94 resultados para Factory Planning
Larox Corporation is a provider of full service filtration in solid and liquid separation. Larox develops, designs, manufactures and supplies industrial filters. By Larox’s continuous development principle, a project for more efficient production was started. At the same time production planning was taken under review. Aim for this Master’s thesis was to find software designed for production planning purposes replacement for old Microsoft Excel based method. In this Master’s thesis current way of production planning was thoroughly analyzed and improvement targets were specified and also requirements for new software were assigned. Primary requirements for new software were possibility to production scheduling, planning, follow-up and also for long-time capacity planning and tracking. Also one demand was that new software should have data link to Larox’s current ERP-system. Result of this Master’s thesis was to start using Larox’s ERP-system also for production planning purposes. New mode of operation fulfils all requirements which were placed to new system. By using new method of production planning, production planners can get more easier and reliable data than from current system.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the level of customer consciousness of the production process employees in a steel factory and to investigate the methods of internal marketing in order to propose development practices to enhance the customer consciousness of the case company employees. The significance of the level of customer consciousness is discussed and practices already implemented affecting the level of customer consciousness in the company are examined. The literature review gives an insight to the role of customer consciousness in the CRM philosophy of a manufacturing company and examines the means of internal marketing in enhancing customer consciousness. In the empirical part of the study, the level and significance of customer consciousness is determined by conducting individual and focus group interviews. The interviews are also used to examine the practices that could function in enhancing the customer consciousness of the employees. Development suggestions to improve the level of customer consciousness in the production process are given based on the results. The level of customer consciousness is at a poor level in the production process and influences above all on work motivation and job satisfaction, but possibly on customer satisfaction as well. The enhancement of customer consciousness in the production process should be done e.g. by ensuring the distribution of right knowledge coherently to all of the employees, gathering large customer reference database to exploit in work and in training, using visual illustration in presenting the customer information, training proactively and letting the employees to participate in the customer oriented development activities. Customer satisfaction focused reward system can be considered.
Researching Manufacturing Planning and Control system and Master Scheduling in a manufacturing firm.
The objective of this thesis is to research Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system and Master Scheduling (MS) in a manufacturing firm. The study is conducted at Ensto Finland Corporation, which operates on a field of electrical systems and supplies. The paper consists of theoretical and empirical parts. The empirical part is based on weekly operating at Ensto and includes inter-firm material analysis, learning and meetings. Master Scheduling is an important module of an MPC system, since it is beneficial on transforming strategic production plans based on demand forecasting into operational schedules. Furthermore, capacity planning tools can remarkably contribute to production planning: by Rough-Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP) tool, a MS plan can be critically analyzed in terms of available key resources in real manufacturing environment. Currently, there are remarkable inefficiencies when it comes to Ensto’s practices: the system is not able to take into consideration seasonal demand and react on market changes on time; This can cause significant lost sales. However, these inefficiencies could be eliminated through the appropriate utilization of MS and RCCP tools. To utilize MS and RCCP tools in Ensto’s production environment, further testing in real production environment is required. Moreover, data accuracy, appropriate commitment to adapting and learning the new tools, and continuous developing of functions closely related to MS, such as sales forecasting, need to be ensured.
Suomen ja Viron tehtaiden välisen uistinliiketoiminnan suorituskyvyn ja kannattavuuden kasvattaminen
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää Päijät-Hämeessä toimivan uistimia valmistavan tehdasyksikön sekä saman konsernin Virossa toimivan tehdasyksikön välisen uistinliiketoiminnan kannattavuuden ja suorituskyvyn mahdollinen kasvattaminen. Konsernilla on käytössään kannattavan kasvun strategia, johon tämäkin yksi liiketoiminnan kehittämishankekin omalta osaltaan myös tähtää. Kannattavuutta tarkasteltiin tehtaiden välisen päätoimialan ja sen tuottavuuden ja suorituskyvyn näkökulmasta. Työssä on lähdetty rakentamaan tehtaiden väliselle uistinliiketoiminnalle uudenlaista mittaristoa operationaalisen johdon käyttöön. Suorituskykymittaristossa otetaan huomioon suunnittelutiimin avulla määritellyt avainmittarien osa-alueet ja niiden kehittäminen tulevaisuudessa. Työ käsittelee myös hieman toimipisteissä tapahtuvan muutosten hallitsemista sekä kehittävän ilmapiirin kasvattamista. Tässä tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että suorituskyvyn mittaamisesta oli hyötyä niin operationaaliselle toimipaikkakohtaiselle johdolle kuin tuotannon työntekijällekin. Tehtaiden välisestä suorituskyvystä saatiin vertailevaa tietoa, jota voidaan käyttää hyödyksi tulevaisuudessa. Tulevaisuudessa tästä järjestelmästä saatava tieto helpottaa tuotantolaitoksissa tapahtuvaa työvaiheiden kokonaisvaltaista prosessointia josta kuitenkin pitkällä tähtäimellä suurimmat kustannussäästöt tulevat yritykselle.
Operation Musketeer, a combined joint Anglo-French operation aimed at regaining control of the Suez Canal in 1956, has received much attention from scholars. The most common approach to the crisis has been to examine the political dimension. The political events that led Prime Minister Anthony Eden’s cabinet to decide to use military force against the wishes of their superior American ally and in the face of American economic pressure and a Soviet threat to attack Paris and London with rockets have been analysed thoroughly. This is particularly the case because the ceasefire and eventual withdrawal were an indisputable defeat of British policy in the Middle East. The military operation not only ruined Prime Minister Eden’s career, but it also diminished the prestige of Britain. It was the beginning of the end, some claim. The British Empire would never be the same. As the consequences of using force are generally considered more important than the military operations themselves, very little attention has been paid to the military planning of Operation Musketeer. The difference between the number of publications on Operation Corporate of the Falklands War and Operation Musketeer is striking. Not only has there been little previous research on the military aspects of Musketeer, the conclusions drawn in the existing works have not reached a consensus. Some historians, such as Correlli Barnett, compare Musketeer to the utter failures of the Tudor landings and Gallipoli. Among significant politicians, Winston Churchill, who had retired from the prime ministership only a year before the Suez Crisis, described the operation as “the most ill-conceived and ill-executed imaginable”. Colin McInnes, a well-known author on British defence policy, represents the middle view when he describes the execution as “far from failure”. Finally, some, like Julian Thompson, the Commander of 3 Commando Brigade during the Falklands War, rate the military action itself as being successful. The interpretation of how successful the handling of the Suez Crisis was from the military point of view depends very much on the approach taken and the areas emphasised in the subject. Frequently, military operations are analysed in isolation from other events. The action of a country’s armed forces is separated from the wider context and evaluated without a solid point of comparison. Political consequences are often used as validated criteria, and complicated factors contributing to military performance are ignored. The lack of comprehensive research on the military action has left room for an analysis concentrating on the military side of the crisis.
The growing importance of global sustainability issues has been causing many changes to the financial services industry. Facts such as climate change, social development and the financial crisis in 2008 have been making banks reconsider the manner that they consider environmental, social and economic factors in their decision-making process. At the same time, information technology (IT) has been transforming the financial service industry and its fast development has casted doubts on the way it should be managed within an organization. This current changing environment brings a number of uncertainties to the future that cannot be addressed using traditional forecasting techniques. This research investigates how IT can bring value to sustainability in the financial service industry in 2020. Through the use of a scenario planning technique, we analyzed how trends in the current environment (considering the relation between sustainability, financial institutions an IT) can lead to four different future scenarios. Then, we discussed how IT can improve a bank’s sustainability performance, considering the limitations of each scenario.
Tumour cells differ from normal tissue cells in several important ways. These differences, like for example changed energy metabolism, result in altered microenvironment of malignant tumours. Non-invasive imaging of tumour microenvironment has been at the centre of intense research recently due to the important role that this changed environement plays in the development of malignant tumours and due to the role it plays in the treatment of these tumours. In this respect, perhaps the most important characteristics of the tumour microenvironment from this point of view are the lack of oxygen or hypoxia and changes in blood flow (BF). The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the processes of energy metabolism, BF and oxygenation in head and neck cancer and pancreatic tumours and to explore the possibilities of improving the methods for their quantification using positron emission tomography (PET). To this end [18F]EF5, a new PET tracer for detection of tumour hypoxia was investigated. Favourable uptake properties of the tracer were observed. In addition, it was established that the uptake of this tracer does not correlate with the uptake of existing tracers for the imaging of energy metabolism and BF, so the information about the presence of tissue hypoxia cannot therefore be obtained using tracers such as [18F]FDG or [15O]H2O. These results were complemented by the results of the follow-up study in which it was shown that the uptake of [18F]EF5 in head and neck tumours prior to treatment is also associated with the overall survival of the patients, indicating that tumour hypoxia is a negative prognostic factor and might be associated with therapeutic resistance. The influences of energy metabolism and BF on the survival of patients with pancreatic cancer were investigated in the second study. The results indicate that the best predictor of survival of patients with pancreatic cancer is the relationship between energy metabolism and BF. These results suggest that the cells with high metabolic activity in a hypoperfused tissue have the most aggressive phenotype.
Kunnossapidon tavoitteena on ylläpitää riittävää käyttövarmuutta mahdollisimman kustannustehokkaasti. Kunnossapito-organisaation menestys riippuu kyvystä toteuttaa oikeita kunnossapitotöitä sekä kyvystä suoriutua töistä mahdollisimman pienillä resursseilla. Elinjaksoajattelulla tarkoitetaan käyttöomaisuuden omistamisen luoman arvon ja vaatimien resurssien mallintamista. Tällöin jo hankintojen suunnitteluvaiheessa pohditaan omistamisen luomia vaatimuksia tuotantohyödykkeen tuoman hyödyn ohella. Elinjaksoajattelu tuo toiminnanohjaukseen yksittäisten kohteiden optimaalisten käyttökustannusten suunnittelun näkökulman, mikä on yksi tärkeä tekijä kunnossapidon päätöksentekotilanteissa. Se ohjaa organisaatiota hahmottamaan kunnossapidon tämän hetken ja tulevaisuuden työkuormaa. Elinjaksosuunnittelun määrittelemän työkuorman ja olemassa olevien resurssien vertaaminen keskenään kertoo käyttöomaisuuteen kohdistuvan korjausvelan määrän. Korjausvelan määrän kehitys vaikuttaa kohteen toimintavarmuuteen. Korjausvelka kertoo elinjaksosuunnitelman realistisuudesta, ja käyttöomaisuuden hallinnan luotettavuudesta. Elinjaksoajattelu mahdollistaa kunnossapitotoiminnan suunnittelun kustannustavoitelähtöisesti. Tällöin budjetointi toteutetaan suunnittelemalla käyttövarmuustaso vastaamaan tahdottua kustannustasoa.
Objective of this master’s thesis is to create an investment calculation model, which makes it possible to determine if the ski resort business can be profitable. The ultimate goal is to create a description with the help of theoretical knowledge, interviews and investment calculation model, how the operation of ski resort is possible to be profitable and what are the critical success factors for achieving this goal. Thesis is carried out as qualitative research, which is supported by the necessary constructive information utilizing calculations. The client company has provided valuable insights and material for this thesis. Theoretical report examines the steps of developing a business plan, investment components and methods as well as sensitivity analysis. The theoretical part is based on the articles, textbooks, interviews and researches. The empirical part of the thesis is assembled by benchmarking other same size Finnish ski resorts, conducting interviews and using investment calculation model. The empirical part provides comprehensive information about ski resort industry, the future of the project, the business plan and the profitability calculations. As the result of this thesis the investment calculation model, which makes it possible to simulate different scenarios for ski resort project, was formed. The model was used to create a picture in which kind of scenario the ski resort business would be profitable and what are the critical success factors in achieving this aim.
Tutkimus tarkastelee kulttuuriperinnön asemaa perheyrityksen yrityskulttuurin,identiteetin ja yrityskuvan osatekijänä ja sitä, miten historiatietoisuus ohjaa yrityksen toimintaa paikallisen vaikuttavuuden näkökulmasta. Samalla tutkimus selvittää, miten liiketoiminnan laajeneminen ja globalisoituminen vaikuttavat paikallistason toimintaan ja miten yritys käyttää kulttuuriperintöään muutosten hallinnassa. Tutkimus on historiallinen tapaustutkimus. Esimerkkitapauksena on A. Ahlström Osakeyhtiö ja Länsi-Suomessa sijaitseva Noormarkun ruukki, joka on ollut yrityksen omistuksessa 1870-luvulta lähtien. 1800-luvun lopusta 2000-luvulle ulottuva tutkimus perustuu pääasiassa arkistolähteisiin. Tutkimuksessa yhdistyvät kulttuuriperinnön ja liiketaloustieteen tutkimuksen sekä historiantutkimuksen lähestymistavat. Paikallistason toiminnan tarkastelussa tutkimus saa piirteitä myös tehdasyhdyskuntatutkimuksesta. Tutkimuksessa perheyrityksen kulttuuriperintöön sisällytetään aineellisen kulttuuriperinnön ja menneisyyden kuvausten lisäksi yrityksen jatkuvuuteen, omistajuuteen, kotipaikkaan ja yhteiskuntavastuuseen liittyvät perinteet. Tutkimus osoittaa, että historia ja perinteet voivat olla yritykselle voimavara mutta myös hidaste. Perheyhtiön traditio on kestänyt liiketoiminnallisista ja organisatorisista muutoksista huolimatta. Suvun rooli yhtiön sisällä on kuitenkin muuttunut. Perhejohtajuudesta on siirrytty sukuomistukseen. Ahlström on tyyppiesimerkki siitä, miten yritykset korostavat historian avulla toimintansa jatkuvuutta, luotettavuutta, uskottavuutta ja innovatiivisuutta. Yritys on rakentanut historiallista yrityskuvaansa muun muassa museoiden, näyttelyiden ja julkaisujen avulla. Yrityksen suhde historialliseen kotipaikkaansa, Noormarkkuun, on ollut poikkeuksellisen kiinteä. Noormarkun ruukki on esimerkki siitä, miten yrityksen menneisyyteen liittyvistä paikoista voi muodostua symbolisia muistin paikkoja. Historiatietoisuus synnyttää ja ylläpitää paikallisvastuuta, joka on ilmennyt eri aikakausina eri tavoin. Ruukin toimintoja on kehitetty, kun vanhat toiminnot ovat päättyneet. 2000-luvulla yritys hyödyntää kulttuuriperintöään liiketoiminnan resurssina, paikallisen liiketoiminnan ja matkailun kehittämisen lähtökohdista. Kansainvälisissä tutkimuksissa historian aktiivista käyttöä yrityksen strategisessa suunnittelussa kuvataan käsitteellä history management. Suomessa aihetta on toistaiseksi tutkittu vähän. Tutkimus on siten avaus yrityksiä kulttuuriperinnön säilyttäjinä ja käyttäjinä koskeville keskusteluille.
The goal of this thesis is to study how a solution-oriented business-to-business company can utilize its brand as a strategic asset by using the concepts of brand identity and brand image. The study analyses the intended brand message (identity) contrasting it with the customer perceptions (image) to reveal points of parity and congruence. The study uses a case company as an example and discusses the benefits of brand management as well. Internally, brands can be studied by performing a set of interviews amongst top and middle management. The interviews need to consider the various elements of branding from associations to differentiation and value creation. Customers’ perceptions can be reliably studied via online survey designed to compare the intended brand message with customers’ experiences. From the perspective of industrial management the incentive for brand development lies in both monetary and managerial benefits. In literature the four essential benefits of B2B branding are risk dilution, efficiency of communications, strategic direction and price premiums. As a result, suggestive models for brand identity and image were devised and compared. The Case Company perceives itself as a technically oriented open-integrator, with a strong focus on reliability and customer service. Customers agree with the picture in general, but there are some points of parity as well: they are quite satisfied with the company and perceive it as reliable and providing the promised value. The problematic areas revolve around customer interaction and maintaining the leadership position. The results confirm previous findings in B2B branding theory, where the reliability and credibility of the supplier are in major role. The results also suggest a holistic, corporate approach on branding.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kunnonvalvontajärjestelmän kehittäminen nykyaikaiselle elintarviketeollisuuden tuotantolinjalle. Työssä etsittiin olemassa olevia kunnonvalvontamenetelmiä ja -sovelluksia erityisesti jäätelötuotantolaitteiden tarpeisiin. Kirjallisuudesta löydettiin sovelluksia lähinnä yksittäisille komponenteille ja kone-elimille. Tutkimuksen kohteena oleva tuotantolinja käytiin läpi toimintojen ja komponenttien osalta. Tehtaan laitekantaa ja valmiutta kunnonvalvonnan käyttöönotolle käsiteltiin yleisellä tasolla. Kunnonvalvontajärjestelmää kehitettäessä käytettiin hyväksi kirjallisuudesta löytyneitä menetelmiä, joista soveltuvimpia käytettiin kunnonvalvontametodien kartoittamiseen. Kunnonvalvontametodit muodostettiin toiminnanohjausjärjestelmästä ja linjan käyttöönotosta saatujen tietojen avulla. Tietoja käytettiin vika-vaikutusanalyysissä, joka oli pohjana komponentti- ja menetelmäkohtaisessa analyysissa. Kriittisiä ja tuotannon tehokkuuteen vaikuttavia koneenosia ja kokonaisuuksia tarkasteltiin kunnonvalvontamenetelmien soveltuvuuden avulla. Tutkimuksen edetessä kehitettiin kokonaisvaltaiset toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän avulla toimivat eritasoiset kunnonvalvontahypoteesit, joiden avulla linjan yksittäisten komponenttien kuntoa voidaan valvoa. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa kehitettiin uusia kunnonvalvontasovelluksia, joita on mahdollista käyttää myös tehtaan muilla linjoilla. Kunnonvalvontahypoteeseja käytettiin kokonaisen kunnonvalvontajärjestelmän luomiseen. Tehtaalla on mahdollisuus valita käyttöönotettavan kunnonvalvonnan taso hypoteesien sekä kunnossapitostrategian avulla.
Entrepreneurial marketing is newly established term and there is need for more specific studies in order to understand the concept fully. SMEs have entrepreneurial marketing elements more visible in their marketing and therefore provide more fruitful insights for this research. SMEs marketing has gained more recognition during the past years and in some cases innovative characteristics can be identified despite constraints such as lack of certain resources. The purpose of this research is to study entrepreneurial marketing characteristics and SME processes in order to wider understanding and gain more insights of entrepreneurial marketing. In addition, planning and implementation of entrepreneurial marketing processes is examined in order to gain full coverage of SMEs marketing activities. The research was conducted as a qualitative research and data gathering was based on semi-structured interview survey, which involved nine company interviews. Multiple case research was used to analyze data so that focus and clarity could be maintained in organized manner. Case companies were chosen from different business fields so that more variation and insights could be identified. The empirical results suggest that two examined processes networking and word-of-mouth communication are very important processes for case companies which supports the previous researches. However, the entrepreneurial marketing characteristics had variation some were more visible and recognizable than others. Examining more closely the processes companies did not fully understand that networking or word-of-mouth marketing could be used as efficiently as other conventional marketing methods.
The objective of this project was to introduce a new software product to pulp industry, a new market for case company. An optimization based scheduling tool has been developed to allow pulp operations to better control their production processes and improve both production efficiency and stability. Both the work here and earlier research indicates that there is a potential for savings around 1-5%. All the supporting data is available today coming from distributed control systems, data historians and other existing sources. The pulp mill model together with the scheduler, allows what-if analyses of the impacts and timely feasibility of various external actions such as planned maintenance of any particular mill operation. The visibility gained from the model proves also to be a real benefit. The aim is to satisfy demand and gain extra profit, while achieving the required customer service level. Research effort has been put both in understanding the minimum features needed to satisfy the scheduling requirements in the industry and the overall existence of the market. A qualitative study was constructed to both identify competitive situation and the requirements vs. gaps on the market. It becomes clear that there is no such system on the marketplace today and also that there is room to improve target market overall process efficiency through such planning tool. This thesis also provides better overall understanding of the different processes in this particular industry for the case company.