72 resultados para Bobbsey Twins (Fictitious characters)


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Throughout the history of Linnean taxonomy, species have been described with varying degrees of justification. Many descriptions have been based on only a few ambiguous morphological characters. Moreover, species have been considered natural, well-defined units whereas higher taxa have been treated as disparate, non-existent creations. In the present thesis a few such cases were studied in detail. Often the species-level descriptions were based on only a few specimens and the variation previously thought to be interspecific was found to be intraspecific. In some cases morphological characters were sufficient to resolve the evolutionary relationships between the taxa, but generally more resolution was gained by the addition of molecular evidence. However, both morphological and molecular data were found to be deceptive in some cases. The DNA sequences of morphologically similar specimens were found to differ distinctly in some cases, whereas in other closely related species the morphology of specimens with identical DNA sequences differed substantially. This study counsels caution when evolutionary relationships are being studied utilizing only one source of evidence or a very limited number of characters (e.g. barcoding). Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of high quality data as well as the utilization of proper methods when making scientific inferences. Properly conducted analyses produce robust results that can be utilized in numerous interesting ways. The present thesis considered two such extensions of systematics. A novel hypothesis on the origin of bioluminescence in Elateriformia beetles is presented, tying it to the development of the clicking mechanism in the ancestors of these animals. An entirely different type of extension of systematics is the proposed high value of the white sand forests in maintaining the diversity of beetles in the Peruvian Amazon. White sand forests are under growing pressure from human activities that lead to deforestation. They were found to harbor an extremely diverse beetle fauna and many taxa were specialists living only in this unique habitat. In comparison to the predominant clay soil forests, considerably more elateroid beetles belonging to all studied taxonomic levels (species, genus, tribus, and subfamily) were collected in white sand forests. This evolutionary diversity is hypothesized to be due to a combination of factors: (1) the forest structure, which favors the fungus-plant interactions important for the elateroid beetles, (2) the old age of the forest type favoring survival of many evolutionary lineages and (3) the widespread distribution and fragmentation of the forests in the Miocene, favoring speciation.


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The parasitic wasps are one of the largest insect groups and their life histories are remarkably variable. Common to all parasitic wasps is that they kill their hosts, which are usually beetles, butterflies and sometimes spiders. Hosts are often at a larval or pupal stage and live in concealed conditions, such as in plant tissue. Parasitic wasps have two main ways of finding their host. 1) They can detect chemical compounds emitted by damaged plant material or released by larvae living in plant tissue, and 2) detect the larvae by sound vibrations. Even though pupae are immobile and silent, and therefore do not cause vibration, parasitoids have, however, adapted to find passive developmental stages by producing vibration themselves by knocking the substrate with their antennae, and then detecting the echoes with their legs. This echolocation allows a parasitoid to locate its potential hosts that are deeply buried in wood. This study focuses on the relationships of the subfamily Cryptinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and related taxa, and the evolution of host location mechanism. There are no earlier studies of the phylogeny of the Cryptinae, and the position of related taxa are unclear. According to the earlier classification, which is entirely intuitional, the Cryptinae is divided into three tribes: Cryptini, Hemigasterini and Phygadeuontini. Further, these tribes are subdiveded into numerous subtribes. This work, based on molecular characters, shows that the cryptine tribes Cryptini, Phygadeuon¬tini and Hemigasterini come out largely as monophyletic groups, thus agreeing with the earlier classification. The earlier subtribal classification had no support. In addition, it is shown that modified antennal structures are associated with host usage of wood-boring coleopteran hosts. The cryptines have a clear modification series on their antennal tips from a simply tip to a hammer-like structure. The species with strongly modified antennae belong mostly to the tribe Cryptini and they utilise wood-boring beetles as hosts. Also, field observations on insect behaviour support this result.


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Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common of the non-Hodgkin lymphomas. As DLBCL is characterized by heterogeneous clinical and biological features, its prognosis varies. To date, the International Prognostic Index has been the strongest predictor of outcome for DLBCL patients. However, no biological characters of the disease are taken into account. Gene expression profiling studies have identified two major cell-of-origin phenotypes in DLBCL with different prognoses, the favourable germinal centre B-cell-like (GCB) and the unfavourable activated B-cell-like (ABC) phenotypes. However, results of the prognostic impact of the immunohistochemically defined GCB and non-GCB distinction are controversial. Furthermore, since the addition of the CD20 antibody rituximab to chemotherapy has been established as the standard treatment of DLBCL, all molecular markers need to be evaluated in the post-rituximab era. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the predictive value of immunohistochemically defined cell-of-origin classification in DLBCL patients. The GCB and non-GCB phenotypes were defined according to the Hans algorithm (CD10, BCL6 and MUM1/IRF4) among 90 immunochemotherapy- and 104 chemotherapy-treated DLBCL patients. In the chemotherapy group, we observed a significant difference in survival between GCB and non-GCB patients, with a good and a poor prognosis, respectively. However, in the rituximab group, no prognostic value of the GCB phenotype was observed. Likewise, among 29 high-risk de novo DLBCL patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation, the survival of non-GCB patients was improved, but no difference in outcome was seen between GCB and non-GCB subgroups. Since the results suggested that the Hans algorithm was not applicable in immunochemotherapy-treated DLBCL patients, we aimed to further focus on algorithms based on ABC markers. We examined the modified activated B-cell-like algorithm based (MUM1/IRF4 and FOXP1), as well as a previously reported Muris algorithm (BCL2, CD10 and MUM1/IRF4) among 88 DLBCL patients uniformly treated with immunochemotherapy. Both algorithms distinguished the unfavourable ABC-like subgroup with a significantly inferior failure-free survival relative to the GCB-like DLBCL patients. Similarly, the results of the individual predictive molecular markers transcription factor FOXP1 and anti-apoptotic protein BCL2 have been inconsistent and should be assessed in immunochemotherapy-treated DLBCL patients. The markers were evaluated in a cohort of 117 patients treated with rituximab and chemotherapy. FOXP1 expression could not distinguish between patients, with favourable and those with poor outcomes. In contrast, BCL2-negative DLBCL patients had significantly superior survival relative to BCL2-positive patients. Our results indicate that the immunohistochemically defined cell-of-origin classification in DLBCL has a prognostic impact in the immunochemotherapy era, when the identifying algorithms are based on ABC-associated markers. We also propose that BCL2 negativity is predictive of a favourable outcome. Further investigational efforts are, however, warranted to identify the molecular features of DLBCL that could enable individualized cancer therapy in routine patient care.


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The neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) modulates many functions important for life, e.g., appetite and body temperature, and controls development of the neural system. Disturbed 5-HT function has been implicated in mood, anxiety and eating disorders. The serotonin transporter (SERT) controls the amount of effective 5-HT by removing it from the extracellular space. Radionuclide imaging methods single photon emission tomography (SPET) and positron emission tomography (PET) enable studies on the brain SERTs. This thesis concentrated on both methodological and clinical aspects of the brain SERT imaging using SPET. The first study compared the repeatability of automated and manual methods for definition of volumes of interest (VOIs) in SERT images. The second study investigated within-subject seasonal variation of SERT binding in healthy young adults in two brain regions, the midbrain and thalamus. The third study investigated the association of the midbrain and thalamic SERT binding with Bulimia Nervosa (BN) in female twins. The fourth study investigated the association of the midbrain and hypothalamic/thalamic SERT binding and body mass index (BMI) in monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs. Two radioligands for SERT imaging were used: [123I]ADAM (studies I-III) and [123I]nor-beta-CIT (study IV). Study subjects included young adult MZ and dizygotic (DZ) twins screened from the FinnTwin16 twin cohort (studies I-IV) and healthy young adult men recruited for study II. The first study validated the use of an automated brain template in the analyses of [123I]ADAM images and proved automated VOI definition more reproducible than manual VOI definition. The second study found no systematic within-subject variation in SERT binding between scans done in summer and winter in either of the investigated brain regions. The third study found similar SERT binding between BN women (including purging and non-purging probands), their unaffected female co-twins and other healthy women in both brain regions; in post hoc analyses, a subgroup of purging BN women had significantly higher SERT binding in the midbrain as compared to all healthy women. In the fourth study, MZ twin pairs were divided into twins with higher BMI and co-twins with lower BMI; twins with higher BMI were found to have higher SERT binding in the hypothalamus/thalamus than their leaner co-twins. Our results allow the following conclusions: 1) No systematic seasonal variation exists in the midbrain and thalamus between SERT binding in summer and winter. 2) In a population-based sample, BN does not associate with altered SERT status, but alterations are possible in purging BN women. 3) The higher SERT binding in MZ twins with higher BMIs as compared to their leaner co-twins suggests non-genetic association between acquired obesity and the brain 5-HT system, which may have implications on feeding behavior and satiety.


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In the general population, the timing of puberty is normally distributed. This variation is determined by genetic and environmental factors, but the exact mechanisms underlying these influences remain elusive. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into genetic regulation of pubertal timing. Contributions of genetic versus environmental factors to the normal variation of pubertal timing were explored in twins. Familial occurrence and inheritance patterns of constitutional delay of growth and puberty, CDGP (a variant of normal pubertal timing), were studied in pedigrees of patients with this condition. To ultimately detect genes involved in the regulation of pubertal timing, genetic loci conferring susceptibility to CDGP were mapped by linkage analysis in the same family cohort. To subdivide the overall phenotypic variance of pubertal timing into genetic and environmental components, genetic modeling based on monozygous twins sharing 100% and dizygous twins sharing 50% of their genes was used in 2309 girls and 1828 boys from the FinnTwin 12-17 study. The timing of puberty was estimated from height growth, i.e. change in the relative height between the age when pubertal growth velocity peaks in the general population and adulthood. This reflects the percentage of adult height achieved at the average peak height velocity age, and thus, pubertal timing. Boys and girls diagnosed with CDGP were gathered through medical records from six pediatric clinics in Finland. First-degree relatives of the probands were invited to participate by letter; altogether, 286 families were recruited. When possible, families were extended to include also second-, third-, or fourth-degree relatives. The timing of puberty in all family members was primarily assessed from longitudinal growth data. Delayed puberty was defined by onset of pubertal growth spurt or peak height velocity taking place 1.5 (relaxed criterion) or 2 SD (strict criterion) beyond the mean. If growth data were unavailable, pubertal timing was based on interviews. In this case, CDGP criteria were set as having undergone pubertal development more than 2 (strict criterion) or 1.5 years (relaxed criterion) later than their peers, or menarche after 15 (strict criterion) or 14 years (relaxed criterion). Familial occurrence of strict CDGP was explored in families of 124 patients (95 males and 29 females) from two clinics in Southern Finland. In linkage analysis, we used relaxed CDGP criteria; 52 families with solely growth data-based CDGP diagnoses were selected from all clinics. Based on twin data, genetic factors explain 86% and 82% of the variance of pubertal timing in girls and boys, respectively. In families, 80% of male and 76% of female probands had affected first-degree relatives, in whom CDGP was 15 times more common than the expected (2.5%). In 74% (17 of 23) of the extended families with only one affected parent, familial patterns were consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance. By using 383 multiallelic markers and subsequently fine-mapping with 25 additional markers, significant linkage for CDGP was detected to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 2, to 2p13-2q13 (multipoint HLOD 4.44, α 0.41). The findings of the large twin study imply that the vast majority of the normal variation of pubertal timing is attributed to genetic effects. Moreover, the high frequency of dominant inheritance patterns and the large number of affected relatives of CDGP patients suggest that genetic factors also markedly contribute to constitutional delay of puberty. Detection of the locus 2p13-2q13 in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 2 associating with CDGP is one step towards unraveling the genes that determine pubertal timing.


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BACKGROUND: Obesity is closely associated with insulin resistance, which is a pathophysiologic condition contributing to the important co-morbidities of obesity, such as the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In obese subjects, adipose tissue is characterized by inflammation (macrophage infiltration, increased expression insulin resistance genes and decreased expression of insulin sensitivity genes). Increased liver fat, without excessive alcohol consumption, is defined as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and also associated with obesity and insulin resistance. It is unknown whether and how insulin resistance is associated with altered expression of adipocytokines (adipose tissue-derived signaling molecules), and whether adipose tissue inflammation and NAFLD coexist independent of obesity. Genetic factors could explain variation in liver fat independent of obesity but the heritability of NAFLD is unknown. AIMS: To determine whether acute regulation of adipocytokine expression by insulin in adipose tissue is altered in obesity. To investigate the relationship between adipose tissue inflammation and liver fat content independent of obesity. To assess the heritability of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity, a surrogate marker of liver fat. METHODS: 55 healthy normal-weight and obese volunteers were recruited. Subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsies were obtained for measurement of gene expression before and during 6 hours of euglycemic hyperinsulinemia. Liver fat content was measured by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and adipose tissue inflammation was assessed by gene expression, immunohistochemistry and lipidomics analysis. Genetic factors contributing to serum ALT activity were determined in 313 twins by statistical heritability modeling. RESULTS: During insulin infusion the expression of insulin sensitivity genes remains unchanged, while the expression of insulin resistance genes increases in obese/insulin-resistant subjects compared to insulin-sensitive subjects. Adipose tissue inflammation is associated with liver fat content independent of obesity. Adipose tissue of subjects with high liver fat content is characterized infiltrated macrophages and increased expression of inflammatory genes, as well as by increased concentrations of ceramides compared to equally obese subjects with normal liver fat. A significant heritability for serum ALT activity was verified. CONCLUSIONS: Effects of insulin infusion on adipose tissue gene expression in obese/insulin-resistant subjects are not only characterized by hyporesponse of insulin sensitivity genes but also by hyperresponse of insulin resistance and inflammatory genes. This suggests that in obesity, the impaired insulin action contributes or self-perpetuates alterations in adipocytokine expression in adipose tissue. Adipose tissue inflammation is increased in subjects with high liver fat compared to equally obese subjects with normal liver fat content. Concentrations of ceramides, the putative mediators of insulin resistance, are increased in adipose tissue in subjects with high liver fat. Genetic factors contribute significantly to variation in serum ALT activity, a surrogate marker of liver fat. These data imply that adipose tissue inflammation and increased liver fat content are closely interrelated, and determine insulin resistance even independent of obesity.


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From sympathetic understanding to own stories. TV-series in the conversation of its viewers. The purpose of this study is to analyze viewers' conversations about TV-series as a practice in which viewers construct meaning to TV-series. In the tradition of British Cultural Studies this study understands that viewer has an active role in interpreting and constructing meaning to TV-series. In the tradition of feminist studies this study understands that gender is being constructed in social and cultural practices. In reception studies, the viewing of TV-series has usually been analyzed as a practice which is embedded at home and in a family. The studies are often based on interviews of viewers, and the analysis of the construction of meaning is based on interview material where the viewers most often talk about their viewing habits and the likes and dislikes of TV-shows and -characters. This study extends the reception and interpretation of TV-series from home to the moments of interaction between viewers. It is quite common to hear how people talk also outside of home about television and the programmes they have watched. In this study the construction of meaning is being studied in viewers' conversations. The method of analysis is conversation analysis which studies the ordered properties of everyday forms of social interaction. The data has been collected in a workplace where four women watched together (and without the presence of a researcher) two TV-series, American sitcom Golden Girls and Finnish family drama Ruusun aika (Time of a Rose), and afterwards had time and chance for discussion. There was neither a questionnaire nor an agenda for the women to discuss. The analysis of the conversation brings up three themes. In the orientation discussions the viewers aim to construct frames in which it makes sense to talk about the TV-series. The frames have mostly to do with the genre of the TV-series. The second theme is concerned with the viewers' aim to achieve sympathetic understanding of the characters in the TV-series. The third theme extends and transfers the conversation about TV-series to real or imaginary stories of own life. In the conversation the reception of a TV-series appears as being in motion: in the orientation discussions the viewers move towards the series, in the character-discussions the viewers move within the world of the series, and when telling their own stories the viewers move away from the TV-series towards their own lives. In the conversations there appears also a distinction in gender-constructions. When the viewers talk about motherhood, they adopt a serious and moralistic tone. When they talk about female sexuality and relationships between women and men they adopt carnevalistic and humorous tone. There are examples of these kinds of gender-constructions also in other studies of Finnish gender culture. Motherhood means the responsibility to good upbringing; relationships with men include something unpredictable and problematic which one handles at best in a humorous way.


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The aim of this licentiate thesis is to analyse how femininity is constructed in twelve portrait interviews of women in the dailies Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm) and Hufvudstadsbladet (Helsinki) in September 1996, and to explore the portrait interview as a media genre. The qualitative analysis has a feminist and constructionist perspective and is connected to critical text analysis. It was carried out on two levels: first, femininity is identified on the linguistic level by choice of words, and second on the level of content (topical motifs/themes). The portrait interview as a genre constitutes a third dimension in the analysis: The aim is not towards the identification of femininity, but rather towards the identification of the portrait interview a relatively unexplored media genre. References (Swedish: omtal) to the principal character (or protagonist) are traced mainly through reference chains which consist of names, pronouns and substantive phrases. The interviewees were referred to by their full names in Dagens Nyheter (with the exception of the oldest and youngest interviewees, both of whom were mainly referred to by their first names), while the style of reference varied more in Hufvudstadsbladet. The position of the principal character was also analysed through her relation in the text to minor characters from her working life and from her private life. These minor characters maintained their subordinate positions in all of the portraits except that of the youngest principal character, in which the subsidiary voices became at least as strong as the voice of the principal character. Three frequently-recurring topical motifs occurred in the portraits: The first involved explanations for the principal character s success divided into three categories, agent, affect and ambition, the second concerned using journeys or trips as symbols for turning points in life, and the third referred to the ambiguity in the contradiction between private (family/other private life) and public (work) life. This ambiguity is connected to the portrait interview as a text type (genre) which features conclusions at the end of portraits, which in turn is characteristic of reportage. However, the analysis showed that the conclusions of the portrait interviews often also included elements of ambiguity. This was evident in the contradictions be14 tween private and public life that arose in the portrait interviews that focused on these two spheres. The portraits that focused on the principal character s public life showed ambiguity on a more general level concerning questions about being a woman and having a profession, and they often ended with a description of some details of her private life. The women in the portraits were all constructed as being successful, in terms of having achieved direct success, reflective success or success in the form of life wisdom. The women of direct success were described as ambitious individuals with no sidetracks on their life paths, while those of reflective success were described as active heroines who had received help from different agents, who could use their affects as enriching ingredients in life, but who in the end had control over their own lives (life stories). The elderly women were constructed as having achieved life wisdom and their portraits were focused upon the past. The portrait interview as a genre is characterised by journalistic freedom (in relation to the more strict news genre), by a now room (Swedish nurum ) where the journalist meets the principal character (usually via spoken dialogue that she or he transforms into written text to be read by a mass-media audience) and by the relatively closed structure of the portrait. The portrait is relatively independent in relation to the news genre and in relation to the context of what has previously been written, what is being written at the time and what will be written in the future the principal character does not need to belong to the newspaper s usual gallery of actors. Furthermore, the principal character is constructed as being independent in relation to the subsidiary characters and other media actors. The conflict is within the principal character herself and within her life story, unlike the news genre in which equal actors are in conflict with each other. The portrait is also independent in relation to the news lifespan; the publishing timetable is not as strict as in the news genre, but is still dependent on the factors initiating the portrait. The enclosures consist of a raw analysis of two of twelve portrait interviews and of copies of all portraits.


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The four scientific articles comprising this doctoral dissertation offer new information on the presentation and construction of addiction in the mass media during the period 1968 - 2008. Diachronic surveys as well as quantitative and qualitative content analyses were undertaken to discern trends during the period in question and to investigate underlying conceptions of the problems in contemporary media presentations. The research material for the first three articles consists of a sample of 200 texts from Finland s biggest daily newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat, from the period 1968 - 2006. The fourth study examines English-language tabloid material published on the Internet in 2005 - 2008. A number of principal trends are identified. In addition to a significant increase in addiction reporting over time, the study shows that an internalisation of addiction problems took place in the media presentations under study. The phenomenon is portrayed and tackled from within the problems themselves, often from the viewpoint of the individuals concerned. The tone becomes more personal, and technical and detailed accounts are more and more frequent. Secondly, the concept of addiction is broadened. This can be dated to the 1990s. The concept undergoes a conventionalisation: it is used more frequently in a manner that is not thought to require explanation. The word riippuvuus (the closest equivalent to addiction in Finnish) was adopted more commonly in the reporting at the same time, in the 1990s. Thirdly, the results highlight individual self-governance as a superordinate principle in contemporary descriptions of addiction. If the principal demarcation in earlier texts was between us and them , it is now focused primarily on the individual s competence and ability to govern the self, to restrain and master one's behaviour. Finally, in the fourth study investigating textual constructions of female celebrities (Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears and Kate Moss) in Internet tabloids, various relations and functions of addiction problems, intoxication, body and gender were observed to function as cultural symbols. Addiction becomes a sign, or a style, that represents different significations in relation to the main characters in the tabloid stories. Tabloids, as a genre, play an important role by introducing other images of the problems than those featured in mainstream media. The study is positioned within the framework of modernity theory and its views on the need for self-reflexivity and biographies as tools for the creation and definition of the self. Traditional institutions such as the church, occupation, family etc. no longer play an important role in self-definition. This circumstance creates a need for a culture conveying stories of success and failure in relation to which the individual can position their own behaviour and life content. I propose that addiction , as a theme in media reporting, resolves the conflict that emanates from the ambivalence between the accessibility and the individualisation of consumer society, on the one hand, and the problematic behavioural patterns (addictions) that they may induce, on the other.


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Phylogenetic analyses of the Hypnales usually show the same picture of poorly resolved trees with a large number of polyphyletic taxa and low support for the few reconstructed clades. One odd clade, however, consisting of three genera that are currently treated either within the Leskeaceae (Miyabea) or Neckeraceae (Homaliadelphus and Bissetia), was retrieved in a previously published phylogeny based on chloroplast rbcL. In order to elucidate the reliability of the observed Homaliadelphus - Miyabea - Bissetia - clade (HMB-clade) and to reveal its phylogenetic relationships a molecular study based on a representative set of hypnalean taxa was performed. Sequence data from all three genomes, namely the ITS1 and 2 (nuclear), the trnS-rps4-trnT-trnL-trnF cluster (plastid), the nad5 intron (mitochondrial), were analyzed. Although the phylogenetic reconstruction of the combined data set was not fully resolved regarding the backbone it clearly indicated the polyphyletic nature of various hypnalean families, such as the Leskeaceae, Hypnaceae, Hylocomiaceae, Neckeraceae, Leptodontaceae and Anomodontaceae with respect to the included taxa. In addition the results favor the inclusion of the Leptodontaceae and Thamnobryaceae in the Neckeraceae. The maximally supported HMB-clade consisting of the three genera Homaliadelphus (2-3 species), Miyabea (3 species) and Bissetia (1 species) is resolved sister to a so far unnamed clade comprising Taxiphyllum aomoriense, Glossadelphus ogatae and Leptopterigynandrum. The well-resolved and supported HMB-clade, here formally described as the Miyabeaceae, fam. nov. is additionally supported by morphological characters such as strongly incrassate, porose leaf cells, a relatively weak and diffuse costa and the presence of dwarf males. The latter are absent in the Neckeraceae and the Leskeaceae. It is essentially an East Asian family, with one species occurring in North America.


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In humans, well-replicated and robust sex differences in cognitive functions exist for handedness and mental rotation ability. A common characteristic in human cognitive functions is the lateralization of language functions. Handedness is a common measure of laterality and is related to language lateralization. The prevalence of left-handedness is higher in males than in females, the male to female ratio being about 1.2. Among cognitive abilities, the largest sex difference is evident in the Vandenberg and Kuse Mental Rotation Test (MRT), which requires the ability to rotate objects in mental space. On average, males achieve scores one standard deviation higher than females in the MRT. The present thesis investigated the origins of the sex differences in laterality and spatial ability as represented by handedness and mental rotation ability, respectively. Two population-based Finnish twin cohorts were utilized in this study. Handedness was studied in 25 810 twins and 4068 singletons born before 1958 from the Older Finnish Twin Cohort, and in 4736 twins born in 1983-87 from the FinnTwin12. MRT was studied in a sub-sample of 804 young adult participants from the FinnTwin12 sample. The main findings of this study were: 1) the prevalence of left-handedness was higher among males than among females in both singletons and in twins; 2) males had significantly higher scores than females in MRT; 3) about one quarter of the variance in handedness and about half of the variance in MRT was explained by genetic effects, whereas the remainder of the variance in these traits was explained by environmental effects unique to each individual. The magnitude of the genetic effects was similar in both sexes; 4) left-handedness was significantly less common in female co-twins of a male than in female co-twins of a female, and female co-twins of a male scored significantly higher than did female co-twins of a female in the Mental Rotation Test. This dissertation discusses whether these differences between females from opposite- and same-sex twin pairs are due to the prenatal transfer of testosterone from the male fetus in females with male co-twins or whether they arise from postnatal socialization effects.


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The Caucasus region is a hotspot of biodiversity and is one of the few areas in the Northern Hemisphere which harbor Pleistocene glacial refugia. The region encompasses Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the southernmost European Russia, NE Turkey, and northern Iran. The study on fungal composition of the Caucasus region and its connection and possible contribution to the present mycota of Europe has largely escaped empirical scrutiny. Using taxonomic surveys, phylogenetic reconstruction methods, haplotype analysis, and similarity tests, this study has aimed to, 1) summarize the knowledge on the occurrence of corticioids and polypores in the Caucasus region, 2) resolve the phylogenetic relationships of selected, resupinate wood-inhabiting basidiomycetes for which the Caucasus region is currently the mere, or one of the noteworthy areas of distribution, and, 3) assess the similarity of Caucasian corticioid fungi to those of Europe and important areas in the Northern Hemisphere, and to examine the significance of the Caucasus region as a glacial refugium for these fungi. This study provides the first catalogue of corticioids and polypores (635 species) occurring in the Caucasus region. The phylogeny and systematics of the Caucasian resupinate taxa in focus has been resolved and the usefulness of some morphological characters has been re-evaluated. In this context, four new genera and two new species were described and five new combinations were proposed, two of which were supplemented with modern descriptions. The species composition of corticioids in the Caucasus region is found to be distinctly more similar to Europe and North America than to East Asia and India. The highest molecular diversity and within population pairwise distance for Peniophorella praetermissa has been detected in the Caucasus and East Asia, with the isolates of the latter area being highly divergent from the European ones. This, and the assignment of root haplotype to the Caucasian isolates in a haplotype network for Phlebia tuberucalta and P. livida, call attention to the role of the Caucasus region in shaping the current mycota of Europe.


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Tutkimus on osa Metsäklusteri Oy:n Future Biorefinery –tutkimusohjelmaa, jossa kartoitetaan mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää metsäteollisuuden raaka-aineita aiempaa tarkemmin ja uusissa tuotteissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää männyn (Pinus sylvestris L.) ja kuusen (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) juurten ja kantopuun rakenne ja ominaisuudet. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään löytyykö männyn ja kuusen juurista reaktiopuuta ja määritetään asetoniliukoisten uuteaineiden osuus kantoja juuripuussa. Tutkimusaineistona oli viisi eri-ikäistä mäntyä ja viisi eri-ikäistä kuusta. Juuri- ja kantoaineisto kerättiin Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen toimesta Parkanon seudulta (62.017°N, 23.017°E) hakkuun jälkeen. Maanalaisista juurista otettiin näytteet kolmelta eri etäisyydeltä juurenniskaan nähden. Kummankaan lajin juurista ei löytynyt varsinaista reaktiopuuta, mutta joissakin näytteissä havaittiin lievää reaktiopuuta. Lievää reaktiopuuta löytyi enemmän männyn kuin kuusen juurista, eikä sitä löytynyt lainkaan kaikkein ohuimmista, noin 2 cm paksuisista juurenosista. Männyn kannoissa uuteaineprosentti oli korkeampi kuin kuusen. Männyn juurissa uuteaineprosentti kasvoi edettäessä kohti juuren kärkeä. Kuusella uuteaineprosentti laski aluksi, mutta lähellä juuren kärkeä taas kasvoi. Kuoren uuteainepitoisuus oli molemmilla puulajeilla korkeampi kuin puuaineen. Tutkimusaineisto oli suppea, eikä tutkimuksessa pyritty tilastolliseen yleistettävyyteen. Laajemmasta aineistosta tehdylle tutkimukselle on tarvetta, sillä turvekankailta saatavan puun tarjonta on Suomessa kasvussa, mutta juurten uuteaine- ja reaktiopuututkimuksia on tehty vain kivennäismailta kerätyistä aineistoista.


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Tutkimus käsittelee kääpien sukulaisuussuhteita. Käävät ovat kantasienten (Basidiomycota) muotoryhmä, joiden itiöemien alapinta muodostuu yhteensulautuneista pilleistä. Muotoryhmänä kääpiä voi verrata vaikka puihin siinä mielessä, että käävät kuten puutkaan eivät ole samankaltaisuudestaan huolimatta kaikki sukua toisilleen. DNA:n käyttö sukulaisuussuhteiden selvittämisessä on aloittanut mullistuksen kääpien luokittelussa. Aiemmin käytetty, itiöemien ominaisuuksiin perustunut luokittelu on osoittautunut keinotekoiseksi sukulaisuussuhteiden kannalta. Tutkimuksessani syvennyttiin useamman kääpäsuvun polveutumishistoriaan hyödyntäen DNA:ta ja perinteisiä menetelmiä. Tutkimuksen keskeisimmät tulokset liittyvät sitkokääpien sukuun (Antrodiella). Tämä noin 70 lajia sisältävä suku osoittautui rikkonaiseksi - sitkokääpiin luetut lajit kuuluvat kahteen sienilahkoon ja oikesti vähintään 13 sukuun. Tutkimuksessa löytyi kaksi Suomelle uutta sitkokääpää, leppikääpä (A. ichnusana) ja nipukkakääpä (A. leucoxantha). Uudet suvut kuvattiin Suomessa esiintyville sirppikääville (Sidera) ja talikääville (Obba). Uusi kääpäsuku ja -laji kuvattiin myös Indonesiasta (Sebipora aquosa). Valtaosa sitkokääpiin luetuista lajeista kuuluu orakarakoiden heimoon (Steccherinaceae), joka rajattiin tässä tutkimuksessa uudelleen. Heimoon kuuluvat mm. karakäävät (Junghuhnia) ja orakasmaiset orakarakat (Steccherinum). Sen sisällä selvitettiin kääpien ja orakkaiden sukulaisuussuhteita. Perinteisesti käävät ja orakkaat on viety eri sukuihin riippumatta niiden mikroskooppisesta samankaltaisuudesta. Tulosten valossa orakarakoiden heimossa käävät ja orakkaat pysyvät pääosin erillisissä suvuissa, mutta tästä on myös poikkeuksia (Antrodiella, Metuloidea ja Steccherinum). Lähes kaikki DNA:n perusteella määriteltävissä olevat suvut ovat tunnistettavissa itiöemien ominaisuuksiensa perusteella. Tulokset antavat eväitä kääpien luokitteluun laajemminkin osoittamalla, mitkä ominaisuudet ovat luokittelun kannalta merkityksellisiä. Tarkentunut tieto lajimäärästä ja lajien sukulaisuussuhteista hyödyttää ekologista tutkimusta sekä arvioita lajien uhanalaisuudesta. Tutkimuksen aikana luotua DNA-kirjastoa käytetään lajien tunnistamiseen. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää myös etsittäessä bioteknologisia sovelluksia käävistä, sillä sovellusten kannalta kiinnostavat ominaisuudet seuraavat usein sienten sukupuuta.


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Earlier school text book studies (eg Tainio and Teräs 2010, Blumberg 2007; Ohlander 2010) have shown that women are underrepresented in school books, both in illustrations and texts, and the genders are represented stereotyped. The study will examine how gender in seen on pre-school education materials. The aim of this study is to determine what kind of representations, discourses and the subject positions of the gender are presented in pre-school materials. This study utilizes a feminist research method. The theoretical starting points are the social constructivist, poststructuralist theory and gender studies. The concept of gender as a social construct. The research used content analysis as well as discource analysis and deconstructive reading. The material was used four different publishers, WSOY, Tammi, Otava and Lasten Keskus preschool integrated material packages, which contain the child's exercise book or booklet, and teacher's guide. The analysis examined the quantity of gender-specific images and gendered words and phrases, and representations of gender, subject position, and discourses, and what linguistic means had been used for representation of masculinity and femininity. Based on the results there were on average more masculine characters and words as feminine in the illustrations and stories of pre-school materials. Feminine and masculine characters representations emphasized traditional gender stereotypes, especially in external characteristics and clothing. Genders had the highest available, with the subject position of stereotypes with reduced mobility, but also other kinds of subject position was observed. The data found in the following gender discources: difference discource, diversity discource and similarity discource. The highest number occurred in the difference and diversity discources. However, there were differences between the different materials. In some materials there were more diverse gender representations and other materials highlighted the differences between genders. Overall, the genders were represented stereotypically in the pre-school materials.