563 resultados para above CO2-plume
The bedding sequences, based on the results from others, have been constructed by geological researches. Furthermore, the reservoir, gas-bearing characteristics and reservoir-blanket association have been increasingly understudied by the geological and seismic studies as well as the log data. The deep dynamics for the formation and development of Shangdu basin resulted from complicated fault system and its continued action have been obtained. The studies on the reservoir condition reveal that the mantle-derived magmatism provided the materials for the CO_2 gas reservoir after Paleogene Period and the huge regional fault not only control the evolution of basin and sedimentary but also pay a role as a passage of the CO_2. The sandstone of river course formed in Paleogene System, with very good reservoir condition, are widely developed in the study area. The blanket with good condition is composed by the basalt in Hannuoba Formation and lake facies shale of Shangdou Formation. Local structures and good encirclement are resulted from the different sedimentary environment and later differential sagging. All statements above demonstrate that there is a very good pool-forming condition for the CO_2. In addition, the high abundance of H_2 recognized during drill exploration are also of significance.More than 30 inorganic CO_2 gas reservoirs have been determined during the exploration for the oil-bearing basins in the eastern China, which are developed along the two sides of Tanlu Fault or within it. In which the CO_2 gas reservoir in Shangdou basin is an inorganic gas reservoir far away from Tanlu Fault. Thus the determination of the CO_2 gas reservoir in Shangdou basin is significant for sciences due to the first exploration for the inorganic CO_2 gas reservoir in our country. The geophysical exploration carried on the CO_2 gas reservoir is benefited for the research of prospecting techniques of CO_2 reservoir.
The soil respiration and net ecosystem productivity of Kobresia littledalei meadow ecosystem was investigated at Dangxiong grassland station, one grassland field station of Lhasa Plateau Ecosystem Research Station. Soil respiration and soil heterotrophic respiration were measured at the same time by using Li6400-09 chamber in growing season of year 2004. The response of soil respiration and its components, i.e. microbial heterotrophic respiration and root respiration to biotic and abiotic factors were addressed. We studied the daily and seasonal variation on Net Ecosystem carbon Exchange (NEE) measured by eddy covariance equipments and then the regression models between the NEE and the soil temperature. Based on the researches, we analyzed the seasonal variation in grass biomass and estimated NEE combined the Net Ecosystem Productivity with heterogeneous respiration and then assessed the whether the area is carbon source or carbon sink. 1.Above-ground biomass was accumulated since the grass growth started from May; On early September the biomass reached maximum and then decreased. The aboveground net primary production (ANPP) was 150.88 g m~" in 2004. The under-ground biomass reached maximum when the aboveground start to die back. Over 80% of the grass root distributed at the soil depth from 0 to 20cm. The underground NPP was 1235.04 g m"2.. Therefore annual NPP wasl.385X103kg ha"1, i.e.6236.6 kg C ha"1. 2. The daily variation of soil respiration showed single peak curve with maximum mostly at noon and minimum 4:00-6:00 am. Daily variations were greater in June, July and August than those in September and October. Soil respiration had strong correlation with soil temperature at 5cm depth while had weaker correlation with soil moisture, air temperature, surface soil temperature, and so on. But since early September the soil respiration had a obviously correlation with soil moisture at 5cm depth. Biomass had a obviously linearity correlation with soil respiration at 30th June, 20th August, and the daytime of 27th September except at 23lh October and at nighttime of 27th September. We established the soil respiration responding to the soil temperature and to estimate the respiration variation during monsoon season (from June through August) and dry season (May, September and October). The regression between soil respiration and 5cm soil temperature were: monsoon season (June through August), Y=0.592expfl()932\ By estimating , the soil daily respiration in monsoon season is 7.798gCO2m"2 and total soil respiration is 717.44 gCC^m" , and the value of Cho is 2.54; dry season (May, September and October), Y=0.34exp°'085\ the soil daily respiration is 3.355gCO2m~2 and total soil respiration is 308.61 gCC^m", and the value of Cho is 2.34. So the total soil respiration in the grown season (From May to October) is 1026.1 g CO2IT1"2. 3. Soil heterogeneous respiration had a strong correlation with soil temperature especially with soil temperature at 5cm depth. The variation range in soil heterogeneous respiration was widely. The regression between soil heterogeneous respiration and 5cm soil temperature is: monsoon season, Y=0.106exp ' 3x; dry season, Y=0.18exp°"0833x.By estimating total soil heterotrophic respiration in monsoon season is 219.6 gCC^m"2, and the value of Cho is 3.78; While total soil heterogeneous respiration in dry season is 286.2 gCCbm"2, and the value of Cho is 2.3. The total soil heterotrophic respiration of the year is 1379.4kg C ha"1. 4. We estimated the root respiration through the balance between soil respiration and the soil heterotrophic respiration. The contribution of root respiration to total respiration was different during different period: re-greening period 48%; growing period 69%; die-back period 48%. 5. The Ecosystem respiration was relatively strong from May to October, and of which the proportion in total was 97.4%.The total respiration of Ecosystem was 369.6 g CO2 m" .we got the model of grass respiration respond to the soil temperature at 5cm depth and then estimated the daytime grass respiration, plus the nighttime NEE and daytime soil respiration. But when we estimated the grass respiration, we found the result was negative, so the estimating value in this way was not close. 6. The estimating of carbon pool or carbon sink. The NPP minus the soil heterogeneous respiration was the NEE, and it was 4857.3kg C o ha"1, which indicated that the area was the carbon sink.
Geological fluids exist in every geosphere of the Earth and play important roles in many processes of material transformations, energetic interchanges and geochemical interactions. To study the physicochemical properties and geochemical behaviors of geological fluids turn Girt to be one of the challenging issues in geosciences. Compared with conventional approaches of experiments and semi-theoretical modeling, computer simulation on molecular level shows its advantages on quantitative predictions of the physicochemical properties of geological fluids under extreme conditions and emerges as a promising approach to find the characteristics of geological fluids and their interactions in different geospheres of the Earth interior.This dissertation systematically discusses the physicochemical properties of typical geological fluids with state-of-the-art computer simulation techniques. The main results can be summarized as follows: (1) The experimental phase behaviors of the systems CH4-C2H6 and. CO2 have been successfully reproduced with Monte Carlo simulations. (2) Through comprehensive isothermal-isobaric molecular dynamics simulations, the PVT data of water hia^e been extended beyond experimental range to about 2000 K and 20 GPa and an improved equation of state for water has been established. (3) Based on extensive computer simulations, am optimized molecular potential for carbon dioxide have been proposed, this model is expected to predict different properties of carbon dioxide (volumetric properties, phase equilibria, heat of vaporization, structural and dynamical properties) with improved accuracies. (4) On the basis of the above researches of the end-members, a set of parameters for unlike interactions has been proposed by non-linear fitting to the ab initio potential surface of CO2-H2O and is superior to the common used mixing rule and the results of prior workers vs/Ith remarkable accuracies, then a number of simulations of the mixture have been carried out to generate data under high temperatures and pressures as an important complement to the limited experiments. (5) With molecular dynamics simulations, various structural, dynamical and thermodynamical properties of ionic solvations and associations have been oomprehensively analyzed, these results not only agree well with experimental data and first principle calculation results, but also reveal some new insights into the microscopic ionic solvation and association processes.
关于全球CO2汇的位置、大小、变化和机制目前仍不确定, 还存有争议. 在理论计算和野外观测数据证明的基础上发现, 可能存在一种由全球水循环产生的重要的CO2汇(以溶解无机碳-DIC的形式). 这个汇达到0.8013 Pg C/a(约占人类活动排放CO2总量的10.1%, 或占所谓的遗漏CO2汇的28.6%), 它是由水对CO2的溶解吸收形成的, 并随着碳酸盐的溶解及水生植物光合作用对CO2的消耗的增加而显著增加. 这部分汇中有0.5188 Pg C/a通过海上降水(0.2748 Pg C/a)和陆地河流(0.244 Pg C/a)进入海洋, 有0.158 Pg C/a再次释放进入大气, 还有0.1245 Pg C/a储存在陆地水生生态系统中. 因此, 净沉降是0.6433 Pg C/a. 随着全球变暖引起的全球水循环的加强、CO2和大气圈中碳酸盐粉尘的增加, 还有造林地区的增多(会引起土壤CO2的增加进而导致水中DIC浓度的增大), 这部分汇也可能增加.
认识不同条件下岩溶水释放或吸收CO2 的反应过程是研究碳酸盐岩对碳循环响应的前提和基础。本文从吉布斯自由能的热力学原理出发,对全球不同岩溶地区162 组岩溶水(河水、溪水、湖水等) 进行了热力学研究,结果显示:1) 河水、溪水、湖水和洞穴滴水等岩溶水所处的环境因方解石矿物沉积而释放CO2 成为大气CO2 一个潜在的源;2) 地下水在所处的环境下由于方解石的溶解而吸收CO2 ,成为大气CO2 一个潜在的汇;3) 少数出露点的泉水所处的环境既可发生方解石的溶解而吸收CO2 ,成为大气CO2 的潜在汇,也可发生方解石的沉积而释放CO2 ,成为大气CO2 的潜在源;4) 在洪水期,泉水的水化学特征变化并未导致对大气CO2 潜在贡献在源汇之间的跨跃性转变。162 组岩溶水数据中,所有河水与溪水皆无一例外地在释放CO2 。结果表明,从吉布斯自由能的热力学原理出发,研究岩溶水系统对大气CO2 潜在源汇的贡献,没有条件约束,是一种较好的途径。
应用超临界CO2 萃取技术从印楝种子中萃取印楝素,研究了萃取温度、压力和夹带剂对印楝素萃取效果的影响。当萃取温度为35 ℃、压力为15 MPa、甲醇用量为CO2 体积的3 %时,可将印楝种子中90 %以上的印楝素A 萃取出来,所得产品印楝素A 的质量分数为2013 %。
介绍了大蒜的重要用途及大蒜油的几种主要提取技术,综述了超临界CO2 萃取技术在大蒜深加工中大蒜油提取、大蒜脱臭及生物活性成分保留方面的应用研究。