975 resultados para Relatório anual 2011


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This report presents findings of the CAS conducted in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria in May 2011. The results of the previous eleven CASs conducted under the IFMP of the LVFO programme in July, August, September and November 2005; in March, August and December 2006; in March and August 2007; in February and December 2008; and March 2010 are included to show the emerging trends. The report also presents annual catch estimates for the Ugandan part of the lake from 2005 to 2011. Through these CASs, information is building up to show the emerging picture of fish production in the Ugandan waters of the lake. Similar surveys are conducted in the Kenyan and Tanzanian parts of the lake, which provide the lake wide perspective of fisheries production but this time not simultaneously as under the LVFO effort due to different sources and timing of funding. These data can now be utilised together with other Resource and Socio-economic Monitoring survey data for a stock assessment of the lake to provide a firm basis for planning and management of the fisheries resources.


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This report of the cruise along the Sofala Bank (Mozambique) describes the catch composition and catch distributions of the shallow water shrimp. Biological data are given for Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros which represent 77% of the total catch.


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Catch composition and bathymetric distribution of demersal fish caught along the coast of Mozambique between parallels 16 degree 20' and 19 degree 30' S at depths of 11 to 180 metres are given. The shrimp by-catch was also studied.


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This report of the research cruise (7 to 23 June 1981) surveying pelagic marine resources of the Sofala Bank (Mozambique) describes the size composition, distribution, length-weight relationships and sex-ratio of the fish captured. Decapterus russellii, D. macrosoma, Selar crumenophthalmus and Rastrelliger kanagurta represented 21.7% of the total catch. The by-catch was also studied.


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This report of the research cruise (21 July to 7 August, 1981) surveying pelagic marine resources of the Sofala Bank (Mozambique) describes size composition distribution, length-weight relationships and sex-ratio of the fish captured. Decapterus russellii, D. macrosoma, Selar crumenophthalmus and Rastrelliger kanagurta represented 21.7% of the total catch. The by-catch was also studied.


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Reports of cruises carried out off Mozambique between parallels 21 degree 00 and 26 degree 20'S and at depths of 400 and 800 meters including abundance indices, catch composition, geographic and bathymetric distributions of shrimp catches are presented. The main species found were Hymenopenaeus triarthrus and Aristeomorpha foliacea which represent 64 to 72% of total catches.


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The geographic and bathymetric distribution of the shrimps Penaeus indicus, Metapenaeus monoceros, P. japonicus and P. monodon along the coast of Mozambique are given. Biological data of the main species P. indicus and M. monoceros are presented.


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This cruise report describes the Sofala Bank (Mozambique) crustacean stocks and the fish by-catch. A survey was made of the stock assessment of demersal fish with commercial interest, fishing grounds, biology and distribution of the most abundant demersal fishes and the specific composition of trawl catch areas.


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Thanks to an agreement between the Institute of Fisheries Research of Mozambique and the Soviet part Azcherniro and Ingribpomrazvedka, surveys in the waters of Mozambique were conducted from June to August 1981 on the ship Pantikapei. The survey made along the Sofala Bank and Boa Paz (16°00-21°00'S) was at a depths of 11 and 90 meters. Demersal and pelagic fisheries experiments were conducted using acoustic devices. This paper described the results obtained on demersal fishery resources.


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In September-October 1982, the Soviet ship "Sebastopolsky Rybak" conducted a cruise on the Sofala Bank in the area between 16°20'S and parallel 19°40'S. Two surveys were made, one from South to North (depth 10-110 meters) and vice versa. The type of coverage used was systematic. The Sofala Bank was divided into seven sub-areas. During this cruise sub-areas 3 and 4 were covered. Sub-area 5 has not been fully covered.


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From November 18th to December 17th 1982, the SRTM "Sebastopolsky Rybak" carried out research cruises on the Sofala Bank in the area between 16°20'S and parallel 19°40'S. The authors analyze data collected on biological characteristics, sexual maturity and localization of Penaeus indicus, Metapenaeus monoceros, Penaeus japonicus, Penaeus monodon and Penaeus latisulcatus.


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Source of the Nile Fish farm (SON) is located at Bugungu area in Napoleon Gulf, northern Lake Victoria. The proprietors of the farm requested for technical assistance of NaFIRRI to undertake regular environment monitoring of the cage site as is mandatory under the NEMA conditions. Thus, NAFIRRI undertakes quarterly environment surveys in the cage area covering selected physical-chemical factors i.e. water column depth, water transparency, water column temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity; nutrient status, algal and invertebrate communities (zooplankton and macro-benthos) as well as fish community. The first environmental survey was undertaken in February 2011. Results/observations made during the second quarter (April-June 2011) field survey are presented in this technical report along with a scientific interpretation and discussion of the results with reference to possible impacts of the cage facilities on the water environment and the different aquatic biota in and around the cages including natural fish communities.


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The result reported were from a monitoring survey no.8 undertaken between 6th and 10th April 2011 during construction period of the Bujagali Hydropwer Project (BHPP). Two pre-construction, baseline surveys in April 2000 and April 2006 were conducted and so far,durin construction phase of the project, seven monitoring surveys have been undertaken i.e. in September 2007, April 2008, April 2009,October 2009, April 2010, September 2010 and the present one, in April 2011. Since 2009 biannual monitoring surveys have been conducted at an upstream and a downstream transect of the BHPP with emphasis on the following aspects: Water quality determinants Biology and ecology of fishes and food webs Fish stock and fish catch including economic aspects of catch and Sanitation/vector studies (bilharzias and river blindness)


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The annual report presents present activities and achievements for the reporting year 2011/2012. The Objectives of NaFIRRI are highlighted below: a) Generation of knowledge and technologies of strategic importance for the management, development and conservation of fisheries resources and water quality. b) Establishment and management of the human, physical and financial resources of the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute. c) Provision of technical backstopping and capacity building to the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institutes (ZARDIs) and other agencies dealing in fisheries research and water quality. d) Development and management of fisheries research information and ensuring collaboration with stakeholders. e) Planning, monitoring and evaluation of all fisheries research programmes undertaken by the institute to ensure conformity with national research strategy. f) Ensuring the quality of knowledge and technologies developed, multiplied and disseminated through uptake pathways. g) Generation of periodic reports on fisheries and water quality research programmes to National Agricultural Research Council (NARC) and other stakeholders. h) Establishment of sustainable linkages and partnerships with local, regional and international research bodies.