184 resultados para Channel Waveguides


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The polyetherketone (PEK-c) guest-host polymer planar waveguides doped with (4'-nitro)-3-azo-9-ethyl-carbazole (NAEC) were prepared. The waveguide films were poled by corona-onset poling at elevated temperature (COPET), and the corona poling setup includes a grid voltage making the surface-charge distribution uniform. By using the prism-in coupling method, the dark-line spectrum given by the reflected intensity versus the angle of incidence have been obtained, and the optical transmission losses of mth modes have been measured for the poled polymer waveguides at lambda = 632.8 nm. The measurement result showed that the optical loss of the fundamental mode is less than 0.7 dB cm(-1) for the TE polarization. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The magneto-transport properties of a narrow quantum waveguide with lateral multibarrier modulation are investigated theoretically. It is found that the magnetoconductance as a function of Fermi energy or magnetic field exhibits square-wave-like oscillations. In the presence of magnetic field, the edge states are formed near each barrier and the boundaries. Therefore, the number of edge states increases with the number of lateral barriers, leading to the increase of the propagating modes. On the other hand, owing to the tunneling effect a pair of edge states around the barrier region with opposite moving directions may be coupled and formed a circulating localized state, leading to the quenching of the related propagating states. The resulting dispersion relation exhibits oscillation structures superimposed on the bulk Landau levels. These novel conductance characteristics may provide potential applications to the fabrication of new quantum devices.


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High-quality InGaAs/InAlAs/InP high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) structures with lattice-matched or pseudomorphic channels have been grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). The purpose of this work is to enhance the channel conductivity by changing the epitaxial structure and growth process. With the use of pseudomorphic step quantum-well channel, the highest channel conductivity is achieved at x = 0.7, the corresponding electron mobilities are as high as 12300 (300 K) and 61000 cm(2)/V.s (77 K) with two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) density of 3.3 x 10(12) cm(-2). These structures are comprehensively characterized by Hall measurements, photoluminescence, double crystal X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Strong room-temperature luminescence is observed, demonstrating the high optical quality of the samples. We also show that decreasing the In composition in the InyAl1-yAs spacer is very effective to increase the 2DEG density of PHEMT structures. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have shown that high energy ion implantation enhanced intermixing (HE-IIEI) technology for quantum well (QW) structures is a powerful technique which can be used to blue shift the band gap energy of a QW structure and therefore decrease its band gap absorption. Room temperature (RT) photoluminescence (PL) and guided-wave transmission measurements have been employed to investigate the amount of blue shift of the band gap energy of an intermixed QW structure and the reduction of band gap absorption, Record large blue shifts in PL peaks of 132 nm for a 4-QW InGaAs/InGaAsP/InP structure have been demonstrated in the intermixed regions of the QW wafers, on whose non-intermixed regions, a shift as small as 5 nm is observed. This feature makes this technology very attractive for selective intermixing in selected areas of an MQW structure. The dramatical reduction in band gap absorption for the InP based MQW structure has been investigated experimentally. It is found that the intensity attenuation for the blue shifted structure is decreased by 242.8 dB/cm for the TE mode and 119 dB/cm for the TM mode with respect to the control samples. Electro-absorption characteristics have also been clearly observed in the intermixed structure. Current-Voltage characteristics were employed to investigate the degradation of the p-n junction in the intermixed region. We have achieved a successful fabrication and operation of Y-junction optical switches (JOS) based on MQW semiconductor optical amplifiers using HE-IIEI technology to fabricate the low loss passive waveguide. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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A high quality (Q) factor microring resonator in silicon-on-insulator rib waveguides was fabricated by electron beam lithography, followed by inductively coupled plasma etching. The waveguide dimensions were scaled down to submicron, for a low bending loss and compactness. Experimentally, the resonator has been realized with a quality factor as high as 21,200, as well as a large extinction ratio 12.5dB at telecommunication wavelength near 1550nm. From the measured results, propagation loss in the rib waveguide is determined as low as 6.900/cm. This high Q microring resonator is expected to lead to high speed optical modulators and bio-sensing devices.


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Submicrometer channel and rib waveguides based on SOI (Silicon-On-Insulator) have been designed and fabricated with electron-beam lithography and inductively coupled plasma dry etching. Propagation loss of 8.39dB/mm was measured using the cut-back method. Based on these so-called nanowire waveguides, we have also demonstrated some functional components with small dimensions, including sharp 90 degrees bends with radius of a few micrometers, T-branches, directional couplers and multimode interferometer couplers.


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We propose a novel optical fiber-to-waveguide coupler for integrated optical circuits. The proper materials and structural parameters of the coupler, which is based on a slot waveguide, are carefully analyzed using a full-vectorial three dimensional mode solver. Because the effective refractive index of the mode in a silicon-on-insulator-based slot waveguide can be extremely close to that of the fiber, a highly efficient fiber-to-waveguide coupling application can be realized. For a TE-like mode, the calculated minimum mismatch loss is about 1.8dB at 1550nm, and the mode conversion loss can be less than 0.5dB. The discussion of the present state-of-the-art is also involved. The proposed coupler can be used in chip-to-chip communication.


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In this paper, an efficient iterative discrete Fourier transform (DFT) -based channel estimator with good performance for multiple-input and multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) systems such as IEEE 802.11n which retain some sub-carriers as null sub-carriers (or virtual carriers) is proposed. In order to eliminate the mean-square error (MSE) floor effect existed in conventional DFT-based channel estimators, we proposed a low-complexity method to detect the significant channel impulse response (CIR) taps, which neither need any statistical channel information nor a predetermined threshold value. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed method has much better performance than conventional DFT-based channel estimators and without MSE floor effect.


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We present detailed design, fabrication, and characterization issues of submicron rib waveguides based on silicon-on-insulator. The waveguides fabricated by EBL and ICP processes have propagation loss of 1.8dB/mm and bend loss of 0.14dB/90 degrees for bends with radius of 5 mu m.


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Extracellular neural recording requires neural probes having more recording sites as well as limited volumes. With its mechanical characteristic and abundant process method, Silicon is a kind of material fit for producing neural probe. Silicon on insulator (SOI) is adopted in this paper to fabricate neural probes. The uniformity and manufacturability are improved. The fabricating process and testing results of a series of Multi channel micro neural probes were reported. The thickness of the probe is 15 mu m-30 mu m. The typical impedance characteristics of the record sites are around 2M Omega at 1k Hz. The performance of the neural probe in-vivo was tested on anesthetic rat. The recorded neural spike was typically around 140 mu V. Spike recorded from individual site could exceed 700 mu V. The average signal noise ratio was 7 or more.


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Oxide-free InGaAlAs waveguides have been grown on the InP substrates patterned with pairs of SiO2 mask stripes using narrow stripe selective MOVPE. The mask stripe width is varied from 0 to 40 pm, while the window region width between a pair of mask stripes is fixed at 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 mu m, respectively. Smooth surface s and flat interfaces are obtained in the selectively grown InQaAlAs waveguides. There exhibit strong dependences of the thickness enhancement ratio and the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum on the mask stripe width and the window region width for the InGaAlAs wavegwdes. A large PL peak wavelength shift of 79 nm and a PL full width of at half maximum (FWHM) of less than 64 meV are obtained simultaneously. Some possible interpretations for our investigations are presented by considering both the migration effect from a masked region (MMR) and the lateral vapor diffusion effect (LVD).


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Growth mechanism of InGaAlAs waveguides by narrow stripe selective MOVPE has been studied. Both the InGaAlAs bulk waveguides and the InGaAlAs MQW waveguides were successful grown on the patterned substrates at optimized growth conditions. The mask stripe width varied from 0 to 40 mu m, while the window region width between a pair of mask stripes was fixed 2.5 mu m. These selectively grown waveguides were covered by specific InP layers, which can keep the InGaAlAs waveguides from being oxidized during the fabrication of devices. In particular, there exhibit strong dependences of the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum on the mask stripe width for the samples. The results were explained in considering both the migration effect from a masked region (MMR) and the lateral vapor diffusion effect (LVD).


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Novel compact design for 4-channel SOI-based reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer using microring resonators is presented and analyzed. Microring resonators have two important attributes as a key new technology for future optical communications, namely functionality and compactness. Functionality refers to the fact that a wide range of desirable filter characteristics can be synthesized by coupling multiple rings. Compactness refers the fact that ring resonators with radii about 30 mu m can lead to large scale integration of devices with densities on the order of 10(4) similar to 10(5) devices per square centimeter. A 4-channel reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer comprises a grid-like array of ridge waveguides which perpendicularly cross through each other. SOI-based resonators consisted of multiple rings at each of the cross-grid nodes serve as the wavelength selective switch, and they can switch an optical signal between two ports by means of tuning refractive index of one of the rings. The thermo-optic coefficient of silicon is 1.86x 10(-4) /K. Thus a temperature rise of 27K will increase the refractive index by 5 x 10(-3), which is enough to cause the switching of our designed microring resonators. The thermo-optic effect is used to suppress the resonator power transfer, rather than to promote loss. Thus, the input signal only suffers small attenuation and simultaneously low crosstalk can be achieved by using multiple rings.


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Wide transmission dips are observed in the through spectra in microring and racetrack channel drop filters by two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation. The transmission spectra, which reflect the coupling efficiency, are also calculated from the FDTD output as the pulse just travels one circle inside the resonator. The results indicate that the dips are caused by the dispersion of the coupling coefficient between the input waveguide and the resonator. In addition, a near-zero channel drop on resonance and a large channel drop off resonance are observed due to the near zero coupling coefficient and a large coupling coefficient, respectively. If the width of the input waveguide is different from that of the ring resonator, the oscillation of the coupling coefficient can be greatly suppressed.


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The narrow stripe selective growth of the InGaAlAs bulk waveguides and InGaAlAs MQW waveguides was first investigated. Flat and clear interfaces were obtained for the selectively grown InGaAlAs waveguides under optimized growth conditions. These selectively grown InGaAlAs waveguides were covered by specific InP layers, which can keep the waveguides from being oxidized during the fabrication of devices. PL peak wavelength shifts of 70 nm for the InGaAlAs bulk waveguides and 73 nm for the InGaAlAs MQW waveguides were obtained with a small mask stripe width varying from 0 to 40 gm, and were interpreted in considering both the migration effect from the masked region (MMR) and the lateral vapor diffusion effect (LVD). The quality of the selectively grown InGaAlAs MQW waveguides was confirmed by the PL peak intensity and the PL FWHM. Using the narrow stripe selectively grown InGaAlAs MQW waveguides, then the buried heterostructure (BH) lasers were fabricated by a developed unselective regrowth method, instead of conventional selective regrowth. The InGaAlAs MQW BH lasers exhibit good performance characteristics, with a high internal differential quantum efficiency of about 85% and an internal loss of 6.7 cm(-1).