
Autoria(s): 张志刚





Geological fluids exist in every geosphere of the Earth and play important roles in many processes of material transformations, energetic interchanges and geochemical interactions. To study the physicochemical properties and geochemical behaviors of geological fluids turn Girt to be one of the challenging issues in geosciences. Compared with conventional approaches of experiments and semi-theoretical modeling, computer simulation on molecular level shows its advantages on quantitative predictions of the physicochemical properties of geological fluids under extreme conditions and emerges as a promising approach to find the characteristics of geological fluids and their interactions in different geospheres of the Earth interior.This dissertation systematically discusses the physicochemical properties of typical geological fluids with state-of-the-art computer simulation techniques. The main results can be summarized as follows: (1) The experimental phase behaviors of the systems CH4-C2H6 and. CO2 have been successfully reproduced with Monte Carlo simulations. (2) Through comprehensive isothermal-isobaric molecular dynamics simulations, the PVT data of water hia^e been extended beyond experimental range to about 2000 K and 20 GPa and an improved equation of state for water has been established. (3) Based on extensive computer simulations, am optimized molecular potential for carbon dioxide have been proposed, this model is expected to predict different properties of carbon dioxide (volumetric properties, phase equilibria, heat of vaporization, structural and dynamical properties) with improved accuracies. (4) On the basis of the above researches of the end-members, a set of parameters for unlike interactions has been proposed by non-linear fitting to the ab initio potential surface of CO2-H2O and is superior to the common used mixing rule and the results of prior workers vs/Ith remarkable accuracies, then a number of simulations of the mixture have been carried out to generate data under high temperatures and pressures as an important complement to the limited experiments. (5) With molecular dynamics simulations, various structural, dynamical and thermodynamical properties of ionic solvations and associations have been oomprehensively analyzed, these results not only agree well with experimental data and first principle calculation results, but also reveal some new insights into the microscopic ionic solvation and association processes.







Palavras-Chave #地质流体 #分子动力学 #蒙特卡罗 #相平衡 #PVT性质
