72 resultados para success rates


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on tunnistaa kriittiset menestystekijät balanced scorecardin käyttöönotossa. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan selittävä tapaustutkimus. Tutkimuksen haastatteluaineisto on kerätty suomalaisyrityksistä, jotka ovat ottaneet onnistuneesti balanced scorecardin käyttöön organisaatiossa. Yksi tapauksista osoittautui kuitenkin epäonnistuneeksi. Balanced scorecardin onnistuneeseen käyttöönottoon vaikuttaa usea eri tekijä. Tutkielmassa käyttöönottoon vaikuttavat menestystekijät on jaettu neljään eri ryhmään, jotka ovat tekijät liittyen organisaatioon, resursseihin, käyttöönottoprosessiin ja itse balanced scorecardiin. Viitekehys havainnollistaa kriittisten menestystekijöiden keskinäisiä suhteita. Johdon sitoutuminen, ajankäyttö sekä avoin kommunikaatio ovat eräitä keskeisiä menestystekijöitä balanced scorecardin käyttöönottoprosessissa. Lisäksi balanced scorecardin onnistuneeseen käyttöönottoon on kaksi perusedellytystä: organisaation strategian selkeys sekä ympäristön tuki prosessille.


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This thesis consists of four articles and an introductory section. The main research questions in all the articles are about proportionality and party success in Europe, at European, national or district levels. Proportionality in this thesis denotes the proximity of seat shares parties receive compared to their respective vote shares, after the electoral system’s allocation process. This proportionality can be measured through numerous indices that illustrate either the overall proportionality of an electoral system or a particular election. The correspondence of a single party’s seat shares to its vote shares can also be measured. The overall proportionality is essential in three of the articles (1, 2 and 4), where the system’s performance is studied by means of plots. In article 3, minority party success is measured by advantage-ratios that reveal single party’s winnings or losses in the votes to seat allocation process. The first article asks how proportional are the European parliamentary (EP) electoral systems, how do they compare with results gained from earlier studies and how do the EP electoral systems treat different sized parties. The reasons for different outcomes are looked for in explanations given by traditional electoral studies i.e. electoral system variables. The countries studied (EU15) apply electoral systems that vary in many important aspects, even though a certain amount of uniformity has been aspired to for decades. Since the electoral systems of the EP elections closely resemble the national elections, the same kinds of profiles emerge as in the national elections. The electoral systems indeed treat the parties differentially and six different profile types can be found. The counting method seems to somewhat determine the profile group, but the strongest variables determining the shape of a countries’ profile appears to be the average district magnitude and number of seats allocated to each country. The second article also focuses on overall proportionality performance of an electoral system, but here the focus is on the impact of electoral system changes. I have developed a new method of visualizing some previously used indices and some new indices for this purpose. The aim is to draw a comparable picture of these electoral systems’ changes and their effects. The cases, which illustrate this method, are four elections systems, where a change has occurred in one of the system variables, while the rest remained unchanged. The studied cases include the French, Greek and British European parliamentary systems and the Swedish national parliamentary system. The changed variables are electoral type (plurality changed to PR in the UK), magnitude (France splitting the nationwide district into eight smaller districts), legal threshold (Greece introducing a three percent threshold) and counting method (d’Hondt was changed to modified Sainte-Laguë in Sweden). The radar plots from elections after and before the changes are drawn for all country cases. When quantifying the change, the change in the plots area that is created has also been calculated. Using these radar plots we can observe that the change in electoral system type, magnitude, and also to some extent legal threshold had an effect on overall proportionality and accessibility for small parties, while the change between the two highest averages counting method had none. The third article studies the success minority parties have had in nine electoral systems in European heterogeneous countries. This article aims to add more motivation as to why we should care how different sized parties are treated by the electoral systems. Since many of the parties that aspire to represent minorities in European countries are small, the possibilities for small parties are highlighted. The theory of consociational (or power-sharing) democracy suggests that, in heterogeneous societies, a proportional electoral system will provide the fairest treatment of minority parties. The OSCE Lund Recommendations propose a number of electoral system features, which would improve minority representation. In this article some party variables, namely the unity of the minority parties and the geographical concentration of the minorities were included among possible explanations. The conclusions are that the central points affecting minority success were indeed these non-electoral system variables rather than the electoral system itself. Moreover, the size of the party was a major factor governing success in all the systems investigated; large parties benefited in all the studied electoral systems. In the fourth article the proportionality profiles are again applied, but this time to district level results in Finnish parliamentary elections. The level of proportionality distortion is also studied by way of indices. The average magnitudes during the studied periodrange from 7.5 to 26.2 in the Finnish electoral districts and this opens up unequal opportunities for parties in different districts and affects the shape of the profiles. The intra-country case allows the focus to be placed on the effect of district magnitude, since all other electoral systems are kept constant in an intra-country study. The time span in the study is from 1962 to 2007, i.e. the time that the districts have largely been the same geographically. The plots and indices tell the same story, district magnitude and electoral alliances matter. The district magnitude is connected to the overall proportionality of the electoral districts according to both indices, and the profiles are, as expected, also closer to perfect proportionality in large districts. Alliances have helped some small parties to gain a much higher seat share than their respective vote share and these successes affect some of the profiles. The profiles also show a consistent pattern of benefits for the small parties who ally with the larger parties.


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Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee yritysten vuosikertomusten Toimitusjohtajan katsaus -osioissa esiintyvää metatekstiä. Erityisenä tutkimuskohteena ovat yrityksen tulevaisuutta käsittelevät lauseet ja niissä käytetty interpersonaalinen metateksti, jonka avulla kirjoittaja pyrkii joko vahvistamaan (emphatics-keinoin) tai heikentämään (hedging-keinoin) ilmaisujensa vahvuutta ja lukijalle niiden kautta välittyvää kuvaa viestin varmuudesta ja vakuuttavuudesta. Sijoittajille suunnattu Toimitusjohtajan katsaus käsittelee yleensä yrityksen edellisen vuoden tulosta, taloudellista asemaa sekä tulevaisuudennäkymiä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, vaikuttaako yrityksen taloudellinen menestys vuosikertomuksen tässä osiossa käytetyn metatekstin määrään ja laatuun. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa käsitellään ensiksi lyhyesti vuosikertomuksia ja niiden parissa tehtyä aiempaa kielitieteellistä tutkimusta, minkä jälkeen perehdytään tarkemmin metatekstin sekä hedging- ja emphatics-keinojen määrittelyyn. Näissä osioissa apuna toimivat muunmuassa Hylandin (1998) ja Cromptonin (1997) tutkimukset. Tutkimusaineistossa esiintyvien metatekstilajien määrittelyssä ja tunnistamisessa käytettiin apuna pääosin Crismore & Farnsworthin (1990) ja Grabe & Kaplanin (1997) tutkimuksia. Tutkimuksen aineistona oli yhteensä 23 yhdentoista amerikkalaisen yrityksen vuosikertomusta. Ne käsittivät esimerkkejä kunkin yhtiön talouden kannalta sekä erityisen hyviltä että huonoilta vuosilta. Aineistosta löydetty interpersonaalinen metateksti luokiteltiin viiteen eri ryhmään: modaaliverbit, hedging-verbit, muut hedging-keinot, emphatics-keinot ja evaluatives-keinot (eli kirjoittajan tekstistään tekemät subjektiiviset huomiot ja arviot). Tulokset osoittivat, että metatekstin käytössä ilmeni melkoista vaihtelua yksittäisten yritysten ja niiden hyvien ja huonojen vuosien välillä. Nämä eroavuudet eivät kuitenkaan vaikuttaneet merkittävästi koko aineiston kattaviin keskivertolukuihin, joiden avulla pyrittiin selvittämään hyvien ja huonojen vuosien välisiä yleisiä eroja. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että Toimitusjohtajan katsaus –osioiden viittaukset yhtiön tulevaisuuteen heijastavat tavallisesti kirjoittajan varmuutta yrityksen menestyksekkäästä tulevaisuudesta riippumatta siitä, minkälainen vuosikertomuksessa käsitelty vuosi on ollut yhtiölle taloudellisesti. Yleisesti ottaen yhtiön taloudellisen tilan ei siis havaittu vaikuttavan Toimitusjohtajan katsauksessa käytetyn metadiskurssin määrään tai laatuun.


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The objective of this study was to find out how project success can be measured in a case where the output of a project is an intangible information product, what kind of framework can be used to evaluate the project success, and how the project assessment can be done in practice. As a case example, the success of a business blueprint project was assessed from the product point of view. A framework for assessing business blueprint project success was made based on a literature review. Furthermore, separate frameworks for measuring information product quality and project costs were developed. The theory of business blueprinting was discovered not to be firmly institutionalized and it is briefly covered in the thesis. The possible net benefits from the strategic business process harmonization were noted to be much more significant than the costs of the business blueprint project. The project was seen as a sufficient success from the viewpoint of the created output.


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The objective of this master’s thesis is to define Larox´s Product Data present state and future development needs from after sales point of view. In particular the object was to investigate after sales needs, which data related to products need to be managed by using Product Data Management. Empirical material of thesis was collected mainly through interviews, benchmark visits, and personal experience. Among the interviewees were internal stakeholders who are closely related to the product process, as well as external stakeholders. Interviews revealed that each stakeholder group has deviating needs for product data management and that at present all the needs are not met to take the best possible way. The main requirement was availability of up-to-date information, which plays a key role in after sales business. At the end of study is concentrated to find development targets at Larox, especially from after sales point of view. In addition, consideration of how the product data management advantages can utilized in making internal processes more efficient. Development needs are collected together as project descriptions, whose headings are shown at the end of the study.


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More and more companies are interested in implementing knowledge management. However, the majority of knowledge management initiatives will fail to have any significant impact. In this study, theories regarding knowledge management implementation and adoption are investigated further. The objective of this study is to deepen understanding regarding the critical factors that contribute to successful knowledge management adoption in large multinational companies. The study is formulated around the following four research questions: 1. What are the key success and failure factors in knowledge management implementation? 2. How can knowledge management adoption be improved at the individual, group and organizational levels of the company? 3. What are the critical factors that hinder knowledge management adoption in the case company? 4. How can the case company promote the adoption of knowledge management among company personnel? The methodology used in this study is a combination of a literature review and an explanatory, exploratory, qualitative single-case study. The literature review answers the first and second research questions. Based on the literature review, a framework is presented to illustrate the factors contributing to the success of knowledge management implementation. The framework also links together knowledge management implementation and adoption. The third research question is answered by revealing the relevant findings from 21 expert interviews and 2 online questionnaires with 42 respondents in total. By comparing and contrasting the results of the literature review with the findings of the empirical case study, the fourth research question is answered. The concrete outcomes of this study are a framework to elucidate the factors contributing to the success of knowledge management implementation, a case study highlighting the issues that hinder knowledge management adoption within the case company, and recommendations for the case company.


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Especially in global enterprises, key data is fragmented in multiple Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Thus the data is inconsistent, fragmented and redundant across the various systems. Master Data Management (MDM) is a concept, which creates cross-references between customers, suppliers and business units, and enables corporate hierarchies and structures. The overall goal for MDM is the ability to create an enterprise-wide consistent data model, which enables analyzing and reporting customer and supplier data. The goal of the study was defining the properties and success factors of a master data system. The theoretical background was based on literature and the case consisted of enterprise specific needs and demands. The theoretical part presents the concept, background, and principles of MDM and then the phases of system planning and implementation project. Case consists of background, definition of as is situation, definition of project, evaluation criterions and concludes the key results of the thesis. In the end chapter Conclusions combines common principles with the results of the case. The case part ended up dividing important factors of the system in success factors, technical requirements and business benefits. To clarify the project and find funding for the project, business benefits have to be defined and the realization has to be monitored. The thesis found out six success factors for the MDM system: Well defined business case, data management and monitoring, data models and structures defined and maintained, customer and supplier data governance, delivery and quality, commitment, and continuous communication with business. Technical requirements emerged several times during the thesis and therefore those can’t be ignored in the project. Conclusions chapter goes through these factors on a general level. The success factors and technical requirements are related to the essentials of MDM: Governance, Action and Quality. This chapter could be used as guidance in a master data management project.


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Selective papers of the workshop on "Development of models and forest soil surveys for monitoring of soil carbon", Koli, Finland, April 5-9 2006.


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The application of information technology (IT) in customer relationship management (CRM) is growing rapidly as many companies implement CRM systems to support their numerous customer facing activities. However, failure rates of CRM projects remain notably high as they deliver scant solutions and poor user acceptance. As a consequence, it is justified to study previously researched CRM success factors and apply them to CRM system implementation. The aim of this master’s thesis was to get acquainted with relevant academic theories, frameworks and practices concerning CRM and agile development, and use them to generate a modified CRM project strategy to support the successful execution of the case company’s, Process Vision Oy, CRM implementation project. The empirical CRM system implementation project was conducted simultaneously with writing this thesis. Its theoretical findings could be transferred into practice through active participation in the CRM system development and deployment work. The project’s main goal was to produce and take into use a functioning CRM system. The goal was met, since at the time of printing this thesis the first system release was successfully published to its users at Process Vision’s marketing and sales departments. The key success elements in the CRM project were cyclic, iterative system development, customer oriented approach, user inclusion and flexible project management. Implying agile development practices ensured being able to quickly respond to changes arising during the progress of the CRM project. Throughout modelling of the core sales process formed a strong basis, on which the CRM system’s operational and analytical functionalities were built. End users were included in the initial specification of system requirements and they provided feedback on the system’s usage. To conclude, the chosen theoretical CRM roadmaps and agile development practices proved as beneficial in the successful planning and execution of the agile CRM system implementation project at Process Vision.


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The size and complexity of projects in the software development are growing very fast. At the same time, the proportion of successful projects is still quite low according to the previous research. Although almost every project's team knows main areas of responsibility which would help to finish project on time and on budget, this knowledge is rarely used in practice. So it is important to evaluate the success of existing software development projects and to suggest a method for evaluating success chances which can be used in the software development projects. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the success of projects in the selected geographical region (Russia-Ukraine-Belarus). The second aim is to compare existing models of success prediction and to determine their strengths and weaknesses. Research was done as an empirical study. A survey with structured forms and theme-based interviews were used as the data collection methods. The information gathering was done in two stages. At the first stage, project manager or someone with similar responsibilities answered the questions over Internet. At the second stage, the participant was interviewed; his or her answers were discussed and refined. It made possible to get accurate information about each project and to avoid errors. It was found out that there are many problems in the software development projects. These problems are widely known and were discussed in literature many times. The research showed that most of the projects have problems with schedule, requirements, architecture, quality, and budget. Comparison of two models of success prediction presented that The Standish Group overestimates problems in project. At the same time, McConnell's model can help to identify problems in time and avoid troubles in future. A framework for evaluating success chances in distributed projects was suggested. The framework is similar to The Standish Group model but it was customized for distributed projects.


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The main objective of this study is to examine the relationships between resources, competitive advantage and firm success. The study focuses, on one hand, on the financial performance of service-intensive manufac-turing firms against competitors with a lower service intensity and, on the other hand, on the resources as drivers for competitive advantage and success. The purpose of the theoretical part is to link the study in the field of the strategy research. The empirical part of the study is based on the quantitative analyses of the survey data collected from 50 major suppliers of industrial machinery and transportation equipment in Europe and North America. Results indicate that service-intensive manufacturing firms have performed better and their performance has been more stable vis-à-vis their peers. The main resources that differentiate service-intensive manufacturing firms from their non-service intensive competitors are service strategy and service-oriented top management. The analyses on the VRIO resources produced only a limited amount of information and solely service-centred culture appeared to be a rent generating resource.


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomalaisiin yliopistoihin valikoitumista 2000-luvun alussa. Tarkastelu pohjautuu yliopistoon hakeneiden, opiskelemaan hyväksyttyjen ja opiskelupaikkaa ilman jääneiden taustojen vertailuun. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten koulutuksellinen tasa-arvo toteutuu opiskelemaan pääsyssä. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään sukupuolten, eri-ikäisten, sosiaalisten ryhmien sekä eri alueella asuvien opiskelijavalinnoissa pärjäämiseen. Lisäksi pohditaan, millaiset taustatekijät ovat yhteydessä opiskelemaan pääsyyn ja miten suomalainen yliopistokenttä on lohkoutunut yliopistoittain ja aloittain hakijoiden ja sisään päässeiden taustojen perusteella. Tutkimuksen pääaineistona on henkilöpohjainen rekisteriaineisto, joka on laadittu valtakunnallisen hakijarekisterin (HAREK) ja Tilastokeskuksen yhteistyönä. Aineisto käsittää 40 %:n satunnaisotoksen vuonna 2003 suomalaisiin yliopistoihin hakeneista (N = 55 790). Aineiston muuttujat kuvaavat hakijoiden taustoja, elämäntilannetta, aiempaa koulutusta ja lapsuudenperheen asemaa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään lisäksi kokonaisjoukosta muodostettua taulukkoaineistoa (N = 139 668). Yliopistoihin hakevat eivät ole yhtenäinen ryhmä. Vaikka suurin osa hakijoista oli nuoria, oli joukossa myös varttuneempia hakijoita, jotka olivat ehtineet hankkia koulutusta ja muuta elämänkokemusta. Päävalinnat toimivat siten myös aikuishakijoiden hakuväylänä; erillisvalintoja eivät hyödynnä läheskään kaikki, joilla siihen olisi mahdollisuus. Klusterianalyysin avulla hakijoista voitiin erottaa neljä ryhmää: 1) nuoret ylioppilaat, 2) toisen tutkinnon suorittajat, 3) koulutuspääoman kartuttajat sekä 4) aikuiset lisäkouluttautujat. Opiskelemaan pääsyyn vaikuttavia tekijöitä analysoitiin logistisen regressioanalyysin avulla. Analyysin mukaan hakijan iällä oli muista taustatekijöistä riippumaton vaikutus opiskelemaan pääsyyn niin, että todennäköisyys päästä yliopistoon vähenee hakijan iän kohotessa. Parhaiten opiskelemaan pääsivät kaikkein nuorimmat, alle 20-vuotiaat hakijat, jotka siis useimmiten ovat saman kevään ylioppilaita. Vanhemmille hakijoille oli usein kertynyt jo koulutusta, mutta aiemmat tutkinnot paransivat sisäänpääsyn mahdollisuuksia vain, mikäli ne olivat korkea-asteelta. Alemmilla ammatillisilla tutkinnoilla oli pikemminkin opiskelemaan pääsyä heikentävä vaikutus. Myös se, mitä hakija oli tehnyt ennen valintakokeita, vaikutti sisäänpääsyn mahdollisuuksiin. Parhaiten valinnoissa pärjäsivät päätoimiset opiskelijat, heikoiten työttömät hakijat. Vaikka miesten hyväksymisprosentit olivat keskimäärin korkeammat kuin naisten, sukupuoli ei osoittautunut itsenäiseksi opiskelemaan pääsyä selittäväksi tekijäksi. Naisten huonompi pärjääminen valinnoissa selittyykin pitkälti sukupuolten eriytyneillä alavalinnoilla. Naisten suosimat alat kun ovat pääsääntöisesti vaikeapääsyisempiä kuin miesten. Tutkimuksessa selvisi myös, että kaupunkilaisuus lisäsi todennäköisyyttä tulla hyväksytyksi. Toisaalta opiskelemaan pääsy erosi myös asuinmaakunnittain, mikä kertoo lähinnä siitä, että eri yliopistojen sisäänpääsyasteissa on varsin suuria eroja. Yliopistojen lohkoutuminen hakijoiden sosiaalisen taustan mukaan oli paljon selvempää kuin alojen. Kaikki pääkaupunkiseudun yliopistot – lukuun ottamatta Teatterikorkeakoulua – luokittuivat isän asemalla mitaten elitistisiksi. Matalimmista taustoista haettiin Lapin, Joensuun ja Vaasan yliopistoihin. Alojen paikka elitistisyyskansanomaisuus -ulottuvuudella vaihteli suuresti yliopistoittain. Teknillistieteellinen, matemaattis-luonnontieteellinen ja kauppatieteellinen ala sijoittuivat kuitenkin keskimääräistä ylemmäs, kun taas kasvatustiede ja farmasia olivat kansanomaisimpia hakukohteita. Opiskelijaksi valikoitumisen peruselementit toistuivat myös tässä tutkimuksessa: koulutetuimpien ja hyvässä asemassa olevien vanhempien jälkeläiset saivat opiskelupaikan useammin kuin muut. Yliopistolaitoksessa vuosikymmenten saatossa toteutetut rakenteelliset muutokset eivät siis ole muuttaneet valikoitumisen peruslinjaa, joskin uutena huomiona nousi maanviljelijöiden jälkeläisten hyvä valinnoissa pärjääminen. Maanviljelijäperheestä tulevien opiskelemaan pääsyn todennäköisyys oli kaikkein suurin.