66 resultados para SEMI-EMPIRICAL THEORY
The primary purpose of this research is to develop an enhanced understanding of how consumption values influence environmentally responsible consumption of print and digital media. Theoretical elaboration considers the associations of functional, social and emotional consumption values, green consumer segmentation and media consumption. Additionally, the purpose is to identify consumer perceptions of print and digital media’s environmental responsibility. Empirical analysis was based on qualitative interviews with a sample of 20 Finnish consumers categorized in two segments: young adults and middle aged consumers. Primary data collection was conducted through individual, semi-structured interviews. To analyze the respondents’ approach on the topic, the interviews disclosed themes of media consumption, perceived environmental friendliness of media, norms of behavior and consumers’ general consumption patterns. The results implicate functional value dominated the consumption decision-making process both in a general level and in media consumption. In addition to functional value, environmental responsibility does provide consumers with both emotional and social values. Analysis on perceived environmental responsibility of media demonstrated consumers generally perceive digital media as an environmentally responsible alternative because it does not create physical paper waste. Nevertheless, the perceptions of environmental responsibility and media consumption patterns lacked a consistent connection. Though, both theory and empirical results indicated an average consumer lacks a comprehensive understanding of digital and print media’s life-cycle and hence their environmental advantages and disadvantages.
Tämän pro gradu -tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää case-yritykselle strategiaproses-simalli liiketoimintalähtöisen hävikinhallintastrategian määrittelemiseksi sekä tunnistaa hävikinhallinnan strategisen johtamisen kannalta oleellisimmat tehtävät määriteltyjen hävikinhallintastrategian päämäärien ja tavoitteiden toteuttamiseksi. Lisäksi case-yrityksen johto asetti tavoitteeksi tunnistaa tutkimuksen perusteella parhaiten yritykselle soveltuva hävikinhallinnan mallin, joka voidaan liittää osaksi määriteltävää strategiaa. Yhteisen hävikinhallintastrategian ja hävikinhallintamallin uskotaan yhtenäistävän hävikinhallintaan liittyvää ajattelua, tavoitteita ja päämääriä sekä laajentavan hävikkikäsitteen näkökulmia että systematisoivan hävikinhallintatyötä case-yritystä ympäröivässä liiketoimintaverkostossa. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään strategiseen johtamiseen sekä hävikinhallinnan teoriaa ja esitellään case-yrityksen hävikinhallinnan nykytilaa sekä erityispiirteitä. Lisäksi tarkas-tellaan hävikinhallinnan strategisen johtamisen nykytilaa ja sen kehittämistä merkittä-vissä suomalaisissa vähittäiskaupan yrityksissä. Tämän jälkeen teoriaosuudessa tun-nistettuja elementtejä peilataan empiria osuuden havaintoihin. Tutkimustuloksien im-plementointi kohdassa on tunnistettu keskeisimmät kohteet, jotka strategisen johtami-sen teoriamalleista sekä käytännöistä verrokkiyrityksissä olisi hyödynnettävissä hävi-kinhallinnan strategisen johtamisen kehittämiseen case-yrityksessä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisen tutkimusmenetelmän avulla. Aineisto kerättiin strukturoitujen teemahaastattelujen avulla. Haastatteluaineisto analysoitiin luokittelemalla havainnot kirjallisuustutkimuksessa tunnistettuihin teemoihin Tutkimustulokset tukivat kirjallisuudessa esitettyä näkemystä siitä miten pyritään var-mistamaan liiketoimintalähtöisyys yrityksen tukipalvelustrategioissa. Yrityksen ylimmän johdon tulee linjata hävikinhallintatyön tavoitteet joko strategiaprosessin alussa tai strategiahierarkiassa ylempien liiketoimintastrategioiden kautta. Tämän jälkeen hävikinhallintastrategia määritellään huomioiden annetut tavoitteet ja saadaan tukemaan organisaation yhteisiä päämääriä sekä tavoitteita että tuottamaan lisäarvoa liiketoiminnalle.
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita sähköinen taloushallinto tuo tilitoimistoille ja miten ne vaikuttavat työskentelyyn. Vaikka sähköisiä taloushallinnon järjestelmiä on tutkittu paljon jo aiemmin, vielä ei kovin laajasti ole tarkasteltu sitä, miten ne käytännössä vaikuttavat tilitoimistoihin. Tutkielma on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen ja se on toteutettu case-tutkimuksena lappeenrantalaisesta tilitoimistosta. Tutkimuksen teoria rakentuu aihetta käsittelevän kirjallisuuden perusteella ja empiria on kerätty puolistrukturoiduilla teemahaastatteluilla. Haastatteluista saatuja tuloksia on verrattu kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin näkemyksiin sähköisen taloushallinnon mahdollisuuksista ja haasteista sekä sähköisen taloushallinnon vaikutuksista työskentelyyn. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että kirjallisuudessa ja käytännössä sähköisen taloushallinnon tarjoamat mahdollisuudet ja haasteet sekä niiden vaikutukset työskentelyyn eroavat toisistaan. Suurimpia mahdollisuuksia olivat työskentelyn parantunut tehokkuus, kustannussäästöt sekä saadun informaation parempi laatu. Teoriassa haasteiksi koettiin koulutuksen puute ja työntekijöiden sekä asiakkaiden muutosvastarinta. Käytännössä suurimman haasteen sähköisen taloushallinnon käytettävyydelle kuitenkin aiheuttavat ohjelmistot ja niiden mukanaan tuomat ongelmat. Sähköistymisen myötä kirjanpitäjistä tulee teoriassa enemmänkin konsultteja ja tilitoimistoissakin työskentelee erikseen esimerkiksi reskontranhoitajia. Tosiasiassa roolien muuttuminen ei kuitenkaan ole aivan itsestään selvää ja sähköisiin järjestelmiin siirtymisen odotetaan kestävän vielä kauan.
The purpose of this thesis is to find out how customer co-creation activities are managed in Finnish high-tech SMEs by understanding managers’ views on relevant issues. According to theory, issues such as firm size, customer knowledge implementation, lead customers, the fuzzy front-end of product/service development as well as the reluctance to engage in customer co-creation are some of the field’s focal issues. The views of 145 Finnish SME managers on these issues were gathered as empirical evidence through an online questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS statistics software. The results show, firstly, that Finnish SME managers are aware of the issues associated with customer co-creation and are able to actively manage them. Additionally, managers performed well in regards to collaborating with lead customers and implemented customer knowledge evenly in various stages of their new product and service development processes. Intellectual property rights emerged as an obstacle deterring managers from engaging in co-creation. The results suggest that in practice managers would do well by looking for more opportunities to implement customer knowledge in the early and late stages of new product and service development, as well as by actively searching for lead customers.
Työssä kartoitettiin teollisuuden palveluliiketoiminnan vaativien toimitusprosessien kehittämistä Lean -ajattelu yritysympäristössä. Tavoitteena oli vaativien toimituspro-sessien ongelmien selvittäminen ja kehittämiskohteiden määrittäminen palveluliike-toiminnan tuottavuuden kehittämisen näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tutkittiin arvovirtakuvauksen soveltuvuutta teollisuuden palveluliiketoiminnan prosessien kehittämiseen. Kirjallisuusosuudessa selvitettiin teollisuuden palveluliiketoiminnan prosessien kehit-tämisen erityispiirteitä ja Lean -ajattelun periaatteita. Tavoitteena on löytää teollisuuden palveluliiketoiminnan kehittämisen erityispiirteet tuottavuuden kannalta ja arvioida niiden soveltuvuutta Lean -ajatteluun. Työn empiirisessä osuudessa kartoitettiin yrityksen vaativat prosessit. Menetelminä työssä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua kyselyä, ryhmähaastattelua, ja osallistuvaa ha-vainnointia. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella laadittiin kehityssuunnitelma. Diplomityö käynnisti kohdeorganisaatiossa prosessien päivitysprosessin, ja loi puitteet vaativien toimitusten kehityssuunnitelman toteuttamiselle.
The purpose of this study was to find out how a software company can successfully expand business to the Danish software market through distribution channel. The study was commissioned by a Finnish software company and it was conducted using a qualitative research method by analyzing external and internal business environment, and interviewing Danish ICT organizations and M-Files personnel. Interviews were semi-structured interviews, which were designed to collect comprehensive information on the existing ICT and software market in Denmark. The research used three external and internal analyzing frameworks; PEST analysis (market level), Porter´s Five Force analysis (industry level competition) and SWOT analysis (company level). Distribution channels theory was a base to understand why and what kind of distribution channels the case company uses, and what kind of channels target markets companies’ uses. Channel strategy and design were integrated to the industry level analysis. The empirical findings revealed that Denmark has very business friendly ICT environment. Several organizations have ranked Denmark´s information and communication technology as the best in the world. Denmark’s ICT and software market are relatively small, compared to many other countries in Europe. Danish software market is centralized. Largest software clusters are in the largest cities; Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg. From these clusters, software companies can most likely find suitable resellers. The following growing trends are clearly seen in the software market: mobile and wireless applications, outsourcing, security solutions, cloud computing, social business solutions and e-business solutions. When expanding software business to the Danish market, it is important to take into account these trends. In Denmark distribution channels varies depending on the product or service. For many, a natural distribution channel is a local partner or internet. In the public sector solutions are purchased through a public procurement process. In the private sector the buying process is more straight forwarded. Danish companies are buying software from reliable suppliers. This means that they usually buy software direct from big software vendors or local partners. Some customers prefer to use professional consulting companies. These consulting companies can strongly influence on the selection of the supplier and products, and in this light, consulting companies can be important partners for software companies. Even though the competition is fierce in ECM and DMS solutions, Danish market offers opportunities for foreign companies. Penetration to the Danish market through reseller channel requires advanced solutions and objective selection criteria for channel partners. Based on the findings, Danish companies are interested in advanced and efficient software solutions. Interest towards M-Files solutions was clearly seen and the company has excellent opportunity to expand business to the Danish market through reseller channel. Since the research explored the Danish ICT and software market, the results of the study may offer valuable information also to the other software companies which are expanding their business to the Danish market.
The purpose of this exploratory research is to identify the potential value drivers regarding a new service offering. More specifically, the aim is to build understanding of customer expectations and perceived value of energy efficiency solutions in the building’s sector. The knowledge is then used in defining potential value drivers. The research is conducted from the customer’s perspective in a business-to-business context. The theory part of the master’s thesis focuses on discussing the antecedents of customer expectations and customer value. The theory gives implications how to determine value drivers and develop value propositions as well as conduct value assessment. The empirical part is based on the qualitative research method. The research was conducted as a single-case study, and the primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews with potential customers. The results of the research revealed that the customer expectations are connected to being able to define value drivers. In addition, the research revealed generic themes relating to the offering and customer-supplier relationship, which help in the process of identifying potential value drivers. The results were discussed in terms of product-, service-, price- and relationship-related value drivers for the new service. Based on the data analysis the dominant value drivers are elaborated in terms of identified customer benefits and customer sacrifices (costs). Finally, some implications of value proposition and value assessment to support the value delivery were given.
Software quality has become an important research subject, not only in the Information and Communication Technology spheres, but also in other industries at large where software is applied. Software quality is not a happenstance; it is defined, planned and created into the software product throughout the Software Development Life Cycle. The research objective of this study is to investigate the roles of human and organizational factors that influence software quality construction. The study employs the Straussian grounded theory. The empirical data has been collected from 13 software companies, and the data includes 40 interviews. The results of the study suggest that tools, infrastructure and other resources have a positive impact on software quality, but human factors involved in the software development processes will determine the quality of the products developed. On the other hand, methods of development were found to bring little effect on software quality. The research suggests that software quality is an information-intensive process whereby organizational structures, mode of operation, and information flow within the company variably affect software quality. The results also suggest that software development managers influence the productivity of developers and the quality of the software products. Several challenges of software testing that affect software quality are also brought to light. The findings of this research are expected to benefit the academic community and software practitioners by providing an insight into the issues pertaining to software quality construction undertakings.
The study's aim is to achieve knowledge of how to relieve the suffering of the bullied student. The methodology in this study is hermeneutics. The theoretical perspective is the caritative theory. The questions in the study are: 1) What does it mean to relieve a suffering? 2) What can caregivers do to relieve the suffering of the young bullied pupil? 3) How do the caregivers experience their role in relieving the suffering? The review of previous research shows that bullying is a phenomenon that causes great harm to the health of young people. There are varying developed strategies to deal with bullying in the schools. Only one article studied the counsellor role in fighting bullying. There is a need to examine how a suffering can be relieved, how the caregiver experience handling bullying, and how caregivers can be involved in relieving the suffering the bullied youngster is going through. The empirical part of the study was conducted through qualitative semi-structured interviews with counsellors who work with high school students. The study was conducted in close collaboration with the project "Analys av ungdomsenkäten" conducted by the youth researchers at Åbo Akademi and the Swedish Ostrobothnia Youth foundation (SOU). The collected material was analyzed according to Elo and Kyngäs (2007) guidelines for inductive content analysis. The result shows that caregivers play an important role in relieving a suffering. Counsellors emphasize the importance of a mutual relationship in order to relieve the victims suffering. Lack of time was the main culprit. The core of alleviating a suffering can be compared with those factors the informants take into account in the caring encounter with the bullied pupil.
THE WAY TO ORGANIZATIONAL LONGEVITY – Balancing stability and change in Shinise firms The overall purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the secret of longevity in Shinise firms. On the basic assumption that organizational longevity is about balancing stability and change, the theoretical perspectives incorporate routine practice, organizational culture, and organizational identity. These theories explain stability and change in an organization separately and in combination. Qualitative inductive theory building was used in the study. Overall, the empirical data comprised 75 in-depth and semi-structured interviews, 137 archival materials, and observations made over 17 weeks. According to the empirical findings, longevity in Shinise firms is attributable to the internal mechanisms (Shinise tenacity, stability in motion, and emergent change) to secure a balance between stability and change, the continuing stability of the socio-cultural environment in the local community, and active interaction between organizational and local cultures. The contribution of the study to the literature on organizational longevity and the alternative theoretical approaches is first, in theorizing the mechanisms of Shinise tenacity and cross-level cultural dynamism, and second, in pointing out the critical role of: the way firms set their ultimate goal, the dynamism in culture, and the effect of history of the firm to the current business in securing longevity. KEY WORDS Change; Culture; Organizational identity; Organizational longevity; Routines; Shinise firms; Stability; Qualitative research
The purpose of this study is to analyze supplier’s value creation ability in project business in order to enhance customer’s business. In addition, the aim is to identify the role of business relationships in value creation and analyze the applicability of key account management in project business. The study considers value from the customer’s point of view. The concepts of value and value creation are widely discussed in marketing literature. Theory emphasizes the importance of value creation and business relationships in business markets. The empirical part of the study is conducted as a case study research. The empirical evidence is collected by interviewing one supplier organization and their three customer organizations. These companies operate in Finnish and global industrial markets. Data is collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. The study identifies several customer value drivers influencing on the value creation, which can be divided into product, service and relationship elements. One of the recognized value drivers is customer-supplier relationship. The findings show that a closer relationship enhances value creation possibilities and the key account management program allows effective managing of business relationships. As managerial implications, suppliers should seek to create continuous and conversational relationships with the key account customers.
ABSTRACT Towards a contextual understanding of B2B salespeople’s selling competencies − an exploratory study among purchasing decision-makers of internationally-oriented technology firms The characteristics of modern selling can be classified as follows: customer retention and loyalty targets, database and knowledge management, customer relationship management, marketing activities, problem solving and system selling, and satisfying needs and creating value. For salespeople to be successful in this environment, they need a wide range of competencies. Salespeople’s selling skills are well documented in seller side literature through quantitative methods, but the knowledge, skills and competencies from the buyer’s perspective are under-researched. The existing research on selling competencies should be broadened and updated through a qualitative research perspective due to the dynamic nature and the contextual dependence of selling competencies. The purpose of the study is to increase understanding of the professional salesperson’s selling competencies from the industrial purchasing decision- makers’ viewpoint within the relationship selling context. In this study, competencies are defined as sales-related knowledge and skills. The scope of the study includes goods, materials and services managed by a company’s purchasing function and used by an organization on a daily basis. The abductive approach and ‘systematic combining’ have been applied as a research strategy. In this research, data were generated through semi- structured, person-to-person interviews and open-ended questions. The study was conducted among purchasing decision-makers in the technology industry in Finland. The branches consisted of the electronics and electro-technical industries and the mechanical engineering and metals industries. A total of 30 companies and one purchasing decision-maker from each company were purposively chosen for the sampling. The sample covers different company sizes based on their revenues, their differing structures – varying from public to family companies –that represent domestic and international ownerships. Before analyzing the data, they were organized by the purchasing orientations of the buyers: the buying, procurement or supply management orientation. Thematic analysis was chosen as the analysis method. After analyzing the data, the results were contrasted with the theory. There was a continuous interaction between the empirical data and the theory. Based on the findings, a total of 19 major knowledge and skills were identified from the buyers’ perspective. The specific knowledge and skills from the viewpoint of customers’ prevalent purchasing orientations were divided into two categories, generic and contextual. The generic knowledge and skills apply to all purchasing orientations, and the contextual knowledge and skills depend on customers’ prevalent purchasing orientations. Generic knowledge and skills relate to price setting, negotiation, communication and interaction skills, while contextual ones relate to knowledge brokering, ability to present solutions and relationship skills. Buying-oriented buyers value salespeople who are ‘action oriented experts, however at a bit of an arm’s length’, procurement buyers value salespeople who are ‘experts deeply dedicated to the customer and fostering the relationship’ and supply management buyers value salespeople who are ‘corporate-oriented experts’. In addition, the buyer’s perceptions on knowledge and selling skills differ from the seller’s ones. The buyer side emphasizes managing the subject matter, consisting of the expertise, understanding the customers’ business and needs, creating a customized solution and creating value, reliability and an ability to build long-term relationships, while the seller side emphasizes communica- tion, interaction and salesmanship skills. The study integrates the selling skills of the current three-component model− technical knowledge, salesmanship skills, interpersonal skills− and relationship skills and purchasing orientations, into a selling competency model. The findings deepen and update the content of these knowledges and skills in the B2B setting and create new insights into them from the buyer’s perspective, and thus the study increases contextual understanding of selling competencies. It generates new knowledge of the salesperson’s competencies for the relationship selling and personal selling and sales management literature. It also adds knowledge of the buying orientations to the buying behavior literature. The findings challenge sales management to perceive salespeople’s selling skills both from a contingency and competence perspective. The study has several managerial implications: it increases understanding of what the critical selling knowledge and skills from the buyer’s point of view are, understanding of how salespeople effectively implement the relationship marketing concept, sales management’s knowledge of how to manage the sales process more effectively and efficiently, and the knowledge of how sales management should develop a salesperson’s selling competencies when managing and developing the sales force. Keywords: selling competencies, knowledge, selling skills, relationship skills, purchasing orientations, B2B selling, abductive approach, technology firms
While traditional entrepreneurship literature addresses the pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities to a solo entrepreneur, scholars increasingly agree that new ventures are often founded and operated by entrepreneurial teams as collective efforts especially in hightechnology industries. Researchers also suggest that team ventures are more likely to survive and succeed than ventures founded by the individual entrepreneur although specific challenges might relate to multiple individuals being involved in joint entrepreneurial action. In addition to new ventures, entrepreneurial teams are seen central for organizing work in established organizations since the teams are able to create major product and service innovations that drive organizational success. Acknowledgement of the entrepreneurial teams in various organizational contexts has challenged the notion on the individual entrepreneur. However, considering that entrepreneurial teams represent a collective-level phenomenon that bases on interactions between organizational members, entrepreneurial teams may not have been studied as indepth as could be expected from the point of view of the team-level, rather than the individual or the individuals in the team. Many entrepreneurial team studies adopt the individualized view of entrepreneurship and examine the team members’ aggregate characteristics or the role of a lead entrepreneur. The previous understandings might not offer a comprehensive and indepth enough understanding of collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams and team venture performance that often relates to the team-level issues in particular. In addition, as the collective-level of entrepreneurial teams has been approached in various ways in the existing literatures, the phenomenon has been difficult to understand in research and practice. Hence, there is a need to understand entrepreneurial teams at the collective-level through a systematic and comprehensive perspective. This study takes part in the discussions on entrepreneurial teams. The overall objective of this study is to offer a description and understanding of collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams beyond individual(s). The research questions of the study are: 1) what collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams stands for, what constitutes the basic elements of it, and who are included in it, 2) why, how, and when collectiveness emerges or reinforces within entrepreneurial teams, and 3) why collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams matters and how it could be developed or supported. In order to answer the above questions, this study bases on three approaches, two set of empirical data, two analysis techniques, and conceptual study. The first data set consists of 12 qualitative semi-structured interviews with business school students who are seen as prospective entrepreneurs. The data is approached through a social constructionist perspective and analyzed through discourse analysis. The second data set bases on a qualitative multiplecase study approach that aims at theory elaboration. The main data consists of 14 individual and four group semi-structured thematic interviews with members of core entrepreneurial teams of four team startups in high-technology industries. The secondary data includes publicly available documents. This data set is approached through a critical realist perspective and analyzed through systematic thematic analysis. The study is completed through a conceptual study that aims at building a theoretical model of collective-level entrepreneurship drawing from existing literatures on organizational theory and social-psychology. The theoretical work applies a positivist perspective. This study consists of two parts. The first part includes an overview that introduces the research background, knowledge gaps and objectives, research strategy, and key concepts. It also outlines the existing knowledge of entrepreneurial team literature, presents and justifies the choices of paradigms and methods, summarizes the publications, and synthesizes the findings through answering the above mentioned research questions. The second part consists of five publications that address independent research questions but all enable to answer the research questions set for this study as a whole. The findings of this study suggest a map of relevant concepts and their relationships that help grasp collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams. The analyses conducted in the publications suggest that collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams stands for cognitive and affective structures in-between team members including elements of collective entity, collective idea of business, collective effort, collective attitudes and motivations, and collective feelings. Collectiveness within entrepreneurial teams also stands for specific joint entrepreneurial action components in which the structures are constructed. The action components reflect equality and democracy, and open and direct communication in particular. Collectiveness emerges because it is a powerful tool for overcoming individualized barriers to entrepreneurship and due to collectively oriented desire for, collective value orientation to, demand for, and encouragement to team entrepreneurship. Collectiveness emerges and reinforces in processes of joint creation and realization of entrepreneurial opportunities including joint analysis and planning of the opportunities and strategies, decision-making and realization of the opportunities, and evaluation, feedback, and sanctions of entrepreneurial action. Collectiveness matters because it is relevant for potential future entrepreneurs and because it affects the ways collective ventures are initiated and managed. Collectiveness also matters because it is a versatile, dynamic, and malleable phenomenon and the ideas of it can be applied across organizational contexts that require team work in discovering or creating and realizing new opportunities. This study further discusses how the findings add to the existing knowledge of entrepreneurial team literature and how the ideas can be applied in educational, managerial, and policy contexts.
Tavoite on selvittää hinnoittelupäätöksien noudattamista ohjelmistoliiketoimintaa harjoittavassa yrityksessä. Lisäksi syitä noudattamiseen ja noudattamatta jättämiseen sekä asiakkaiden hinnoittelutoiveisiin selvitettiin. Teoriassa esitellään kolmea hinnoittelumallia, kuinka näitä malleja käytetään käytännössä? Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään hintaa, hinnoittelua, hinnoittelumalleja ja ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan piirteitä. Empiirisessä osassa tehdään laadullista tutkimusta henkilökohtaisilla puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla, joista kerätään tarjousten kanssa tutkimuksen aineisto. Tutkimusmateriaalin pohjalta vastataan tutkimuskysymyksiin. Vaikka käytännöt olisivat valideja, mutta mikäli hintoja ei nähdä järkevinä, käytännöistä on joustettava. Kohdetuotteilla pitäisi myös olla yhtäläiset hinnoittelumallit. Pääsyyksi käytännöistä joustamiseen nähtiin kohdeasiakkaan olevan avainasiakas tai kilpailijan tarjouksen voittaminen.
The purpose of this thesis is to find out how outbound logistics process can be improved by reducing unnecessary waste in a globally dispersed make-to-order (MTO) supply chain. The research problem was addressed by a multinational corporation that aims to find a solution for reducing unnecessary waste in their outbound logistics process. The focus is on customized products that are delivered via sea transportation. Theoretical framework for improving outbound logistics processes in globally dispersed MTO supply chain was created based on business process management, Porter’s value chain theory, value stream mapping and current reality tree. The empirical research was conducted by using constructive approach due to its ability to research a practical problem and to improve the existing practices. The data was collected from ten semi-structured interviews and three non-participant observations. By analysing the data and applying the theoretical framework, five types of waste were detected in the process that were seen to derive from six root causes. Practical solution was constructed to reduce the waste in the process by combining the existing literature with the ideas raising from empirical data. The results of this thesis suggest that a MNC with a globally dispersed MTO supply chain can improve its outbound logistics process by applying activities that enhance internal and external integration, collaboration and coordination, and increase predictability of the process. This research has practical relevance both for the case company as well as for other MNCs with globally dispersed MTO supply chains that aim to improve their outbound logistics processes. This research contributes to the BPM and CRA research by providing an evidence for their applicability in the new context.