1000 resultados para global attractor


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This paper is concerned with the existence of a global attractor for the nonlinear beam equation, with nonlinear damping and source terms, u(tt) + Delta(2)u -M (integral(Omega)vertical bar del u vertical bar(2)dx) Delta u + f(u) + g(u(t)) = h in Omega x R(+), where Omega is a bounded domain of R(N), M is a nonnegative real function and h is an element of L(2)(Omega). The nonlinearities f(u) and g(u(t)) are essentially vertical bar u vertical bar(rho) u - vertical bar u vertical bar(sigma) u and vertical bar u(t)vertical bar(r) u(t) respectively, with rho, sigma, r > 0 and sigma < rho. This kind of problem models vibrations of extensible beams and plates. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider attractors A(eta), eta epsilon [0, 1], corresponding to a singularly perturbed damped wave equation u(tt) + 2 eta A(1/2)u(t) + au(t) + Au = f (u) in H-0(1)(Omega) x L-2 (Omega), where Omega is a bounded smooth domain in R-3. For dissipative nonlinearity f epsilon C-2(R, R) satisfying vertical bar f ``(s)vertical bar <= c(1 + vertical bar s vertical bar) with some c > 0, we prove that the family of attractors {A(eta), eta >= 0} is upper semicontinuous at eta = 0 in H1+s (Omega) x H-s (Omega) for any s epsilon (0, 1). For dissipative f epsilon C-3 (R, R) satisfying lim(vertical bar s vertical bar) (->) (infinity) f ``(s)/s = 0 we prove that the attractor A(0) for the damped wave equation u(tt) + au(t) + Au = f (u) (case eta = 0) is bounded in H-4(Omega) x H-3(Omega) and thus is compact in the Holder spaces C2+mu ((Omega) over bar) x C1+mu((Omega) over bar) for every mu epsilon (0, 1/2). As a consequence of the uniform bounds we obtain that the family of attractors {A(eta), eta epsilon [0, 1]} is upper and lower semicontinuous in C2+mu ((Omega) over bar) x C1+mu ((Omega) over bar) for every mu epsilon (0, 1/2). (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we study the global stability of the difference equation x(n) = a + bx(n-1) + cx(n-1)(2)/d - x(n-2), n = 1,2,....., where a, b greater than or equal to 0 and c, d > 0. We show that one nonnegative equilibrium point of the equation is a global attractor with a basin that is determined by the parameters, and every positive Solution of the equation in the basin exponentially converges to the attractor. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this series of papers, we study issues related to the synchronization of two coupled chaotic discrete systems arising from secured communication. The first part deals with uniform dissipativeness with respect to parameter variation via the Liapunov direct method. We obtain uniform estimates of the global attractor for a general discrete nonautonomous system, that yields a uniform invariance principle in the autonomous case. The Liapunov function is allowed to have positive derivative along solutions of the system inside a bounded set, and this reduces substantially the difficulty of constructing a Liapunov function for a given system. In particular, we develop an approach that incorporates the classical Lagrange multiplier into the Liapunov function method to naturally extend those Liapunov functions from continuous dynamical system to their discretizations, so that the corresponding uniform dispativeness results are valid when the step size of the discretization is small. Applications to the discretized Lorenz system and the discretization of a time-periodic chaotic system are given to illustrate the general results. We also show how to obtain uniform estimation of attractors for parametrized linear stable systems with nonlinear perturbation.


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In this work we prove that the global attractors for the flow of the equation partial derivative m(r, t)/partial derivative t = -m(r, t) + g(beta J * m(r, t) + beta h), h, beta >= 0, are continuous with respect to the parameters h and beta if one assumes a property implying normal hyperbolicity for its (families of) equilibria.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The periodic 3D Navier-Stokes equations are analyzed in terms of dimensionless, scaled, L-2m-norms of vorticity D-m (1 <= m <= infinity). The first in this hierarchy, D-1, is the global enstrophy. Three regimes naturally occur in the D-1-D-m plane. Solutions in the first regime, which lie between two concave curves, are shown to be regular, owing to strong nonlinear depletion. Moreover, numerical experiments have suggested, so far, that all dynamics lie in this heavily depleted regime 1]; new numerical evidence for this is presented. Estimates for the dimension of a global attractor and a corresponding inertial range are given for this regime. However, two more regimes can theoretically exist. In the second, which lies between the upper concave curve and a line, the depletion is insufficient to regularize solutions, so no more than Leray's weak solutions exist. In the third, which lies above this line, solutions are regular, but correspond to extreme initial conditions. The paper ends with a discussion on the possibility of transition between these regimes.


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The system of coupled oscillators and its time-discretization (with constant stepsize h) are considered in this paper. Under some conditions, it is showed that the discrete systems have one-dimensional global attractors l(h) converging to l which is the global attractor of continuous system.


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This paper is concerned with the existence of pullback attractors for evolution processes. Our aim is to provide results that extend the following results for autonomous evolution processes (semigroups) (i) An autonomous evolution process which is bounded, dissipative and asymptotically compact has a global attractor. (ii) An autonomous evolution process which is bounded, point dissipative and asymptotically compact has a global attractor. The extension of such results requires the introduction of new concepts and brings up some important differences between the asymptotic properties of autonomous and non-autonomous evolution processes. An application to damped wave problem with non-autonomous damping is considered. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study generalized viscous Cahn-Hilliard problems with nonlinearities satisfying critical growth conditions in W-0(1,p)(Omega), where Omega is a bounded smooth domain in R-n, n >= 3. In the critical growth case, we prove that the problems are locally well posed and obtain a bootstrapping procedure showing that the solutions are classical. For p = 2 and almost critical dissipative nonlinearities we prove global well posedness, existence of global attractors in H-0(1)(Omega) and, uniformly with respect to the viscosity parameter, L-infinity(Omega) bounds for the attractors. Finally, we obtain a result on continuity of regular attractors which shows that, if n = 3, 4, the attractor of the Cahn-Hilliard problem coincides (in a sense to be specified) with the attractor for the corresponding semilinear heat equation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We study an one-dimensional nonlinear reaction-diffusion system coupled on the boundary. Such system comes from modeling problems of temperature distribution on two bars of same length, jointed together, with different diffusion coefficients. We prove the transversality property of unstable and stable manifolds assuming all equilibrium points are hyperbolic. To this end, we write the system as an equation with noncontinuous diffusion coefficient. We then study the nonincreasing property of the number of zeros of a linearized nonautonomous equation as well as the Sturm-Liouville properties of the solutions of a linear elliptic problem. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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For eta >= 0, we consider a family of damped wave equations u(u) + eta Lambda 1/2u(t) + au(t) + Lambda u = f(u), t > 0, x is an element of Omega subset of R-N, where -Lambda denotes the Laplacian with zero Dirichlet boundary condition in L-2(Omega). For a dissipative nonlinearity f satisfying a suitable growth restrictions these equations define on the phase space H-0(1)(Omega) x L-2(Omega) semigroups {T-eta(t) : t >= 0} which have global attractors A(eta) eta >= 0. We show that the family {A(eta)}(eta >= 0), behaves upper and lower semi-continuously as the parameter eta tends to 0(+).


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The global attractor of a gradient-like semigroup has a Morse decomposition. Associated to this Morse decomposition there is a Lyapunov function (differentiable along solutions)-defined on the whole phase space- which proves relevant information on the structure of the attractor. In this paper we prove the continuity of these Lyapunov functions under perturbation. On the other hand, the attractor of a gradient-like semigroup also has an energy level decomposition which is again a Morse decomposition but with a total order between any two components. We claim that, from a dynamical point of view, this is the optimal decomposition of a global attractor; that is, if we start from the finest Morse decomposition, the energy level decomposition is the coarsest Morse decomposition that still produces a Lyapunov function which gives the same information about the structure of the attractor. We also establish sufficient conditions which ensure the stability of this kind of decomposition under perturbation. In particular, if connections between different isolated invariant sets inside the attractor remain under perturbation, we show the continuity of the energy level Morse decomposition. The class of Morse-Smale systems illustrates our results.


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The Chafee-Infante equation is one of the canonical infinite-dimensional dynamical systems for which a complete description of the global attractor is available. In this paper we study the structure of the pullback attractor for a non-autonomous version of this equation, u(t) = u(xx) + lambda(xx) - lambda u beta(t)u(3), and investigate the bifurcations that this attractor undergoes as A is varied. We are able to describe these in some detail, despite the fact that our model is truly non-autonomous; i.e., we do not restrict to 'small perturbations' of the autonomous case.


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In this paper we consider the strongly damped wave equation with time-dependent terms u(tt) - Delta u - gamma(t)Delta u(t) + beta(epsilon)(t)u(t) = f(u), in a bounded domain Omega subset of R(n), under some restrictions on beta(epsilon)(t), gamma(t) and growth restrictions on the nonlinear term f. The function beta(epsilon)(t) depends on a parameter epsilon, beta(epsilon)(t) -> 0. We will prove, under suitable assumptions, local and global well-posedness (using the uniform sectorial operators theory), the existence and regularity of pullback attractors {A(epsilon)(t) : t is an element of R}, uniform bounds for these pullback attractors, characterization of these pullback attractors and their upper and lower semicontinuity at epsilon = 0. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.