103 resultados para success of a firm
Pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on ollut tutkia millaisia hyötyjä perheestä voi olla omistamalleen yritykselle ja sen vähemmistöosakkaille. Tutkielman kontekstina ovat perheyritykset ja erityisesti perheen kokemus omasta roolistaan omistajana. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena ja aineistona ovat olleet puolistrukturoidut haastattelut suomalaisissa listatuissa perheyhtiöissä. Tutkimuksen tuloksina voidaan osoittaa, että perheen vaikutus yrityksen menestymiseen on monitahoinen ja perheenjäsenet pyrkivät toimimaan pitkäjänteisesti yhteisen hyvän eteen. Tästä on hyötyä yritykselle ja sen vähemmistöosakkaille pitkällä aikajänteellä.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten omistajuus vaikuttaa yrityksen toimintaan ja tulokseen ja syventää näkökulmaa omistajan vaikutuksesta yrityksen menestymiseen. Tutkimus tehtiin kvalitatiivisen ja kvantitatiivisen tutkimusmenetelmän yhdistelmällä, joka mahdollistaa laajemman näkökulman tutkittavaan asiaan ja tuo tutkimukseen luotettavuutta. Omistajan kompetenssilla toimia aktiivisena omistajana sekä hallita erilaisia liiketoimintariske-jä on suuri merkitys. Kestävä menestys, uudistuminen ja yrityksen arvon luominen vaativat niin asiantuntemusta, näkemyksiä, sitoutunutta riskirahoitusta kuin vuorovaikutustaitoja. Omis-tajalla on vaikutusvalta osaavan johdon ja henkilöstön motivaation ylläpysymiseen ja tahtoti-laan toimia yrityksen etujen mukaisesti ja yritykseen sitoutuneena. Ymmärtämällä omistamansa yrityksen kilpailuedut ja hallitsemalla organisatoriset riskit, omis-taja voi vaikuttaa valitsemansa roolin kautta yrityksen menestykseen ja tuottoarvon kasvuun. Tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat myös siihen, että henkilöstön kokemat positiiviset psykologi-sen ja sosiaalisen omistajuuden tunteet selittävät onnistumisia.
In the study the recently developed concept of strategic entrepreneurship was addressed with the aim to investigate the underlying factors and components constituting the concept and their influence on firm performance. As the result of analysis of existing literature and empirical studies the model of strategic entrepreneurship for the current study is developed with the emphasis on exploration and exploitation parts of the concept. The research model is tested on the data collected in the project ―Factors of growth and success of entrepreneurial firms in Russia‖ by Center for Entrepreneurship of GSOM in 2007 containing answers of owners and managers of 500 firms operating in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Multiple regression analysis showed that exploration and exploitation presented by entrepreneurial values, investments in internal resources, knowledge management and developmental changes are significant factors constituting strategic entrepreneurship and having positive relation to firm performance. The theoretical contribution of the work is linked to development and testing of the model of strategic entrepreneurship. The results can be implemented in management practices of companies willing to engage in strategic entrepreneurship and increase their firm performance.
This thesis investigates the influence of a firm’s mindset on international success in the context of the Finnish marine industry. The study draws theoretical wisdom from organisational behaviour and strategic management literatures. The research aim set for this study was to identify and categorise existing strategic types based on mindsets found in the marine industry SMEs, and to link the influence of mindsets with success by examining the role of mindsets in a firm’s performance. Mindsets of firms were conceptualised as aggregate collections of perceptions that influence how the surrounding environment is discerned by the members of the firm. Mindsets are idiosyncratic to firms and therefore important firm-specific resources which influence decision-making and can be observed through the strategic behaviour of firms. Qualitative case study method was applied which was further supported by quantitative data on the financial performance of the ten case firms. Taxonomy based on the dimension of mindsets and prediction was developed to demonstrate four ideal types of firms identified within the marine industry. It was found that all of the case firms emphasised adaptation in their strategy while planning was emphasised to a varying degree. Moreover, two different methods of adapting were found; proactive and reactive. Firms which plan in the long-term and adapt proactively constantly investigate whether their plans are synchronous with the realities of the market; by having an open mindset, a firm’s perception of the reality of the market is enabling the firm to develop value creating strategies which are superiorly informed.This finding was supported by the financial data and led to the proposition that having an open mindset and placing a high level of emphasis on prediction may have a positive influence on international success. Also, it was proposed that concentrating only on exploiting business opportunities in the present time and not exploring any addition opportunities can have a negative influence on the firm’s performance, even if the mindset of the firm is open.
Firms operating in a changing environment have a need for structures and practices that provide flexibility and enable rapid response to changes. Given the challenges they face in attempts to keep up with market needs, they have to continuously improve their processes and products, and develop new products to match market requirements. Success in changing markets depends on the firm's ability to convert knowledge into innovations, and consequently their internal structures and capabilities have an important role in innovation activities. According 10 the dynamic capability view of the firm, firms thus need dynamic capabilities in (he form ofassets, processes and structures that enable strategic flexibility and support entrepreneurial opportunity sensing and exploitation. Dynamic capabilities are also needed in conditions of rapid change in the operating environment, and in activities such as new product development and expansion to new markets. Despite the growing interest in these issues and the theoretical developments in the field of strategy research, there are still only very few empirical studies, and large-scale empirical studies in particular, that provide evidence that firms'dynamic capabilities are reflected in performance differences. This thesis represents an attempt to advance the research by providing empirical evidence of thelinkages between the firm's dynamic capabilities and performance in intenationalization and innovation activities. The aim is thus to increase knowledge and enhance understanding of the organizational factors that explain interfirm performance differences. The study is in two parts. The first part is the introduction and the second part comprises five research publications covering the theoretical foundations of the dynamic capability view and subsequent empirical analyses. Quantitative research methodology is used throughout. The thesis contributes to the literature in several ways. While a lot of prior research on dynamic capabilities is conceptual in nature, or conducted through case studies, this thesis introduces empirical measures for assessing the different aspects, and uses large-scale sampling to investigate the relationships between them and performance indicators. The dynamic capability view is further developed by integrating theoretical frameworks and research traditions from several disciplines. The results of the study provide support for the basic tenets of the dynamic capability view. The empirical findings demonstrate that the firm's ability to renew its knowledge base and other intangible assets, its proactive, entrepreneurial behavior, and the structures and practices that support operational flexibility arepositively related to performance indicators.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on tunnistaa kriittiset menestystekijät balanced scorecardin käyttöönotossa. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan selittävä tapaustutkimus. Tutkimuksen haastatteluaineisto on kerätty suomalaisyrityksistä, jotka ovat ottaneet onnistuneesti balanced scorecardin käyttöön organisaatiossa. Yksi tapauksista osoittautui kuitenkin epäonnistuneeksi. Balanced scorecardin onnistuneeseen käyttöönottoon vaikuttaa usea eri tekijä. Tutkielmassa käyttöönottoon vaikuttavat menestystekijät on jaettu neljään eri ryhmään, jotka ovat tekijät liittyen organisaatioon, resursseihin, käyttöönottoprosessiin ja itse balanced scorecardiin. Viitekehys havainnollistaa kriittisten menestystekijöiden keskinäisiä suhteita. Johdon sitoutuminen, ajankäyttö sekä avoin kommunikaatio ovat eräitä keskeisiä menestystekijöitä balanced scorecardin käyttöönottoprosessissa. Lisäksi balanced scorecardin onnistuneeseen käyttöönottoon on kaksi perusedellytystä: organisaation strategian selkeys sekä ympäristön tuki prosessille.
The objective of this study was to find out how project success can be measured in a case where the output of a project is an intangible information product, what kind of framework can be used to evaluate the project success, and how the project assessment can be done in practice. As a case example, the success of a business blueprint project was assessed from the product point of view. A framework for assessing business blueprint project success was made based on a literature review. Furthermore, separate frameworks for measuring information product quality and project costs were developed. The theory of business blueprinting was discovered not to be firmly institutionalized and it is briefly covered in the thesis. The possible net benefits from the strategic business process harmonization were noted to be much more significant than the costs of the business blueprint project. The project was seen as a sufficient success from the viewpoint of the created output.
More and more companies are interested in implementing knowledge management. However, the majority of knowledge management initiatives will fail to have any significant impact. In this study, theories regarding knowledge management implementation and adoption are investigated further. The objective of this study is to deepen understanding regarding the critical factors that contribute to successful knowledge management adoption in large multinational companies. The study is formulated around the following four research questions: 1. What are the key success and failure factors in knowledge management implementation? 2. How can knowledge management adoption be improved at the individual, group and organizational levels of the company? 3. What are the critical factors that hinder knowledge management adoption in the case company? 4. How can the case company promote the adoption of knowledge management among company personnel? The methodology used in this study is a combination of a literature review and an explanatory, exploratory, qualitative single-case study. The literature review answers the first and second research questions. Based on the literature review, a framework is presented to illustrate the factors contributing to the success of knowledge management implementation. The framework also links together knowledge management implementation and adoption. The third research question is answered by revealing the relevant findings from 21 expert interviews and 2 online questionnaires with 42 respondents in total. By comparing and contrasting the results of the literature review with the findings of the empirical case study, the fourth research question is answered. The concrete outcomes of this study are a framework to elucidate the factors contributing to the success of knowledge management implementation, a case study highlighting the issues that hinder knowledge management adoption within the case company, and recommendations for the case company.
This study focuses on the relationship between organizational network competence and the internationalization process of small- and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Over recent decades, the global business environment has become increasingly conducive to internationalization of small firms. A central facilitating factor in the process has been the emergence of networked business relationships between internationalizing firms. Research on SME internationalization has found that certain types of structures and dynamics of business networks allow SMEs access to the resources they need to enter foreign markets. This consequently means that their internationalization often becomes to depend on the networks they are embedded in. However, research so far has mostly ignored the possibility that the organizational ability to develop and manage business network relationships, network competence, may be a major underlying factor in determining how well SMEs can leverage their network relationships to enter foreign markets and consequently may determine in large part how successful their internationalization process turns out to be. This study aims to respond to those gaps, by empirically examining how the development of network competence in internationalizing SMEs influences the internationalization outcomes that they can expect, and how such network competence is conceptualized and developed. Using a mixed methods approach, survey data collected from 298 Finnish SMEs across five industry sectors is first used to examine how levels of network competence are related to internationalization propensity of SMEs and their subsequent international performance, growth and profitability as internationally operating firms. In order to illustrate in more detail the ways in which network competence is conceptualized and how it develops during the internationalization process of an SME, qualitative data from internationally operating Finnish SMEs are used. Longitudinal interview data of an internationalizing Finnish SME is accompanied by data gathered through a series of semistructured interviews of Finnish and Russian managers involved in mutual business relationship dyads. Structurally, this thesis examines the research issue as an article-based dissertation, consisting of five journal and conference publications. Three of these publications are based on the quantitative data, and the remaining two apply the qualitative interview data. The results find several aspects where network competence has a positive influence on the success of internationalizing SMEs, how it develops and what it entails conceptually in this context. Quantitatively, the level of network competence is found to have a positive relationship to various internationalization outcomes, including the propensity of SMEs to enter foreign markets and on their subsequent international performance, their growth and their profitability. Additionally, the positive relationship is divided between the relationship-specific and cross-relational dimension of network competence, in that the influence of the former is relevant for the propensity to internationalize, while the latter is for the growth and profitability of the already internationalized SMEs. Qualitatively, the results suggest, firstly, that the development process of network competence does not necessarily precede the start of the internationalization process, but may occur through a gradual learning process alongside it. And secondly, the results also imply that the conceptualization of network competence by Finnish managers of internationally operating Finnish SMEs is structurally distinct from that of their culturally distinct partner managers in Russia. This study contributes to the literature on SME internationalization in several ways. Firstly, it introduces operationalized organizational competencies to the literature on internationalization of SMEs, which has so far mainly examined the influence of business networking on the internationalization process without having such an organizational viewpoint. Furthermore, this study provides a multi-level analysis of the determinants of successful SME internationalization, by examining various strategic and performance outcomes across the process. These results also contribute to the literature on organizational strategy of internationalizing SMEs, by clarifying how different dimensions of business networking may be optimal in different phases of the internationalization process. Conceptually, the results of this study contribute to the literature on competence development and SME internationalization, by illustrating how the development process of network competence may occur during internationalization process. Thus, they also contribute to the discussion on how SMEs are able to influence the dynamics and structures of their business networks over time. Finally, this study contributes to the literature on the role of culture in the internationalization process, by implying that the cultural background of the manager of the SME may determine whether business networking and network competence is seen as an organizational-level or an individual level capability. The study also includes some additional contributions to the literature on dynamic capabilities in strategic management, and on that of strategic business networks. These include further clarifying the exact nature and tangibility of dynamic capabilities, and being one of the first studies to introduce constructs from both dynamic capabilities and business network literature to the field of international entrepreneurship. And finally, the study also has some contribution on the two streams of literature, in illustrating how both dyadic and network-level capabilities may be relevant, depending on the current strategic goals and market position of the firm. Keywords: network competence, internationalizatio
By recent years the phenomenon called crowdsourcing has been acknowledged as an innovative form of value creation that must be taken seriously. Crowdsourcing can be defined as an act of outsourcing tasks originally performed inside an organization, or assigned externally in form of a business relationship, to an undefinably large, heterogeneous mass of potential actors. This thesis constructs a framework for successful implementation of crowdsourcing initiatives. Firms that rely entirely on their own research and ideas cannot compete with the innovative capacity that crowd-powered firms have. Nowadays, crowdsourcing has become one of the key capabilities of businesses due to its innovative capabilities, in addition to the existing internal resources of the firm. By utilizing crowdsourcing the business gains access to an enormous pool of competence and knowledge. However, various risks remain such as uncertainty of crowd structure and loss of internal know-how. Crowdsourcing Success Framework introduces a step by step model for implementing crowdsourcing into the everyday operations of the business. It starts from the decision to utilize crowdsourcing and continues further into planning, organizing and execution. Finally, this thesis presents the success factors of crowdsourcing initiative.
Despite the unstable situation at the moment in Russia, the Russian market and St. Petersburg have been a very attractive from the point of view of Finnish companies. The objective of this research was to define how a Finnish accounting firm should perform its market entry to Russian markets as a part of its internationalization process. In addition, the special characteristics that support the internationalization to Russia were examined together with the implications from the behavior of potential customers at the market. The actual market entry mode was developed based on the theories of Uppsala model, transaction cost economics and the network approach. Additional emphasis was given for the service point of view. The primary data in this research was collected through semi-structured interviews with professionals from the Russian market. The results of this research show that there exists potential especially at the accounting markets in Russia. However, the current unstable situation and sanctions in Russia have led to situation where the price-sensitivity among customers is high, and costs savings are searched from multiple processes in organizations. Therefore, the accounting company should perform its market entry in small incremental steps to decrease the risks involved, and to gain specific market knowledge before committing more resources into Russian markets. A simplified process was developed to evaluate the suitable market entry mode. As a result, the level of commitment and market knowledge affect the final entry model of the firm, as well as defined goals for the particular market.
One of the most disputable matters in the theory of finance has been the theory of capital structure. The seminal contributions of Modigliani and Miller (1958, 1963) gave rise to a multitude of studies and debates. Since the initial spark, the financial literature has offered two competing theories of financing decision: the trade-off theory and the pecking order theory. The trade-off theory suggests that firms have an optimal capital structure balancing the benefits and costs of debt. The pecking order theory approaches the firm capital structure from information asymmetry perspective and assumes a hierarchy of financing, with firms using first internal funds, followed by debt and as a last resort equity. This thesis analyses the trade-off and pecking order theories and their predictions on a panel data consisting 78 Finnish firms listed on the OMX Helsinki stock exchange. Estimations are performed for the period 2003–2012. The data is collected from Datastream system and consists of financial statement data. A number of capital structure characteristics are identified: firm size, profitability, firm growth opportunities, risk, asset tangibility and taxes, speed of adjustment and financial deficit. A regression analysis is used to examine the effects of the firm characteristics on capitals structure. The regression models were formed based on the relevant theories. The general capital structure model is estimated with fixed effects estimator. Additionally, dynamic models play an important role in several areas of corporate finance, but with the combination of fixed effects and lagged dependent variables the model estimation is more complicated. A dynamic partial adjustment model is estimated using Arellano and Bond (1991) first-differencing generalized method of moments, the ordinary least squares and fixed effects estimators. The results for Finnish listed firms show support for the predictions of profitability, firm size and non-debt tax shields. However, no conclusive support for the pecking-order theory is found. However, the effect of pecking order cannot be fully ignored and it is concluded that instead of being substitutes the trade-off and pecking order theory appear to complement each other. For the partial adjustment model the results show that Finnish listed firms adjust towards their target capital structure with a speed of 29% a year using book debt ratio.
Under the circumstances of the increasing market pressure, enterprises try to improve their competitive position by development efforts, and a business development project is one tool for that. There are not many answers to the question of how the development projects launched to improve the business performance in SMEs have succeeded. Theacademic interest in the business development project success has mainly focused on projects implemented in larger organisations rather than in SMEs. The previous studies on the business success of SMEs have mainly focused on new business ventures rather than on existing SMEs. However, nowadays a large number of business development projects are undertaken in existing SMEs, where they can pose a great challenge. This study focuses on business development success in SMEs thathave already established their business. The objective of the present study is to gain a deep understanding on business development project success in the SME-context and to identify the dimensions and factors affecting the project success. Further, the aim is to clarify how the business development projects implemented in SMEs have affected their performance. The empirical evidence is based on multiple case study. This study builds a framework for a generic theory of business development success in the SME-context, based on literature from the areas ofproject and change management, entrepreneurship and small business management, as well as performance measurement, and on empirical evidence from SMES. The framework consists of five success dimensions: entrepreneurial, project preparation, change management, project management and project success. The framework provides a systematic way for analysing the business development project and its impact on the performance and on the performing company. This case evidence indicates that successful business development projects have a balanced, high performance concerning all the dimensions. Good performance in one dimension is not enoughfor the project success, but it gives a good ground for the other dimensions. The other way round, poor performance in one success dimension affects the others, leading to poor performance of the project. In the SME-context the business development project success seems to be dependent on several interrelated dimensions and factors. Success in one area leads to success in other areas, and so creates an upward success spiral. Failure in one area seems to lead to failure in other areas, creating a downward failure spiral. The study indicates that the internal business development projects have affected the SMEs' performance widely also on areas and functions not initially targeted. The implications cover all thesuccess categories: the project efficiency, the impact on the customer, the business success and the future potentiality. With successful cases, the success tends to spread out to areas and functions not mentioned as the project goals, andwith unsuccessful cases the failure seems to spread out widely to the SMEs' other functions. This study also indicates that the most important key factors for successful business development project implementation are the strength of intention, business ability, knowledge, motivation and participation of the employees, as well as adequate and well-timed training provided to the employees.
Työn tavoitteena oli kuvata Artowood Oy:ssä toteutettu tuotannon kehittämishanke sekä arvioida sen nykyistä tuotantoa. Lisäksi käsiteltiin yrityksen asemaa alihankintayrityksenä. Teoriaosuudessa verrattiin eri tuotannonohjausteorioita, käsiteltiin tuotannon ajoitukseen liittyviä kysymyksiä sekä paneuduttiin tuotannon kehittämiseen ja laatuun. Johtopäätöksenä, kehitetty tuotannonohjausjärjestelmä on toimiva nykyisissä olosuhteissa, mutta yrityksen kasvaessaon kiinnitettävä enemmän huomiota tuotannon ajoitusongelmien hallintaan. Lisäksi tuotannon laatua on joka tapauksessa kehitettävä. Artowood Oy on käynnistänyt toimenpiteet oman suoran viennin aloittamiseksi, sillä kotimaan markkinat ovat epävakaat kausivaihteluiden ja kiristyneen kilpailun seurauksena. Vientiprojektinonnistuminen on tärkeää, sillä kotimaassa on liian vähän sellaisia asiakkaita, joilla on tarve Artowood Oy:n tuotantoteknologian kannalta riittävän suurille valmistuserille.
Tämän diplomityön tavoite on luoda viitekehys kahdesta työn pääteorioista, jotka ovat: "liiketoiminnan ulkoiset menestystekijät" ja "alueiden kilpailukyky". Kummatkin teoriat sisältävät tekijöitä, joilla on vaikutusta yrityksen sijaintipaikkapäätökseen. Viitekehyksen pohjalta tarkastellaan kahta tutkimusaluetta: Landen seutua ja Kuuma-aluetta. Työn tuloksena syntyy kuva kummastakin tutkimusalueesta ja analyysi viitekehyksestä. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa käydään läpi aihealueen tutkimuksen taustaa ja mitä ongelmia tutkimuksissa on tullut esille. Senjälkeen esitellään kaikki liiketoiminnan ulkoiset menestystekijät. Alueiden kilpailukyvyn teoriaosuus täydentää viitekehyksen tekijät. Työn jälkimmäinen empiirinen osa perustuu lähdemateriaaliin, joka on kerätty haastatteluista, lehtiartikkeleista ja seminaareista koskien tutkimusalueita. Tutkimustuloksista selviää, että kummatkin tutkimusalueet ovat erilaisia ja niillä on omat avainklusterinsa ja menestyvät toimialansa. Viitekehys luotiin melko onnistuneesti. Lopulta selvisi, että se sopii hyvin aihealueen tutkimuksen laajentamiseen, mutta heikosti yksittäisenyrityksen sijaintipaikkapäätökseen.