991 resultados para photon


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The stress distribution in silica optical waveguides on silicon is calculated by using finite element method (FEM). The waveguides are mainly subjected to compressive stress along the x direction and the z direction, and it is accumulated near the interfaces between the core and cladding layers. The shift of central wavelength of silica arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) on silicon-substrate with the designed wavelength and the polarization dependence are caused by the stress in the silica waveguides.


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The effects of high temperature annealing on the microstructure and optical properties of luminescent SiOx:H films have been investigated. Micro-Raman scattering and IR absorption, in combination with atomic force microscopy (AFM), provide evidence for the existence of both a-Si clusters in the as-grown a-SiOx:H and Si nanocrystals in the 1170 degrees C annealed films. The dependence of optical coefficients (alpha) on photon energy (h nu) near the absorption edge (E-g) is found to follow the square root law: (alpha h nu)(1/2) proportional to (E-g - h nu), indicating that nano-Si embedded in SiO2 is still an indirect material. A comparison of the deduced absorption edge with the PL spectra shows an obvious Stokes shift, suggesting that phonons should be involved in the optical transition process.


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Low threshold current and high temperature operation of 650nm AlGaInP quantum well laser diodes grown by low pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition (LP-MOCVD) are reported in this paper. 650nm laser diodes with threshold current as low as 22-24mA at room temperature, and the operating temperature over 90 degrees C at CW output power 5 mW were achieved in this study. These lasers are stable during 72 hours burn in under 5mW at 90 degrees C.


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Dynamical formation mechanism of defects in the annealed nominally undoped semi-insulating InP obtained by high pressure, high temperature annealing of high purity materials is proposed. Local vibrational modes in tenths of InP samples reveal clearly existence of complexes related to hydrogen. Complexes of vacancy at indium site with one to four hydrogen atoms and isolated hydrogen or hydrogen dimers, complexes of hydrogen with various impurities are investigated by FTIR. Hydrogen can acts as an actuator for generation of antistructure defects. Fully hydrogenated indium vacancy dissociates leaving large lattice relaxation behind, deep donors, mainly larger complexes involving phosphorus at indium site and isolated hydrogen defects are created in nominally undoped InP after annealing. Also created are acceptor levels such as vacancy at indium site. Carrier charge compensation mechanism in nominally undoped InP upon annealing at high temperature is given. Microscopic models of hydrogen related defects are given. Structural, electronic and vibrational properties of LVMs related to hydrogen as well as their temperature effect are discussed.


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The ground and excited state excitonic transitions of stacked InAs self-organized quantum dots (QDs) in a laser diode structure are studied. The interband absorption transitions of QDs are investigated by non-destructive PV spectra, indicating that the strongest absorption is related to the excited states with a high density and coincides with the photon energy of lasing emission. The temperature and excitation (electric injection) intensity dependences of photoluminescence and electroluminescence indicate the influence of state filling effect on the luminescence of threefold stacked QDs. The results indicate that different coupling channels exist between electronic states in both vertical and lateral directions.


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Some progress in the research of GaN based LED with photonic crystal structure has been made recently. Based on the photonic crystal's photonic band gap effect and photon grating diffraction principle, the extraction efficiency of LED with photonic crystal can be improved. In this paper, the restriction on AlGaInP LED's extraction efficiency is analyzed, and the photonic crystal is introduced in to the AlGaInP LED to improve the extraction efficiency. The theoretical analyses and the experiment results show that the output luminous intensity of LED with photonic crystal is improved by 16%, which results from some effect of the GaN based LED with photonic crystal.


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A distributed temperature sensor based on Rayleigh scattering Brillouin optical time domain analysis (Rayleigh-BOTDA) is proposed in this paper. The sensor uses Rayleigh backscattering effect of microwave modulated pulse base sidebands as probe wave and a high sensitive photon counting detector for Brillouin signal intensity detection. Compared with a conventional BOTDA system, the Rayleigh-BOTDA effectively suppresses polarization-induced signal fluctuation resulting in improved signal intensity. The experimental scheme presented is simplified by using a single laser with one-end access. The temperature accuracy of the new sensing system was demonstrated as 1 degrees C on spatial resolution of 3 m.


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Single photon Sagnac interferometry as a probe to macroscopic quantum mechanics is considered at the theoretical level. For a freely moving macroscopic quantum mirror susceptible to radiation pressure force inside a Sagnac interferometer, a careful analysis of the input-output relation reveals that the particle spectrum readout at the bright and dark ports encode information concerning the noncommutativity of position and momentum of the macroscopic mirror. A feasible experimental scheme to probe the commutation relation of a macroscopic quantum mirror is outlined to explore the possible frontier between classical and quantum regimes. In the Appendix, the case of Michelson interferometry as a feasible probe is also sketched.


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To evaluate the radiative electron capture for the collisions of U89+ ion with N-2, radiative recombination cross sections and the corresponding emitted photon energies are calculated from the ground state 1s(2)2s to 1s(2)2snl(j) (2 <= n <= 9, 0 <= l <= 6) using the newly developed relativistic radiative recombination program RERR06 based on the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method. The x-ray spectra for radiative electron capture in the collision have been obtained by convolving the radiative recombination cross sections and the Compton profile of N2. Good agreement is found between the calculated and experimental spectra. In addition, the transition energy levels and probabilities among the 147 levels from the captured 1s(2)2snl(j) have been calculated. From the calculated results, radiative decay cascade processes followed by the radiative electron capture have also been studied with the help of multistep model and coupled rate equations, respectively. The present results not only make us understand the details of the radiative electron captures and the radiative decay cascade spectra in the experiment but also show a more efficient way to obtain the cascade spectra. Finally, the equivalence between the multistep model and coupled rate equations has been shown under a proper condition and the latter can hopefully be extended to investigate other cascade processes.


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The photoabsorption processes of Au2+, Au3+, and Au4+ have been investigated experimentally and theoretically in the 70-127 eV region. Using the dual laser-produced plasma technique, the 4f and 5p photoabsorption spectrum has been recorded at 50 ns time delay and was found to be dominated by a great number of lines from 4f-5d, 6d and 5p-5d, 6s transitions, which have been identified by comparison with the aid of Hartree-Fock with configuration interaction calculations. The characteristic feature of the spectrum is that satellite lines from excited configurations containing one or two 6s electrons are more important than resonance lines, and with increasing ionization, satellite contributions from states with one 6s spectator electron gradually become more important than those with two 6s spectator electrons. Based on the assumption of a normalized Boltzmann distribution among the excited states and a steady-state collisional-radiative model, we succeeded in reproducing a spectrum which is in good agreement with experiment.


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We consider electron capture in fast collisions between a proton and hydrogen in the presence of an intense x-ray laser whose angular frequency omega is close to v(2)/2, where v is the collision velocity. We show that in such a case laser-induced capture becomes possible and that the latter proceeds via both induced photon emission and photon absorption channels and can, in principle, compete with kinematic and radiative electron capture.


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We present an efficient method to generate a ultrashort attosecond (as) pulse when a model He+ ion is exposed to the combination of an intense few-cycle chirped laser pulse and its 27th harmonics. By solving the time-dependent Schroumldinger equation, we found that high-order harmonic generation (HHG) from He+ ion is enhanced by seven orders of magnitude due to the presence of the harmonic pulse. After optimizing the chirp of the fundamental pulse, we show that the cut-off energy of the generated harmonics is extended effectively to I-p+25.5U(p). As a result, an isolated 26-as pulse with a bandwidth of 170.5 eV can be obtained directly from the supercontinuum around the cut-off of HHG. To better understand the physical origin of HHG enhancement and attosecond pulse emission, we perform semiclassical simulations and analyze the time-frequency characteristics of attosecond pulse.


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Based on a relativistic hydrodynamic model describing the evolution of the chemically equilibrating quark-gluon plasma system with finite baryon density in a 3+1-dimensional spacetime, we compute photons from the quark phase, hadronic phase and initial non-thermal contributions. It is found that due to the effects of the initial quark chemical potential, chemical equilibration and rapid expansion of the system, the photon yield of the quark-gluon plasma is strongly suppressed, and photons from hadronic matter and initial non-thermal contributions almost reproduce experimental data.


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Hard photons from neutron-proton bremsstrahlung in intermediate energy heavy-ion reactions are examined as a potential probe of the nuclear symmetry energy within a transport model. Effects of the symmetry energy on the yields and spectra of hard photons are found to be generally smaller than those due to the currently existing uncertainties of both the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections and the photon production probability in the elementary process pn -> pn gamma. Very interestingly, nevertheless, the ratio of hard photon spectra R-1/2(gamma) from two reactions using isotopes of the same element is not only approximately independent of these uncertainties but also quite sensitive to the symmetry energy. For the head-on reactions of Sn-132 + Sn-124 and Sn-112 + Sn-112 at E-beam/A = 50 MeV, for example, the R-1/2(gamma) displays a rise up to 15% when the symmetry energy is reduced by about 20% at rho = 1.3 rho(0) which is the maximum density reached in these reactions. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Carbon ion radiotherapy/Fractionated irradiation/R-BE/Premature terminal differentiation. To investigate the influence of fractionation on cell survival and radiation induced premature differentiation as markers for early and late effects after X-rays and carbon irradiation. Normal human fibroblasts NHDF, AG1522B and WI-38 were irradiated With 250 kV X-rays, or 266 MeV/u, 195 MeV/u and I I MeV/u carbon ions. Cytotoxicity was measured by a clonogenic survival assay or by determination of the differentiation pattern. Experiments with high-energy carbon ions show that fractionation induced repair effects are similar to photon irradiation. The RBE10 values for clonogenic survival are 1.3 and 1.6 for irradiation in one or two fractions for NHDF cells and around 1.2 for AG1522B cells regardless of the fractionation scheme. The RBE for a doubling of post mitotic fibroblasts (PMF) in the population is I for both single and two fractionated irradiation of NHDF cells. Using I I MeV/u carbon ions, no repair effect can be seen in WI-38 cells. The RBE10 for clonogenic survival is 3.2 for single irradiation and 4.9 for two fractionated irradiations. The RBE for a doubling of PMF is 3.1 and 5.0 for single and two fractionated irradiations, respectively. For both cell lines the effects of high-energy carbon ions representing the irradiation of the skin and the normal tissue in the entrance channel are similar to the effects of X-rays. The fractionation effects are maintained. For the lower energy, which is representative for the irradiation of the tumor region. RBE is enhanced for clonogenic survival as well as for premature terminal differentiation. Fractionation effects are not detectable. Consequently, the therapeutic ratio is significantly enhanced by fractionated irradiation with carbon ions.