940 resultados para PERFORMANCE WORK SYSTEMS


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This article explores the notion that the workplace is a learning environment, and that the line manager is a key player determining its effectiveness. The work discusses how performance management systems may be used to clarify expectations made of line managers with regard to employee development. The work, in addition, suggests that line manager people management expertise may be a factor inhibiting workplace development for subordinates, and makes a number of suggestions about how to prepare the line manager for effective employee development. Key issues are illustrated by reference to a case study example. The case demonstrates that a high profile management development programme within a major international organisation failed to meet all objectives because of the unwillingness of the line management team to participate in the development of subordinates back in the workplace.


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This paper is based upon the findings of a CIMA research project into the way which corporate performance is affected by the performance measurement system adopted. It compares and contrasts the techniques in use in a sample of large companies that use a variety of techniques. We have classified these techniques into 3 types: • Value based management techniques • Stakeholder management techniques • Traditional accounting techniques. The analysis traces the interactions between corporate objectives, decision making criteria, performance measurement systems, and executive incentive schemes in order to develop an understanding of the effects of such techniques upon corporate performance. This paper seeks to provide some answers to the following two questions: • What approach leads to superior performance for a firm? • What is different between these approaches when they are used in practice, as distinct from theory? In doing so we have drawn upon both contingency theory and sociobiology theory to develop a framework for understanding the relationship between the choke of performance measurement system and the resulting performance.


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Over the past decade or so a number of changes have been observed in traditional Japanese employment relations (ERs) systems such as an increase in non-regular workers, a move towards performance-based systems and a continuous decline in union membership. There is a large body of Anglo-Saxon and Japanese literature providing evidence that national factors such as national institutions, national culture, and the business and economic environment have significantly influenced what were hitherto three ‘sacred’ aspects of Japanese ERs systems (ERSs). However, no research has been undertaken until now at the firm level regarding the extent to which changes in national factors influence ERSs across firms. This article develops a model to examine the impact of national factors on ER systems; and analyses the impact of national factors at the firm level ER systems. Based on information collected from two different groups of companies, namely Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) and Federation of Shinkin Bank (FSB) the research finds that except for a few similarities, the impact of national factors is different on Japanese ER systems at the firm level. This indicates that the impact of national factors varies in the implementation of employment relations factors. In the case of MCG, national culture has less to do with seniority-based system. Study also reveals that the national culture factors have also less influence on an enterprise-based system in the case of FSB. This analysis is useful for domestic and international organizations as it helps to better understand the role of national factors in determining Japanese ERSs.


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Over the course of the last twenty years there has been a growing academic interest in performance management, particularly in respect of the evolution of new techniques and their resulting impact. One important theoretical development has been the emergence of multidimensional performance measurement models that are potentially applicable within the public sector. Empirically, academic researchers are increasingly supporting the use of such models as a way of improving public sector management and the effectiveness of service provision (Mayston, 1985; Pollitt, 1986; Bates and Brignall, 1993; and Massey, 1999). This paper seeks to add to the literature by using both theoretical and empirical evidence to argue that CPA, the external inspection tool used by the Audit Commission to evaluate local authority performance management, is a version of the Balanced Scorecard which, when adapted for internal use, may have beneficial effects. After demonstrating the parallels between the CPA framework and Kaplan and Norton's public sector Balanced Scorecard (BSC), we use a case study of the BSC based performance management system in Hertfordshire County Council to demonstrate the empirical linkages between a local scorecard and CPA. We conclude that CPA is based upon the BSC and has the potential to serve as a springboard for the evolution of local authority performance management systems.


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This book is very practical in its international usefulness (because current risk practice and understanding is not equal across international boundaries). For example, an accountant in Belgium would want to know what the governance regulations are in that country and what the risk issues are that he/she needs to be aware of. This book covers the international aspect of risk management systems, risk and governance, and risk and accounting. In doing so the book covers topics such as: internal control and corporate governance; risk management systems; integrating risk into performance management systems; risk and audit; governance structures; risk management of pensions; pension scheme risks e.g. hedging derivatives, longevity bonds etc; risk reporting; and the role of the accountant in risk management. There are the case studies through out the book which illustrate by way of concrete practical examples the major themes contained in the book. The book includes highly topical areas such as the Sarbanes Oxley Act and pension risk management.


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Indicators are widely used by organizations as a way of evaluating, measuring and classifying organizational performance. As part of performance evaluation systems, indicators are often shared or compared across internal sectors or with other organizations. However, indicators can be vague and imprecise, and also can lack semantics, making comparisons with other indicators difficult. Thus, this paper presents a knowledge model based on an ontology that may be used to represent indicators semantically and generically, dealing with the imprecision and vagueness, and thus facilitating better comparison. Semantic technologies are shown to be suitable for this solution, so that it could be able to represent complex data involved in indicators comparison.


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Indicators are widely used by organizations as a way of evaluating, measuring and classifying organizational performance. As part of performance evaluation systems, indicators are often shared or compared across internal sectors or with other organizations. However, indicators can be vague and imprecise, and also can lack semantics, making comparisons with other indicators difficult. Thus, this paper presents a knowledge model based on an ontology that may be used to represent indicators semantically and generically, dealing with the imprecision and vagueness, and thus facilitating better comparison. Semantic technologies are shown to be suitable for this solution, so that it could be able to represent complex data involved in indicators comparison.


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In this talk we investigate the usage of spectrally shaped amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in order to emulate highly dispersed wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) signals in an optical transmission system. Such a technique offers various simplifications to large scale WDM experiments. Not only does it offer a reduction in transmitter complexity, removing the need for multiple source lasers, it potentially reduces the test and measurement complexity by requiring only the centre channel of a WDM system to be measured in order to estimate WDM worst case performance. The use of ASE as a test and measurement tool is well established in optical communication systems and several measurement techniques will be discussed [1, 2]. One of the most prevalent uses of ASE is in the measurement of receiver sensitivity where ASE is introduced in order to degrade the optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) and measure the resulting bit error rate (BER) at the receiver. From an analytical point of view noise has been used to emulate system performance, the Gaussian Noise model is used as an estimate of highly dispersed signals and has had consider- able interest [3]. The work to be presented here extends the use of ASE by using it as a metric to emulate highly dispersed WDM signals and in the process reduce WDM transmitter complexity and receiver measurement time in a lab environment. Results thus far have indicated [2] that such a transmitter configuration is consistent with an AWGN model for transmission, with modulation format complexity and nonlinearities playing a key role in estimating the performance of systems utilising the ASE channel emulation technique. We conclude this work by investigating techniques capable of characterising the nonlinear and damage limits of optical fibres and the resultant information capacity limits. REFERENCES McCarthy, M. E., N. Mac Suibhne, S. T. Le, P. Harper, and A. D. Ellis, “High spectral efficiency transmission emulation for non-linear transmission performance estimation for high order modulation formats," 2014 European Conference on IEEE Optical Communication (ECOC), 2014. 2. Ellis, A., N. Mac Suibhne, F. Gunning, and S. Sygletos, “Expressions for the nonlinear trans- mission performance of multi-mode optical fiber," Opt. Express, Vol. 21, 22834{22846, 2013. Vacondio, F., O. Rival, C. Simonneau, E. Grellier, A. Bononi, L. Lorcy, J. Antona, and S. Bigo, “On nonlinear distortions of highly dispersive optical coherent systems," Opt. Express, Vol. 20, 1022-1032, 2012.


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The extant literature on workplace coaching is characterised by a lack of theoretical and empirical understanding regarding the effectiveness of coaching as a learning and development tool; the types of outcomes one can expect from coaching; the tools that can be used to measure coaching outcomes; the underlying processes that explain why and how coaching works and the factors that may impact on coaching effectiveness. This thesis sought to address these substantial gaps in the literature with three linked studies. Firstly, a meta-analysis of workplace coaching effectiveness (k = 17), synthesizing the existing research was presented. A framework of coaching outcomes was developed and utilised to code the studies. Analysis indicated that coaching had positive effects on all outcomes. Next, the framework of outcomes was utilised as the deductive start-point to the development of the scale measuring perceived coaching effectiveness. Utilising a multi-stage approach (n = 201), the analysis indicated that perceived coaching effectiveness may be organised into a six factor structure: career clarity; team performance; work well-being; performance; planning and organizing and personal effectiveness and adaptability. The final study was a longitudinal field experiment to test a theoretical model of individual differences and coaching effectiveness developed in this thesis. An organizational sample of 84 employees each participated in a coaching intervention, completed self-report surveys, and had their job performance rated by peers, direct reports and supervisors (a total of 352 employees provided data on participant performance). The results demonstrate that compared to a control group, the coaching intervention generated a number of positive outcomes. The analysis indicated that coachees’ enthusiasm, intellect and orderliness influenced the impact of coaching on outcomes. Mediation analysis suggested that mastery goal orientation, performance goal orientation and approach motivation in the form of behavioural activation system (BAS) drive, were significant mediators between personality and outcomes. Overall, the findings of this thesis make an original contribution to the understanding of the types of outcomes that can be expected from coaching, and the magnitude of impact coaching has on outcomes. The thesis also provides a tool for reliably measuring coaching effectiveness and a theoretical model to understand the influence of coachee individual differences on coaching outcomes.


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A tanulmány a lean termelés munkaszervezését három termelésmenedzsment koncepció segítségével vizsgálja. Az egyes koncepciók a szervezet eltérő metszeteit érintik: (1) a termék-folyamat mátrix (Hayes és Wheelwright, 1979) a termék és a folyamat jellemzőit helyezi középpontba. A lean hatására a szervezet a mátrixban a nagyobb választék és a folyamat alapú működés (nagyobb függőség) irányába mozdul el. Az elmozdulást üzemi szinten a magas elkötelezettségű munkavégzési rendszer gyakorlatainak bevezetése kíséri, mivel azok támogatják a rugalmas működést, a gyors kommunikációt és problémamegoldást. Az elmozdulás „minősége” és így a munkaszervezési gyakorlatok használata (mélyég, száma, munkavállalók bevonása) nagyban függ a termelési stratégiától és a lean érettségtől. (2) A termelési stratégia szakaszai (Wheelwright és Hayes, 1985) a termelés üzleti stratégiában játszott szerepét elemzik. A lean termelés összeegyeztethető a termelési stratégia harmadik szakaszának „command és control” szemléletmódjával. Az ilyen lean termelők költégfókuszúak, a hagyományos munkaerőképben gondolkodnak és körükben kevésbé jellemző az új emberi erőforrás gyakorlatok használata. A lean termelés adaptálása ösztönözheti a vállalatokat a termelési stratégia negyedik szintje felé. A negyedik szint a bevonásra, problémamegoldásra és tanulásra épít, amely megfelel a lean „emberek tisztelete” pillérének. (3) A lean érettségi modell (Hines és társai, 2004) a lean szervezeten belüli elmélyülését és terjedését mutatja be. A lean utazás során a vállalatok az eszköz alapú megközelítéstől a komplex értékrendszerben gondolkodó lean szervezet felé haladnak. A technikai tudásanyag egyre szélesebb körűvé válik, ami rávilágít a tudásátadás (személyek közöttire, de akár struktúrákba, folyamatokba építése is) képességének jelentőségére. Az emberi erőforrás gyakorlatok folyamatosan jelennek meg. De csak a legfejlettebb szakasz, a lean tanuló szervezet megjelenése teszi valóban szükségessé a munkavállalói kép újragondolását is. = This paper examines work organization in lean production with the help of three production concepts. These concepts embrace different dimensions of the organization: (1) the product-process matrix (Hayes and Wheelwright, 1979) is about product and process characteristics. Due to the lean the organization shifts within the matrix – towards higher variability and flow (higher level of interdependencies). On the shop floor the shift is accompanied by the introduction of high commitment work system’s practices, since those support flexible operations, fast communication and problem-solving. The „quality” of the shift and hence the application of these work practices (number of practices, their embeddeness, employee involvement) highly depends on manufacturing strategy and lean maturity. (2) The concept of stages of manufacturing strategy (Wheelwright and Hayes, 1985) analyzes the role of the manufacturing function in the business strategy. Lean production is compatible with the „command and control” approach of the third stage of manufacturing strategy. These lean producers are cost-driven, they have the traditional approach of employees and apply new work organization practices to a less extent. However, the implementation of lean production may drive these companies to the fourth stage. The fourth stage of manufacturing strategy is based on employee involvement, problem-solving and learning. This stage is in full accordance with the „respect for people” pillar of lean production. (3) Lean maturity (Hines et al., 2004) shows the path how lean management deepens and expands within an organization. During the lean journey, companies progress from the tool-based approach to the complex lean value system. The technical knowledge of lean becomes more and more comprehensive and it points out the crucial importance of knowledge conversion capabilities (intrapersonal or even how to build knowledge into structures, processes). Work organization practices constantly appear with the progress, but the review of the traditional approach of employees is only essential at the most advanced stage, when an organization becomes lean learning organization.


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A lean termelési rendszer szociotechnikai megközelítése szerint a lean technikai elemei (technikai alrendszer) a kimagasló teljesítményt nyújtó munkaerő-szervezési rendszer (HPWS) gyakorlataival (szocio alrendszer) kapcsolódnak össze. A tanulmány ezt a megközelítést MacDuffie (1995) szervezetilogika-koncepciója alapján mutatja be. A lean termelési rendszer munkaerő-szervezési rendszerével kapcsolatosan négy témakört tekint át: (1) a lean termelési rendszer munkaerő-szervezési rendszerekre gyakorolt hatását, (2) a HPWSgyakorlatok használatát és (3) teljesítményhatását, végül a (4) munkásokra gyakorolt hatásokat. A feldolgozott koncepcionális és empirikus munkákban valamennyi pontban számos ellentmondás fedezhető fel. _____ According to the socio-technical view of lean production lean system is built on both technical and human resource practices (subsystems). The concept of organizational logic developed by MacDuffie (1995) describes how lean techniques and high performance working systems practices mutually suppose each other in lean environment. This study reviews four fields of human issues in relation to lean production: (1) the impact of lean system on work organization; (2) the use HPWS practices and (3) their impact on operational performance indicators in lean producers; (4) the impact of lean production on workers. The review of empirical and conceptual studies points out that there are many contradictions regarding the above points.


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Employees maintain a personal view toward their work, which can be referred to as their work orientation. Some employees view their work as their life's purpose (i.e., calling work orientation) and they tend to be 1) prosocially motivated, 2) derive meaning from work, and 3) feel that their purpose is from beyond the self. The purpose of the current dissertation was to differentiate calling work orientation from other similar workplace constructs, to investigate the most common covariates of calling work orientation, and to empirically test two possible moderators of the relationship between calling work orientation and work-related outcomes of job satisfaction, job performance, and work engagement. Two independent samples were collected for the purpose of testing hypotheses: data were collected from 520 working students and from 520 non-student employees. Participants from the student sample were recruited at Florida International University, and participants from the employee sample were recruited via the Amazon Mechanical Turk website. Participants from the student sample answered demographic questions and responded to self-report measures of job satisfaction, job performance, work engagement, spirituality, meaningful work, prosocial motivation, and work orientation. The procedure was similar for the employee sample, but their survey also included measures of counterproductive work behaviors, organizational citizenship behaviors, conscientiousness, and numerical ability. Additionally, employees were asked whether they would be willing to have a direct supervisor, peer, co-worker, client, or subordinate rate their job performance. Hierarchical regression findings suggest calling work orientation was predictive of overall job performance above and beyond two common predictors of performance, conscientiousness and numerical ability. The results for the covariate analyses provided evidence that prosocial motivation, meaningful work, and spirituality do play a significant role in the development of an employees' work orientation. Perceived career opportunities moderated the relationship between calling work orientation and job performance for the employee sample. Core self-evaluations moderated the relationship between calling work orientation and job performance, and core self-evaluations moderated the relationship between calling work orientation and work engagement. Collectively, findings from the current study highlight the benefits of examining work orientation in the prediction of workplace outcomes.