18 resultados para Odd integers


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We study the analytic torsion of a cone over an orientable odd dimensional compact connected Riemannian manifold W. We prove that the logarithm of the analytic torsion of the cone decomposes as the sum of the logarithm of the root of the analytic torsion of the boundary of the cone, plus a topological term, plus a further term that is a rational linear combination of local Riemannian invariants of the boundary. We show that this last term coincides with the anomaly boundary term appearing in the Cheeger Muller theorem [3, 2] for a manifold with boundary, according to Bruning and Ma (2006) [5]. We also prove Poincare duality for the analytic torsion of a cone. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Let G be a group of odd order that contains a non-central element x whose order is either a prime p >= 5 or 3(l), with l >= 2. Then, in U(ZG), the group of units of ZG, we can find an alternating unit u based on x, and another unit v, which can be either a bicyclic or an alternating unit, such that for all sufficiently large integers m we have that < u(m), v(m)> = < u(m)> * < v(m)> congruent to Z * Z.


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We compute the analytic torsion of a cone over a sphere of dimensions 1, 2, and 3, and we conjecture a general formula for the cone over an odd dimensional sphere. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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We report on the measurements of the quantum Hall effect states in double quantum well structures at the filling factors v = 4N + 1 and 4N + 3, where N is the Landau index number, in the presence of the in-plane magnetic field. The quantum Hall states at these filling factors vanish and reappear several times. Repeated reentrance of the transport gap occurs due to the periodic vanishing of the tunneling amplitude in the presence of the in-plane field. When the gap vanishes, the transport becomes anisotropic. The anisotropy persist at half-odd filling factors, when bilayer quantum Hall states are recovered with increase of the tilt angle. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the magnetic-field asymmetry of the conductance in the nonlinear regime in a small Aharonov-Bohm ring. We have found that the odd-in B and linear in V (the DC bias) correlation function of the differential conductance exhibits periodical oscillations with the Aharonov-Bohm flux. We have deduced the electron interaction constant and analyzed the phase rigidity of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in the nonlinear regime. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2009


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We consider a Moyal plane and propose to make the noncommutativity parameter Theta(mu nu) bifermionic, i.e. composed of two fermionic (Grassmann odd) parameters. The Moyal product then contains a finite number of derivatives, which avoid the difficulties of the standard approach. As an example, we construct a two-dimensional noncommutative field theory model based on the Moyal product with a bifermionic parameter and show that it has a locally conserved energy-momentum tensor. The model has no problem with the canonical quantization and appears to be renormalizable.


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We consider conditions which allow the embedding of linear hypergraphs of fixed size. In particular, we prove that any k-uniform hypergraph H of positive uniform density contains all linear k-uniform hypergraphs of a given size. More precisely, we show that for all integers l >= k >= 2 and every d > 0 there exists Q > 0 for which the following holds: if His a sufficiently large k-uniform hypergraph with the property that the density of H induced on every vertex subset of size on is at least d, then H contains every linear k-uniform hypergraph F with l vertices. The main ingredient in the proof of this result is a counting lemma for linear hypergraphs, which establishes that the straightforward extension of graph epsilon-regularity to hypergraphs suffices for counting linear hypergraphs. We also consider some related problems. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We consider the scalar delayed differential equation epsilon(x) over dot(t) = -x(t) + f(x(t-1)), where epsilon > 0 and f verifies either df/dx > 0 or df/dx < 0 and some other conditions. We present theorems indicating that a generic initial condition with sign changes generates a solution with a transient time of order exp(c/epsilon), for some c > 0. We call it a metastable solution. During this transient a finite time span of the solution looks like that of a periodic function. It is remarkable that if df/dx > 0 then f must be odd or present some other very special symmetry in order to support metastable solutions, while this condition is absent in the case df/dx < 0. Explicit epsilon-asymptotics for the motion of zeroes of a solution and for the transient time regime are presented.


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Quadratic alternative superalgebras are introduced and their super-identities and central functions on one odd generator are described. As a corollary, all multilinear skew-symmetric identities and central polynomials of octonions are classified. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We classify the quadratic extensions K = Q[root d] and the finite groups G for which the group ring o(K)[G] of G over the ring o(K) of integers of K has the property that the group U(1)(o(K)[G]) of units of augmentation 1 is hyperbolic. We also construct units in the Z-order H(o(K)) of the quaternion algebra H(K) = (-1, -1/K), when it is a division algebra.


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Let A be a finitely generated abelian group. We describe the automorphism group Aut(A) using the rank of A and its torsion part p-part A(p). For a finite abelian p-group A of type (k(1),..., k(n)), simple necessary and sufficient conditions for an n x n-matrix over integers to be associated with an automorphism of A are presented. Then, the automorphism group Aut(A) for a finite p-group A of type (k(1), k(2)) is analyzed. (C) 2008 Mathematical Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences.


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The energy of a unit vector field X on a closed Riemannian manifold M is defined as the energy of the section into T(1) M determined by X. For odd-dimensional spheres, the energy functional has an infimum for each dimension 2k + 1 which is not attained by any non-singular vector field for k > 1. For k = 1, Hopf vector fields are the unique minima. In this paper we show that for any closed Riemannian manifold, the energy of a frame defined on the manifold, possibly except on a finite subset, admits a lower bound in terms of the total scalar curvature of the manifold. In particular, for odd-dimensional spheres this lower bound is attained by a family of frames defined on the sphere minus one point and consisting of vector fields parallel along geodesics.


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Let G be a finite group and ZG its integral group ring. We show that if alpha is a nontrivial bicyclic unit of ZG, then there are bicyclic units beta and gamma of different types, such that and are non-abelian free groups. In the case when G is non-abelian of order coprime to 6 we prove the existence of a bicyclic unit u and a Bass cyclic unit v in ZG, such that < u(m), v > is a free non-abelian group for all sufficiently large positive integers m.


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Let ZG be the integral group ring of the finite nonabelian group G over the ring of integers Z, and let * be an involution of ZG that extends one of G. If x and y are elements of G, we investigate when pairs of the form (u(k,m)(x*), u(k,m)(x*)) or (u(k,m)(x), u(k,m)(y)), formed respectively by Bass cyclic and *-symmetric Bass cyclic units, generate a free noncyclic subgroup of the unit group of ZG.


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In this work, we show for which odd-dimensional homotopy spherical space forms the Borsuk-Ulam theorem holds. These spaces are the quotient of a homotopy odd-dimensional sphere by a free action of a finite group. Also, the types of these spaces which admit a free involution are characterized. The case of even-dimensional homotopy spherical space forms is basically known.