986 resultados para Television advertising


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Atualmente vivemos numa era em que a publicidade nos rodeia através de várias formas e onde as empresas esforçam-se cada vez mais para tornar eficaz a mensagem que pretendem passar. O uso de métodos convencionais, como a televisão, rádio, ou até outdoors, está a tornar-se pouco eficaz. Em muito pouco tempo, nos últimos vinte anos, a Internet mudou a nossa forma de viver, sendo até comparado ao Renascimento e à Revolução Industrial. As gerações mais recentes nasceram rodeadas deste “boom” publicitário, o que as tornou imunes. De forma a contornar este problema, surge Levinson em 1989 onde apresenta uma forma de minimizar este efeito e ao mesmo tempo proporcionar a que pequenas empresas tenham capacidade de competir com as maiores (Levinson, 2007). Assim, o marketing de guerrilha caracteriza-se por estar normalmente associado a implementações de baixo custo, que por vezes são irrepetíveis, pois conseguem alcançar um impacto “wow” significativo junto do grande público (Oliveira & Ferreira, 2013). O presente estudo contribui para a literatura do marketing de guerrilha existente, realizando assim uma compilação acerca do desenvolvimento desta temática até aos dias de hoje. De forma a perceber quais são os fatores que influenciam o uso do marketing de guerrilha pelas empresas portuguesas, foram inquiridas 140 empresas de todo o país, através de um questionário com base no estudo desenvolvido por Overbeek (2012). Através desta investigação exploratória, numa área ainda pouco explorada em Portugal, até à data, em especial a nível académico, “verificou-se que existe uma grande procura por este tipo de ferramentas não convencionais, tanto que, verificou-se que 86,4% da amostra já presenciou uma ação de guerrilha, no entanto apenas 36,4% admite já ter implementado na sua empresa, o que levanta a questão do porquê de uma taxa tão reduzida de utilização deste tipo de abordagem não convencional (Almeida & Au-Yong-Oliveira, 2015, p.1). A explicação poderá estar ligada à grande aversão à incerteza que existe em Portugal (Hofstede, 2001), e ao receio da mudança e da experimentação de novos produtos em Portugal (Steenkamp et al., 1999). Fatores que não irão mudar durante décadas, dado o tempo que demora a mudar culturas nacionais (Hofstede, 2001). Verifica-se também que na amostra das 140 empresas se destacam pessoas formadas (ao grau de licenciatura e mestrado) em Marketing (18,7% da amostra), Design (15,7%), Gestão (10,4%) e Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (7,9%). Pode-se concluir que são as quatro áreas fundamentais, ou pelo menos a necessidade existe em ter conhecimento nestas quatro áreas atualmente. Devido à [pequena] dimensão das empresas, um colaborador que tenha estas quatro competências tem uma vantagem competitiva face aos restantes, no que toca a hard skills.


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This book examines an emerging and fast evolving phenomena: that a growing number of people engage with two screens whilst watching television. It seems a simple concept – until we discover the important implications. In doing this, this book will move way beyond the study of online and multimedia content. It will go past the impact of mobile and multi-platform technology on the media. Instead it will examine how this new concept of second screen interactivity changes the way we watch, produce, commission and monetise television programmes in the UK.


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This thesis argues that the study of narrative television has been limited by an adherence to accepted and commonplace conceptions of endings as derived from literary theory, particularly a preoccupation with the terminus of the text as the ultimate site of cohesion, structure, and meaning. Such common conceptions of endings, this thesis argues, are largely incompatible with the realities of television’s production and reception, and as a result the study of endings in television needs to be re-thought to pay attention to the specificities of the medium. In this regard, this thesis proposes a model of intra-narrative endings, islands of cohesion, structure, and meaning located within television texts, as a possible solution to the problem of endings in television. These intra-narrative endings maintain the functionality of traditional endings, whilst also allowing for the specificities of television as a narrative medium. The first two chapters set out the theoretical groundwork, first by exploring the essential characteristics of narrative television (serialisation, fragmentation, duration, repetition, and accumulation), then by exploring the unique relationship between narrative television and the forces of contingency. These chapters also introduce the concept of intra-narrative endings as a possible solution to the problems of television’s narrative structure, and the medium’s relationship to contingency. Following on from this my three case studies examine forms of television which have either been traditionally defined as particularly resistant to closure (soap opera and the US sitcom) or which have received little analysis in terms of their narrative structure (sports coverage). Each of these case studies provides contextual material on these televisual forms, situating them in terms of their narrative structure, before moving on to analyse them in terms of my concept of intra-narrative endings. In the case of soap opera, the chapter focusses on the death of the long running character Pat Butcher in the British soap EastEnders (BBC, 1985-), while my chapter on the US sitcom focusses on the varying levels of closure that can be located within the US sitcom, using Friends (NBC, 1993-2004) as a particular example. Finally, my chapter on sports coverage analyses the BBC’s coverage of the 2012 London Olympics, and focusses on the narratives surrounding cyclists Chris Hoy and Victoria Pendleton. Each of these case studies identifies their chosen events as intra-narrative endings within larger, ongoing texts, and analyses the various ways in which they operate within those wider texts. This thesis is intended to make a contribution to the emerging field of endings studies within television by shifting the understanding of endings away from a dominant literary model which overwhelmingly focusses on the terminus of the text, to a more televisually specific model which pays attention to the particular contexts of the medium’s production and reception.


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In the paper, the authors present and analyse examples of mistranslated film titles into the Polish language, selected from a database of over 1,100 titles and presented on the sample of the film genre comedy with all its subgenres. The authors discuss various film title translation strategies and procedures with reference to the literature on the subject. In the conclusions, the authors attempt to explain the reasons for the selection of certain translation procedures, with special focus on the free formulation of titles as the least transparent.


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Online advertising has been growing rapidly since the mid-90s. In recent years, online advertising has become as relevant as an advertising medium as print and television are. However, despite the growth, the generally held consensus is that consumers are not interested in online advertisements. The arrival of online ad blocking tools has offered consumers a very effective way to avoid and block online advertisements. Although these tools have now been around for several years and the most popular software’s have hundreds of millions of active users, the phenomenon of ad blocking has gathered surprisingly little attention from academic marketing research. For this reason, ad blocking was chosen as the topic of this thesis study. The researcher was particularly interested in the reasons behind the usage of online ad blocking tools. The object of the empirical part of this study is to provide new and valid information regarding the reasons behind the usage of online ad blocking tools. The empirical research of this study consisted of a survey study that mixed both quantitative and qualitative elements. Although the sample size of the study was fairly limited, the study provided useful answers to individual research questions and provided new knowledge regarding the reasons behind the usage of online ad blocking and the phenomenon of ad blocking as a whole. The study provides further evidence that consumers are aware of online ad blocking tools and a significant portion of them are interested in using them. This study indicates that many of the consumers who do not have previous knowledge of these tools would actually be interested in them. The reason for the usage of online ad blocking tools varies from institutional reasons to instrumental reason, such as poor quality of the online advertisements. However, there were participants who were not interested in the usage of online ad blocking tools, and some of them reported to find online advertising useful. There also seems to be a concern among some consumers that online ad blocking will have a negative effect on online content in the future if the ad blocking will keep growing as a phenomenon. This certainly can be the case, and it is very interesting to see how the development of online ad blocking will shape the online advertising, how the advertising industry will respond to the growth of online ad blocking and how will the consumers respond to these changes.


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Este artículo resume el proceso de implementación del Laboratorio de Televisión Digital (DTV) de la Universidad de Cuenca, que surge como un entorno confiable de experimentación e investigación que hace uso de las características asociadas al estándar ISDB-Tb adoptado por Ecuador en el año 2010 para la transmisión de señales de televisión abierta. El objetivo de este artículo es documentar los aspectos que se han considerado para simular un escenario real en el que un Transport Stream (TS) formado por contenido audiovisual y aplicaciones interactivas, primero se genera, para luego transmitirse a través del canal de comunicaciones, y finalmente ser recibido en una televisión con receptor ISDB-Tb. Así, se facilita el desarrollo y la experimentación de nuevos servicios aprovechando el nuevo formato de DTV.


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A publicidade dirigida a menores integra-se nas temáticas alargadas do incitamento ao consumo excessivo e ao sobre-endividamento dos consumidores, e da responsabilidade social e jurídica dos meios de comunicação social enquanto titulares dos suportes publicitários. A investigação que sustenta o presente artigo parte da consideração das crianças e jovens como influenciadores e influenciados pela comunicação comercial, e da observação das consequências da publicidade e dos efeitos do consumo excessivo nos menores, famílias e sociedade. Sustentamos, no plano dos limites à liberdade de programação dos serviços de programas televisivos, o reforço da proteção dos públicos vulneráveis, por via da restrição da publicidade infantojuvenil nas diferentes formas de comunicação comercial audiovisual.


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This paper presents a comparison among different consumer 3D display technologies by means of a subjective assessment test. Therefore, four 55-in displays have been considered: one autostereoscopic display, one stereoscopic with polarized passive glasses, and two with active shutter glasses. In addition, a high-quality 3D video database has been used to show diverse material with both views in high definition. To carry out the test, standard recommendations have been followed considering also some modifications looking for a test environment more similar to real home viewing conditions, with the objective of obtaining more representative conclusions. Moreover, several perceptual factors have been considered to study the performance of the displays, such as picture quality, depth perception, and visual discomfort. The obtained results show interesting issues, like the performance improvement of active shutter glasses technology, the high performance of the polarized glasses technology in terms of quality and comfort, and the need of improvement of the autostereoscopic displays to complement the visual comfort to reach a global high-quality visual experience.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Produto, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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This article analyses the importance of the communication strategies applied by three significant social movements: Telemadrid workers’ mobilization (Madrid’s public television), the «Marea Blanca» («White Tide»), which grouped up the healthcare professionals, and the «Marea Verde» («Green Tide»), which was done by teachers. These movements are a practical application of the «indignados» («outraged») movement and, following the 15-M steps, they improved these strategies in what refers to communication and mobilization. For this purpose, we carried out two investigations: twelve in-depth interviews with leading members of these social movements; and an online questionnaire passed to strategic planners who are the experts in communication strategies from the advertising agencies.


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BACKGROUND: Sedentary behaviour has been linked with adverse health outcomes in young people; however, the nature and context of being sedentary is poorly understood. Accurate quantification and description of sedentary behaviour using population-level data is required. The aim of this research was to describe sedentary behaviour among New Zealand (NZ) youth and examine whether sedentary behaviour differs by Body Mass Index (BMI) status in this population.

METHODS: A national representative cross-sectional survey of young people aged 5-24 years (n = 2,503) was conducted in 2008-2009. Data from this survey, which included subjectively (recall diary; n = 1,309) and objectively (accelerometry; n = 960) measured sedentary behaviour for participants aged 10-18 years were analysed using survey weighted methods.

RESULTS: Participants self-reported spending on average 521 minutes per day (standard error [SE] 5.29) in total sedentary behaviour, 181 minutes per day (SE 3.91) in screen-based sedentary activities (e.g., television and video games), and 340 minutes per day (SE 5.22) in other non-screen sedentary behaviours (e.g., school, passive transport and self-care). Accelerometer-measured total sedentary behaviour was on average 420 minutes per day (SE 4.26), or 53% (SE 0.42%) of monitored time. There were no statistically significant differences in time spent in sedentary behaviour among overweight, obese and healthy/underweight young people.

CONCLUSIONS: Both subjective and objective methods indicate that NZ youth spend much of their waking time being sedentary. No relationships were found between sedentary behaviour and BMI status. These findings extend previous research by describing engagement in specific sedentary activities, as well as quantifying the behaviour using an objective method. Differences in what aspects of sedentary behaviour the two methods are capturing are discussed. This research highlights the potential for future interventions to target specific sedentary behaviours or demographic groups.