955 resultados para Collective working experiences
Työn tavoitteena oli luoda palvelutuotteiden kehitysmalli kansainvälisessä verkostossa toimivalle teollisuusyritykselle. Lisäksi työssä luotiin katsaus keskeisimpiin menestystekijöihin laitevalmistajasta palvelutarjoajaksi muuntautumisessa. Mallin kehittäminen aloitettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksella palveluiden tuotteistamiseen ja kehittämiseen, palveluliiketoimintaan sekä laitevalmistajasta palvelutarjoajaksi muuntautumiseen. Tämän lisäksi suoritettiin kohdeyrityksen palveluliiketoiminnan lähtötilanteen kartoitus. Tulevaisuuden visioon lähtötilanteesta pääsemiseksi luotiin kehitysmalli, jolla palvelutarpeista ja -ideoista saadaan tuotteistettua palvelutuote, joka voidaan liittää palvelutarjoamaan kansainvälisen verkoston toteutettavaksi. Palvelujen osuus laitevalmistusyrityksillä on voimakkaassa kasvussa. Palvelutuotantoon siirtymisen keskeisiä syitä ovat laitevalmistajan asiakkaiden arvonluontiprosesseja tukevan osaamisen tuotteistaminen, palveluiden tehokkaan tuottamisen mahdollistaminen sekä kilpailijoista erottautuminen. Palveluliiketoiminnan kehittäminen on laaja kokonaisuus. Työn keskeisenä tuloksena oli osaltaan edistää palvelutuotannon alkamista ja antaa työvälineet palvelutuotteiden edelleen kehittämiselle. Esiin tulleita jatkotutkimuksen aiheita ovat esimerkiksi palvelutoimitusten asiakkaan kokema laatu sekä millaisia haasteita pitkät laitevalmistusperinteet omaava teollisuusyritys kohtaa muuntuessaan ratkaisutoimittajaksi.
In the current economy situation companies try to reduce their expenses. One of the solutions is to improve the energy efficiency of the processes. It is known that the energy consumption of pumping applications range from 20 up to 50% of the energy usage in the certain industrial plants operations. Some studies have shown that 30% to 50% of energy consumed by pump systems could be saved by changing the pump or the flow control method. The aim of this thesis is to create a mobile measurement system that can calculate a working point position of a pump drive. This information can be used to determine the efficiency of the pump drive operation and to develop a solution to bring pump’s efficiency to a maximum possible value. This can allow a great reduction in the pump drive’s life cycle cost. In the first part of the thesis, a brief introduction in the details of pump drive operation is given. Methods that can be used in the project are presented. Later, the review of available platforms for the project implementation is given. In the second part of the thesis, components of the project are presented. Detailed description for each created component is given. Finally, results of laboratory tests are presented. Acquired results are compared and analyzed. In addition, the operation of created system is analyzed and suggestions for the future development are given.
Challenges of mass university conceived and experienced by university language centre language teachers The massification of the university involved not only an expansion but also a transition from one period to another, from elite higher education to mass higher education. Massification cannot be viewed as expansion and structural change but it has to be viewed in a context of a number of changes involving universities, state, economy, society and culture as well as science, technology, education and research. In the Finnish academic context, massification is often associated with negative development and it may be used as an excuse for poor teaching. The objective of the present study is to find out how the mass context is manifested in the work of university language centre language teachers. The data were collected by means of semi-structured questionnaires from 32 language teachers working at language centres at the universities of Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Turku in Finland. Both Finnish and native speakers, 6 male and 26 female teachers, were included. All the teachers in the study had taught more than 10 years. The data were complemented by interviews of four teachers and email data from one teacher. Phenomenographic analysis of the informants’ conceptions enabled a description of their experiences of students at a mass university, conceptions of teaching and learning and of issues related to work health. Some conceptions were consonant with earlier results. The conceptions revealed differences between two teacher groups, teachers of subject-specific language, or language for specific purposes (LSP), and teachers of elementary and advanced language courses (general language teachers). For the first, the conceptions of the investigated teachers provided a picture of the students as a member of a mass university. The students were seen as customers who demanded special services to facilitate their studies or were selective about the contents of the course. The finding that appeared only in the LSP teachers’ data was the unengaged attitude towards language study, which appeared as mere hunt for credits. On the other hand, the students were also seen as language learning individuals, but a clear picture of a truly interested language learner was evident in the data of general language teachers. The teachers’ conceptions of teaching and learning revealed a picture of experienced teachers with a long background of teaching, reflecting experiences from different time periods and influences from their own education and illustrating the increasing problems with organizing individual tutoring due to large, heterogeneous groups. It seemed, however, that in spite of the large student groups, general language teachers were able to support the students’ learning processes and to use learner-centred methods, whereas LSP teachers were frequently compelled to resort to knowledge transmission type of teaching. The conditions of the mass university were clearly manifested in the respondents’ conceptions about work satisfaction: there were a number of factors related to administration, teaching arrangements and the status of the language centres that were likely to add to the teachers’ work stress, whereas traditional characteristics of academic work were viewed as promoting work satisfaction. On the basis of the teachers’ conceptions, it is safe to assume that academic mass context and students’ orientations have an effect on the teacher’s approach to teaching, while there is no unequivocal association between mass university teaching and poor teaching.
A high-speed and high-voltage solid-rotor induction machine provides beneficial features for natural gas compressor technology. The mechanical robustness of the machine enables its use in an integrated motor-compressor. The technology uses a centrifugal compressor, which is mounted on the same shaft with the high-speed electrical machine driving it. No gearbox is needed as the speed is determined by the frequency converter. The cooling is provided by the process gas, which flows through the motor and is capable of transferring the heat away from the motor. The technology has been used in the compressors in the natural gas supply chain in the central Europe. New areas of application include natural gas compressors working at the wellheads of the subsea gas reservoir. A key challenge for the design of such a motor is the resistance of the stator insulation to the raw natural gas from the well. The gas contains water and heavy hydrocarbon compounds and it is far harsher than the sales gas in the natural gas supply network. The objective of this doctoral thesis is to discuss the resistance of the insulation to the raw natural gas and the phenomena degrading the insulation. The presence of partial discharges is analyzed in this doctoral dissertation. The breakdown voltage of the gas is measured as a function of pressure and gap distance. The partial discharge activity is measured on small samples representing the windings of the machine. The electrical field behavior is also modeled by finite element methods. Based on the measurements it has been concluded that the discharges are expected to disappear at gas pressures above 4 – 5 bar. The disappearance of discharges is caused by the breakdown strength of the gas, which increases as the pressure increases. Based on the finite element analysis, the physical length of a discharge seen in the PD measurements at atmospheric pressure was approximated to be 40 – 120 m. The chemical aging of the insulation when exposed to raw natural gas is discussed based on a vast set of experimental tests with the gas mixture representing the real gas mixture at the wellhead. The mixture was created by mixing dry hydrocarbon gas, heavy hydrocarbon compounds, monoethylene glycol, and water. The mixture was chosen to be more aggressive by increasing the amount of liquid substances. Furthermore, the temperature and pressure were increased, which resulted in accelerated test conditions. The time required to detect severe degradation was thus decreased. The test program included a comparison of materials, an analysis of the e ects of di erent compounds in the gas mixture, namely water and heavy hydrocarbons, on the aging, an analysis of the e ects of temperature and exposure duration, and also an analysis on the e ect of sudden pressure changes on the degradation of the insulating materials. It was found in the tests that an insulation consisting of mica, glass, and epoxy resin can tolerate the raw natural gas, but it experiences some degradation. The key material in the composite insulation is the resin, which largely defines the performance of the insulation system. The degradation of the insulation is mostly determined by the amount of gas mixture di used into it. The di usion was seen to follow Fick’s second law, but the coe cients were not accurately defined. The di usion was not sensitive to temperature, but it was dependent upon the thermodynamic state of the gas mixture, in other words, the amounts of liquid components in the gas. The weight increase observed was mostly related to heavy hydrocarbon compounds, which act as plasticizers in the epoxy resin. The di usion of these compounds is determined by the crosslink density of the resin. Water causes slight changes in the chemical structure, but these changes do not significantly contribute to the aging phenomena. Sudden changes in pressure can lead to severe damages in the insulation, because the motion of the di used gas is able to create internal cracks in the insulation. Therefore, the di usion only reduces the mechanical strength of the insulation, but the ultimate breakdown can potentially be caused by a sudden drop in the pressure of the process gas.
Tässä kvalitatiivisessa pro gradu -työssä tutkittiin kuluttajien brändikokemuksia aikakauslehtien brändeistä. Päätutkimusongelmana oli kuinka kuluttaja kokee aikakauslehden brändin. Alaongelmia olivat seuraavat: mitä ovat brändikokemukset, mitkä ovat brändikokemuksen ulottuvuudet, mitkä konseptit liittyvät brändikokemukseen, kuka on vastuussa brändikokemusten luomisesta ja miten brändikokemuksia luodaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa on analysoitu yhtä avointa kysymystä: kerro meille kokemuksiasi X lehden brändistä. Vastausten perusteella vastaajista muodostettiin kahdeksan ryhmää: Uloskasvaneet, Internet-sivujen käyttäjät, Toistoon kyllästyneet, Vertaistukijat, Nostalgiset, Uskolliset, Tyytyväiset ja Luottavaiset.
Developed from human activities, mathematical knowledge is bound to the world and cultures that men and women experience. One can say that mathematics is rooted in humans’ everyday life, an environment where people reach agreement regarding certain “laws” and principles in mathematics. Through interaction with worldly phenomena and people, children will always gain experience that they can then in turn use to understand future situations. Consequently, the environment in which a child grows up plays an important role in what that child experiences and what possibilities for learning that child has. Variation theory, a branch of phenomenographical research, defines human learning as changes in understanding and acting towards a specific phenomenon. Variation theory implies a focus on that which it is possible to learn in a specific learning situation, since only a limited number of critical aspects of a phenomenon can be simultaneously discerned and focused on. The aim of this study is to discern how toddlers experience and learn mathematics in a daycare environment. The study focuses on what toddlers experience, how their learning experience is formed, and how toddlers use their understanding to master their environment. Twenty-three children were observed videographically during everyday activities. The videographic methodology aims to describe and interpret human actions in natural settings. The children are aged from 1 year, 1 month to 3 years, 9 months. Descriptions of the toddlers’ actions and communication with other children and adults are analyzed phenomenographically in order to discover how the children come to understand the different aspects of mathematics they encounter. The study’s analysis reveals that toddlers encounter various mathematical concepts, similarities and differences, and the relationship between parts and whole. Children form their understanding of such aspects in interaction with other children and adults in their everyday life. The results also show that for a certain type of learning to occur, some critical conditions must exist. Variation, simultaneity, reasonableness and fixed points are critical conditions of learning that appear to be important for toddlers’ learning. These four critical conditions are integral parts of the learning process. How children understand mathematics influences how they use mathematics as a tool to master their surrounding world. The results of the study’s analysis of how children use their understanding of mathematics shows that children use mathematics to uphold societal rules, to describe their surrounding world, and as a tool for problem solving. Accordingly, mathematics can be considered a very important phenomenon that children should come into contact with in different ways and which needs to be recognized as a necessary part of children’s everyday life. Adults working with young children play an important role in setting perimeters for children’s experiences and possibilities to explore mathematical concepts and phenomena. Therefore, this study is significant as regards understanding how children learn mathematics through everyday activities.
The purpose of the study was to describe the experiences of received support of aging employees and their work related self-image in changing working environments. Firstly, theaim was to discover how the support from organisations and leaders was verified. Secondly, the aim was to get answers how employees experienced themselves as workers and as learners in the current work context. Thirdly, the aim was to compare different knowledge information stages and company cultures and how they have influenced the experiences of professional competence development among aging employees. In addition the education- and career backgrounds were investigated to gain more understanding of their role in experiencing support and relation to the occupational self-image. The theoretical frame of reference of this researchis multidisciplinary. The theoretical part focuses on the meaning of work for human being from a sociological, late-modern perspective. On the other hand it examines the ageing process from a physiological and also from a perspective of age discrimination and life control. The occupational selfimage and the strength of motivation has an effect on learning in working life which is crucial and firmpart individual trajectories. According to the theoretical review company culture, leadership and especially the managers' role as a creator of a learning atmosphere are increasingly critical for aging adults' learning when the role of informal work-based learning is increasing. The empirical data was collected with aquestionnaire and interviews, which were carried out in May to October 2001. The data consists of 263 respondents of which further eight persons were interviewed. All respondents were over the age of 45 and represented all levels of their organisations in an IT-technology firm and a chemical industry plant. The central findings in this research show that the aging adults have experienced that theemployers do care about the development of their occupational skills. On the other hand there are fewer concrete activities to reveal this support. There is anobvious disproportion between the expressed aims and the realisation of the activities. Signs of age discrimination are few. The style of management has becomemore supporting for self directed activities which are seen to support adults learning. Higher education and individual activity to seek possibilities to learnwere encouraging the development of occupational skills. Age itself was not a crucial aspect when comparing the experiences among younger (45-54 years) and older (55-64 years) groups. Job satisfaction and professional self esteem seemed tobe considerably strong. The individual characteristics were more important elements in developing occupational skills than the age. The degree of anxiety at work was low. In addition among the older group the strong feeling of coherence and the occupational self image were significant for supporting the professional competence. The motivation to learn was also stable. Among the seniors there was some slight evidence of declining motivation. In the IT-firm the support was experienced stronger for aging employees than in the chemical industry plant. Thosewho had experienced support in the chemical industry plant had higher educational background than the others. In IT-firm they also experienced more support from the manager than in the chemical industry plant. The results show that it is more likely that the differences are caused mostly by the stage of information intensity and the character of company culture which is determined by the activities. IT-business demands constantly accommodation to changes and the chemical industry plant which is representing more traditional business field, where the atmosphere of learning is determined by the traditions of company culture, the changes are carried out slowly.
Military conscription and peacetime military service were the subjects of heated political, social and cultural controversies during the early years of national independence in Finland. Both the critics and the supporters of the existing military system described it as strongly formative of young men’s physical and moral development into adult men and male citizens. The conflicts over conscription prompted the contemporaries to express their notions about what Finnish men were like, at their best and at their worst, and what should and could be done about it. This thesis studies military conscription as an arena for the “making of manhood” in peacetime Finnish society, 1918–1939. It examines a range of public images of conscripted soldiering, asking how soldiering was depicted and given gendered meanings in parliamentary debates, war hero myths, texts concerned with the military and civic education of conscripts, as well as in works of fiction and reminiscences about military training as a personal experience. Studying conscription with a focus on masculinity, the thesis explores the different cultural images of manliness, soldiering and male citizenship on offer in Finnish society. It investigates how political parties, officers, educators, journalists, writers and “ordinary” conscripts used and developed, embraced or rejected these notions, according to their political purposes or personal needs. The period between the two world wars can be described as a fast-forward into military modernity in Finland. In the process, European middle class gender ideologies clashed with Finnish agrarian masculinities. Nationalistic agendas for the militarisation of Finnish manhood stumbled against intense class conflicts and ideological resistance. Military propaganda used images of military heroism, civic virtue and individual success to persuade the conscripts into ways of thinking and acting that were shaped by bourgeois mentality, nationalistic ideology and religious morality. These images are further analysed as expressive of the personal experiences and emotions of their middle-aged, male authors. The efforts of these military educators were, however, actively resisted on many fronts, ranging from rural working class masculinities among the conscripted young men to ideological critiques of the standing army system in parliament. In narratives about military training, masculinity was depicted as both strengthened and contradicted by the harsh and even brutal practices of interwar Finnish military training. The study represents a combination of new military history and the historical study of men and masculinities. It approaches masculinity as a contested and highly political form of social and cultural knowledge that is actively and selectively used by historic actors. Instead of trying to identify a dominant or “hegemonic” form of masculinity within a pre-determined theoretical structure, this study examines how the meanings ascribed to manhood varied according to class, age, political ideology and social situation. The interwar period in Finland can be understood as a period of contest between different notions of militarised masculinity, yet to judge by the materials studied, there was no clear winning party in that contest. A gradual movement from an atmosphere of conflict surrounding conscription towards political and cultural compromises can be discerned, yet this convergence was incomplete and many division lines remained.
This thesis is a study of articles published in scientific journals about working capital management using bibliometric methods. The study was restricted to articles published in 1990–2010 that deal with the whole working capital management topic not a single sub-area of it. Working capital is defined as current assets minus current liabilities; sometimes also a definition of inventory plus accounts receivable minus accounts payable is used. The data was retrieved from the databases ISI Web of Science and Sciverse Scopus. Articles about working capital management were found 23. Content analysis, statistical analysis and citation analysis was performed to the articles. The most cited articles found in citation analysis were also analyzed by nearly same methods. This study found that scientific research of working capital management seems not to be concentrated to specific persons, organizations or journals. The originality and novelty in many articles is low. Many articles studied relation between working capital management and profitability in firms or working capital management practices of firms using statistical analyses. Data in articles was firms of all sizes, except in developing economies only big firms were used. Interesting areas for future research could be surveys made about working capital management practices in firms, finding of best practices, tools for working capital management, inventing or improving alternative views to working capital management like process-oriented view and firm or industry specific studies.
The objective of this Master’s thesis is to examine working capital management in the automotive industry in years 2006-2008. The study is conducted by the analysis of financial statements. The sample consists of 65 companies that represent different stages in the value chain of automotive industry beginning from raw material suppliers and ending to car dealers. Working capital management is studied by the cash conversion cycle (CCC). The results show that the average CCC of the value chain is 67 days. Car manufacturers had the longest CCC, 106 days, whereas the CCC of oil companies was the shortest, 22 days. The findings suggest that the cycle time of working capital usually follows the cycle time of inventories, since the changes in cycle times of accounts receivable and payable compensate each other. Improvements in working capital management could be achieved by sharing more accurate information in the chain for example about inventory levels and order points of customer. It could also be discussed within the automotive industry, if the long credit periods, which tie up working capital, are really needed. New technologies enable faster payments, which would reduce the cash conversion cycles, improve the profitability of companies, and increase the competitiveness of the value chain. Working capital should not be reduced at the expense of value chain partners, because nowadays the competition is rather between the value chains than between the companies. Similar research design is applied earlier to study working capital management in the value chain of pulp and paper industry. Even if the industries and the structures of the chains differ from each other, results were surprisingly similar. In future research, working capital management in other industries’ value chains could still be studied and compared to previous studies. ICT industry, for example, could be an interesting object.