422 resultados para GaAs material


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Quasi-continuous-wave operation of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum-cascade lasers with high average optical power is demonstrated. Double X-ray diffraction has been used to investigate the quality of the epitaxial material. The compositional gradients and the interface quality are controlled effectively. The corrected average power of per facet about 17 mW and temperature tuning coefficient of the gain peak about 0.91 nm/K from 83 K to 140 K is achieved in pulse operation. Best value of threshold current density is less than 3.0 kA/cm(2) at 83 K. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A series of systematic experiments on the growth of high quality GaNAs strained layers on GaAs (001) substrate have been carried out by using DC active Nz plasma, assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The samples of GaNAs between 3 and 200 nm thick were evaluated by double crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. PL and XRD measurements for these samples are in good agreement. Some material growth and structure parameters affecting the properties of GaNAs/GaAs heterostructure were studied; they were: (1) growth temperature of GaNAs epilayer; (2) electrical current of active N-2 plasma; (3) Nz flow rate; (4) GaNAs growth rate; (5) the thickness of GaNAs strained layer. XRD and PL measurements showed that superlattice with distinct satellite peaks up to two orders and quantum well structure with intensity at 22 meV Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FWHM) can be achieved in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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A novel composite InxGa1-xAs/GaAs/GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple quantum well material with different well widths was studied as a new kind of photoelectrode in a photoelectrochemical cell. The photocurrent spectrum and photocurrent-electrode potential curve were measured in ferrocene nonaqueous solution. Pronounced quantization effects and strong exciton absorption were observed in the photocurrent spectrum. The effects of surface states and interfacial states on the photocurrent-electrode potential curve are discussed. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Postgrowth rapid thermal annealing was performed on InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The blue shift of the emission peak and the narrowing of the luminescence line width are observed at lower annealing temperature. However, when the annealing temperature is increased to 850 degrees C, the emission line width becomes larger. The TEM image of this sample shows that the surface becomes rough, and some large clusters are formed, which is due to the interdiffusion of In, Ga atoms at the InGaAs/GaAs interface and to the strain relaxation. The material is found to degrade dramatically when the annealing temperature is further increased to 900 degrees C, while emission from quantum dots can still be detected, along with the appearance of the emission from excited state. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Epitaxial layers of cubic GaN have been grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) with Si-doping carrier concentration ranging from 3 x 10(18) to 2.4 x 10(20)/cm(3). Si-doping decreased the yellow emission of GaN. However, the heavily doped n-type material has been found to induce phase transformation. As the Si-doping concentration increases, the hexagonal GaN nanoparticles increase. Judged from the linewidth of X-ray rocking curve, Si-doping increases the density of dislocations and stacking faults. Based on these observations, a model is proposed to interpret the phase transformation induced by the generated microdefects, such as dislocations and precipitates, and induced stacking faults under heavy Si-doping. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cubic GaN films were grown on GaAs(1 0 0) substrates by low-pressure metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy at high temperature. We have found a nonlinear relation between GaN film thickness and growth timer and this nonlinearity becomes more obvious with increasing growth temperature. We assumed it was because of Ga diffusion through the GaN film, and developed a model which agrees well with the experimental results. These results raise questions concerning the role of Ga diffusion through the GaN film, which may affect the electrical and optical properties of the material. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of growth interruption on the InAs deposition and its subsequent growth as self-assembled island structures, in particular the material transport process of the InAs layers has been investigated by photoluminescence and transmission electron microscopy measurements. InAs material in structures with only coherent islands transfers from the wetting layer to the formed islands and the growth interruption causes a red shift of PL peak energy. On the other hand, the PL peak shifts to higher energy in structures containing simultaneously coherent and noncoherent islands with dislocations. In this case, the noncoherent islands capture InAs material from the surrounding wetting layer as well as coherent islands, which casues a reduction in the size of these islands. The variations in the PL intensity and line width are also discussed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new material structure with Al0.22Ga0.78As/In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs emitter spacer layer and GaAs/In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs well for resonant tunneling diodes is designed and the corresponding device is fabricated. RTDs DC characteristics are measured at room temperature. Peak-to-valley current ratio (PVCR) is 7.44 for RTD Analysis on these results suggests that the material structure will be helpful to improve the quality, of RTD.


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We have investigated temperature dependent photoluminescence of both buried and surface self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots with an areal density up to similar to 10(11)/cm(2). Different from the buried quantum dots, the peak energy of surface quantum dots shows a blueshift relative to the bulk material variation from 15 to 130K. Besides the line width and the integrated intensity both first decrease and then increase in this temperature interval. The observed phenomena can be explained by carrier trapping effects by some shallow localized centers near the surface quantum dots.


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The dynamic process of light illumination of GaAs is studied numerically in this paper to understand the photoquenching characteristics of the material. This peculiar behavior of GaAs is usally ascribed to the existence of EL2 states and their photodriven metastable states. To understand the conductivity quenching, we have introduced nonlinear terms describing the recombination of the nonequilibrium free electrons and holes into the calculation. Though some photoquenching such as photocapacitance, infrared absorption, and electron-paramagnetic-resonance quenching can be explained qualitatively by only considering the internal transfer between the EL2 state and its metastability, it is essential to take the recombination into consideration for a clear understanding of the photoquenching process. The numerical results and approximate analytical approach are presented in this paper for the first time to our knowledge. The calculation gives quite a reasonable explanation for n-type semiconducting GaAs to have infrared absorption quenching while lacking photoconductance quenching. Also, the calculation results have allowed us to interpret the enhanced photoconductance phenomenon following the conductance quenching in typical semi-insulating GaAs and have shown the expected thermal recovery temperature of about 120 K. The numerical results are in agreement with the reported experiments and have diminished some ambiguities in previous works.


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Single and multiple quantum wells of lattice-matched superlattices material GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs have been studied as photoelectrodes in photoelectrochemical cells containing nonaqueous electrolyte. Structural photocurrent spectra in the potential range of -1.8 to 1.0 V (vs standard calomel electrode) were obtained. The quantum yields for both superlattice electrodes were estimated and compared.


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A polarization-maintaining (PM) fiber Mach-Zehnder (MZ) interferometer has been established to measure the EO effect of very thin film materials with optical anisotropy. Unlike a common MZ interferometer,all the components are connected via polarization-maintaining fibers. At the same time, a polarized DFB laser with a maximum power output of 10mW is adopted as the light source to induce a large extinction ratio. Here, we take it to determine the electro-optical coefficients of a very thin superlattice structure with GaAs, KTP, and GaN as comparative samples. The measured EO coefficients show good comparability with the others.


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Space ordered 1.3μm self-assembled InAs QDs are grown on GaAs(100) vicinal substrates by MOCVD. Photoluminescence measurements show that the dots on vicinal substrates have a much higher PL intensity and a narrower FWHM than those of dots on exact substrates, which indicates better material quality. To obtain 1.3μm emissions of InAs QDs, the role of the so called InGaAs strain cap layer (SCL) and the strain buffer layer (SBL) in the strain relaxation process in quantum dots is studied. While the use of SBL results only in a small change of emission wavelength,SCL can extend the QD's emission over 1.3μm due to the effective strain reducing effect of SCL.


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A new material structure with Al0.22Ga(>. 78 As/Ino.i5 Gao.ss As/GaAs emitter spacer layer and GaAs/Ino.15-Gao.8ii As/GaAs well for resonant tunneling diodes is designed and the corresponding device is fabricated. RTDs DC characteristics are measured at room temperature. Peak-to-valley current ratio and the available current density for RTDs at room temperature are computed. Analysis on these results suggests that adjusting material structure and optimizing fabrication processes will be an effective means to improve the quality of RTDs.


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We designed and fabricated GaAs OMIST (Optical-controlled Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Thyristor) device. Using oxidation of A1As layer that is grown by MBE form the Ultra-Thin semi-Insulating layer (UTI) of the GAAS OMIST. The accurate control and formation of high quality semi-insulating layer (AlxOy) are the key processes for fabricating GaAs OMIST. The device exhibits a current-controlled negative resistance region in its I-V characteristics. When illuminated, the major effect of optical excitation is the reduction of the switching voltage. If the GaAs OMIST device is biased at a voltage below its dark switching voltage V-s, sufficient incident light can switch OMIST from high impedance low current"off"state to low impedance high current "on"state. The absorbing material of OMIST is GaAs, so if the wavelength of incident light within 600 similar to 850nm can be detected effectively. It is suitable to be used as photodetector for digital optical data process. The other attractive features of GaAs OMIST device include suitable conducted current, switching voltage and power levels for OEIC, high switch speed and high sensitivity to light or current injection.