51 resultados para A240-ML
em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki
The feasibility of different modern analytical techniques for the mass spectrometric detection of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) in human urine was examined in order to enhance the prevalent analytics and to find reasonable strategies for effective sports drug testing. A comparative study of the sensitivity and specificity between gas chromatography (GC) combined with low (LRMS) and high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) in screening of AAS was carried out with four metabolites of methandienone. Measurements were done in selected ion monitoring mode with HRMS using a mass resolution of 5000. With HRMS the detection limits were considerably lower than with LRMS, enabling detection of steroids at low 0.2-0.5 ng/ml levels. However, also with HRMS, the biological background hampered the detection of some steroids. The applicability of liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) was studied with metabolites of fluoxymesterone, 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, stanozolol and danazol. Factors affecting the extraction process were studied and a novel LPME method with in-fiber silylation was developed and validated for GC/MS analysis of the danazol metabolite. The method allowed precise, selective and sensitive analysis of the metabolite and enabled simultaneous filtration, extraction, enrichment and derivatization of the analyte from urine without any other steps in sample preparation. Liquid chromatographic/tandem mass spectrometric (LC/MS/MS) methods utilizing electrospray ionization (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) were developed and applied for detection of oxandrolone and metabolites of stanozolol and 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone in urine. All methods exhibited high sensitivity and specificity. ESI showed, however, the best applicability, and a LC/ESI-MS/MS method for routine screening of nine 17-alkyl-substituted AAS was thus developed enabling fast and precise measurement of all analytes with detection limits below 2 ng/ml. The potential of chemometrics to resolve complex GC/MS data was demonstrated with samples prepared for AAS screening. Acquired full scan spectral data (m/z 40-700) were processed by the OSCAR algorithm (Optimization by Stepwise Constraints of Alternating Regression). The deconvolution process was able to dig out from a GC/MS run more than the double number of components as compared with the number of visible chromatographic peaks. Severely overlapping components, as well as components hidden in the chromatographic background could be isolated successfully. All studied techniques proved to be useful analytical tools to improve detection of AAS in urine. Superiority of different procedures is, however, compound-dependent and different techniques complement each other.
Jämställdhetslagen från 1995 kräver att både myndigheter och arbetsgivare med aktiva och målinriktade åtgärder främjar jämställdheten, och denna pro gradu-avhandling undersöker närmare hur denna lag implementerats i de finlandssvenska kommunerna (kommuner med majoritetsspråk svenska) under en 10årsperiod. I kommunerna jobbar 80% kvinnor, och 38% av alla kvinnliga arbetstagare hittas i arbeten inom den offentliga sektorn. Kommunens skyldighet att trygga dessa kvinnors lika villkor inom kommunorganisationen ingår både som en del i arbetsgivaransvaret, men även som del i statens demokratiska utövande genom myndighetsansvaret. De tre planer som ingår i mitt material innehåller en kartläggning av jämställdhetsområdet i olika omfattning, definierade mål och åtgärder och ingen av planerna har följts upp efter att de godkänts. Planerna varierar både i utformning och omfattning men också i ansvarsspecificering och åtgärdernas konkretisering, vilken ger en varierande kvalitet och därmed även varierande förutsättning att genomdrivas och därmed uppfylla lagens ålägganden. Två av kommunerna har eller har haft en jämställdhetskommitté. I de 26 inkomna svarsformulär görs en närläsning av hur begreppet jämställdhet används och hur jämställdhetslagen tolkas och orsakerna till frånvaron av jämställdhetsåtgärder. På frågan om varför jämställdhetsarbetet inte genomförts helt eller delvis utkristalliserade sig sex olika argumentationsteman: 1. Myten om den jämställda kommunen, innebär en hänvisning till att det inte förekommit några problem med jämställdheten. 2. Den naturligt integrerade jämställdheten, är kommunens policy och sker utan planer, men en liten kritik av problematiken med frånvaron av planer framförs av några kommuner. 3. Könens komplettering, utgår jämställdhetsbegreppet ifrån i några kommuner. 4. Den matematiska jämställdheten, är argument där man genom hänvisningar till kvinnor på olika högre positioner visar på att jämställdheten är uppnådd. 5.En fråga om resurser, används som ett argument till jämställdhetsarbetets frånvaro i kommunen. 6. Avsaknad av intresse, hos personalen och allmänheten är ett annat argument för ogenomförda jämställdhetsåtgärder. Det framkommer tydligt i materialet att kommunerna anser sig följa jämställdhetslagen, samtidigt som det blir tydligt att det råder en oklarhet om vad jämställdhetslagen från 1995 egentligen innehåller. En tydlig sammanblandning mellan den lagstadgade kvoteringen och skyldigheten att aktivt främja jämställdhet träder fram i materialet. Det ofullständiga jämställdhetsarbetet strandar på olika punkter, men en avgörande anser punkt är oförståelsen inför begreppet jämställdhet och därmed också lagens syfte och innehåll. Avhandlingens slutsats är att frånvaron av en könsmaktanalys försvårar förståelsen av ojämställdhetens komplexhet, dvs. dess orsaker, mångskiftande funktion och olika uttryck i organisationens strukturer och i de handlande aktörerna.
Det har knappast undgått någon som är språkligt medveten att finlandssvenskan och sverigesvenskan skiljer sig åt till vissa delar. Olikheterna återfinns på olika språkliga nivåer. Mest kända och omskrivna är de lexikologiska skillnaderna, dvs. skillnaderna på ordplanet. Betydligt mindre uppmärksamhet har ägnats syntaktiska skillnader, dvs. skillnader i hur satser och meningar byggs upp. För att öka kunskapen om finlandssvensk syntax initierade Språkvetenskapliga nämnden vid Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland projektet Svenskan i Finland – syntaktiska drag i ett jämförande perspektiv, som pågick åren 2004–2006. Min avhandling har kommit till inom ramen för det projektet. Prepositionerna (t.ex. av, i, på, för, till, åt osv.) är så kallade funktionsord som har till uppgift att binda samman de mer betydelsetunga orden till satser och meningar. Den finlandssvenska prepositionsanvändningen skiljer sig i viss mån från den sverigesvenska, och ”åt” är en av de prepositioner som ofta lyfts fram som exempel. Finlandssvenskarna säger t.ex. ”han gav en bok åt Lena” i stället för ”han gav en bok till Lena” eller ”han gav Lena en bok”. De säger ”berätta något åt någon” (i stället för ”för”) och de säger ”ringa åt någon” i stället för ”ringa någon”. Ett huvudsyfte med min undersökning är att ta reda på hur pass stora skillnaderna är om man ser till samtliga belägg på ”åt” i ett material och inte bara till sådana som man fäster sig vid för att man vet att de avviker i finlandssvenskan. Undersökningen är korpusbaserad. Det betyder att jag letat efter alla belägg på kombinationer av verb och prepositionen ”åt” i rätt stora textmassor som finns tillgängliga i elektronisk form. Materialet ligger i Språkbanken i Finland och omfattar huvudsakligen tidningstext och skönlitteratur. Jag har använt mig av en textmassa på sammanlagt ungefär 40 miljoner löpande ord, drygt 23 miljoner finlandssvenska och drygt 19 miljoner sverigesvenska. Det materialet gav ca 20 000 åt-belägg att studera, och det visade sig något oväntat att ”åt” inte alls är vanligare i finlandssvenskan än i sverigesvenskan när det gäller skriftspråk, åtminstone inte i professionella skribenters språk. Om man kompenserar för att den finlandssvenska och den sverigesvenska korpusen inte är helt lika i fråga om genrefördelning och ålder, kommer man fram till i stort sett samma frekvens för ”åt” i båda korpusarna. För den närmare analysen av vilka mönster åt-beläggen uppvisar har jag först och främst utnyttjat konstruktionsgrammatik men också ramsemantik och valensteori. Konstruktionsgrammatiken är ingen enhetlig teori, men tanken om grammatiska konstruktioner är gemensam. Konstruktioner representerar allt från generella syntaktiska mönster till specifika mönster för språkliga enskildheter. Uppfattningen om vad som ska inbegripas i begreppet varierar, men definitionen av ”konstruktion” som ”par (eller konstellationer) av form och betydelse” är gemensam. ”Konstruktion” avser aldrig konkreta belägg i texter eller yttranden utan alltid det abstrakta mönstret bakom dessa. Och varje yttrande är resultatet av att en stor mängd konstruktioner samverkar. I min analys har jag utgått ifrån att beläggen med ”åt” kan återföras på olika konstruktioner eller mönster utifrån vad som är gemensamt för grupper av belägg. Jag har sett på vad åt-frasen i samverkan med verbet har för funktion i beläggen. En åt-fras är syntaktiskt en prepositionsfras och består av en preposition och en rektion. Exempelvis utgör ordparet ”åt skogen” en prepositionsfras där ”skogen” är rektion. Ur mitt material har jag kunnat abstrahera fram fem övergripande mönster där referenten för rektionen har olika så kallade semantiska roller. Åt-frasen kan i kombination med verbet ange mål eller riktmärke, som i t.ex. svänga åt höger, dra åt helvete, ta sig åt hjärtat, luta åt en seger för IFK. Den kan för det andra ange mottagare (t.ex. ge varsin kaka åt hundarna, bygga en bastu åt sina svärföräldrar, skaffa biljetter åt en kompis). För det tredje kan åt-frasen avse en referent som har nytta (eller skada) av en aktion (t.ex. klippa häcken åt grannen, ställa in digitalboxen åt sin moster). Åt-frasen kan slutligen avse den eller det som är föremål antingen för en kommunikationsaktion (vinka åt sin son, skratta åt eländet) eller en attityd eller känsla (glädja sig åt framgången). Utöver dessa huvudmönster finns det ett antal smärre grupper av belägg som bildar egna mönster, men de utgör sammanlagt under 3 % i bägge korpusarna. Inom grupperna kan undermönster urskiljas. I t.ex. mottagargruppen representerar ”ge varsin kaka åt hundarna” överföringskonstruktion, ”bygga en bastu åt sina svärföräldrar” produktionskonstruktion och ”skaffa biljetter åt en kompis” ombesörjningskonstruktion. Alla typer är gemensamma för bägge materialen, men andelen belägg som representerar de olika typerna skiljer sig betydligt. I det sverigesvenska materialet står t.ex. det mönster där åt-frasen avser mål eller riktmärke för en mycket större andel av beläggen än i finlandssvenskan. Också andelen belägg där åt-frasen avser någon som har nytta (eller skada) av en aktion är mycket högre i det sverigesvenska materialet. I det finlandssvenska materialet står i gengäld mottagarbeläggen för över 50 % av beläggen medan andelen i det sverigesvenska materialet är bara 30 %. Inom gruppen utgör belägg av produktions- och ombesörjningstyp dessutom en mindre andel i det finlandssvenska materialet än i det sverigesvenska. Dessa står till sin funktion nära den typ som avser den som har nytta av aktionen. De konkreta beläggen på överföring (ge varsin kaka åt hundarna) utgör en större andel i det finlandssvenska materialet än i det sverigesvenska (ca 8 % mot 3 %), men typiskt för båda materialen är hög kollokationsgrad (”kollokation” avser par eller grupper av ord som uppträder oftare tillsammans än de statiskt sett skulle göra vid helt slumpmässig förekomst). Största delen av mottagarbeläggen utgörs av fraser av typen ”ge arbete åt någon, ge eftertryck åt något, ge liv åt något; ägna tid åt något, ägna sitt liv åt något, ägna uppmärksamhet åt något”. De här slutsatserna gäller alltså skriftspråk. I talspråk ser fördelningen annorlunda ut. Typiskt för prepositionen ”åt” är överhuvudtaget hög kollokationsgrad. Det förefaller som om språkanvändarna har tydliga, färdiga mallar för var ”åt” kan komma in. Det enda mönster som verkar helt produktivt, i den meningen att elementen är i stort sett fritt kombinerbara, är kombinationer av verb och åt-fras där åt-frasen avser den som har nytta av något. Att någon utför något för någons räkning verkar överlag kunna uttryckas med prepositionen ”åt”: t.ex. ”tvätta bilen åt pappa, ringa efter en taxi åt kunden”. Till och med belägg av typen ”hon drömde åt honom att bli ordinarie adjunkt” förekommer i någon mån. Konstruktionen är produktiv i båda språkvarieteterna men uppenbart är att konstruktion med mottagare har tolkningsföreträde i vissa fall i finlandssvenskan: ”Filip skrev ett brev åt sin syster” tolkas av sverigesvenskar som att Filip skrev brevet för systerns räkning, medan finlandssvenskar överlag uppenbarligen tolkar det som att Filip skrev till sin syster, att systern var mottagare av brevet. Ungefär 20 % av alla belägg i båda materialen representerar fall där ”åt” utgör partikel. Verb och ”åt” är närmare förbundna med varandra än när ”åt” utgör normal preposition. Exempel på partikelbelägg är ”han kom inte åt strömbrytaren, det gick åt mängder med saft, landet får dra åt svångremmen, de roffade åt sig de bästa platserna”. Också partikelmaterialet ser på ett generellt plan väldigt lika ut i båda språkvarieteterna. Den största skillnaden uppvisar den reflexiva typen ”roffa åt sig”. Medan typen är mycket homogen i det sverigesvenska materialet är variationen större i det finlandsvenska. Dels uppträder fler verb i kombinationen (han köpte åt sig ett par jeans), dels vacklar ordföljden (han nappade åt sig ett paraply ~ han nappade ett paraply åt sig). Att ”åt” används mer i vissa funktioner i finlandsvenskan brukar förklaras med påverkan från finskans allativ (ändelsen -lle: hän antoi kirjan Astalle > hon gav en bok åt Asta). Allt tyder dock på att den finlandssvenska åt-användningen delvis är en relikt. I äldre sverigesvenska källor träffar man på ”åt” i sådana kontexter som numera är typiska för finlandsvenskan. Det finlandssvenska språkområdet ligger ute i periferin i relation till det språkliga centrum som förändringar sprider sig från (för svenskans del främst Stockholmstrakten) och typiskt för perifera områden är att de uppvisar ålderdomliga drag också när inga kontaktfenomen spelar in. Allativen kan naturligtvis ha bidragit till att bevara användningen av ”åt” i finlandssvenskan. Att det är just ”åt” som används” beror antagligen på att prepositionen har flest funktioner gemensamt med allativen rent kognitivt om man jämför med de betydligt mer frekventa prepositionerna ”till” och ”för”. Uppenbart är också att åt-användningen därtill lever sitt eget liv i finlandssvenskan. I vissa varieteter av finlandssvenska kan man t.ex. höra yttranden av typ ”alla fiskarna dog åt dom”. Som språklig enskildhet har det ingen finsk förebild med allativ. Yttrandet är ett exempel på töjning av en svensk konstruktion. Modell finns dels i det mönster där åt avser den som har nytta eller skada av något, dels i relationell användning av ”åt”: han är hantlangare åt Eriksson ~ han är Erikssons hantlangare. Vid språkkontakt är det överlag konstruktioner som har förebild i det låntagande språket som lånas in från det långivande språket, medan konstruktioner som saknar förebild är betydligt mindre benägna att vinna insteg.
The Pedagogical Self: a narrative study of stories by prospective subject teachers of Swedish The aim of this study is to examine how prospective subject teachers of Swedish experience themselves, their lives and their studies in university context. By answering this question I try to shed light on the pedagogical self of the students, i.e. to reach a deeper understanding of the narrative construction of their teacher identity. My material consists of stories written by one group of students and of transcribed interviews with another group of students at Nordica. All these students have entered both the teacher education programme and studies in their major subject simultaneously, through the so called direct admission. My study focuses on the students first year at the university. I define teacher identity, the pedagogical self, as the part of an individual s self-concept where he/she makes an assessment of himself/herself as a teacher(-to-be). The frame of reference of this interdisciplinary narrative study is founded on phenomenology, hermeneutics, social constructionism and dialogism. The main analysis of the stories is thematic, with the addition of linguistic and metaphorical analysis. With reference to the theories of Paul Ricoeur and Katharine Young, I regard the textual world of the stories as a world of its own. This implies that the researcher can feel free to concentrate on the texts, thus being able to leave the mental processes of the writers disregarded. The theoretician that has influenced my research the most is Max van Manen. He combines a pedagogical attitude with a phenomenological-hermeneutic philosophy. My research results imply that most of these students are drawn to studying Swedish by the clear professional orientation of the studies; their identity as teachers seems to be stronger than their identity as language teachers. The image of a teacher is relatively traditional: a teacher is seen as a self-evident authority, but at the same time as a fostering educator. The students see their studies in a larger perspective: studies as well as the future profession are only one part of life, albeit an important one. Keywords: narrativity, teacher identity
The dissertation presents a functional model for analysis of song translation. The model is developed on the basis of an examination of theatrical songs and a comparison of three translations: the songs of the Broadway musical My Fair Lady (Lerner and Loewe, 1956), made for the premiere productions (1959–1960) in Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian. The analysis explores the three challenges of a song translator: the fitting of a text to existing music, the consideration of a prospective sung performance, and the verbal approximation of the content of the source lyric. The theoretical foundation is based on a functional approach to translation studies (Christiane Nord) and a structuralist/semiotic analysis of a theatrical message (Ivo Osolsobě, building on Roman Jakobson). Thus, three functional levels in the fitting of a text to music are explored: first, a prosodic/phonetic format; secondly, a poetic/rhetoric format; and thirdly, semantic/reflexive values (verbalizing musical expression). Similarly, three functional levels in the textual connections to a prospective performance are explored: first, a presentational goal; secondly, the theatrical potential; and thirdly, dramaturgic values (for example dramatic information and linguistic register). The functionality of Broadway musical theatre songs is analyzed, and the song score of My Fair Lady, source and target lyrics, is studied, with an in-depth analysis of seven of the songs. The three translations were all considered very well-made and are used in productions of the musical to this day. The study finds that the song translators appear to have worked from an understanding of the presentational goal, designed their target texts on the prosodic and poetic shape of the music, and pursued the theatrical functionality of the song, not by copying, but by recreating connections to relevant contexts, partly independently of the source lyrics, using the resources of the target languages. Besides metaphrases (closest possible transfer), paraphrases and additions seem normally to be expected in song translation, but song translators may also follow highly individual strategies – for example, the Norwegian translator is consistently more verbally faithful than the Danish and Swedish translators. As a conclusion, it is suggested that although linguistic and cultural difference play a significant role, a translator’s solution must nevertheless be arrived at, and assessed, in relation to the song as a multimedial piece of material. As far as a song can be considered a theatrical message – singers representing the voice, person, and situation of the song – the descriptive model presented in the study is also applicable to the translation of other types of song.
Drug Analysis without Primary Reference Standards: Application of LC-TOFMS and LC-CLND to Biofluids and Seized Material Primary reference standards for new drugs, metabolites, designer drugs or rare substances may not be obtainable within a reasonable period of time or their availability may also be hindered by extensive administrative requirements. Standards are usually costly and may have a limited shelf life. Finally, many compounds are not available commercially and sometimes not at all. A new approach within forensic and clinical drug analysis involves substance identification based on accurate mass measurement by liquid chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOFMS) and quantification by LC coupled with chemiluminescence nitrogen detection (LC-CLND) possessing equimolar response to nitrogen. Formula-based identification relies on the fact that the accurate mass of an ion from a chemical compound corresponds to the elemental composition of that compound. Single-calibrant nitrogen based quantification is feasible with a nitrogen-specific detector since approximately 90% of drugs contain nitrogen. A method was developed for toxicological drug screening in 1 ml urine samples by LC-TOFMS. A large target database of exact monoisotopic masses was constructed, representing the elemental formulae of reference drugs and their metabolites. Identification was based on matching the sample component s measured parameters with those in the database, including accurate mass and retention time, if available. In addition, an algorithm for isotopic pattern match (SigmaFit) was applied. Differences in ion abundance in urine extracts did not affect the mass accuracy or the SigmaFit values. For routine screening practice, a mass tolerance of 10 ppm and a SigmaFit tolerance of 0.03 were established. Seized street drug samples were analysed instantly by LC-TOFMS and LC-CLND, using a dilute and shoot approach. In the quantitative analysis of amphetamine, heroin and cocaine findings, the mean relative difference between the results of LC-CLND and the reference methods was only 11%. In blood specimens, liquid-liquid extraction recoveries for basic lipophilic drugs were first established and the validity of the generic extraction recovery-corrected single-calibrant LC-CLND was then verified with proficiency test samples. The mean accuracy was 24% and 17% for plasma and whole blood samples, respectively, all results falling within the confidence range of the reference concentrations. Further, metabolic ratios for the opioid drug tramadol were determined in a pharmacogenetic study setting. Extraction recovery estimation, based on model compounds with similar physicochemical characteristics, produced clinically feasible results without reference standards.
Infection by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) occurs in approximately 95% of the world s population. EBV was the first human virus implicated in oncogenesis. Characteristic for EBV primary infection are detectable IgM and IgG antibodies against viral capsid antigen (VCA). During convalescence the VCA IgM disappears while the VCA IgG persists for life. Reactivations of EBV occur both among immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals. In serological diagnosis, measurement of avidity of VCA IgG separates primary from secondary infections. However, in serodiagnosis of mononucleosis it is quite common to encounter, paradoxically, VCA IgM together with high-avidity VCA IgG, indicating past immunity. We determined the etiology of this phenomenon and found that, among patients with cytomegalovirus (CMV) primary infection a large proportion (23%) showed antibody profiles of EBV reactivation. In contrast, EBV primary infection did not appear to induce immunoreactivation of CMV. EBV-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) is a life threatening complication of allogeneic stem cell or solid organ transplantation. PTLD may present with a diverse spectrum of clinical symptoms and signs. Due to rapidity of PTLD progression especially after stem cell transplantation, the diagnosis must be obtained quickly. Pending timely detection, the evolution of the fatal disease may be halted by reduction of immunosuppression. A promising new PTLD treatment (also in Finland) is based on anti-CD-20 monoclonal antibodies. Diagnosis of PTLD has been demanding because of immunosuppression, blood transfusions and the latent nature of the virus. We set up in 1999 to our knowledge first in Finland for any microbial pathogen a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) for detection of EBV DNA in blood serum/plasma. In addition, we set up an in situ hybridisation assay for EBV RNA in tissue sections. In collaboration with a group of haematologists at Helsinki University Central Hospital we retrospectively determined the incidence of PTLD among 257 allogenic stem cell transplantations (SCT) performed during 1994-1999. Post-mortem analysis revealed 18 cases of PTLD. From a subset of PTLD cases (12/18) and a series of corresponding controls (36), consecutive samples of serum were studied by the new EBV-qPCR. All the PTLD patients were positive for EBV-DNA with progressively rising copy numbers. In most PTLD patients EBV DNA became detectable within 70 days of SCT. Of note, the appearance of EBV DNA preceded the PTLD symptoms (fever, lymphadenopathy, atypical lymphocytes). Among the SCT controls, EBV DNA occurred only sporadically, and the EBV-DNA levels remained relatively low. We concluded that EBV qPCR is a highly sensitive (100%) and specific (96%) new diagnostic approach. We also looked for and found risk factors for the development of PTLD. Together with a liver transplantation group at the Transplantation and Liver Surgery Clinic we wanted to clarify how often and how severely do EBV infections occur after liver transplantation. We studied by the EBV qPCR 1284 plasma samples obtained from 105 adult liver transplant recipients. EBV DNA was detected in 14 patients (13%) during the first 12 months. The peak viral loads of 13 asymptomatic patients were relatively low (<6600/ml), and EBV DNA subsided quickly from circulation. Fatal PTLD was diagnosed in one patient. Finally, we wanted to determine the number and clinical significance of EBV infections of various types occurring among a large, retrospective, nonselected cohort of allogenic SCT recipients. We analysed by EBV qPCR 5479 serum samples of 406 SCT recipients obtained during 1988-1999. EBV DNA was seen in 57 (14%) patients, of whom 22 (5%) showed progressively rising and ultimately high levels of EBV DNA (median 54 million /ml). Among the SCT survivors, EBV DNA was transiently detectable in 19 (5%) asymptomatic patients. Thereby, low-level EBV-DNA positivity in serum occurs relatively often after SCT and may subside without specific treatment. However, high molecular copy numbers (>50 000) are diagnostic for life-threatening EBV infection. We furthermore developed a mathematical algorithm for the prediction of development of life-threatening EBV infection.
Standards have been placed to regulate the microbial and preservative contents to assure that foods are safe to the consumer. In a case of a food-related disease outbreak, it is crucial to be able to detect and identify quickly and accurately the cause of the disease. In addition, for every day control of food microbial and preservative contents, the detection methods must be easily performed for numerous food samples. In this present study, quicker alternative methods were studied for identification of bacteria by DNA fingerprinting. A flow cytometry method was developed as an alternative to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, the golden method . DNA fragment sizing by an ultrasensitive flow cytometer was able to discriminate species and strains in a reproducible and comparable manner to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This new method was hundreds times faster and 200,000 times more sensitive. Additionally, another DNA fingerprinting identification method was developed based on single-enzyme amplified fragment length polymorphism (SE-AFLP). This method allowed the differentiation of genera, species, and strains of pathogenic bacteria of Bacilli, Staphylococci, Yersinia, and Escherichia coli. These fingerprinting patterns obtained by SE-AFLP were simpler and easier to analyze than those by the traditional amplified fragment length polymorphism by double enzyme digestion. Nisin (E234) is added as a preservative to different types of foods, especially dairy products, around the world. Various detection methods exist for nisin, but they lack in sensitivity, speed or specificity. In this present study, a sensitive nisin-induced green fluorescent protein (GFPuv) bioassay was developed using the Lactococcus lactis two-component signal system NisRK and the nisin-inducible nisA promoter. The bioassay was extremely sensitive with detection limit of 10 pg/ml in culture supernatant. In addition, it was compatible for quantification from various food matrices, such as milk, salad dressings, processed cheese, liquid eggs, and canned tomatoes. Wine has good antimicrobial properties due to its alcohol concentration, low pH, and organic content and therefore often assumed to be microbially safe to consume. Another aim of this thesis was to study the microbiota of wines returned by customers complaining of food-poisoning symptoms. By partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, ribotyping, and boar spermatozoa motility assay, it was identified that one of the wines contained a Bacillus simplex BAC91, which produced a heat-stable substance toxic to the mitochondria of sperm cells. The antibacterial activity of wine was tested on the vegetative cells and spores of B. simplex BAC91, B. cereus type strain ATCC 14579 and cereulide-producing B. cereus F4810/72. Although the vegetative cells and spores of B. simplex BAC91 were sensitive to the antimicrobial effects of wine, the spores of B. cereus strains ATCC 14579 and F4810/72 stayed viable for at least 4 months. According to these results, Bacillus spp., more specifically spores, can be a possible risk to the wine consumer.
B. cereus is a gram-positive bacterium that possesses two different forms of life:the large, rod-shaped cells (ca. 0.002 mm by 0.004 mm) that are able to propagate and the small (0.001 mm), oval shaped spores. The spores can survive in almost any environment for up to centuries without nourishment or water. They are insensitive towards most agents that normally kill bacteria: heating up to several hours at 90 ºC, radiation, disinfectants and extreme alkaline (≥ pH 13) and acid (≤ pH 1) environment. The spores are highly hydrophobic and therefore make them tend to stick to all kinds of surfaces, steel, plastics and live cells. In favorable conditions the spores of B. cereus may germinate into vegetative cells capable of producing food poisoning toxins. The toxins can be heat-labile protein formed after ingestion of the contaminated food, inside the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhoeal toxins), or heat stable peptides formed in the food (emesis causing toxin, cereulide). Cereulide cannot be inactivated in foods by cooking or any other procedure applicable on food. Cereulide in consumed food causes serious illness in human, even fatalities. In this thesis, B. cereus strains originating from different kinds of foods and environments and 8 different countries were inspected for their capability of forming cereulide. Of the 1041 isolates from soil, animal feed, water, air, used bedding, grass, dung and equipment only 1.2 % were capable of producing cereulide, whereas of the 144 isolates originating from foods 24 % were cereulide producers. Cereulide was detected by two methods: by its toxicity towards mammalian cells (sperm assay) and by its peculiar chemical structure using liquid-chromatograph-mass spectrometry equipment. B. cereus is known as one of the most frequent bacteria occurring in food. Most foods contain more than one kind of B. cereus. When randomly selected 100 isolates of B. cereus from commercial infant foods (dry formulas) were tested, 11% of these produced cereulide. Considering a frequent content of 103 to 104 cfu (colony forming units) of B. cereus per gram of infant food formula (dry), it appears likely that most servings (200 ml, 30 g of the powder reconstituted with water) may contain cereulide producers. When a reconstituted infant formula was inoculated with >105 cfu of cereulide producing B. cereus per ml and left at room temperature, cereulide accumulated to food poisoning levels (> 0.1 mg of cereulide per serving) within 24 hours. Paradoxically, the amount of cereulide (per g of food) increased 10 to 50 fold when the food was diluted 4 - 15 fold with water. The amount of the produced cereulide strongly depended on the composition of the formula: most toxin was formed in formulas with cereals mixed with milk, and least toxin in formulas based on milk only. In spite of the aggressive cleaning practices executed by the modern dairy industry, certain genotypes of B. cereus appear to colonise the silos tanks. In this thesis four strategies to explain their survival of their spores in dairy silos were identified. First, high survival (log 15 min kill ≤ 1.5) in the hot alkaline (pH >13) wash liquid, used at the dairies for cleaning-in-place. Second, efficient adherence of the spores to stainless steel from cold water. Third, a cereulide producing group with spores characterized by slow germination in rich medium and well preserved viability when exposed to heating at 90 ºC. Fourth, spores capable of germinating at 8 ºC and possessing the psychrotolerance gene, cspA. There were indications that spores highly resistant to hot 1% sodium hydroxide may be effectively inactivated by hot 0.9% nitric acid. Eight out of the 14 dairy silo tank isolates possessing hot alkali resistant spores were capable of germinating and forming biofilm in whole milk, not previously reported for B. cereus. In this thesis it was shown that cereulide producing B. cereus was capable of inhibiting the growth of cereulide non-producing B. cereus occurring in the same food. This phenomenon, called antagonism, has long been known to exist between B. cereus and other microbial species, e.g. various species of Bacillus, gram-negative bacteria and plant pathogenic fungi. In this thesis intra-species antagonism of B. cereus was shown for the first time. This brother-killing did not depend on the cereulide molecule, also some of the cereulide non-producers were potent antagonists. Interestingly, the antagonistic clades were most frequently found in isolates from food implicated with human illness. The antagonistic property was therefore proposed in this thesis as a novel virulence factor that increases the human morbidity of the species B. cereus, in particular of the cereulide producers.
Cereal kernels are known to contain a number of minor components that possess beneficial health attributes. In this thesis rye and wheat were studied as sources of steryl ferulates and steryl glycosides and their behaviour in processing were evaluated. Further, enzymatic hydrolysis of these conjugates was studied, as well as the capacity of steryl ferulates to inhibit lipid oxidation at different temperatures. Steryl ferulates were shown to have a strong positive correlation with dietary fibre contents in milling fractions from the outer parts of the kernels obtained from a commercial scale mill. Highest contents of steryl ferulates were found in the bran in both cereals, with the content decreasing once moving towards the inner parts of the kernel. Variation in the contents of steryl ferulates was higher in wheat fractions than rye fractions. Steryl glycosides, on the other hand, had either negative or no correlation with dietary fibre, and the range of the steryl glycoside contents was much narrower than that of steryl ferulates in both cereals. There were significant differences in the sterol compositions of these steryl conjugates when compared with each other or with the total plant sterols in the corresponding fractions. Properties of steryl ferulates and steryl glycosides were evaluated after common processing methods and in enzymatic hydrolysis. Thermal and mechanical processing had only minor or no effects on the contents of steryl conjugates from rye and wheat bran. Enzymatic treatments on the other hand caused some changes, especially in the contents of glycosylated sterols. When steryl ferulates extracted from rye or wheat bran were subjected to enzymatic treatments by steryl esterase, significant differences in the rates of hydrolysis were observed between steryl ferulates from different sources with differing sterol compositions. Further, differences were also observed between enzymes from different sources. Steryl glycosides were shown to be hydrolysed by β-glucosidase (cellobiase) from A. niger, but less with β-glucosidases from other sources. Steryl ferulates showed good antioxidant activity at both moderate and high temperatures. In bulk and emulsion systems of methyl linoleate at 40°C steryl ferulates extracted from rye and wheat bran inhibited hydroperoxide formation much more effectively than synthetic steryl ferulates or those extracted from rice (γ-oryzanol), demonstrating that the sterol composition has an effect on the activity. At cooking (100°C) and frying temperatures (180°C) sitostanyl ferulate was shown to inhibit polymer formation significantly and, especially at 100°C, comparably to α-tocopherol. The rate of antioxidant degradation was slower for sitostanyl ferulate, showing higher heat stability than α-tocopherol. When evaluated as a mixture, no synergistic effect was observed between these two antioxidants. The data presented in this thesis provides information that may henceforth be applied when evaluating the intakes of steryl conjugates from cereal sources, as well as their possible influences as minor bioactive components. Wheat and rye both are good sources of steryl ferulates and steryl glycosides and, especially with steryl ferulates, what may be lost out to some other cereals on quantity is compensated with quality of the sterol composition.
Megasphaera cerevisiae, Pectinatus cerevisiiphilus, Pectinatus frisingensis, Selenomonas lacticifex, Zymophilus paucivorans and Zymophilus raffinosivorans are strictly anaerobic Gram-stain-negative bacteria that are able to spoil beer by producing off-flavours and turbidity. They have only been isolated from the beer production chain. The species are phylogenetically affiliated to the Sporomusa sub-branch in the class "Clostridia". Routine cultivation methods for detection of strictly anaerobic bacteria in breweries are time-consuming and do not allow species identification. The main aim of this study was to utilise DNA-based techniques in order to improve detection and identification of the Sporomusa sub-branch beer-spoilage bacteria and to increase understanding of their biodiversity, evolution and natural sources. Practical PCR-based assays were developed for monitoring of M. cerevisiae, Pectinatus species and the group of Sporomusa sub-branch beer spoilers throughout the beer production process. The developed assays reliably differentiated the target bacteria from other brewery-related microbes. The contaminant detection in process samples (10 1,000 cfu/ml) could be accomplished in 2 8 h. Low levels of viable cells in finished beer (≤10 cfu/100 ml) were usually detected after 1 3 d culture enrichment. Time saving compared to cultivation methods was up to 6 d. Based on a polyphasic approach, this study revealed the existence of three new anaerobic spoilage species in the beer production chain, i.e. Megasphaera paucivorans, Megasphaera sueciensis and Pectinatus haikarae. The description of these species enabled establishment of phenotypic and DNA-based methods for their detection and identification. The 16S rRNA gene based phylogenetic analysis of the Sporomusa sub-branch showed that the genus Selenomonas originates from several ancestors and will require reclassification. Moreover, Z. paucivorans and Z. raffinosivorans were found to be in fact members of the genus Propionispira. This relationship implies that they were carried to breweries along with plant material. The brewery-related Megasphaera species formed a distinct sub-group that did not include any sequences from other sources, suggesting that M. cerevisiae, M. paucivorans and M. sueciensis may be uniquely adapted to the brewery ecosystem. M. cerevisiae was also shown to exhibit remarkable resistance against many brewery-related stress conditions. This may partly explain why it is a brewery contaminant. This study showed that DNA-based techniques provide useful tools for obtaining more rapid and specific information about the presence and identity of the strictly anaerobic spoilage bacteria in the beer production chain than is possible using cultivation methods. This should ensure financial benefits to the industry and better product quality to customers. In addition, DNA-based analyses provided new insight into the biodiversity as well as natural sources and relations of the Sporomusa sub-branch bacteria. The data can be exploited for taxonomic classification of these bacteria and for surveillance and control of contaminations.
Studies on metal complex formation of environmentally friendly aminopolycarboxylate chelating agents
Aminopolykarboksyylaatteja, kuten etyleenidiamiinitetraetikkahappoa (EDTA), on käytetty useiden vuosikymmenien ajan erinomaisen metalli-ionien sitomiskyvyn vuoksi kelatointiaineena lukuisissa sovelluksissa sekä analytiikassa että monilla teollisisuuden aloilla. Näiden yhdisteiden biohajoamattomuus on kuitenkin herättänyt huolta viime aikoina, sillä niiden on havaittu olevan hyvin pysyviä luonnossa. Tämä työ on osa laajempaa tutkimushanketta, jossa on tavoitteena löytää korvaavia kelatointiaineita EDTA:lle. Tutkimuksen aiheena on kuuden kelatointiaineen metalli-ionien sitomiskyvyn kartoitus. EDTA:a paremmin luonnossa hajoavina nämä ovat ympäristöystävällisiä ehdokkaita korvaaviksi kelatointiaineiksi useisiin sovelluksiin. Työssä tutkittiin niiden kompleksinmuodostusta useiden metalli-ionien kanssa potentiometrisella titrauksella. Metalli-ionivalikoima vaihteli hieman kelatointiaineesta riippuen sisältäen magnesium-, kalsium-, mangaani-, rauta-, kupari-, sinkki-, kadmium-, elohopea-, lyijy- ja lantaani-ionit. Tutkittavat metallit oli valittu tähtäimessä olevien sovellusten, synteesissä ilmenneiden ongelmien tai ympäristönäkökohtien perusteella. Tulokset osoittavat näiden yhdisteiden metallinsitomiskyvyn olevan jonkin verran heikompi kuin EDTA:lla, mutta kuitenkin riittävän useisiin sovelluksiin kuten sellunvalkaisuprosessiin. Myrkyllisten raskasmetallien, kadmiumin, elohopen ja lyijyn kohdalla EDTA:a heikompi sitoutuminen on eduksikin, koska se yhdistettynä parempaan biohajoavuuteen saattaa alentaa tutkittujen yhdisteiden kykyä mobilisoida kyseisiä metalleja sedimenteistä. Useimmilla tutkituista yhdisteistä on ympäristönäkökulmasta etuna myös EDTA:a pienempi typpipitoisuus.
This thesis examines the right to self-determination which is a norm used for numerous purposes by multiple actors in the field of international relations, with relatively little clarity or agreement on the actual and potential meaning of the right. In international practice, however, the main focus in applying the right has been in the context of decolonization as set by the United Nations in its early decades. Thus, in Africa the right to self-determination has traditionally implied that the colonial territories, and particularly the populations within these territories, were to constitute the people who were entitled to the right. That is, self-determination by decolonization provided a framework for the construction of independent nation-states in Africa whilst other dimensions of the right remained largely or totally neglected. With the objective of assessing the scope, content, developments and interpretations of the right to self-determination in Africa, particularly with regard to the relevance of the right today, the thesis proceeds on two fundamental hypotheses. The first is that Mervyn Frost s theory of settled norms, among which he lists the right to self-determination, assumes too much. Even if the right to self-determination is a human right belonging to all peoples stipulated, inter alia, in the first Article of the 1966 International Human Rights Covenants, it is a highly politicized and context-bound right instead of being settled and observed in a way that its denial would need special justification. Still, the suggested inconsistency or non-compliance with the norm of self-determination is not intended to prove the uselessness or inappropriateness of the norm, but, on the contrary, to invite and encourage debate on the potential use and coverage of the right to self-determination. The second hypothesis is that within the concept of self-determination there are two normative dimensions. One is to do with the idea and practice of statehood, the nation and collectivity that may decide to conduct itself as an independent state. The other one is to do with self-determination as a human right, as a normative condition, to be enjoyed by people and peoples within states that supersedes state authority. These external and internal dimensions need to be seen as complementary and co-terminous, not as mutually exclusive alternatives. The thesis proceeds on the assumption that the internal dimension of the right, with human rights and democracy at its core, has not been considered as important as the external. In turn, this unbalanced and selective interpretation has managed to put the true normative purpose of the right making the world better and bringing more just polity models into a somewhat peculiar light. The right to self-determination in the African context is assessed through case studies of Western Sahara, Southern Sudan and Eritrea. The study asks what these cases say about the right to self-determination in Africa and what their lessons learnt could contribute to the understanding and relevance of the right in today s Africa. The study demonstrates that even in the context of decolonization, the application of the right to self-determination has been far from the consistent approach supposedly followed by the international community: in many respects similar colonial histories have easily led to rather different destinies. While Eritrea secured internationally recognized right to self-determination in the form of retroactive independence in 1993, international recognition of distinct Western Sahara and Southern Sudan entities is contingent on complex and problematic conditions being satisfied. Overall, it is a considerable challenge for international legality to meet empirical political reality in a meaningful way, so that the universal values attached to the norm of self-determination are not overlooked or compromised but rather reinforced in the process of implementing the right. Consequently, this thesis seeks a more comprehensive understanding of the right to self-determination with particular reference to post-colonial Africa and with an emphasis on the internal, human rights and democracy dimensions of the norm. It is considered that the right to self-determination cannot be perceived only as an inter-state issue as it is also very much an intra-state issue, including the possibility of different sub-state arrangements exercised under the right, for example, in the form of autonomy. At the same time, the option of independent statehood achieved through secession remains a mode of exercising and part of the right to self-determination. But in whatever form or way applied, the right to self-determination, as a normative instrument, should constitute and work as a norm that comprehensively brings more added value in terms of the objectives of human rights and democracy. From a normative perspective, a peoples right should not be allowed to transform and convert itself into a right of states. Finally, in light of the case studies of Western Sahara, Southern Sudan and Eritrea, the thesis suggests that our understanding of the right to self-determination should now reach beyond the post-colonial context in Africa. It appears that both the questions and answers to the most pertinent issues of self-determination in the cases studied must be increasingly sought within the postcolonial African state rather than solely in colonial history. In this vein, the right to self-determination can be seen not only as a tool for creating states but also as a way to transform the state itself from within. Any such genuinely post-colonial approach may imply a judicious reconsideration, adaptation or up-dating of the right and our understanding of it in order to render it meaningful in Africa today.
In Africa various species of Combretum, Terminalia and Pteleopsis are used in traditional medicine. Despite of this, some species of these genera have still not been studied for their biological effects to validate their traditional uses. The aim of this work has been to document the ethnomedicinal uses of several species of Combretum and Terminalia in Mbeya region, south-western Tanzania, and to use this information for finding species with good antimicrobial and cytotoxic potential. During a five weeks expedition to Tanzania in spring 1999 sixteen different species of Combretum and Terminalia, as well as Pteleopsis myrtifolia were collected from various locations in the districts of Mbeya, Iringa and Dar-es-Salaam. Traditional healers in seven different villages in the Mbeya region were interviewed in Swahili and Nyakyusa on the medicinal uses of Combretum and Terminalia species shown to them. A questionnaire was used during the interviews. The results of the interviews correlated well between different villages, the same species being used in similar ways in different villages. Of the ten species shown to the healers six were frequently used for treatment of skin diseases, bacterial infections, diarrhea, oedema and wounds. The dried plants were most commonly prepared into hot water decoctions or mixed into maize porridge, Ugali. Infusions made from dried or fresh plant material were also common. Wounds and topical infections were treated with ointments made from the dried plant material mixed with sheep fat. Twenty-one extracts of six species of Combretum and four of Terminalia, collected from Tanzania, were screened for their antibacterial effects against two gram-negative and five gram-positive bacteria, as well as the yeast, Candida albicans, using an agar diffusion method. Most of the screened plants showed substantial antimicrobial activity. A methanolic root extract of T. sambesiaca showed the most potent antibacterial effects of all the plant species screened, and gave a MIC value of 0.9 mg/ml against Enterobacter aerogenes. Also root extracts of T. sericea and T. kaiserana gave excellent antimicrobial effects, and notably a hot water extract of T. sericea was as potent as extracts of this species made from EtOH and MeOH. Thus, the traditional way of preparing T. sericea into hot water decoctions seems to extract antimicrobial compounds. Thirty-five extracts of five species of Terminalia, ten of Combretum and Pteleopsis myrtifolia were screened for their antifungal effects against five species of yeast (Candida spp.) and Cryptococcus neoformans. The species differed from each other to their antifungal effects, some being very effective whereas others showed no antifungal effects. The most effective extracts showed antifungal effects comparable to the standard antibiotics itraconazol and amphotericin B. Species of Terminalia gave in general stronger antifungal effects than those of Combretum. The best effects were obtained with methanolic root extracts of T. sambesiaca, T. sericea and T. kaiserana, and this investigation indicates that decoctions of these species might be used for treatment of HIV-related fungal infections. Twenty-seven crude extracts of eight species of Combretum, five of Terminalia and Pteleopsis myrtifolia were evaluated for their cytotoxic effects against human cancer cell lines (HeLa, cervical carcinoma; MCF 7, breast carcinoma, T 24 bladder carcinoma) and one endothelial cell line (BBCE, bovine brain capillary endothelial cells). The most outstanding effects were obtained with a leaf extract of Combretum fragrans, which nearly totally inhibited the proliferation of T 24 and HeLa cells at a concentration of 25 ug/ml and inhibited 60 % of the growth of the HeLa cells at a concentration of 4.3 ug/ml. The species of Terminalia were less cytotoxically potent than the Combretum species, although T. sericea and T. sambesiaca gave good cytotoxic effects (< 30 % proliferation). In summary this study indicates that some of the species of Terminalia, Combretum and Pteleopsis, used in Tanzanian traditional medicine, are powerful inhibitors of both microbial and cancer cell growth. In depth studies would be needed to find the active compounds behind these biological activities.
Plasma phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) plays a crucial role in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) metabolism and reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). It mediates the generation of pre-beta-HDL particles, enhances the cholesterol efflux from peripheral cells to pre-beta-HDL, and metabolically maintains the plasma HDL levels by facilitating the transfer of post-lipolytic surface remnants of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins to HDL. In addition to the antiatherogenic properties, recent findings indicate that PLTP has also proatherogenic characteristics, and that these opposite characteristics of PLTP are dependent on the site of PLTP expression and action. In human plasma, PLTP exists in a high-activity (HA-PLTP) and a low-activity form (LA-PLTP), which are associated with macromolecular complexes of different size and composition. The aims of this thesis were to isolate the two PLTP forms from human plasma, to characterize the molecular complexes in which the HA- and LA-PLTP reside, and to study the interactions of the PLTP forms with apolipoproteins (apo) and the ability of apolipoproteins to regulate PLTP activity. In addition, we aimed to study the distribution of the two PLTP forms in a Finnish population sample as well as to find possible regulatory factors for PLTP by investigating the influence of lipid and glucose metabolism on the balance between the HA- and LA-PLTP. For these purposes, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) capable of determining the serum total PLTP concentration and quantitating the two PLTP forms separately was developed. In this thesis, it was demonstrated that the HA-PLTP isolated from human plasma copurified with apoE, whereas the LA-PLTP formed a complex with apoA-I. The separation of these two PLTP forms was carried out by a dextran sulfate (DxSO4)-CaCl2 precipitation of plasma samples before the mass determination. A similar immunoreactivity of the two PLTP forms in the ELISA could be reached after a partial sample denaturation by SDS. Among normolipidemic Finnish individuals, the mean PLTP mass was 6.6 +/- 1.5 mg/l and the mean PLTP activity 6.6 +/- 1.7 umol/ml/h. Of the serum PLTP concentration, almost 50% represented HA-PLTP. The results indicate that plasma HDL levels could regulate PLTP concentration, while PLTP activity could be regulated by plasma triglyceride-rich very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) concentration. Furthermore, new evidence is presented that PLTP could also play a role in glucose metabolism. Finally, both PLTP forms were found to interact with apoA-I, apoA-IV, and apoE. In addition, both apoE and apoA-IV, but not apoA-I, were capable of activating the LA-PLTP. These findings suggest that the distribution of the HA- and LA-PLTP in human plasma is subject to dynamic regulation by apolipoproteins.