102 resultados para kansainvälinen politiikka
"We have neither Eternal Friends nor Eternal Enemies. We have only Eternal Interests .Finland's Relations with China 1949-1989 The study focuses on the relations between Finland and the People s Republic of China from 1949-1989 and examines how a small country became embroiled in international politics, and how, at the same time, international politics affected Finnish-Chinese relations and Finland s China policy formulation. The study can be divided into three sections: relations during the early years, 1949-1960, before the Chinese and Soviet rift became public; the relations during the passive period during the 1960s and 1970s; and the impact of China s Open Door policy on Finland s China policy from 1978-1989. The diplomatically challenging events around Tiananmen Square and the reactions which followed in Finland bring the study to a close. Finland was among the first Western countries to recognise the People s Republic and to establish diplomatic relations with her, thereby giving Finland an excellent position from which to further develop good relations. Finland was also the first Western country to sign a trade agreement with China. These two factors meant that Finland was able to enjoy a special status with China during the 1950s. The special status was further strengthened by the systematic support of the government of Finland for China's UN membership. The solid reputation earned in the 1950s had to carry Finland all the way through to the 1980s. For the two decades in between, during the passive policy period of the 1960s and 1970s, relations between Finland and the Soviet Union also determined the state of foreign relations with China. Interestingly, however, it appeared that President Urho Kekkonen was encouraged by Ambassador Joel Toivola to envisage a more proactive policy towards China, but the Cultural Revolution cut short any such plan for nearly twenty years. Because of the Soviet Union, Finland held on to her passive China policy, even though no such message was ever received from the Soviet Union. In fact, closer relationships between Finland and China were encouraged through diplomatic channels. It was not until the presidency of Mauno Koivisto that the first high-level ministerial visit was made to China when, in 1984, Foreign Minister Paavo Väyrynen visited the People s Republic. Finnish-Chinese relations were lifted to a new level. Foreign Minister Väyrynen, however, was forced to remove the prejudices of the Chinese. In 1985, when the Speaker of the Finnish Parliament, Erkki Pystynen visited China he also discovered that Finland s passive China policy had caused misunderstandings amongst the Chinese politicians. The number of exchanges escalated in the wake of the ground-breaking visit by Foreign Minister Väyrynen: Prime Minister Kalevi Sorsa visited China in 1986 and President Koivisto did so in 1988. President Koivisto stuck to practical, China-friendly policies: his correspondence with Li Peng, the attitude taken by the Finnish government after the Tiananmen Square events and the subsequent choices made by his administration all pointed to a new era in relations with China.
National identity signifies and makes state s defence- and foreign policy behaviour meaningful. National consciousness is narrated into existence by narratives upon one s own exceptionalism and Otherness of the other nations. While national identity may be understood merely as a self-image of a nation, defence identity refers to the borders of Otherness and issues that have been considered as worth defending for. As national identities and all the world order models are human constructions, they may be changed by the human efforts as well; states and nations may deliberately promote communitarian or even cosmopolitan equality and tolerance without borders of Otherness. The main research question of the thesis is: How does Poland constitute herself as a nation and a state agent in the current world order and to what extent have contextual foreign and defence policy interactions changed the Polish defence identity during the post-Cold War era? The main empirical argument of the thesis is: Poland is a narrated idea of a Christian Catholic nation-state, which the Polish State, the Catholic Church of Poland, the Armed Forces of Poland as well as a majority of the Polish nation share. Polish defence identity has been almost impenetrable to contextual foreign and defence policy interactions during the post-Cold War era. While Christian religious ontology binds corporate Poland together, allowing her to survive any number of military and political catastrophes, it simultaneously brings her closer to the USA, raises tensions in the infidel EU-context, and restrains corporate Poland s pursuit of communitarian, or even cosmopolitan, global equality and tolerance. It is not the case that corporate Poland s foreign and defence policy orientation is instinctively Atlanticist by nature, as has been argued. Rather, it has been the State s rational project to overcome a habituated and reified fear of becoming geopolitically sandwiched between Russian and German Others by leaning on the USA; among the Polish nation, support for the USA has been declining since 2004. It is not corporate Poland either that has turned into a constructive European , as has been argued, but rather the Polish nation that has, at least partly, managed to emancipate itself from its habituation to a betrayal by Europe narrative, since it favours the EU as much as it favours NATO. It seems that in the Polish case a truly common European CFSP vis-à-vis Russia may offer a solution that will emancipate the Polish State from its habituated EU-sceptic role identity and corporate Poland from its narrated borders of Otherness towards Russia and Germany, but even then one cannot be sure whether any other perspective than the Polish one on a common stand towards Russia would satisfy the Poles themselves.
Tutkin Pro Gradu – tutkielmassani kansainvälisen yhteisön toimeenpanemien sanktioiden ongelmallisuutta, niiden toimivuuden näkökulmasta. Aiempien tapausten valossa, sanktioiden suurimpana kärsijänä on usein nähty olevan siviiliväestö. Sanktioista huolimatta ne henkilöt ja ryhmät joiden katsotaan ollen vastuussa tilanteesta, ovat kuitenkin kyenneet jatkamaan toimintaansa. Sanktio-keskustelua onkin jakanut suhtautuminen sanktioiden hyödyllisyyteen, ennen kaikkea siihen miksi niitä käytetään kun ne eivät toimi. Pyrin työlläni osallistumaan kyseiseen keskusteluun kansainvälisten suhteiden tutkimuksen näkökulmasta. Aikaisemmin akateemista keskustelua on käyty pitkälti oikeudellisesta sekä taloudellisesta näkökulmasta. Työ on teoriasidonnainen tutkimus, jossa vertailevan tapaustutkimuksen keinoin haetaan teorioista tukea esimerkkitapausten käsittelyyn sekä johtopäätöksien tulkintaan. Tutkimuskysymystä lähestytään ensiksi aihepiirin teoreettisen sisällön esittelyllä, jonka jälkeen sitä sovelletaan kolmeen esimerkkitapaukseen. Esimerkkitapaukset ovat Rhodesia, Etelä-Afrikka ja Zimbabwe. Maat on valittu niiden sanktioihin johtaneiden olosuhteiden samankaltaisuuden vuoksi. Zimbabwe on lisäksi esimerkki sanktioissa ja niiden käytössä tapahtuneesta muutoksesta. Muutos on ollut siirtyminen kokonaisvaltaisista sanktioista kohdennettuihin sanktioihin. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä työssä on toimijoiden rationaalinen toiminta, jonka lähtökohtana ovat heidät omat intressit. Kyseinen toiminta myötävaikuttaa osaltaan sanktioiden toimimattomuuteen, toimijoiden suhteuttaessa aina oman toimintansa muiden toimintaan. Sanktiokeskustelun sijoittumista tieteellisessä keskustelussa selvennän regiimiteorian avulla. Sanktioiden eri osapuolten toimintaa pyrin vuorostaan tuomaan esille rationaalisen valinnan teorian, eritoten peliteorian, avulla. Mainitun lisäksi tuon esille myös poliittisen päätöksenteon epävarmuuden, sekä sen vaikutukset osapuolten toimintamalleihin. Hypoteesina tutkimukselle on, että sanktioita lähettävien maiden keskinäisen yhteistyön heikkous sekä niiden omat kansalliset intressit vaikeuttavat sanktioiden toimintaa. Lähteinä työssä on käytetty julkisia lähteitä, jotka käsittelevät aihepiirin yleistä sekä teoreettista keskustelua. Esimerkkitapauksissa on käytetty myös julkisia lähteitä, sekä aikalaiskirjoituksia. Viimeksi mainitun taustalla on kahden esimerkkitapauksen, Rhodesian ja Etelä-Afrikan, historiallinen näkökulma. Kolmen esimerkkitapauksen kautta, tutkielmassani vahvistuu siinä esitetty hypoteesi. Tämän mukaan sanktioiden toimintaa vaikeuttavat sanktiota lähettävien maiden keskinäisen yhteistyön puute sekä niiden kansalliset intressit. Yhtä lailla sanktioitavat maat ovat sanktioprosessien hitaudesta johtuen kyenneet ennakoimaan ja varautumaan tuleviin muutoksiin. Esimerkkitapauksista Rhodesian ja Etelä-Afrikan kohdalla halutun muutoksen taustalla voidaan katsoa olleen pääasiallisesti muut tekijät kuin sanktiot. Zimbabwen osalta voidaan vuorostaan todeta, että siinä missä kokonaisvaltaiset sanktiot eivät toimineet Etelä-Afrikan ja Rhodesian tapauksissa halutulla tavalla, kohdennetut sanktiot ovat olleet yhtä lailla ongelmallisia. Esimerkkitapausten tuloksista ei voida vetää vedenpitäviä johtopäätöksiä joilla kyettäisiin arvioimaan tai ennustamaan sanktioiden toimivuutta kokonaisvaltaisemmin. Syynä on kansainvälisten sanktio-tapausten yksilöllisyys sekä sanktioiden käytön kiistanalaisuus kansainvälisessä politiikassa.
In this thesis I examine the U.S. foreign policy discussion that followed the war between Russia and Georgia in August 2008. In the politically charged setting that preceded the presidential elections, the subject of the debate was not only Washington's response to the crisis in the Caucasus but, more generally, the direction of U.S. foreign policy after the presidency of George W. Bush. As of November 2010, the reasons for and consequences of the Russia-Georgia war continue to be contested. My thesis demonstrates that there were already a number of different stories about the conflict immediately after the outbreak of hostilities. I want to argue that among these stories one can discern a “neoconservative narrative” that described the war as a confrontation between the East and the West and considered it as a test for Washington’s global leadership. I draw on the theory of securitization, particularly on a framework introduced by Holger Stritzel. Accordingly, I consider statements about the conflict as “threat texts” and analyze these based on the existing discursive context, the performative force of the threat texts and the positional power of the actors presenting them. My thesis suggests that a notion of narrativity can complement Stritzel’s securitization framework and take it further. Threat texts are established as narratives by attaching causal connections, meaning and actorship to the discourse. By focusing on this process I want to shed light on the relationship between the text and the context, capture the time dimension of a speech act articulation and help to explain how some interpretations of the conflict are privileged and others marginalized. I develop the theoretical discussion through an empirical analysis of the neoconservative narrative. Drawing on Stritzel’s framework, I argue that the internal logic of the narrative which was presented as self-evident can be analyzed in its historicity. Asking what was perceived to be at stake in the conflict, how the narrative was formed and what purposes it served also reveals the possibility for alternative explanations. My main source material consists of transcripts of think tank seminars organized in Washington, D.C. in August 2008. In addition, I resort to the foreign policy discussion in the mainstream media.
Kansanmurhan vastainen sopimus luotiin toisen maailmansodan jälkeen yhdessä muun Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien ihmisoikeusjärjestelmän kanssa vastaukseksi edellisten vuosikymmenten ihmisoikeusrikkomuksiin. Näistä pyrkimyksistä huolimatta sopimuksella ei ollut merkittävää roolia ihmisoikeusrikkomusten estämisessä aina 1990-luvulle saakka, ja useat väkivaltakampanjat ylsivät vuosikymmenten aikana kansanmurhan asteelle sopimuksen olemassaolosta huolimatta. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on arvioida, mitkä tekijät vaikuttivat sopimuksen marginaaliseen asemaan 1950-80 -luvuilla. Aiemmassa tutkimuskirjallisuudessa heikkoa asemaa on pyritty selittämään esimerkiksi sopimuksen tarpeettomuuteen sekä sen juridisiin ongelmiin tukeutuvien selitysten avulla. Vaikka tutkielma osin jakaakin näiden näkökulmien paikkansapitävyyden, argumentoi se myös, että sopimuksen asema liittyy oleellisesti kansainvälisen oikeuden ja kansainvälisen politiikan vuorovaikutteiseen suhteeseen. Kansainvälinen oikeus toisaalta vaikuttaa kansainvälisen politiikan luonteeseen, mutta myös kansainvälisen yhteisön parissa vallitsevat normit vaikuttavat siihen, minkälainen asema mahdollisesti ristiriitaisilla oikeusperiaatteilla on. Tutkielma käyttää lähdeaineistonaan Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien poliittisissa elimissä kansanmurhiin liittyneitä keskusteluita, ja pyrkii aineiston avulla kuvaamaan minkälainen asema kansanmurhan vastaisella sopimuksella oli kansainvälisen yhteisön normihierarkiassa. Tutkielma käyttää teoreettisena viitekehyksenään mukaelmaa Martti Koskenniemen esittelemästä ’lain’ ja ’politiikan’ dikotomiasta argumentin todistusvoimalle kansainvälisessä toiminnassa. Koska kansainvälinen toimija häivyttää argumentin poliittisen luonteen pukemalla argumentin lain verhoon, kertovat valtioiden valinnat käyttää tiettyjä oikeusperiaatteita näiden oikeusperiaatteiden hyväksytystä roolista kansainvälisinä normeina. Tähän viitekehykseen tukeutuen kansanmurhan vastaisesta sopimuksesta käydyn keskustelun määrä, sekä toisaalta sopimuksen rooli valtioiden poliittisessa argumentaatiossa luovat kuvan sopimuksen asemasta kansainvälisen yhteisön normihierarkiassa, sekä myös itsenäisesti vaikuttavat tähän asemaan. Tutkielma pyrkii valikoituihin tapaustutkimuksiin keskittyvän analyysin avulla erottamaan tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttivat siihen, millä tavoin valtiot käyttivät sopimusta poliittisessa keskustelussa. Jo aikaisessa vaiheessa tutkimusprosessia havaittiin, että kansanmurhan vastaisen sopimuksen heikko asema heijastui työhypoteesin mukaisesti sopimukseen liittyneiden keskusteluiden pienenä määränä. Lisäksi havaittiin, että YK:n elimissä käydyt keskustelut liittyivät harvoin, ainoastaan kahdessa tapauksessa, suoranaisesti kansanmurhan vastaiseen sopimukseen. Useimmiten keskustelu kansanmurhasta oli joko ainoastaan laajemman keskustelun sivujuonne, tai puuttui tyystin keskustelusta, jossa se olisi voinut olla mukana. Tapaustutkimuksiksi valittujen keskusteluiden analyysi osoittaa, että sopimuksesta käyty keskustelu muodostui usein kylmän sodan rintamalinjojen mukaiseksi, ja molemmat leirit mobilisoivat sopimuksen ideologisen kamppailun välineeksi. Toisaalta kylmään sotaan perustunut viitekehys vaikutti sopimuksen aseman taustalla vain pinnallisesti. Kansainvälisen yhteisön rakenne oli sopimuksesta käydyissä keskusteluissa moniuloitteinen, ja ideologian lisäksi myös muut tekijät vaikuttivat keskustelujen rakentumiseen. Ideologisesti vastakkaiset blokit myös jakoivat yhteisen käsityksen siitä, mitä kansainvälisen turvallisuuden konsepti piti sisällään, ja sekä Yhdysvallat että Neuvostoliitto suhtautuivat penseästi sopimuksen käyttöön sen rajoittaessa valtioiden suvereniteettia. Keskusteluista hahmottuu myös pienten valtioiden aktiivinen rooli sopimukseen tukeutumisessa suurvaltoihin verrattuna. Pienet valtiot saattoivat olla keskustelun aloittajina ainoastaan suurvaltojen palvelijoita, mutta voidaan myös arvioida johtuiko pienten valtioiden aktiivinen rooli niiden positiivisemmasta suhteesta kansainvälisen oikeusregiimin muodostumiseen. Tutkielma erottaa myös makrotason ongelmia, jotka vaikuttivat YK-järjestelmän toimintaan tutkimusajanjakson aikana. YK-järjestelmällä oli vaikeuksia puuttua maiden sisäisiin konflikteihin, mikä oli suoraan kytköksissä jännitteeseen suvereniteetin ja kansanmurhan vastaiseen sopimukseen sisältyvän puuttumisen velvoitteen välillä kansainvälisinä normeina. Toisaalta vaikeudet liittyivät myös tutkimusajanjakson aikana vallinneeseen, valtiolähtöiseen turvallisuuskäsitykseen. Vuoden 1982 Sabran ja Shatilan tapaus toi lisäksi esiin vaikeudet, jotka sopimuksen historiallinen suhde Holokaustin perintöön toi sopimuksen soveltamiseen. Peilattaessa tutkimustuloksia 1990-luvulla tapahtuneeseen sopimuksen aseman vahvistumiseen, voidaan todeta, että juuri tutkielmassa kuvattujen rakenteiden muutos osittain mahdollisti muutoksen sopimuksen asemassa. Kylmän sodan päättyminen toisaalta poisti (ainakin hetkellisesti) monia tutkielmassa kuvattuja jännitteitä, mutta myös kansainvälinen normisto on aidosti muuttunut kahden viime vuosikymmenen aikana. Kansainvälisen suojeluvelvoitteen (responsibility to protect) normi on asettanut suvereniteetin normin kunnioittamisen ehdolliseksi ihmisoikeuksien kunnioittamiselle, ja inhimillisen turvallisuuden konsepti on noussut yhä voimakkaammin turvallisuusajattelun valtavirtaan valtiolähtöisen turvallisuuskäsityksen rinnalle.
Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tarkastelen diasporia ja niihin kohdistuvaa kansainvälistä sääntelyä. Diasporilla tarkoitan valtion rajojen ulkopuolella asuvia ihmisiä, joilla on jokin, esimerkiksi etninen tai kieliside tuohon valtioon. Valtiolla puolestaan voi olla jokin intressi suhteessa diasporaansa. Diasporiin liittyvät kysymykset ovat ajankohtaisia globaalissa maailmassa, jossa ihmisillä on entistä enemmän mahdollisuuksia pitää siteitä yllä useampaan kuin yhteen valtioon. Diasporien ohella kirjallisuudessa puhutaan myös kin-state -problematiikasta, kun viitataan valtioiden harjoittamaan politiikkaan, joka pyrkii vaikuttamaan toisen valtion alueella asuvien tai oleskelevien ihmisten asemaan. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys on englantilaisen koulukunnan ajatus kansainvälisestä yhteisöstä ja sille keskeisistä primaari-instituutioista, kuten valtiosuvereniteetti ja kansainvälinen oikeus. Se, miten valtio politiikassaan suhtautuu instituutioihin, kertoo valtion suhteesta kansainväliseen yhteisöön yleensä. Instituutioita voidaan puolestaan tarkastella tiettyjen kapea-alaisempien normien, sekundaari-instituutioiden, valossa. Edellä mainittuna sekundaari-instituutiona esitellään tutkielmassa se kansainvälinen normisto, joka vaikuttaa diasporien asemaan valtioiden välisessä politiikassa. Normisto perustuu Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien, Euroopan neuvoston ja ETYJ:n sopimuksiin ja suosituksiin. Kansainvälisen oikeuden lähtökohta on, ettei valtio voi puuttua diasporakseen katsomiensa ihmisten asemaan toisessa valtiossa edes ääritapauksessa, jossa asuinvaltio epäonnistuu tehtävässään suojella toisen valtion kansalaisia tai vähemmistöjään. Reagointivastuu on kansainvälisellä yhteisöllä – vaikka interventiota ulkomailla olevien kansalaisten suojelemiseksi onkin suoritettu sekä kylmän sodan aikana että sen jälkeen. Interventiot eivät ole diasporapolitiikan ainoa muoto ja monilla valtioilla onkin niin sanottuja diasporalakeja, joiden puitteissa ne voivat vaikuttaa diasporiensa asemaan. Koulutukseen ja kulttuuriin liittyvä tuki on eurooppalaisissa suosituksissa katsottu hyväksyttäväksi, mutta muiden tukimuotojen ulottamista diasporiin tulee harkita ja soveltaa vain erityistapauksissa, jos politiikalla on valtion toimivallan ulkopuolella vaikuttavia seurauksia. Tutkimus näyttää, että diasporakysymysten sääntely on kansainvälisessä yhteisössä vielä osin määrittelemätöntä sekä altista valtioiden tulkinnoille. Esimerkkinä valtioiden tulkinnoista ja niiden harjoittamasta diasporapolitiikasta tarkastellaan Venäjän federaation politiikkaa, sillä Venäjän ulkopolitiikassa esillä pidetty kiinnostus suojella ulkomailla olevia kansalaisia ja maanmiehiä on herättänyt myös kansainvälistä huomiota. Venäjän politiikan tarkastelu luo kontekstin, jossa tutkielman varsinaista kiinnostuksenkohdetta, Suomen venäläisen diasporan asemaa, on mahdollista tarkastella. Tutkimusaineistoa ovat Venäjän johdon lausunnot liittyen viimeaikaisiin Suomen ja Venäjän välisiin nk. lapsikiistoihin. Teoriaohjaava sisällönanalyysi aineistosta esittää, että vaikka vihjeitä politiikassa yleisesti esiintyvästä nk. suojelupuheesta on havaittavissa myös Suomen venäläisen vähemmistön asemaan liittyen, ei Venäjä lapsikiistoissa kuitenkaan suoraan loukannut Suomen suvereniteettia tai kansainvälistä oikeutta. Tiettyjen puhetapojen ja esimerkiksi lapsiasiamies Astahovin toiminnan voidaan kuitenkin tulkita olevan kansainvälisen normiston vastaisia ja siten myös loukkaavan suvereniteettia ja kansainvälisen oikeuden henkeä. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen tehtävä oli ensisijaisesti antaa näkökulmia aineiston tarkasteluun. Venäjän politiikan suhde suvereniteettiin ja kansainväliseen oikeuteen suhteessa tässä tarkasteltuun politiikkakysymykseen kertoo kuitenkin myös Venäjän asemasta kansainvälisen yhteisön jäsenenä. Diasporanormistoon sitoutuminen osoittaa Venäjän sitoutuneen ainakin periaatteellisella tasolla solidaristiseen, yhteisiä normeja jakavaan kansainväliseen yhteisöön – toisaalta Venäjän viime vuosien politiikka kuitenkin osoittaa Venäjän samalla haastavan myös pluralistisille yhteisöille keskeisiä valtiosuvereniteetin ja kansainvälisen oikeuden noudattamisen periaatteita. Tärkeimmät lähteet: Buzan (2004), Brubakers (1995), Hannikainen (2000), Holsti (2004), Gazzini (2005), Gray (2000), Kántor ym. (2004), Sheffer (2003), Shevel (2010 ja 2011), Turner ja Otsuki (2010) ja Zevelev (2001 ja 2008).
This doctoral dissertation examines the description of the North as it appears in the Old English Orosius (OE Or.) in the form of the travel accounts by Ohthere and Wulfstan and a catalogue of peoples of Germania. The description is discussed in the context of ancient and early medieval textual and cartographic descriptions of the North, with a special emphasis on Anglo-Saxon sources and the intellectual context of the reign of King Alfred (871-899). This is the first time that these sources, a multidisciplinary approach and secondary literature, also from Scandinavia and Finland, have been brought together. The discussion is source-based, and archaeological theories and geographical ideas are used to support the primary evidence. This study belongs to the disciplines of early medieval literature and (cultural) history, Anglo-Saxon studies, English philology, and historical geography. The OE Or. was probably part of Alfred s educational campaign, which conveyed royal ideology to the contemporary elite. The accounts and catalogue are original interpolations which represent a unique historical source for the Viking Age. They contain unparalleled information about peoples and places in Fennoscandia and the southern Baltic and sailing voyages to the White Sea, the Danish lands, and the Lower Vistula. The historical-philological analysis reveals an emphasis on wealth and property, rank, luxury goods, settlement patterns, and territorial divisions. Trade is strongly implied by the mentions of central places and northern products, such as walrus ivory. The references to such peoples as the Finnas, the Cwenas, and the Beormas appear in connection with information about geography and subsistence in the far North. Many of the topics in the accounts relate to Anglo-Saxon aristocratic culture and interests. The accounts focus on the areas associated with the Northmen, the Danes and the Este. These areas resonated in the Anglo-Saxon geographical imagination: they were curious about the northern margin of the world, their own continental ancestry and the geography of their homeland of Angeln, and they had an interest in the Goths and their connection with the southern Baltic in mythogeography. The non-judgemental representation of the North as generally peaceful and relatively normal place is related to Alfredian and Orosian ideas about the unity and spreading of Christendom, and to desires for unity among the Germani and for peace with the Vikings, who were settling in England. These intellectual contexts reflect the innovative and organizational forces of Alfred s reign. The description of the North in the OE Or. can be located in the context of the Anglo-Saxon worldview and geographical mindset. It mirrors the geographical curiosity expressed in other Anglo-Saxon sources, such as the poem Widsith and the Anglo-Saxon mappa mundi. The northern section of this early eleventh-century world map is analyzed in detail here for the first time. It is suggested that the section depicts the North Atlantic and the Scandinavian Peninsula. The survey of ancient and early medieval sources provides a comparative context for the OE Or. In this material, produced by such authors as Strabo, Pliny, Tacitus, Jordanes, and Rimbert, the significance of the North was related to the search for and definition of the northern edge of the world, universal accounts of the world, the northern homeland in the origin stories of the gentes, and Carolingian expansion and missionary activity. These frameworks were transmitted to Anglo-Saxon literary culture, where the North occurs in the context of the definition of Britain s place in the world.
The present study examines citizen participation in local government and municipal democracy. Previous research has shown that the prerequisite for active citizenship lies in the opportunities available for local residents to determine which perspectives and planning needs are relevant. This research looks at whether the conception of knowledge employed in municipal planning allows for this kind of active role for local citizens. Methodologically the study employs an hermeneutic approach. The aim has been to identify various approaches steering the practice of municipal democracy. The theory behind the study comes from the assumption of the intersubjectivity of reality. Construing the rationality of one s own behaviour is seen as a prerequisite for meaningful action. In this context, criteria for the functionality of municipal democracy and the purpose of strengthening citizen participation are defined. The study is divided into two parts. Firstly, the purpose of participation and the opportunities for local residents to contribute is examined theoretically with reference to previous studies. The intention is to provide an overview of the Finnish cross-disciplinary debate on resident participation. This debate is reflected onto the prevailing views on changes in the municipal operating environment and modes of operation. In conclusion, a theoretical model is constructed to explain how the various modes of operation in regional municipalities affect the purpose of resident participation and the utilisation of information received through this participation. The second part of the study discusses the utilisation of this information and knowledge acquired through the participation of local residents and all those involved in political and administrative processes in municipalities. These first-hand reports are analysed using the model constructed earlier in the study. The goal is to understand how political and administrative practice affects opportunities for local residents to participate and contribute. The core of this analysis is based on the pragmatic conception of knowledge employed in municipal administration. The study argues that the normal practice of municipal administration does not support the systematic utilisation of local residents experience. This is caused by two interlinked factors: firstly, knowledge constructed through these practices requires that the knowledge is apolitical; secondly, arising from this there is confusion with regard to when during a planning process does information obtained from the public become relevant; in other words, what are the politics of knowledge? The study suggests that the solution is in the complementary concept of knowledge, which implicitly acknowledges the politics of knowledge. The complementary concept of knowledge would serve the politicisation of issues on the level of interpretations linked with social reality, an indispensable requirement for functional democracy. Keywords: participation, municipal democracy, knowledge base for planning, experiential knowledge
This study in church history deals with the formation of aims in the church politics of the Centre Party during a period of extensive politicisation in Finnish society – 1966 to 1978. The focus is on the processes of creating political input within the party organisation. The most important source material consists of the records of the highest party organs as well as material from the party office and the party’s committee for church politics. In the late 1960s, at a time of leftist radicalism in Finnish society, issues concerning the Church were seldom dealt with in the highest party organs, even though informal discussion took place within the party. This phase was followed by a conservative reaction in society during the 1970s. The rightist trend as well as the ongoing politicisation process substantially strengthened the role of church politics in the party. An aim of great importance was to prevent those supporters who belonged to the Lutheran revival movements from moving into the Finnish Christian League. Therefore it became increasingly important to prove that the Centre Party was defending the Church as well as so-called Christian values in state politics, e.g., by advocating religious instruction in schools. The Centre Party also defended the independence and legal status of the Church, at the same time positioning itself against Finland’s Social Democratic Party. Many party members were of the opinion that the church politics should have been about defending the Church and Christian values in state politics instead of defending the proportional share of the party’s seats in the ecclesiastical decision-making system. Nevertheless, the struggle for hegemony between the Centre Party and the Social Democrats was reflected in the Evangelical Lutheran Church particularly since 1973. Thus the aims of church politics were increasingly directed towards ecclesiastical elections and appointments in the 1970s. To justify its activities in church elections, the party stressed that it was not politicising the Church. To the contrary, it was asserted that the church leaders themselves had politicised the Church by favouring the Social Democrats. These alleged efforts to affiliate the Church with one political party were strictly condemned in the Centre Party. But when it came to the political parties’ activity in church elections, opinions diverged. Generally, the issues of church politics resembled those of the party’s trade union politics in the 1970s.
Constitutional politics in Russia, a conceptual history study of the constitutional rhetoric in the 20th century In April 2006 the Russian Constitution had its 100th anniversary. Following its late start, five constitutions have been adopted. The great number of constitutions is partly explained in my work by the fact that Russia s political system has changed many times, from one state system to another. From a monarchical state power, it changed first, with the October revolution, into the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic, and after that, in 1924, into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In 1991, the Russian Federation was established. The great number of constitutions can also be explained by the fact that in a one-party system, constitutional concepts became one of the most important instruments for introducing political programmes. When the political unity of the state was not only restricted by the Constitution, but also by the party ideology, the political debates concerning constitutional concepts were the key discussions for all the reformative pursuits of Soviet politics. It can be said that, in the Soviet Union, almost all political discourses dealt with constitutional concepts. In the context of restricted unity, the constitutional concepts were the most important tools to argue and create a basis for a new presentation and new political programmes. Thus, the basic feature of the Soviet political discourses has been a continuous competition regarding the constitutional concepts. By defining the constitutional concepts, a new, the political elites wanted especially to redefine, their own way, the traditional meanings of the October 1917 Revolution, and to differentiate them from those of the preceding period of power. From a methodological point of view, I argue that the Russian constitutional concepts make a conceptual historical approach very suitable, and change the focus on history. This approach studies history in contemporary contexts which follow after each other, and whose texts are the main research target. The picture of history is created through the interpretation of the original sources of contemporary contexts. Focusing on the dynamic and traditional characteristic of Russian constitutional concepts, I refer to a certain kind of value and the task of these concepts to justify and define the political and societal unity in every situation. This is done by combining the pursued future orientation of constitutional unity with the new acts of preservation of the traditional principles of the revolution. The different time layers of the constitutional concepts, the past, the present and the future, are the key aspects of storytelling in justifying the continuity and redefining the constitutional unity for the sake of reform. These aspects of constitutional concepts, in addition to all the other functions, have been the main elements of the argumentative structure of acting against opponents.
The research topic is the formation of nuclear family understanding and the politicization of nuclear family. Thus, the question is how did family historically become understood particularly as nuclear family and why did it become central in terms of politics and social? The research participates in discussions on the concept and phenomena of family. Central theme of analysis is to ask what is family? Family is seen as historically contingent and the discussions on the concept and phenomena are done via historical analysis. Center of attention is nuclear family, thus, a distinction between the concepts of family and nuclear family is made to be able to focus on historically specific phenomena of nuclear family. Family contrary to the concept of nuclear family -- in general is seen to be able to refer to families in all times and all cultures, as well as all types of families in our times and culture. The nuclear family understanding is examined through two separate themes, that of parent-child relationships and marital relations. Two simultaneous processes give nuclear family relations its current form: on the one hand the marital couple as the basis of family is eroding and losing its capacity to hold the family together; on the other, in Finland at least from 1950s on, the normal development of the child has became to be seen ontologically bound to the (biological) mother and (via her to) the father. In the nucleus of the family is the child: the biological, psychological and social processes of normal development are seen ontologically bound to the nuclear family relations. Thus, marriages can collapse, but nuclear family is unbreakable. What is interesting is the historical timing: as nuclear family relations had just been born, the marriage dived to a crisis. The concept and phenomena of nuclear family is analyzed in the context of social and politics (in Finnish these two collapses in the concept of yhteiskunnallinen , which refers both to a society as natural processes as well as to the state in terms of politics). Family is political and social in two senses. First, it is understood as the natural origin of the social and society. Human, by definition, is understood as a social being and the origin of social, in turn, is seen to be in the family. Family is seen as natural to species. Disturbances in family life lead to un-social behaviour. Second, family is also seen as a political actor of rights and obligations: family is obligated to control the life of its members. The state patronage is seen at the same time inevitable family life is way too precious to leave alone -- and problematic as it seems to disturb the natural processes of the family or to erode the autonomy of it. The rigueur of the nuclear family is in the role it seems to hold in the normal development of the child and the future of the society. The disturbances in the families first affect the child, then the society. In terms of possibility to re-think the family the natural and political collide: the nuclear family seems as natural, unchangeable, un- negotiable. Nuclear family is historically ontologised. The biological, psychological and social facts of family seem to be contrary to the idea of negotiation and politics the natural facts of family problematise the politics of family. The research material consists of administrational documents, memoranda, consultation documents, seminar reports, educational writings, guidebooks and newspaper articles in family politics between 1950s and 1990s.
The purpose of this study was to produce information on and practical recommendations for informed decision-making on and capacity building for sustainable forest management (SFM) and good forest governance. This was done within the overall global framework for sustainable development with special emphasis on the EU and African frameworks and on Southern Sudan and Ethiopia in particular. The case studies on Southern Sudan and Ethiopia focused on local, national and regional issues. Moreover, this study attempted to provide both theoretical and practical new insight. The aim was to build an overall theoretical framework and to study its key contents and main implications for SFM and good forest governance at all administration levels, for providing new tools for capacity building in natural resources management. The theoretical framework and research approach were based on the original research problem and the general and specific aims of the study. The key elements of the framework encompass sustainable development, global and EU governance, sustainable forest management (SFM), good forest governance, as well as international and EU law. The selected research approach comprised matrix-based assessment of international, regional (EU and Africa) and national (Southern Sudan and Ethiopia) policy and legal documents. The specific case study on Southern Sudan also involved interviews and group discussions with local community members and government officials. As a whole, this study attempted to link the global, regional, national and local levels in forest-sector development and especially to analyse how the international policy development in environmental and forestry issues is reflected in field-level progress towards SFM and good forest governance, for the specific cases of Southern Sudan and Ethiopia. The results on Southern Sudan focused on the existing situation and perceived needs in capacity building for SFM and good forest governance at all administration levels. Specifically, the results of the case study on Southern Sudan presented the current situation in selected villages in the northern parts of Renk County in Upper Nile State, and the implications of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and of the new forest policy framework for capacity building actions. The results on Ethiopia focused on training, extension, research, education and new curriculum development within higher education institutions and particularly at the Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources (WGCF-NR), which administratively lies under Hawassa University. The results suggest that, for both cases studies, informed decision-making on and capacity building for SFM and good forest governance require comprehensive, long-term, cross-sectoral, coherent and consistent approaches within the dynamic and evolving overall global framework, including its multiple inter-linked levels. The specific priority development and focus areas comprised the establishment of SFM and good forest governance in accordance with the overall sustainable development priorities and with more focus on the international trade in forest products that are derived from sustainable and legal sources with an emphasis on effective forest law enforcement and governance at all levels. In Upper Nile State in Southern Sudan there were positive development signals such as the will of the local people to plant more multipurpose trees on farmlands and range lands as well as the recognition of the importance of forests and trees for sustainable rural development where food security is a key element. In addition, it was evident that the local communities studied in Southern Sudan also wanted to establish good governance systems through partnerships with all actors and through increased local responsibilities. The results also suggest that the implementation of MEAs at the local level in Southern Sudan requires mutually supportive and coherent approaches within the agreements as well as significantly more resources and financial and technical assistance for capacity building, training and extension. Finally, the findings confirm the importance of full utilization of the existing local governance and management systems and their traditional and customary knowledge and practices, and of new development partnerships with full participation of all stakeholders. The planned new forest law for Southern Sudan, based on an already existing new forest policy, is expected to recognize the roles of local-level actors, and it would thus obviously facilitate the achieving of sustainable forest management.
1 kartta :, vär. ;, 65 x 81 cm
1 kartta :, vär. ;, 65 x 80 cm