842 resultados para Pedagogical psychology
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Am Beispiel des Verhältnisses von Pädagogik und Psychologie wird auf Probleme in der Beziehung der Pädagogik zu ihren Nachbardisziplinen eingegangen. Von Seiten der Psychologie bildet die Pädagogische Psychologie das Verbindungsstück. Da sie im wesentlichen als Anwendung psychologischer Methoden auf Probleme der pädagogischen Praxis entstanden war, blieben ihre Erfolge in pädagogischer Hinsicht bescheiden. Die Krise, in die sie geriet, rief nach einer stärkeren Orientierung an pädagogischer Theorie. Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Pädagogik und Psychologie, das sich dadurch eröffnete, wurde jedoch nie ausgeräumt. Statt dessen wurde von Seiten der Pädagogik eine Menschenkunde entwickelt, die antiwissenschaftlich auftrat und als Psychologieersatz diente. Pädagogik und Psychologie konnten auf diese Weise nicht wirklich zusammenfinden. Ein wesentlicher Grund für dieses Manko wird in einem beiderseits naiven, phänomenalistischen Gegenstandsverständnis gesehen. Als Lösung wird vorgeschlagen, das Verhältnis von Pädagogik und Psychologie auf eine konstruktivistische Basis zu stellen. Dadurch ließe sich die Pädagogische Psychologie als interdisziplinäre Wissenschaft begründen, was eine fruchtbare Dynamik zwischen den beiden Disziplinen ermöglichen würde. (DIPF/Orig.)
Nach der Biographie der österreichischen Pädagogin und Psychologin Elsa Köhler (1879-1940) werden in diesem Beitrag ihre Pionierleistungen bei der Grundlegung der empirischen Bildungsforschung beschrieben. Als Lehrerin war sie früh um den Einbezug des Entwicklungsstands von Schülern in die Didaktik im Sinne der Entwicklung differentieller Unterrichtsansätze bemüht. Am Psychologischen Institut der Universität Wien lernte sie bei Karl Bühler die für longitudinale Einzelfallanalysen der Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen konzipierten quantitativen und qualitativen Beobachtungs- und Protokolltechniken kennen und weitete diese Methoden als erste auf die pädagogische Situation im Unterricht, auf Schülergruppen und auf die Analyse der Entwicklung ganzer Schulklassen aus. Sie trug Wesentliches dazu bei, dass empirische Forschungsmethoden in reformpädagogische Ansätze der 1920er und 1930er Jahre Eingang fanden und machte ihre in der pädagogischen Situation durchgeführten Entwicklungsanalysen für die Entwicklungsberatung zur Optimierung der Selbststeuerung von Schülern fruchtbar. Elsa Köhler verband Grundlagenforschung mit einem starken Anwendungsbezug in den klassischen Bereichen der auf die Kindheit und das Jugendalter bezogenen Entwicklungspsychologie sowie in den Bereichen der Pädagogischen Psychologie und Pädagogik, die heute unter der Bildungsforschung subsumiert werden. Die Beschäftigung mit ihr ist von fachhistorischer Bedeutung und kann zudem auch Impulse für die moderne interdisziplinär ausgerichtete Bildungsforschung geben. (DIPF/Orig.)
The aim of this paper is to show how principles of ecological psychology and dynamical systems theory can underpin a philosophy of coaching practice in a nonlinear pedagogy. Nonlinear pedagogy is based on a view of the human movement system as a nonlinear dynamical system. We demonstrate how this perspective of the human movement system can aid understanding of skill acquisition processes and underpin practice for sports coaches. We provide a description of nonlinear pedagogy followed by a consideration of some of the fundamental principles of ecological psychology and dynamical systems theory that underpin it as a coaching philosophy. We illustrate how each principle impacts on nonlinear pedagogical coaching practice, demonstrating how each principle can substantiate a framework for the coaching process.
Strategies of scientific, question-driven inquiry are stated to be important cultural practices that should be educated in schools and universities. The present study focuses on investigating multiple efforts to implement a model of Progressive Inquiry and related Web-based tools in primary, secondary and university level education, to develop guidelines for educators in promoting students collaborative inquiry practices with technology. The research consists of four studies. In Study I, the aims were to investigate how a human tutor contributed to the university students collaborative inquiry process through virtual forums, and how the influence of the tutoring activities is demonstrated in the students inquiry discourse. Study II examined an effort to implement technology-enhanced progressive inquiry as a distance working project in a middle school context. Study III examined multiple teachers' methods of organizing progressive inquiry projects in primary and secondary classrooms through a generic analysis framework. In Study IV, a design-based research effort consisting of four consecutive university courses, applying progressive inquiry pedagogy, was retrospectively re-analyzed in order to develop the generic design framework. The results indicate that appropriate teacher support for students collaborative inquiry efforts appears to include interplay between spontaneity and structure. Careful consideration should be given to content mastery, critical working strategies or essential knowledge practices that the inquiry approach is intended to promote. In particular, those elements in students activities should be structured and directed, which are central to the aim of Progressive Inquiry, but which the students do not recognize or demonstrate spontaneously, and which are usually not taken into account in existing pedagogical methods or educational conventions. Such elements are, e.g., productive co-construction activities; sustained engagement in improving produced ideas and explanations; critical reflection of the adopted inquiry practices, and sophisticated use of modern technology for knowledge work. Concerning the scaling-up of inquiry pedagogy, it was concluded that one individual teacher can also apply the principles of Progressive Inquiry in his or her own teaching in many innovative ways, even under various institutional constraints. The developed Pedagogical Infrastructure Framework enabled recognizing and examining some central features and their interplay in the designs of examined inquiry units. The framework may help to recognize and critically evaluate the invisible learning-cultural conventions in various educational settings and can mediate discussions about how to overcome or change them.
The University of Worcester states in its most recent strategic plan (2013 – 2018) a set of enduring values that guide and direct the activities of the institution. The first listed, and perhaps the most important value is the striving to be “an outstanding university at which to be a student”. This is further supplemented by values such as “to inspire our students to reach their full potential through excellent, innovative teaching, scholarship and research” (University of Worcester 2013: p.4). One of the many ways in which the institution strives to provide this outstanding educational experience is through regular engagement, both formal and informal, with students at a number of points in each semester. Regular experiences of collating formal and informal feedback has led to the identification of a common theme amongst Higher National Diploma (HND) students in the Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences (ISES), where they consistently request ‘more practicals’. The ISES modules however are designed to incorporate a high degree of interaction, practical activities and tasks. This is especially important for those studying at HND level as research suggests differences in learning preferences exist when compared to undergraduate students, the former preferring a more tactile style of learning (Peters et al. 2008). Using an introductory Sport Psychology HND module as an example, practical activities and tasks are fully embedded in the taught sessions to enable contextual links to be made between the learning outcomes and their subsequent use. Examples of these include: a. interviewing athletes to produce a performance profile (Butler & Hardy 1992); b. completing psychometric instruments such as the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) to measure competitive anxiety in sport (Martens et al. 1990) and demonstrate data collection and construct measurement; c. performing relaxation interventions on the students to demonstrate how specific techniques (in this instance, decreasing somatic anxiety) might work in practice; d. demonstrating how observational learning facilitates skill acquisition by creating experimental conditions that the students participate in, in teaching a new skill. Nevertheless owing to the students' previously stated on-going requests for more practical activities, it became evident that assumptions about what students consider an effective means of experiential or active learning in the context of sport-related disciplines of study needed to be investigated. This is where the opportunity to undertake an action research project arose, this being a practical method commonly employed in pedagogical enquiry to aid reflection on teaching and assessment practice for the purposes of working towards continuous improvement.
The object of this experience is to offer the students the opportunity to take part in the construction of a pedagogic strategy centred on the ludic, for the promotion of the integral health and the prevention of the disease with an educational community; directed to supporting and qualifying the well-being so much individually as group. The project is designed to five years, about interdisciplinary character (Speech Therapy, Medicine, Psychology, Nursery, Occupational Therapy), interinstitutional (Universidad del Rosario, Universidad de San Buenaventura y Universidad de Cundinamarca) and intersectorial (Education and Health). It considers the different actors of the educational community and school and the home as propitious scenes for the strengthening potential, beside being the fundamental spaces for the construction of knowledges and learnings concerning the integral health. To achieve the target, one has come constructing from the second semester of 2003, one pedagogic strategy centred on the ludic and the creativity, from which they are planned, they develop and evaluate the actions of promotion of skills, values, behaviors and attitudes in the care of the health and the prevention of disease, orientated to the early, opportune and effective detection of risk factors and problematic of the development that they affect the integral health. The above mentioned strategy raises a so called scene Bienestarópolis: A healthy world for conquering, centred on prominent figures, spaces and elements that alternate between the fantasy and the reality to facilitate the approximation, the interiorización and the appropriation of the integral health. Across this one, the children motivated by the adults enter an imaginary world in that theirs desires, knowledges and attitudes are the axis of his development. Since Vigotsky raises it, in the game the child realizes actions in order to adapt to the world that surrounds it acquiring skills for the learning. The actions of the project have involved 410 children and 25 teachers, of the degrees Zero, The First and The Second of basic primary; 90 parents of family, and an average of 40 students and 8 teachers of the already mentioned disciplines.
"Reprinted from the Pedagogical Seminary, September, 1912, vol. XIX, p. 297-349."
From the challenges of sustainability to disruptive technology, work environments face unprecedented change and this major new textbook provides a cutting-edge introduction to how psychology and the world of work interact. Leading international academics, Steve Woods and Mike West, combine the latest research with truly global perspectives to leave students with a fully-rounded understanding of work psychology. Developed from wide-ranging lecturer feedback, three key themes of Ethics and Social Responsibility, Globalization and Cross-cultural Issues, and Environment and Sustainability are threaded throughout every chapter, while an attractive full-colour design and engaging pedagogical devices stimulate student interaction on this rapidly growing course. A full set of lecturer resources including Instructors Manual, PowerPoint Slides and Test Bank make this the complete resource for modern work psychology courses.
Problem Statement: This research aims to understand the relative contribution of leadership styles and teacher-student and student-student pedagogical interaction concerning the learning performance and academic achievement in physical education. Research Questions: Are the teacher leadership style and the teacher-student and student-student pedagogical interaction related to the learning performance and academic achievement in physical education in basic schooling? Purpose of Study: There are several factors that contribute for the explanation of learning outcomes, namely teacher leadership styles in the classroom, as well as teacher-student and student-student pedagogical interactions. These factors are considered to be essential in the teaching-learning process and in the subsequent improvement of educational outcomes. Research Methods: A quantitative methodology was implemented, comprising a sample of 447 students attending a School Grouping located in the Central Region of Portugal. In order to verify the nature, the strength and the direction of the relations among the variables, correlation and multiple regression analyses were used. For this, scales already validated and used in other researches were applied. Findings: The results show that the learning performance and the academic achievement are significantly associated with teacher leadership styles and teacher-student and student-student pedagogical interaction. A stronger association was obtained with leadership styles, especially the democratic one. It should be mentioned that these factors provide a higher relative contribution to the learning performance than to the academic achievement. Conclusions: This study sought to deepen the understanding of the explanatory factors of academic success concerning the teaching-learning process in physical education. The analysis conducted highlights the importance of the democratic teacher leadership style and of the pedagogical interaction established within the classroom towards the improvement of students' ability to understand the gains and the effort made in learning.