrations in wood and bark of an individual tree, expressed as RSDs, were mostly in the range 10 – 20 %. For several trees of the same species sampled from small areas (< 1 ha), the variations in elemental concentrations were surprisingly high (RSDs 20 – 50 %). In the vicinity of metal plants, effects of strong atmospheric heavy metal pollution (pollution factor above 100) were observed in pine bark. The increase of heavy metal content in wood samples from the same sites was quite small. Elemental concentrations in ashes of bark and wood, from areas with no local source of atmospheric pollution, were relatively uniform. Based on this observation an alternative way of demonstrating atmospheric pollution of tree bark is discussed.


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Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have played very important role in restructuring the pulp and paper industry (PPI). The poor performance and fragmented nature of the industry, overcapacity problems, and globalisation have driven companies to consolidate. The objective of this thesis was to examine how PPI acquirers’ have performed subsequent M&As and whether the deal characteristics have had any impact on performance. Based on the results it seems that PPI companies have not been able to enhance their performance in the long run after M&As although the per-formance of acquiring firms has remained above the industry median, and deal characteristics or the amount of premiums paid do not seem to have had any effect. The statistical significance of the results was tested with change model and regression analysis. Performance was assessed with accrual, cash flow, and market based indicators. Results are congruent with behavioural theory: managers and investors seem to be overoptimistic in determining the synergies from M&As.


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The purpose of the thesis was to analyze diversification in pulp and paper industry (PPI), which is an industry facing enormous strategic challenges as many of the basic parameters of its operational environment are rapidly changing. The objective was to explore, how PPI companies have reacted to these changes by adjusting their strategies in terms of diversification and how the adjustments have affected their profitability. The study was statistical in nature. The results indicate that PPI companies in deed had reduced the degree of unrelated and related diversification , but the positive performance implications of the changes were debatable. In light of the data used in the study lower level of diversification did not lead to better profitability, in fact, the companies with the highest level of diversification had the best profitability. By contrast, reducing the level of unrelated diversification improved the profitability development; whereas reducing the level of related diversification deteriorated the profitability of the company. The results were not statistically significant and they cannot be generalized outside the data of the study.


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The main objective of this study was to examine, what kind of investment strategies the leading European and North American pulp and paper industry companies (PPI) used in 1991-2003, and how the selected strategies affected their performance. The investment strategies were categorised in three classes including mergers and acquisitions, investments in new capacity and investments in existing capacity. The results showed that mergers and acquisitions represented the largest share of total investments in 1991-2003 followed by investments in existing capacity. PPI companies changed investment strategies over time by increasing the share of mergers and acquisitions, which decreased investments in new capacity especially among North American companies. According to the results, good asset quality and investments in new and existing capacity provided better profitability than often expensive acquisitions. Also the capacity decreases had a positive impact on profitability. Average asset quality and profitability were higher among European companies. The study concluded that in the long term the available value creating investment opportunities should limit capital expenditure levels, not the relation of capital expenditure to depreciation.


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The purpose of this thesis is to study factors that explain the bilateral fiber trade flows. This is done by analyzing bilateral trade flows during 1990-2006. It will be studied also, whether there are differences between fiber types. This thesis uses a gravity model approach to study the trade flows. Gravity model is mostly used to study the aggregate data between trading countries. In this thesis the gravity model is applied to single fibers. This model is then applied to panel data set. Results from the regression show clearly that there are benefits in studying different fibers in separate. The effects differ considerably from each other. Furthermore, this thesis speaks for the existence of Linder’s effect in certain fiber types.


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This study investigates whether there are differences in profitability of PPI companies based on the growth strategy they have chosen to follow. It is examined whether those companies following organic growth strategy are more profitable than those companies following acquisitive growth strategy. It is also investigated are ones larger than the others, or are ones growing faster than the others. Also, the factors affecting the profitability of acquisitive companies are further examined. The results showed that there actually are differences between the two groups. Organically grown companies were found to be more profitable, smaller and growing slower than acquisitive companies. When it comes to examining only acquisitive companies there could be found factors that better or worsen the profitability of companies. For example targets that the company has bought in developing markets were making them more profitable.


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Ultrafiltration (UF) is widely applied in different separation processes in the pulp and paper industry. The growing need to protect the environment, a lack of pure water and an interest in producing high-value chemicals from compounds present in process waters will probably lead to an increase in the use of UF in the pulp and paper industry. The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a UF process depends on the applied membrane. The membrane should have a high and stable filtration capacity, a particular selectivity and a long operational lifetime. To meet these requirements a membrane should have a low fouling tendency. In addition, it should withstand the prevailing operational and chemical conditions. This thesis evaluates the performance and applicability of the regenerated cellulose (RC) membranes 00030T and C2 in the treatment of pulp and paper mill process waters based on the requirements above. The results demonstrated that both the tested RC membranes fulfilled well the requirement of high filtration capacity. In addition, in the filtration of a paper mill clear filtrate (CF) the RC membranes were not as greatly affected by variations in the CF quality as a polysulphone membrane. Furthermore, due to their extreme hydrophilicity and weak charge the fouling tendency of the membranes can be expected to be low in pulp and paper mill filtration applications. It is, however, known that fouling cannot be totally avoided even when the membrane is chosen very carefully. This study indicated that carbohydrates influenced negatively on permeability and caused fouling in the filtration of groundwood mill circulation water. Thus, a pre-treatment effectively reducing the amount of carbohydrates might help to maintain a stable capacity. However, the results of the thesis also showed that the removal of some of the possible foulants might just increase the harmful effect of others. Multivariate examination was useful in the understanding of the complicated factors causing the unstable capacity. The thesis also revealed that the 00030T and C2 membranes can be used at high pressure (max. tested pressure 12 bar). The C2 membrane, having a sponge-like substructure, was more pressure resistant, and its performance was more stable at high pressure compared to the UCO30T membrane containing macrovoids in its substructure. Both tested membranes can, according to the results, also be used at temperatures as high as 70°C in acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions. However, the use at extreme conditions might cause faster ageing of the membranes compared to ageing in neutral conditions. The thesis proved that both the tested RC membranes are very suitable for pulp and paper mill applications and that the membranes can be utilised in processes operating in challenging conditions. Thus, they could be used in more demanding applications than supposed earlier.


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This work gives a reader basic knowledge about mineralogy and mineral processing. Main focus of this work was on flotation process and pulp electrochemistry on flotation. Three different sulphide poor ores are examined on experimental part. Platinum and palladium were the noble metals, which were contained into studied ores. Electrochemistry of flotation of PGE minerals on sulphide poor ores has been examined only slightly. Bench scale flotation test was used in this study. Chalcopyrite, nickel-pentlandite, pyrite, platinum and pH electrodes were used to investigation of pulp electrochemistry during flotation tests. Effects of grinding media, carbon dioxide atmosphere in grinding and mixture of carbon dioxide and air as flotation gas to PGE flotation and electrochemistry of flotation were studied. Stainless steel grinding media created more oxidising pulp environment to flotation than mild steel grinding media. Concentrate quality improved also with stainless steel grinding media, but the recovery was remarkably poorer, than with mild steel grinding media. Carbon dioxide atmosphere in grinding created very reducing pulp environment, which caused very good concentrate quality. But the recovery was again poorer than with normal mild steel grinding media. Mixture of carbon dioxide and air as flotation gas improved PGE recovery with some ores, but not always. Effect of carbon dioxide to pulp electrochemistry was detected mainly via pH-value.


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In nature, variation for example in herbivory, wind exposure, moisture and pollution impact often creates variation in physiological stress and plant productivity. This variation is seldom clear-cut, but rather results in clines of decreasing growth and productivity towards the high-stress end. These clines of unidirectionally changing stress are generally known as ‘stress gradients’. Through its effect on plant performance, stress has the capacity to fundamentally alter the ecological relationships between individuals, and through variation in survival and reproduction it also causes evolutionary change, i.e. local adaptations to stress and eventually speciation. In certain conditions local adaptations to environmental stress have been documented in a matter of just a few generations. In plant-plant interactions, intensities of both negative interactions (competition) and positive ones (facilitation) are expected to vary along stress gradients. The stress-gradient hypothesis (SGH) suggests that net facilitation will be strongest in conditions of high biotic and abiotic stress, while a more recent ‘humpback’ model predicts strongest net facilitation at intermediate levels of stress. Plant interactions on stress gradients, however, are affected by a multitude of confounding factors, making studies of facilitation-related theories challenging. Among these factors are plant ontogeny, spatial scale, and local adaptation to stress. The last of these has very rarely been included in facilitation studies, despite the potential co-occurrence of local adaptations and changes in net facilitation in stress gradients. Current theory would predict both competitive effects and facilitative responses to be weakest in populations locally adapted to withstand high abiotic stress. This thesis is based on six experiments, conducted both in greenhouses and in the field in Russia, Norway and Finland, with mountain birch (Betula pubescens subsp. czerepanovii) as the model species. The aims were to study potential local adaptations in multiple stress gradients (both natural and anthropogenic), changes in plant-plant interactions under conditions of varying stress (as predicted by SGH), potential mechanisms behind intraspecific facilitation, and factors confounding plant-plant facilitation, such as spatiotemporal, ontogenetic, and genetic differences. I found rapid evolutionary adaptations (occurring within a time-span of 60 to 70 years) towards heavy-metal resistance around two copper-nickel smelters, a phenomenon that has resulted in a trade-off of decreased performance in pristine conditions. Heavy-metal-adapted individuals had lowered nickel uptake, indicating a possible mechanism behind the detected resistance. Seedlings adapted to heavy-metal toxicity were not co-resistant to others forms of abiotic stress, but showed co-resistance to biotic stress by being consumed to a lesser extent by insect herbivores. Conversely, populations from conditions of high natural stress (wind, drought etc.) showed no local adaptations, despite much longer evolutionary time scales. Due to decreasing emissions, I was unable to test SGH in the pollution gradients. In natural stress gradients, however, plant performance was in accordance with SGH, with the strongest host-seedling facilitation found at the high-stress sites in two different stress gradients. Factors confounding this pattern included (1) plant size / ontogenetic status, with seedling-seedling interactions being competition dominated and host-seedling interactions potentially switching towards competition with seedling growth, and (2) spatial distance, with competition dominating at very short planting distances, and facilitation being strongest at a distance of circa ¼ benefactor height. I found no evidence for changes in facilitation with respect to the evolutionary histories of plant populations. Despite the support for SGH, it may be that the ‘humpback’ model is more relevant when the main stressor is resource-related, while what I studied were the effects of ‘non-resource’ stressors (i.e. heavy-metal pollution and wind). The results have potential practical applications: the utilisation of locally adapted seedlings and plant facilitation may increase the success of future restoration efforts in industrial barrens as well as in other wind-exposed sites. The findings also have implications with regard to the effects of global change in subarctic environments: the documented potential by mountain birch for rapid evolutionary change, together with the general lack of evolutionary ‘dead ends’, due to not (over)specialising to current natural conditions, increase the chances of this crucial forest-forming tree persisting even under the anticipated climate change.