990 resultados para curriculum as content


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During 2008–2010, the Transforming Curriculum Delivery through Technology Programme investigated the potential for technology to support more flexible and creative models of curriculum delivery. This publication captures outcomes from individual projects and summarises the key points emerging from the programme.


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Case study on Runshaw College and how teachers, trainers and assessors are being trained to use digital accessibility software to enhance the student experience.


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Case study on the Heart of Worcestershire College and how they are meeting the FELTAG recommendation of achieving a 10% wholly online component of all programmes from September 2015


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Case study on how South Eastern Regional College are taking a strategic approach to managing and developing digital technologies to enhance the student experience.


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[EN] This paper is an outcome of the ERASMUS IP program called TOPCART, there are more information about this project that can be accessed from the following item:


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The moisture, fat, ash, fatty acid profile, and cholesterol content are reported for cooked and raw fillets from 22 species of finfish found in the Northwest Atlantic. All but nine species had 1%or less fat. Ocean perch and a spring sampling of mackerel and wolffiSh had about 2% fat, followed by yellowfin tuna, whiting, silver hake, butterfish, and a summer -sampling of mackerel and wolffish with a range of 3-7% fat. Herring had a range of 5-12% fat representing a winter sampling on the low end and summer sampling on the high end of the range. Bluefin tuna (a summer sampling) contained the most fat with a high of 23% fat. Omega-3 fatty acids were present in excess of omega-6 fatty acids. The fattier fISh supplied the most omega-3 fatty acids per gram of tissue. The mean cholesterol content for all species was 57 ± 16 mg/l00 g raw tissue. Finfish from the Northwest Atlantic would appear to fit into the regime for a healthy heart, being low in fat and cholesterol and rich in omega-3 fatty acids.(PDF file contains 42 pages.)


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This document contains data concerning the proximate composition and energy, fatty acid, sodium, and cholesterol content of finfish, shellfish, and their products as listed in 228 articles published between the years of 1976 and 1984. Also included is a systematic index of the species as referenced in this document listed alphabetically by scientific name. (PDF file contains 60 pages.)


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Capítulo del libro: Balluerka Lasa, Nekane; Alkorta Idiakez, Itziar (eds.) "Desarrollo curricular de las nuevas titulaciones de grado" (ISBN: 978-84-9860-533-4)


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Minced fish is a significant component of a number of frozen fishery products like fish fingers, cakes and patties. Predominately minced fish is produced from gadoid species (Alaska pollack, cod, saithe, hake and others) possessing the enzyme trimethylamine oxide demethylase (TMAOase, E.C. (Rehbein and Schreiber 1984). TMAOase catalyses the degradation of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) to formaldehyde (FA) and dimethylamine (DMA), preferentially during frozen storage of products (Hultin 1992). In most gadoid species light muscle contains only low activity of TMAOase, the activity of red muscle and bellyflaps being somewhat higher. In contrast, the TMAOase activity in blood, kidney and other tissues, residues of which may contaminate minced fish flesh, may be higher for several orders of magnitude (Rehbein and Schreiber 1984).


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Gradu amaierako lan honetan, “Utxintxa 4 urte” testuliburuaren azterketa egin da. Ikerketaren helburua: generoaren trataera ikertzea testuliburuko ikonografian eta idatzizkoan. Alde batetik, Haur Hezkuntzako testuliburuetan, emakumeen eta gizonezkoen arteko berdintasunari erreparatu zaio. Eta, horretarako, marrazkiak, argazkiak eta bertan agerturiko testu idatziak izan dira kontuan hartuak, besteak beste, emakumezkoen eta gizonezkoen presentzia eta maiztasuna, pertsona eta pertsonaien garrantzia eta orrialde mistoen agerpena. Bestetik, testuliburuan agertzen diren lanbideei dagokienez, emakumeen eta gizonen arteko berdintasuna, lanbide motak eta lan eremua aztertu dira. Azkenik, generoari loturiko testua ikertu da. Horiek horrela, haurren ikasketa prozesuan testuliburuek daukaten garrantzia kontuan hartuta, nabarmendu da, eta nahitaezkoa ikusten da, batetik, edukien eta balioen eguneratzea eta, bestetik, aldaketarako urratsak ematea, testuliburuen bidez sexu bazterketarik eman ez dadin.


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Resumen: Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objeto de estudio los recorridos en el espacio a través de su representación en el plano. Presentamos una propuesta educativa basada en los principios de la enseñanza matemática realista. Utilizando como contexto los recorridos en el entorno de la escuela, matematizamos un contexto en el que los niños y niñas viven y experimentan, diseñando tareas y actividades que nos permitieron relacionar los procesos matemáticos con los contenidos curriculares de esta etapa. La implementación en el centro en el que realizábamos las prácticas nos permitió analizar los resultados obtenidos que presentamos en las conclusiones.