414 resultados para ökad förståelse


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I denna avhandling undersöker jag hur modersmålslärare inom den grundläggande utbildningen (åk 7–9) undervisar i litteratur. De frågor jag ställer mig är: Hur förverkligar lärarna sin litteraturundervisning i praktiken, hur förhåller de sig till den nya läroplanen i ämnet, Grunderna för läroplanen för den grundläggande utbildningen 2004, samt med vilken ämnes-, litteratur- och kunskapssyn utgår de från i sin undervisning? Undersökningsresultatet analyseras utifrån läroplan och utifrån en läsarorienterad, sociokulturell och funktionell litteratursyn och litteraturpedagogik. Undersökningen är kvalitativ och riktar sig i form av ett frågeformulär till alla modersmålslärare i högstadierna i huvudstadsregionen. Tretton lärare deltar slutligen och åtta av dessa svar uppföljs genom en tematisk intervju. Undersökningen sker våren 2005. Forskningsresultatet visar på att flera av lärarna till stor del bygger upp sin undervisning utifrån färdiga uppgifter och koncept och att undervisningen styrs av metoden, av frågan hur. Dessa lärares undervisning sker således inte utgående från en enhetlig ämnes-, litteratur- och kunskapssyn, utan ämnessynen varierar beroende på uppgift. Recensionen är den arbetsuppgift som är vanligast bland lärarna, även om flera lärare ställer sig tveksamma till den. Övriga uppgifter som förekommer bland flera lärare är uppgiftskoncept kring klassiker och litterära samtal inför klass. Tematisk litteraturundervisning används även av flera lärare, liksom Netlibris, som innebär att två klasser från olika skolor över nätet diskuterar en skönlitterär text. Både Netlibris och tematisk litteraturundervisning är metoder som lärarna förhåller sig positiva till och ser pedagogiska fördelar med. Den tematiska undervisningen sker emellertid ofta i form av koncept som återkommer i samma form år efter år. Två lärare strävar dock efter att arbeta utifrån en enhetlig ämnessyn – den erfarenhetspedagogiska. Dessa lärare använder sig av färre koncept i sin undervisning. De bygger snarare upp sin undervisning utifrån frågan varför än hur, vilket innebär att de i högre grad har möjlighet att beakta elevernas intressen och behov i utformandet av undervisningen. Detta syns bland annat i valet av böcker och teman. En av dessa lärare använder sig även av portfölj- och loggboksmetodik och låter, i enlighet med läroplanen, eleverna själva vara med och utvärdera undervisningen och den egna utvecklingen. Lärarna verkar överlag förhålla sig mera positiva till de uppgifter som bygger på dialog och som tar fasta på läsaren i läsprocessen. Trots att lärarna betonar dialogens betydelse i litteraturundervisningen, bygger undervisningen ändå ofta, och i flera fall helt och hållet, på uppgifter som saknar dialog. En av orsakerna till detta kan vara att gamla koncept, trots nya uppgifter, lever kvar i undervisningen. Att lärarna framhåller de uppgifter som utgår från läsning av gemensamma texter och som tar fasta på en läsarorienterad och sociokulturell litteratursyn, visar dock på att de nya uppgifterna håller på att omkullkasta de gamla; lärarnas litteraturundervisning befinner sig således i förändring. Samtliga lärare förhåller sig positiva till litteraturundervisning och framhåller att litteraturen sedan deras egen skoltid fått en mera framträdande roll i undervisningen. De påpekar också att modersmålsundervisningen idag är mindre färdighetsinriktad och går mot en ökad dialog.


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TRANSFORMATIONS OF NATURE Science, Knowledge and Freedom in the Early Thinking of Rudolf Steiner. Perspectives on Waldorf Education in the light of the History of Ideas Waldorf Education is based on the worldview that Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) developed to a wide-ranging anthroposophical movement in the first decades of the 20th century. This thesis takes as its departure the early thinking of Rudolf Steiner that precedes anthroposophy, and its main purpose is to uncover the tradition of ideas represented in Steiner´s early life and which, in different ways, have emerged in the practice of Waldorf Education. Through systematic analysis I attempt to bring to light different aspects of Steiner’s early thinking: his concept of science, his epistemological startingpoints and his philosophy of freedom. By departing from J. W. Goethe’s qualitative concept of science, Steiner strove in his early works to formulate a monistic worldview which appears to be closely related to the Romantic Movement and its philosophy of nature. Characteristic traits of his thinking are, on the one hand, a critique of a one-sided enlightenment and, on the other hand, an aspiration to see the world as a living organic unity. Human beings can, by developing our intuitive faculties, get a deeper understanding of the indissoluble relationship between man and nature. Against this background Steiner´s early thinking can be read as a special kind of romantic development narrative. Steiner’s early thinking also opens the way for romantic perspectives on Waldorf Education. It appears that many central aims and conceptions in Waldorf Education can be illuminated by the epistemological perspective upon which Steiner elaborated early in his life. An organic curriculum, phenomenological didactics and high ideal of freedom can be considered seen as educational applications of conceptions that played an important role in Goethe and his age. Thus, Waldorf Education provides in our contemporary society an exceptional set of educational values: a holistic education with romantic undertones.


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Quantum effects are often of key importance for the function of biological systems at molecular level. Cellular respiration, where energy is extracted from the reduction of molecular oxygen to water, is no exception. In this work, the end station of the electron transport chain in mitochondria, cytochrome c oxidase, is investigated using quantum chemical methodology. Cytochrome c oxidase contains two haems, haem a and haem a3. Haem a3, with its copper companion, CuB, is involved in the final reduction of oxygen into water. This binuclear centre receives the necessary electrons from haem a. Haem a, in turn, receives its electrons from a copper ion pair in the vicinity, called CuA. Density functional theory (DFT) has been used to clarify the charge and spin distributions of haem a, as well as changes in these during redox activity. Upon reduction, the added electron is shown to be evenly distributed over the entire haem structure, important for the accommodation of the prosthetic group within the protein. At the same time, the spin distribution of the open-shell oxidised state is more localised to the central iron. The exact spin density distribution has been disputed in the literature, however, different experiments indicating different distributions of the unpaired electron. The apparent contradiction is shown to be due to the false assumption of a unit amount of unpaired electron density; in fact, the oxidised state has about 1.3 unpaired electrons. The validity of the DFT results have been corroborated by wave function based coupled cluster calculations. Point charges, for use in classical force field based simulations, have been parameterised for the four metal centres, using a newly developed methodology. In the procedure, the subsystem for which point charges are to be obtained, is surrounded by an outer region, with the purpose of stabilising the inner region, both electronically and structurally. Finally, the possibility of vibrational promotion of the electron transfer step between haem a and a3 has been investigated. Calculating the full vibrational spectra, at DFT level, of a combined model of the two haems, revealed several normal modes that do shift electron density between the haems. The magnitude of the shift was found to be moderate, at most. The proposed mechanism could have an assisting role in the electron transfer, which still seems to be dominated by electron tunnelling.


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Life-history theory states that although natural selection would favour a maximisation of both reproductive output and life-span, such a combination can not be achieved in any living organism. According to life-history theory the reason for the fact that not all traits can be maximised simultaneously is that different traits compete with each other for resources. These relationships between traits that constrain the simultaneous evolution of two or more traits are called trade-offs. Therefore, during different life-stages an individual needs to optimise its allocation of resources to life-history components such as growth, reproduction and survival. Resource limitation acts on these traits and therefore investment in one trait, e.g. reproduction, reduces the resources available for investment in another trait, e.g. residual reproduction or survival. In this thesis I study how food resources during different stages of the breeding event affect reproductive decisions in the Ural owl (Strix uralensis) and the consequences of these decisions on parents and offspring. The Ural owl is a suitable study species for such studies in natural populations since they are long-lived, site-tenacious, and feed on voles. The vole populations in Fennoscandia fluctuate in three- to four-year cycles, which create a variable food environment for the Ural owls to cope with. The thesis gives new insight in reproductive costs and their consequences in natural animal populations with emphasis on underlying physiological mechanisms. I found that supplementary fed Ural owl parents invest supplemented food resources during breeding in own self-maintenance instead of allocating those resources to offspring growth. This investment in own maintenance instead of improving current reproduction had carry-over effects to the following year in terms of increased reproductive output. Therefore, I found evidence that reduced reproductive costs improves future reproductive performance. Furthermore, I found evidence for the underlying mechanism behind this carry-over effect of supplementary food on fecundity. The supplementary-fed parents reduced their feeding investment in the offspring compared to controls, which enabled the fed female parents to invest the surplus resources in parasite resistance. Fed female parents had lower blood parasite loads than control females and this effect lasted until the following year when also reproductive output was increased. Hence, increased investment in parasite resistance when resources are plentiful has the potential to mediate positive carry-over effects on future reproduction. I further found that this carry-over effect was only present when potentials for future reproduction were good. The thesis also provides new knowledge on resource limitation on maternal effects. I found that increased resources prior to egg laying improve the condition and health of Ural owl females and enable them to allocate more resources to reproduction than control females. These additional resources are not allocated to increase the number of offspring, but instead to improve the quality of each offspring. Fed Ural owl females increased the size of their eggs and allocated more health improving immunological components into the eggs. Furthermore, the increased egg size had long-lasting effects on offspring growth, as offspring from larger eggs were heavier at fledging. Limiting resources can have different short- and long-term consequences on reproductive decisions that affect both offspring number and quality. In long-lived organisms, such as the Ural owl, it appears to be beneficial in terms of fitness to invest in long breeding life-span instead of additional investment in current reproduction. In Ural owls, females can influence the phenotypic quality of the offspring by transferring additional resources to the eggs that can have long-lasting effects on growth.


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The actin cytoskeleton is essential for a large variety of cell biological processes. Actin exists in either a monomeric or a filamentous form, and it is very important for many cellular functions that the local balance between these two actin populations is properly regulated. A large number of proteins participate in the regulation of actin dynamics in the cell, and twinfilin, one of the proteins examined in this thesis, belongs to this category. The second level of regulation involves proteins that crosslink or bundle actin filaments, thereby providing the cell with a certain shape. α-Actinin, the second protein studied, mainly acts as an actin crosslinking protein. Both proteins are conserved in organisms ranging from yeast to mammals. In this thesis, the roles of twinfilin and α-actinin in development were examined using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism. Twinfilin is an actin monomer binding protein that is structurally related to cofilin. In vitro, twinfilin reduces actin polymerisation by sequestering actin monomers. The Drosophila twinfilin (twf) gene was identified and found to encode a protein functionally similar to yeast and mammalian twinfilins. A strong hypomorphic twf mutation was identified, and flies homozygous for this allele were viable and fertile. The adult twf mutant flies displayed reduced viability, a rough eye phenotype and severely malformed bristles. The shape of the adult bristle is determined by the actin bundles that are regularly spaced around the perimeter of the developing pupal bristles. Examination of the twf pupal bristles revealed an increased level of filamentous actin, which in turn resulted in splitting and displacement of the actin bundles. The bristle defect was rescued by twf overexpression in developing bristles. The Twinfilin protein was localised at sites of actin filament assembly, where it was required to limit actin polymerisation. A genetic interaction between twinfilin and twinstar (the gene encoding Cofilin) was detected, consistent with the model predicting that both proteins act to limit the amount of filamentous actin. α-Actinin has been implicated in several diverse cell biological processes. In Drosophila, the only function for α-actinin yet known is in the organisation of the muscle sarcomere. Muscle and non-muscle cells utilise different α-actinin isoforms, which in Drosophila are produced by alternative splicing of a single gene. In this work, novel α-actinin deletion alleles, including ActnΔ233, were generated, which specifically disrupted the transcript encoding the non-muscle α-actinin isoform. Nevertheless, ActnΔ233 homozygous mutant flies were viable and fertile with no obvious defects. By comparing α-actinin protein distribution in wild type and ActnΔ233 mutant animals, it could be concluded that non-muscle α-actinin is the only isoform expressed in young embryos, in the embryonic central nervous system and in various actin-rich structures of the ovarian germline cells. In the ActnΔ233 mutant, α-actinin was detected not only in muscle tissue, but also in embryonic epidermal cells and in certain follicle cell populations in the ovaries. The population of α-actinin protein present in non-muscle cells of the ActnΔ233 mutant is referred to as FC-α-actinin (Follicle Cell). The follicular epithelium in the Drosophila ovary is a well characterised model system for studies on patterning and morphogenesis. Therefore, α-actinin expression, regulation and function in this tissue were further analysed. Examination of the α-actinin localisation pattern revealed that the basal actin fibres of the main body follicle cells underwent an organised remodelling during the final stages of oogenesis. This involved the assembly of a transient adhesion site in the posterior of the cell, in which α-actinin and Enabled (Ena) accumulated. Follicle cells genetically manipulated to lack all α-actinin isoforms failed to remodel their cytoskeleton and translocate Ena to the posterior of the cell, while the actin fibres as such were not affected. Neither was epithelial morphogenesis disrupted. The reorganisation of the basal actin cytoskeleton was also disturbed following ectopic expression of Decapentaplegic (Dpp) or as a result of a heat shock. At late oogenesis, the main body follicle cells express both non-muscle α-actinin and FC-α-actinin, while the dorsal anterior follicle cells express only non-muscle α-actinin. The dorsal anterior cells are patterned by the Dpp and Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalling pathways, and they will ultimately secrete the dorsal appendages of the egg. Experiments involving ectopic activation of EGFR and Dpp signalling showed that FC-α-actinin is negatively regulated by combined EGFR and Dpp signalling. Ubiquitous overexpression of the adult muscle-specific α-actinin isoform induced the formation of aberrant actin bundles in migrating follicle cells that did not normally express FC-α-actinin, provided that the EGFR signalling pathway was activated in the cells. Taken together, this work contributes new data to our knowledge of α-actinin function and regulation in Drosophila. The cytoskeletal remodelling shown to depend on α-actinin function provides the first evidence that α-actinin has a role in the organisation of the cytoskeleton in a non-muscle tissue. Furthermore, the cytoskeletal remodelling constitutes a previously undescribed morphogenetic event, which may provide us with a model system for in vivo studies on adhesion dynamics in Drosophila.


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The continuous production of blood cells, a process termed hematopoiesis, is sustained throughout the lifetime of an individual by a relatively small population of cells known as hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). HSCs are unique cells characterized by their ability to self-renew and give rise to all types of mature blood cells. Given their high proliferative potential, HSCs need to be tightly regulated on the cellular and molecular levels or could otherwise turn malignant. On the other hand, the tight regulatory control of HSC function also translates into difficulties in culturing and expanding HSCs in vitro. In fact, it is currently not possible to maintain or expand HSCs ex vivo without rapid loss of self-renewal. Increased knowledge of the unique features of important HSC niches and of key transcriptional regulatory programs that govern HSC behavior is thus needed. Additional insight in the mechanisms of stem cell formation could enable us to recapitulate the processes of HSC formation and self-renewal/expansion ex vivo with the ultimate goal of creating an unlimited supply of HSCs from e.g. human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) to be used in therapy. We thus asked: How are hematopoietic stem cells formed and in what cellular niches does this happen (Papers I, II)? What are the molecular mechanisms that govern hematopoietic stem cell development and differentiation (Papers III, IV)? Importantly, we could show that placenta is a major fetal hematopoietic niche that harbors a large number of HSCs during midgestation (Paper I)(Gekas et al., 2005). In order to address whether the HSCs found in placenta were formed there we utilized the Runx1-LacZ knock-in and Ncx1 knockout mouse models (Paper II). Importantly, we could show that HSCs emerge de novo in the placental vasculature in the absence of circulation (Rhodes et al., 2008). Furthermore, we could identify defined microenvironmental niches within the placenta with distinct roles in hematopoiesis: the large vessels of the chorioallantoic mesenchyme serve as sites of HSC generation whereas the placental labyrinth is a niche supporting HSC expansion (Rhodes et al., 2008). Overall, these studies illustrate the importance of distinct milieus in the emergence and subsequent maturation of HSCs. To ensure proper function of HSCs several regulatory mechanisms are in place. The microenvironment in which HSCs reside provides soluble factors and cell-cell interactions. In the cell-nucleus, these cell-extrinsic cues are interpreted in the context of cell-intrinsic developmental programs which are governed by transcription factors. An essential transcription factor for initiation of hematopoiesis is Scl/Tal1 (stem cell leukemia gene/T-cell acute leukemia gene 1). Loss of Scl results in early embryonic death and total lack of all blood cells, yet deactivation of Scl in the adult does not affect HSC function (Mikkola et al., 2003b. In order to define the temporal window of Scl requirement during fetal hematopoietic development, we deactivated Scl in all hematopoietic lineages shortly after hematopoietic specification in the embryo . Interestingly, maturation, expansion and function of fetal HSCs was unaffected, and, as in the adult, red blood cell and platelet differentiation was impaired (Paper III)(Schlaeger et al., 2005). These findings highlight that, once specified, the hematopoietic fate is stable even in the absence of Scl and is maintained through mechanisms that are distinct from those required for the initial fate choice. As the critical downstream targets of Scl remain unknown, we sought to identify and characterize target genes of Scl (Paper IV). We could identify transcription factor Mef2C (myocyte enhancer factor 2 C) as a novel direct target gene of Scl specifically in the megakaryocyte lineage which largely explains the megakaryocyte defect observed in Scl deficient mice. In addition, we observed an Scl-independent requirement of Mef2C in the B-cell compartment, as loss of Mef2C leads to accelerated B-cell aging (Gekas et al. Submitted). Taken together, these studies identify key extracellular microenvironments and intracellular transcriptional regulators that dictate different stages of HSC development, from emergence to lineage choice to aging.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of pneumonia, meningitis and bacteremia worldwide. The 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) is recommended for adults less than 65 years old with certain chronic medical conditions and for all elderly persons because of high rates of invasive pneumococcal infections (IPI) and increased risk of death. This study provides a comprehensive picture of the epidemiology of pneumococcal infections in Finland before the introduction of childhood pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, focusing on disease rates, risk factors, clinical outcome, and healthcare associated infections. This study was based on national, population-based laboratory surveillance for IPI. Information on all episodes of IPI was collected from the primary diagnostic laboratory. A case with IPI was defined as the isolation of S. pneumoniae from blood or cerebrospinal fluid during 1995-2002. Information on comorbidities and underlying conditions for IPI patients was obtained by linking the IPI surveillance database to other national, population-based health registries using each patient’s unique national identity code. In total, 4357 cases of IPI were identified. The overall annualized IPI incidence increased by 35% during the study period and was 10.6 per 100 000 population. The temporal increase in disease rates was associated with higher blood culturing rates over time. In working age adults, two-thirds of severe infections and one half of fatal cases occurred in persons with no recognized PPV23 indication. Persons with asthma were at increased risk for IPI and this new risk factor accounted for 5% of the overall disease burden. One tenth of pneumococcal bacteremias were healthcare-associated, and mortality among these patients was over twice as high as among patients with community-associated bacteremia. Most patients with nosocomial infections had underlying conditions for which PPV23 is recommended. The incidence of IPI in Finland has increased and the overall disease burden is higher than previously reported. The findings of this study underscore the urgent need for improved prevention efforts against pneumococcal infections in Finland through increased use of PPV23 in adult risk groups and introduction of childhood immunization with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.


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Background: One-third of patients with type 1 diabetes develop diabetic complications, such as diabetic nephropathy. The diabetic complications are related to a high mortality from cardiovascular disease, impose a great burden on the health care system, and reduce the health-related quality of life of patients. Aims: This thesis assessed, whether parental risk factors identify subjects at a greater risk of developing diabetic complications. Another aim was to evaluate the impact of a parental history of type 2 diabetes on patients with type 1 diabetes. A third aim was to assess the role of the metabolic syndrome in patients with type 1 diabetes, both its presence and its predictive value with respect to complications. Subjects and methods: This study is part of the ongoing nationwide Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy (FinnDiane) Study. The study was initiated in 1997, and, thus far, 4,800 adult patients with type 1 diabetes have been recruited. Since 2004, follow-up data have also been collected in parallel to the recruitment of new patients. Studies I to III have a cross-sectional design, whereas Study IV has a prospective design. Information on parents was obtained from the patients with type 1 diabetes by a questionnaire. Results: Clustering of parental hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes (type 1 and type 2) was associated with diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes, as was paternal mortality. A parental history of type 2 diabetes was associated with a later onset of type 1 diabetes, a higher prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, and a metabolic profile related to insulin resistance, despite no difference in the distribution of human leukocyte antigen genotypes or the presence of diabetic complications. A maternal history of type 2 diabetes, seemed to contribute to a worse metabolic profile in the patients with type 1 diabetes than a paternal history. The metabolic syndrome was a frequent finding in patients with type 1 diabetes, observed in 38% of males and 40% of females. The prevalence increased with worsening of the glycemic control and more severe renal disease. The metabolic syndrome was associated with a 3.75-fold odds ratio for diabetic nephropathy, and all of the components of the syndrome were independently associated with diabetic nephropathy. The metabolic syndrome, independent of diabetic nephropathy, increased the risk of cardiovascular events and cardiovascular and diabetes-related mortality over a 5.5-year follow-up. With respect to progression of diabetic nephropathy, the role of the metabolic syndrome was less clear, playing a strong role only in the progression from macroalbuminuria to end-stage renal disease. Conclusions: Familial factors and the metabolic syndrome play an important role in patients with type 1 diabetes. Assessment of these factors is an easily applicable tool in clinical practice to identify patients at a greater risk of developing diabetic complications.


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Background: As the human body ages, the arteries gradually lose their elasticity and become stiffer. Although inevitable, this process is influenced by hereditary and environmental factors. Interestingly, many classic cardiovascular risk factors affect the arterial stiffness. During the last decade, accelerated arterial stiffening has been recognized as an important cardiovascular risk factor associated with increased mortality as well as with several chronic disorders. Objectives: This thesis examines the role of arterial stiffness in relation to variations in a physiological feature in healthy individuals. In addition, the effect on arterial stiffness of an acute transitory disease and the effect of a chronic disease are studied. Furthermore, the thesis analyzes the prognostic value of a marker of arterial stiffness in individuals with chronic disease. Finally, a potential method of reducing arterial stiffness is evaluated. Material and study design: The first study examines pulse wave reflection and pulse wave velocity in relation to muscle fibre distribution in healthy middle-aged men. In the second study, pulse wave reflection in women with current or previous preeclampsia is compared to a healthy control group. The effect of aging on the different blood pressure indices in patients with type 1 diabetes is examined in the third study, whereas the fourth paper studies the relation between these blood pressure indices and mortality in type 2 diabetes. The fifth study evaluates how intake of a fermented milk product containing bioactive peptides affects pulse wave reflection in individuals with mild hypertension. Results and conclusions: Muscle fibre type distribution is not an independent determinant of arterial stiffness in middle-aged males. Pulse wave reflection is increased in pregnant women with preeclampsia, but not in previously preeclamptic non-pregnant women. Patients with type 1 diabetes have a higher and more rapidly increasing pulse pressure, which suggests accelerated arterial stiffening. In elderly type 2 diabetic patients, very high and very low levels of pulse pressure are associated with higher mortality. Intake of milk-derived bioactive peptides reduces pulse wave reflection in hypertensive males but not in hypertensive females.


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Background. Patients with type 1 diabetes are at markedly increased risk of vascular complications. In this respect it is noteworthy that hyperglycaemia that is shown to cause endothelial dysfunction, has clearly been shown to be a risk factor for diabetic microvascular disease. However, the role of hyperglycaemia as a predictor of macrovascular disease is not as clear as for microvascular disease, although type 1 diabetes itself increases the risk of cardiovascular disease substantially. Furthermore, it is not known whether it is the short-term or the long-term hyperglycaemia that confers possible risk. In addition, the role of glucose variability as a predictor of complications is to a large extent unexplored. Interestingly, although hyperglycaemia increases the risk of pre-eclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes, it is unclear whether pre-eclampsia, a condition characterized by endothelial dysfunction, is also a risk factor for microvascular complication, diabetic nephropathy. Aims. This doctoral thesis investigated the role of acute hyperglycaemia and glucose variability on arterial stiffness and cardiac ventricular repolarisation in male patients with type 1 diabetes as well as in healthy male volunteers. The thesis also explored whether acute hyperglycaemia leads to an inflammatory response, endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Finally, the role of pre-eclampsia, as a predictor of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes was examined. Subjects and methods. In order to study glucose variability and the daily glycaemic control, 22 male patients with type 1 diabetes, without any diabetic complications, were monitored for 72-h with a continuous glucose monitoring system. At the end of the 72-h glucose monitoring period a 2-h hyperglycaemic clamp was performed both in the patients with type 1 diabetes and in the 13 healthy age-matched male volunteers. Blood pressure, arterial stiffness and QT time were measured to detect vascular changes during acute hyperglycaemia. Blood samples were drawn at baseline (normoglycaemia) and during acute hyperglycaemia. In another patient sample, women with type 1 diabetes were followed during their pregnancy and restudied eleven years later to elucidate the role of pre-eclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension as potential risk factors for diabetic nephropathy. Results and conclusions. Acute hyperglycaemia increased arterial stiffness as well as caused a disturbance in the myocardial ventricular repolarisation, emphasizing the importance of a strict daily glycaemic control in male patients with type 1 diabetes. An inflammatory response was also observed during acute hyperglycaemia. Furthermore, a high mean daily blood glucose but not glucose variability per se is associated with arterial stiffness. While glucose variability in turn correlated with central blood pressure, the results suggest that the glucose metabolism is closely linked to the haemodynamic changes in male patients with uncomplicated type 1 diabetes. Notably, the results are not directly applicable to females. Finally, a history of a pre-eclamptic pregnancy, but not pregnancy-induced hypertension was associated with increased risk of diabetic nephropathy.


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Major advances in the treatment of preterm infants have occurred during the last three decades. Survival rates have increased, and the first generations of preterm infants born at very low birth weight (VLBW; less than 1500 g) who profited from modern neonatal intensive care are now in young adulthood. The literature shows that VLBW children achieve on average lower scores on cognitive tests, even after exclusion of individuals with obvious neurosensory deficits. Evidence also exists for an increased risk in VLBW children for various neuropsychiatric disorders such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and related behavioral symptoms. Up till now, studies extending into adulthood are sparse, and it remains to be seen whether these problems persist into adulthood. The aim of this thesis was to study ADHD-related symptoms and cognitive and executive functioning in young adults born at VLBW. In addition, we aimed to study sleep disturbances, known to adversely affect both cognition and attention. We hypothesized that preterm birth at VLBW interferes with early brain development in a way that alters the neuropsychological phenotype; this may manifest itself as ADHD symptoms and impaired cognitive abilities in young adulthood. In this cohort study from a geographically defined region, we studied 166 VLBW adults and 172 term-born controls born from 1978 through 1985. At ages 18 to 27 years, the study participants took part in a clinic study during which their physical and psychological health was assessed in detail. Three years later, 213 of these individuals participated in a follow-up. The current study is part of a larger research project (The Helsinki Study of Very Low Birth Weight Adults), and the measurements of interest for this particular study include the following: 1) The Adult Problem Questionnaire (APQ), a self-rating scale of ADHD-related symptoms in adults; 2) A computerized cognitive test battery designed for population studies (CogState®) which measures core cognitive abilities such as reaction time, working memory, and visual learning; 3) Sleep assessment by actigraphy, the Basic Nordic Sleep Questionnaire, and the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire. Actigraphs are wrist-worn accelerometers that separate sleep from wakefulness by registering body movements. Contrary to expectations, VLBW adults as a group reported no more ADHD-related behavioral symptoms than did controls. Further subdivision of the VLBW group into SGA (small for gestational age) and AGA (appropriate for gestational age) subgroups, however, revealed more symptoms on ADHD subscales pertaining to executive dysfunction and emotional instability among those born SGA. Thus, it seems that intrauterine growth retardation (for which SGA served as a proxy) is a more essential predictor for self-perceived ADHD symptoms in adulthood than is VLBW birth as such. In line with observations from other cohorts, the VLBW adults reported less risk-taking behavior in terms of substance use (alcohol, smoking, and recreational drugs), a finding reassuring for the VLBW individuals and their families. On the cognitive test, VLBW adults free from neurosensory deficits had longer reaction times than did term-born peers on all tasks included in the test battery, and lower accuracy on the learning task, with no discernible effect of SGA status over and above the effect of VLBW. Altogether, on a group level, even high-functioning VLBW adults show subtle deficits in psychomotor processing speed, visual working memory, and learning abilities. The sleep studies provided no evidence for differences in sleep quality or duration between the two groups. The VLBW adults were, however, at more than two-fold higher risk for sleep-disordered breathing (in terms of chronic snoring). Given the link between sleep-disordered breathing and health sequelae, these results suggest that VLBW individuals may benefit from an increased awareness among clinicians of this potential problem area. An unexpected finding from the sleep studies was the suggestion of an advanced sleep phase: The VLBW adults went to bed earlier according to the actigraphy registrations and also reported earlier wake-up times on the questionnaire. In further study of this issue in conjunction with the follow-up three years later, the VLBW group reported higher levels of morningness propensity, further corroborating the preliminary findings of an advanced sleep phase. Although the clinical implications are not entirely clear, the issue may be worth further study, since circadian rhythms are closely related to health and well-being. In sum, we believe that increased understanding of long-term outcomes after VLBW, and identification of areas and subgroups that are particularly vulnerable, will allow earlier recognition of potential problems and ultimately lead to improved prevention strategies.


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Acute heart failure (AHF) is a complex syndrome associated with exceptionally high mortality. Still, characteristics and prognostic factors of contemporary AHF patients have been inadequately studied. Kidney function has emerged as a very powerful prognostic risk factor in cardiovascular disease. This is believed to be the consequence of an interaction between the heart and kidneys, also termed the cardiorenal syndrome, the mechanisms of which are not fully understood. Renal insufficiency is common in heart failure and of particular interest for predicting outcome in AHF. Cystatin C (CysC) is a marker of glomerular filtration rate with properties making it a prospective alternative to the currently used measure creatinine for assessment of renal function. The aim of this thesis is to characterize a representative cohort of patients hospitalized for AHF and to identify risk factors for poor outcome in AHF. In particular, the role of CysC as a marker of renal function is evaluated, including examination of the value of CysC as a predictor of mortality in AHF. The FINN-AKVA (Finnish Acute Heart Failure) study is a national prospective multicenter study conducted to investigate the clinical presentation, aetiology and treatment of, as well as concomitant diseases and outcome in, AHF. Patients hospitalized for AHF were enrolled in the FINN-AKVA study, and mortality was followed for 12 months. The mean age of patients with AHF is 75 years and they frequently have both cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular co-morbidities. The mortality after hospitalization for AHF is high, rising to 27% by 12 months. The present study shows that renal dysfunction is very common in AHF. CysC detects impaired renal function in forty percent of patients. Renal function, measured by CysC, is one of the strongest predictors of mortality independently of other prognostic risk markers, such as age, gender, co-morbidities and systolic blood pressure on admission. Moreover, in patients with normal creatinine values, elevated CysC is associated with a marked increase in mortality. Acute kidney injury, defined as an increase in CysC within 48 hours of hospital admission, occurs in a significant proportion of patients and is associated with increased short- and mid-term mortality. The results suggest that CysC can be used for risk stratification in AHF. Markers of inflammation are elevated both in heart failure and in chronic kidney disease, and inflammation is one of the mechanisms thought to mediate heart-kidney interactions in the cardiorenal syndrome. Inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) correlate very differently to markers of cardiac stress and renal function. In particular, TNF-α showed a robust correlation to CysC, but was not associated with levels of NT-proBNP, a marker of hemodynamic cardiac stress. Compared to CysC, the inflammatory markers were not strongly related to mortality in AHF. In conclusion, patients with AHF are elderly with multiple co-morbidities, and renal dysfunction is very common. CysC demonstrates good diagnostic properties both in identifying impaired renal function and acute kidney injury in patients with AHF. CysC, as a measure of renal function, is also a powerful prognostic marker in AHF. CysC shows promise as a marker for assessment of kidney function and risk stratification in patients hospitalized for AHF.


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I denna pro gradu avhandling undersöker jag Jokela-fallets diskursiva efterdyningar utgående från ett moralpanikperspektiv. Syftet är att se huruvida reaktionerna på och förklaringarna till skolmassakern i Jokela kan anses präglas av moralpanik, samt vilka andra förklaringsmodeller som präglade den omfattande Jokela-debatten. Avhandling grundar sig på en kvalitativ diskursanalys av förklaringsmodellerna så som de presenterades i opinionstexter och insändare i Helsingin Sanomat hösten 2007. Jag analyserar hur den medierade Jokela-debatten utvecklades och formade perceptionerna om skolskjutningar, ungdomar och det finländska samhällstillståndet i stort. Jokela-fallet väckte starka reaktioner och rädsla. Man försökte förstå och förklara orsakerna till skottdramat. Flera olika förklaringsmodeller presenterades i medierna; en oro över ungdomens mentala hälsa och mobbning, webbens och populärkulturens farliga inflytande, det hårdnade samhällsklimatet och en försvagad välfärd, också den bristfälliga vapenlagstiftningen kritiserades. Den gemensamma nämnaren var att Jokela-fallet uppfattades som en indikator på hela samhällets tillstånd där en gemensam värdegrund och moral håller på att erodera. Mitt teoretiska perspektiv grundar sig främst på moralpanikteorier av Stanley Cohen och Chas Critcher som jag kopplar ihop med Ulrich Becks teori om risksamhället och Emile Durkheims anomiteori. Det här speglar jag mot bland annat Hille Koskelas forskning om rädslans kultur och trygghetssamhället, samt jämför med amerikansk forskning om skolskjutningar. Jokela-debatten formades främst av två dominerande diskurser: a) en rationaliseringsdiskurs som kännetecknas av att man försöker förklara Jokela-fallet genom förnuftsmässiga och logiska resonemang genom att peka på olika samhällsaspekter, b) en risk- och kontrolldiskurs som kännetecknas av moralpaniktendenser främst i form av oro över ungdomar, internet och försvagade samhällsnormer, samt krav på ökad social kontroll och reglering för att säkra trygghet och ordning i samhället. Jokela-fallet var inte ett klassiskt moralpanikfall, men fyllde många av kriterierna för moralpanik. Jokela-debatten uttryckte en rädslans kultur som genomsyrar dagens risksamhälle och som legitimerar ökad riskhantering och social kontroll, som försvar mot de hot och problem som samhället kollektivt upplever. Det ställdes krav på mera social kontroll och reglering på grund av upplevda hot mot samhällets normer och en försvagad moral, vilket är ett uttryck för moralpanik. Jokela-fallets diskursiva efterdyningar visar att tryggheten har blivit ett moraliskt imperativ. Trygghet har blivit något vi förutsätts eftersträva och som vi är färdiga att betala ett allt högre pris för, både mätt i pengar och i frihet.


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Det tysta kunnandet utgör en stor del av kunskapsresursen både hos oss som individer och i arbetsorganisationerna. Trots att vi omger oss med böcker, manualer och databaser, som alla är exempel på explicit kunskap, så är det ”den rätta känslan”, erfarenheten och våra färdigheter som avgör om och hur vi klarar av våra uppgifter. Dessa begrepp är alla relaterade till den tysta dimensionen av kunskap. En dimension som traditionellt karaktäriserats som abstrakt, individuell, omedveten, praktisk, erfarenhetsbaserad och framför allt svår att uttrycka. Alla dessa är karaktärsdrag som ställt speciella krav inom kunskapsforskning och -ledning. Resultatet av detta är att både forskning och ledning av det tysta kunnandet har åsidosatts till förmån för forskning och ledning av explicit kunskap. Ett bidragande problem har varit bristen på lämpliga metoder för att ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv studera och leda tyst kunnande. Ett annat problem har varit oklarhet i begreppet tyst kunskap. Detta har lett till brist på förståelse och/eller missförstånd. För att råda bot på svårigheten att uttrycka vårt tysta kunnande har människan utvecklat olika begrepp som i vår vardagskommunikation symboliserar tyst kunnande. Begrepp som intuition, människokännedom, förhandlingsförmåga och kultur används vanligt och med dem uttrycker vi den tysta dimensionen av kunnande. Dessa begrepp utgör även grunden för den intervjumetod som utvecklats för att empiriskt studera eller i ledningssyfte kartlägga tyst kunnande. Metoden använder dessa ”Epitet för Tyst Kunskap” (ETK) som bas för stimuluskort-intervjuer. Intervjuer som visat sig öka möjligheten att utforska och kartlägga tyst kunnande i organisationer oberoende av om man är forskare eller företagsledare.


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Varför är arbetsplatsen en plats? Arbetsplatsens betydelse diskuterar den självklarhet som ofta karakteriserar en vetenskaplig diskussion om arbetsplatsen och dess fysiska existens. Tyngdpunkten inom platsforskningen har kommit att långt ligga på platsens utformning, på dess innehåll och skeenden istället för på platsen i sig. Den snabba informationsteknologiska utvecklingen leder emellertid till att man kan ifrågasätta huruvida dagens traditionella arbetsplatser med deras fysiska attribut överhuvudtaget behövs. En frigörelse från rummets och tidens restriktioner skulle medföra att en fysisk arbetsplats inte längre kunde ses som självklar. I en situation där individen behåller arbetet som aktivitet men förlorar sin kontakt med den traditionella arbetsplatsen (blir arbetsplatslös) uppstår ett behov av att veta om man samtidigt förlorar något betydelsefullt. Bör värden överföras från den traditionella arbetsplatsen till arbete under mera virtuella och gränslösa villkor och i så fall vilka? Arbetsplatsens betydelse söker en förståelse för den betydelse arbetstagarna sätter vid sin arbetsplats och framförallt vid det faktum att den är en fysisk plats. Intervjuer med distansarbetare och traditionella kontorsarbetare visar att arbetsplatsen legitimerar arbetet, avgränsar arbetet, stöder arbetstagaren i arbetet och stöder arbetstagaren som människa. Detta är enligt dem svaret på varför det ligger ett värde i att traditionellt se och uppleva arbetsplatsen som en fysisk plats.