968 resultados para Low pressure


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ZnO films were grown at low pressure in a vertical metal-organic vapor deposition (MOCVD) reactor with a rotating disk. The structural and morphological properties of the ZnO films grown at different disk rotation rate (DRR) were investigated. The growth rate increases with the increase of DRR. The ZnO film grown at the DRR of 450 revolutions per minute (rpm) has the lowest X-ray rocking curve full width at half maximum and shows the best crystalline quality and morphology. In addition, the crystalline quality and morphology are improved as the DRR increased but both are degraded when the DRR is higher than 450 rpm. These results can help improve in understanding the rotation effects on the ZnO films grown by MOCVD. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Si nanoquantum dots have been formed by self-assembled growth on the both Si-O-Si and Si-OH bonds terminated SiO2 surfaces using the low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) and surface thermal decomposition of pure SiH4 gas. We have experimentally studied the variation of Si. dot density with Si-OH bonds density, deposition temperature and SiH4 pressure, and analyzed qualitatively the formation mechanism of the Si nanoquantum dots based on LPCVD surface thermal dynamics principle. The results are very. important for the control of the density and size of Si nanoquantum dots, and have potential applications in the new quantum devices.


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A novel integration technique has been developed using band-gap energy control of InGaAsP/InGaAsP multi-quantum-well (MQW) structures during simultaneous ultra-low-pressure (22 mbar) selective-area-growth (SAG) process in metal-organic chemical vapour deposition. A fundamental study of the controllability of band gap energy by the SAG method is performed. A large band-gap photoluminescence wavelength shift of 83nm is obtained with a small mask width variation (0-30 mu m). The method is then applied to fabricate an MQW distributed-feedback laser monolithically integrated with an electroabsorption modulator. The experimental results exhibit superior device characteristics with low threshold of 19 mA, over 24 dB extinction ratio when coupled into a single mode fibre. More than 10GHz modulation bandwidth is also achieved, which demonstrates that the ultra-low-pressure SAG technique is a promising approach for high-speed transmission photonic integrated circuits.


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The design and basic characteristics of a strained InGaAsP-InP multiple-quantum-well (MQW) DFB laser monolithically integrated with an electroabsorption modulator (EAM) by ultra-low-pressure (22 mbar) selective-area-growth (SAG) MOCVD are presented. A fundamental study of the controllability and the applicability of band-gap energy by using the SAG, method is performed. A large band-gap photoluminescence wavelength shift of 88 mn. was obtained with a small mask width variation (0-30 mu m). The technique is then applied to fabricate a high performance strained MQW EAM integrated with a DFB laser. The threshold current of 26 mA at CW operation of the device with DFB laser length of 300 mu m and EAM length of 150 mu m has been realized at a modulator bias of 0 V. The devices also exhibit 15 dB on/off ratio at an applied bias voltage of 5 V.


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A novel 10-period SiC/AlN multilayered structure with a SiC cap layer is prepared by low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LPCVD). The structure with total film thickness of about 1.45 mu m is deposited on a Si (111) substrate and shows good surface morphology with a smaller rms surface roughness of 5.3 nm. According to the secondary ion mass spectroscopy results, good interface of the 10 period SiC/AlN structure and periodic changes of depth profiles of C, Si, Al, N components are obtained by controlling the growth procedure. The structure exhibits the peak reflectivity close to 30% near the wavelength of 322 nm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of growth of the SiC/AlN periodic structure using the home-made LPCVD system.


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Narrow stripe selective growth of oxide-free InGaAlAs/InGaAlAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) has been successfully performed on patterned InP substrates by ultra-low pressure MOVPE. Flat and clear interfaces were obtained for the narrow stripe selectively grown MQWs under optimized growth conditions. These selectively grown MQWs were covered by specific InP layers, which can keep the MQWs from being oxidized during the fabrication of the devices. The characteristics of selectively grown MQWs were strongly dependent on the mask stripe width. In particular, a PL peak wavelength shift of 73 nm, a PL intensity of more than 57% and a PL FWHM of less than 102 meV were observed simultaneously with a small mask stripe width varying from 0 to 40 mu m. The results were explained by considering the migration effect from the masked region (MMR) and the lateral vapour diffusion effect (LVD).


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High quality InGaAsP/InGaAsP multiple quantum wells ( MQWs) have been selectively grown by ultra-low-pressure (22 mbar) metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. A large bandgap energy shift of 46 nm and photoluminescence with FWHM less than 30 meV were obtained with a rather small mask width variation (15-30 mu m). In order to study the uniformity of the MQWs grown in the selective area, novel tapered masks were employed, and the transition effect W the tapered region was also studied. The energy detuning of the tapered region was observed to be saturated at larger ratios of the mask width to the tapered region length.


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An InGaAsP/InGaAsP multiple quantum wells (MQWs) selectively grown by ultra-low-pressure (22 mbar) metal-organic chemical vapor deposition was investigated in this article. A 46 nm photoluminescence peak wavelength shift was obtained with a small mask width variation (15-30 mu m). High-quality crystal layers with a photoluminescence (PL) ftill-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of less than 30 meV were achieved. Using novel tapered masks, the transition-effect of the tapered region was also studied. The energy detuning of the tapered region was observed to be saturated with the larger ratio of the mask width divided to the tapered region length. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel in-plane bandgap energy controlling technique by ultra-low pressure (22 mbar) selective area growth (SAG) has been developed. To our knowledge, this is the lowest pressure condition during SAG process ever reported. In this work, high crystalline quality InGaAsP-InP MQWs with a photoluminescence (PL) full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of less than 35meV are selectively grown on mask-patterned planar InP substrates by ultra-low pressure (22 mbar) metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). In order to study the uniformity of the MQWs grown in the selective area, novel tapered masks are designed and used. Through optimizing growth conditions, a wide wavelength shift of over 80 nm with a rather small mask width variation (0-30 mu m) is obtained. The mechanism of ultra-low pressure SAG is detailed by analyzing the effect of various mask designs and quantum well widths. This powerful technique is then applied to fabricate an electroabsorption-modulated laser (EML). Superior device characteristics are achieved, such as a low threshold current of 19mA and an output power of 7mW. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, a novel light source of tandem InGaAsP/InGaAsP multiple quantum well electroabsoption modulator( EAM ) monolithically integrated with distributed feedback laser is fabricated by ultra-low-pressure ( 22 x 10(2) Pa ) selective area growth metal-organic chemical vapor diposition technique. Superior device performances have been obtained, such as low threshold current of 19 mA, output light power of 4.5 mW, and over 20 dB extinction ratio at 5 V applied voltage when coupled into a single mode fiber. Over 10 GHz 3dB bandwidth in EAM part is developed with a driving voltage of 2 V. Using this sinusoidal voltage driven integrated device, 10 GHz repetition rate pulse with an actual width of 13.7 ps without any compression elements is obtained due to the gate operation effect of tandem EAMs.


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gamma-Al2O3 films were grown on Si (10 0) substrates using the sources of TMA (AI(CH3)(3)) and O-2 by very low-pressure chemical vapor deposition. The effects of temperature control on the crystalline quality, surface morphology, uniformity and dielectricity were investigated. It has been found that the,gamma-Al2O3 film prepared at a temperature of 1000degreesC has a good crystalline quality, but the surface morphology, uniformity and dielectricity were poor due to the etching reaction between 0, and Si substrate in the initial growth stage. However, under a temperature-varied multi-step process the properties Of gamma-Al2O3 film were improved. The films have a mirror-like surface and the dielectricity was superior to that grown under a single-step process. The uniformity of gamma-Al2O3 films for 2-in epi-wafer was <5%, it is better than that disclosed elsewhere. In order to improve the crystalline quality, the gamma-Al2O3 films were annealed for I h in O-2 atmosphere. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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To heteroepitaxally grow the crystalline cubic-GaN (c-GaN) film on the substrates with large lattice mismatch is basically important for fabricating the blue or ultraviolet laser diodes based on cubic group III nitride materials. We have obtained the crystalline c-GaN film and the heteroepitaxial interface between c-Gan and GaAs (001) substrate by the ECR Plasma-Assisted Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (PA-MOCVD) under low-pressure and low-temperature (similar to600degreesC) on a homemade ECR-plasma Semiconductor Processing Device (ESPD). In order to decrease the growth temperature, the ECR plasma source was adopted as the activated nitrogen source, therefore the working pressure of MOCVD was decreased down to the region less than 1 Pa. To eliminate the damages from energetic ions of current plasma source, a Multi-cusp cavity,coupling ECR Plasma source (MEP) was selected to use in our experiment. To decrease the strain and dislocations induced from the large lattice mismatch between c-GaN and GaAs substrate, the plasma pretreatment procedure i.e., the initial growth technique was investigated The experiment arrangements, the characteristics of plasma and the growth procedure, the characteristics on-GaN film and interface between c-GaN and GaAs(001), and the roles of ECR plasma are described in this contribution.


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Cubic GaN films were grown on GaAs(1 0 0) substrates by low-pressure metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy at high temperature. We have found a nonlinear relation between GaN film thickness and growth timer and this nonlinearity becomes more obvious with increasing growth temperature. We assumed it was because of Ga diffusion through the GaN film, and developed a model which agrees well with the experimental results. These results raise questions concerning the role of Ga diffusion through the GaN film, which may affect the electrical and optical properties of the material. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.