993 resultados para Total e-marketing
The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of price and advertising on brand equity. The dimensionality of brand equity is thoroughly examined, and the effect price, price deals, perceived advertising spending and advertising appeal have on the dimensions of brand equity are analyzed using multiple regression analysis as well as other supporting analyses. Price and advertising are found to be of great importance to brand equity. Arguably the most influential finding is the strong positive effect low prices – an integral brand element – have on the case company brand equity, even though a negative effect was hypothesized based on prior research. The results also support separating advertising appeal from perceived advertising spending, as well as linking service quality as part of the overall perceived quality in the context of service-intensive firms.
Mix marketing and relationships marketing are two major approaches that often form a basis for organizational marketing planning. The superiority of these approaches has been debated for long without any rational conclusion. Lately there have been studies indicating that both of the major approaches are many times used side by side in marketing planning. There have been also studies suggesting that even combining the mix marketing and relationship marketing approaches might be possible. The aim of this thesis is to provide knowledge about the usage of mix marketing and relationship marketing approaches in organizations and possibilities in combining the approaches. Also a settlement of strengths, weaknesses and risks of combining is intended to provide. The objectives were met through the literature and a case study research. In the case study, interviews were conducted in order to gain a deeper knowledge about marketing planning in various organizations. Based on this study, the combining of the major marketing approaches will be possible and even recommended when keeping in mind few aspects which might cause some troubles in the combining process.
Tuotteen tai palvelun aiheuttamien ympäristövaikutusten arvioimiseksi on huomioitava koko elinkaari, eli kaikki vaiheet suunnittelusta, käytöstä poistoon. Elinkaariarviointi on tehokas työkalu tähän tarkoitukseen. Elinkaariajattelua voidaan ympäristövaikutusten lisäksi soveltaa myös kustannuksiin, jolloin pystytään löytämään aidosti kokonaiskustannuksiltaan edullisimpia vaihtoehtoja. Yritysten ei tarvitse nähdä ympäristöasioita tuotantoa haittaavina kuluerinä, vaan niitä voidaan käyttää myös lisäämään kilpailuetua ja voittoja. Ympäristövaikutusten määrittämisen lisäksi elinkaariarviointia voidaan käyttää mm. tuotekehityksen apuna, tuotannon optimoinnissa, markkinoinnissa sekä kritiikin torjunnassa. Hyvin tehty elinkaarikustannuslaskenta auttaa tunnistamaan tuotteen tai palvelun eri kustannuselementit, ja tätä kautta helpottaa säästötoimien kohdistamista. Tässä työssä kehitettiin viitekehys, minkä avulla voidaan löytää elinkaariarvioinnin ja elinkaarikustannuslaskennan sovelluskohteita, jotka toisivat mahdollista lisäarvoa tarkastelluille yrityksille. Menetelmää testattiin tapaustutkimuksella kahden esimerkkitapausyrityksen avulla. Molemmille tapauksille löydettiin useita erityyppisiä sovelluskohteita. Sovelluskohteiden toteutettavuudesta päättävät yritykset eikä sitä arvioida tässä työssä.
The first objective of this master's thesis is to find out how the concepts solution and solution marketing are defined in the literature. In order to do so, solution marketing literature is reviewed widely. Another target is to identify the characteristics of solution marketing and to explain how solution marketing can be carried out. The final objective is to determine how well the described solution marketing practices are executed in the target company, and this will be studied with a survey. A solution can be described as a co-created and customized combination of products and services. Solution marketing aims at developing and anticipating customer's business needs and it involves close collaboration between customer and supplier. Solution marketing communication is targeted to a specific audience. It entails deep customer intimacy and is focused on understanding customer's business problem. Solution marketing also requires close collaboration between sales and marketing as well as customer focused mindset. Solution marketing can be executed by promoting thought leadership, presenting solution offering, creating close customer relationships and treating customers as individuals. Solution provider's whole organization must engage customer focus.
Observando a literatura pode ser verificado um crescente número de trabalhos que determinam potenciais contaminantes presentes em matrizes de interesse ambiental. É importante ressaltar que quando se estuda o ambiente, os dados analíticos são uma das ferramentas usadas para se avaliar a extensão dos problemas observados que conseqüentemente influenciam as tomadas de decisão. Assim a confiabilidade desses dados é de extrema importância. Neste contexto, este trabalho visa avaliar a confiabilidade analítica das determinações de Carbono Orgânico Total (COT), ferramenta empregada no monitoramento da matéria orgânica em diversos estudos ambientais. Para essa avaliação foram analisados alguns parâmetros de desempenho como limite de detecção e quantificação, repetibilidade e linearidade.
Segmentointi on perinteisesti ollut erityisesti kuluttajamarkkinoinnin työkalu, mutta siirtymä tuotteista palveluihin on lisännyt segmentointitarvetta myös teollisilla markkinoilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoite on löytää selkeästi toisistaan erottuvia asiakasryhmiä suomalaisen liikkeenjohdon konsultointiyritys Synocus Groupin tarjoaman case-materiaalin pohjalta. K-means-klusteroinnin avulla löydetään kolme potentiaalista markkinasegmenttiä perustuen siihen, mitkä tarjoamaelementit 105 valikoitua suomalaisen kone- ja metallituoteteollisuuden asiakasta ovat maininneet tärkeimmiksi. Ensimmäinen klusteri on hintatietoiset asiakkaat, jotka laskevat yksikkökohtaisia hintoja. Toinen klusteri koostuu huolto-orientoituneista asiakkaista, jotka laskevat tuntikustannuksia ja maksimoivat konekannan käyttötunteja. Tälle kohderyhmälle kannattaisi ehkä markkinoida teknisiä palveluja ja huoltosopimuksia. Kolmas klusteri on tuottavuussuuntautuneet asiakkaat, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita suorituskyvyn kehittämisestä ja laskevat tonnikohtaisia kustannuksia. He tavoittelevat alempia kokonaiskustannuksia lisääntyneen suorituskyvyn, pidemmän käyttöiän ja alempien huoltokustannusten kautta.
No presente trabalho os parâmetros de desempenho (validação intralaboratorial) da metodologia de determinação de TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) foram determinados por detecção na região do infravermelho com o equipamento da Infracal TOG/TPH, visando aplicação em amostras de areia contaminadas com petróleo. Os ensaios foram realizados utilizando Óleo Marine Fuel 380, com densidade igual 0,987 g cm-3 e viscosidade de 5313 cP a 20°C. Este óleo foi fornecido pelo Centro de Pesquisa da Petrobrás (CENPES/PETROBRÁS/RJ), sendo o mesmo óleo derramado no acidente ocorrido em janeiro de 2000, na Baia de Guanabara, RJ, quando 1.300 m3 vazaram do duto que interliga a REDUC (Refinaria Duque de Caxias, RJ) ao terminal da Ilha dÁgua/RJ, atingindo praias. Os resultados da validação indicaram que o desempenho da metodologia foi favorável à aplicação que se destina. Entre os parâmetros metrológicos obtidos neste trabalho, o limite de detecção do método foi de 4,06 mg L-1, consideravelmente inferior à faixa de concentração normalmente obtida para amostras em tais situações.
Flow injection (FI) methodology, using diffuse reflectance in the visible region of the spectrum, for the analysis of total sulfur in the form of sulfate, precipitated in the form of barium sulfate, is presented. The method was applied to biodiesel, to plant leaves and to natural waters analysis. The analytical signal (S) correlates linearly with sulfate concentration (C) between 20 and 120 ppm, through the equation S=-1.138+0.0934 C (r = 0.9993). The experimentally observed limit of detection is about 10 ppm. The mean R.S.D. is about 3.0 %. Real samples containing sulfate were analyzed and the results obtained by the FI and by the reference batch turbidimetric method using the statistical Student's t-test and F-test were compared.
The objective of the work has been to study why systems thinking should be used in combination with TQM, what are the main benefits of the integration and how it could best be done. The work analyzes the development of systems thinking and TQM with time and the main differences between them. The work defines prerequisites for adopting a systems approach and the organizational factors which embody the development of an efficient learning organization. The work proposes a model based on combination of an interactive management model and redesign to be used for application of systems approach with TQM in practice. The results of the work indicate that there are clear differences between systems thinking and TQM which justify their combination. Systems approach provides an additional complementary perspective to quality management. TQM is focused on optimizing operations at the operational level while interactive management and redesign of organization are focused on optimization operations at the conceptual level providing a holistic system for value generation. The empirical study demonstrates the applicability of the proposed model in one case study company but its application is tenable and possible also beyond this particular company. System dynamic modeling and other systems based techniques like cognitive mapping are useful methods for increasing understanding and learning about the behavior of systems. The empirical study emphasizes the importance of using a proper early warning system.
The present paper reports results of the effect of Potato virus X (PVX) on the contents of total phenols and alkaloids in leaves of Datura stramonium. A significant decrease in the contents of phenols and alkaloids was observed in leaves inoculated with PVX (X-I). However, there was an increase in the percentage of phenols in leaves rubbed with phosphate buffer (C1-I) and in leaves from the nodes immediately above, possibly induced by mechanical injury. Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy revealed amounts of scopolamine in samples submitted to all treatments, except X-I, in which the amount of this alkaloid was low. High amounts of an unidentified compound (molecular ion m/z 302 and a prominent peak at m/z 129) were noted in extracts from leaves X-I, C1-I and leaves from the nodes immediately above the leaves inoculated with PVX. It is suggested that the synthesis and accumulation of the unidentified compound is a result of stress from mechanical injury and virus inoculation.
Isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (ISO-1, ISO-2, ISO-3, ISO-4, ISO-5 and ISO-6), the causal agent of anthracnose disease on mango fruits, were characterized by electrophoretic patterns of total proteins and esterase in polyacrylamida gel, and also, by production of extracellular enzymes on specific solid substrate. The electrophoretic analysis showed variation in number, intensity of coloration and position of the bands in the gel at each studied system tested. In contrast to the monomorphic behavior to total proteins, high esterase polymorfism was observed indicating difference among isolates. All isolates showed the activity of extracellular enzymes such as amylase, lipase, and protease with some variation among them. The proteolitic activity seemed to be more accentuated than the two other enzymes studied.
The aim of the present dissertation is to investigate the marketing culture of research libraries in Finland and to understand the awareness of the knowledge base of library management concerning modern marketing theories and practices. The study was based onthe notion that a leader in an organisation can have large impact on its culture. Therefore, it was considered important to learn about the market orientation that initiates at the top management and flows throughout the whole organisationthus resulting in a particular kind of library culture. The study attempts to examine the marketing culture of libraries by analysing the marketing attitudes, knowledge (underlying beliefs, values and assumptions), behaviour (market orientation), operational policies and activities, and their service performance (customer satisfaction). The research was based on the assumption that if the top management of libraries has market oriented behaviour, then their marketing attitudes, knowledge, operational policies and activities and service performance should also be in accordance. The dissertation attempts to connect all these theoretical threads of marketing culture. It investigates thirty three academic and special libraries in the south of Finland. The library director and three to ten customers from each library participated as respondents in this study. An integrated methodological approach of qualitative as well as quantitative methods was used to gain knowledge on the pertinent issues lying behind the marketing culture of research libraries. The analysis of the whole dissertation reveals that the concept of marketing has very varied status in the Finnish research libraries. Based on the entire findings, three kinds of marketing cultures were emerged: the strong- the high fliers; the medium- the brisk runners; and the weak- the slow walkers. The high fliers appeared to be modern marketing believers as their marketing approach was customer oriented and found to be closer to the emerging notions of contemporary relational marketing. The brisk runners were found to be traditional marketing advocates as their marketing approach is more `library centred¿than customer defined and thus is in line of `product orientation¿ i.e. traditional marketing. `Let the interested customers come to the library¿ was appeared to be the hallmark of the slow walkers. Application of conscious market orientation is not reflected in the library activities of the slow walkers. Instead their values, ideology and approach to serving the library customers is more in tuneof `usual service oriented Finnish way¿. The implication of the research is that it pays to be market oriented which results in higher customer satisfaction oflibraries. Moreover, it is emphasised that the traditional user based service philosophy of Finnish research libraries should not be abandoned but it needs to be further developed by building a relational based marketing system which will help the libraries to become more efficient and effective from the customers¿ viewpoint. The contribution of the dissertation lies in the framework showing the linkages between the critical components of the marketing culture of a library: antecedents, market orientation, facilitators and consequences. The dissertationdelineates the significant underlying dimensions of market-oriented behaviour of libraries which are namely customer philosophy, inter-functional coordination,strategic orientation, responsiveness, pricing orientation and competition orientation. The dissertation also showed the extent to which marketing attitudes, behaviour, knowledge were related and impact of market orientation on the serviceperformance of libraries. A strong positive association was found to exist between market orientation and marketing attitudes and knowledge. Moreover, it also shows that a higher market orientation is positively connected with the service performance of libraries, the ultimate result being higher customer satisfaction. The analysis shows that a genuine marketing culture represents a synthesis of certain marketing attitudes, knowledge and of selective practices. This finding is particularly significant in the sense that it manifests that marketing culture consists of a certain sets of beliefs and knowledge (which form a specific attitude towards marketing) and implementation of a certain set of activities that actually materialize the attitude of marketing into practice (market orientation) leading to superior service performance of libraries.
INTRODUÇÃO: Marketing médico é um assunto controverso, principalmente no que concerne a princípios éticos. Portanto, frente à competição acirrada de mercado, é necessário o preparo profissional. Conhecer a percepção dos alunos de Medicina pode auxiliar na estruturação de alternativas de capacitação. METODOLOGIA: Inicialmente, identificaram-se crenças sobre marketing médico através de grupo focal composto por 12 alunos. Com base nesses dados, dez afirmações para avaliar atitudes foram aplicadas aos alunos de uma Faculdade de Medicina pública brasileira. RESULTADOS: Observou-se falta de clareza sobre o conceito de marketing, preocupação com princípios éticos e necessidade de marketing no mercado competitivo. Na fase de aplicação, foram obtidas 280 respostas de diversos estágios do curso. Apenas 16,8% admitiram contato com o tema. Houve clareza sobre ética em relação ao paciente, influenciada positivamente pela progressão no curso, mas houve divergência na ética entre profissionais. CONCLUSÕES: Marketing médico é uma área pouco compreendida e relegada ao currículo oculto, sendo influenciada por transposições inadequadas de métodos didáticos destinados à comunicação profissional para a população leiga. Novos métodos de ensino, como a educação tutorial, podem ser uma alternativa para lidar com essas situações.
The objective of this Bachelor's Thesis is to find out the role of social media in the B-to-B marketing environment of the information technology industry and to discover how IT-firms utilize social media as a part of their customer reference marketing. To reach the objectives the concepts of customer reference marketing and social media are determined. Customer reference marketing can be characterized as one of the most practically relevant but academically relatively overlooked ways in which a company can leverage its customers and delivered solutions and use them as references in its marketing activities. We will cover which external and internal functions customer references have, that contribute to the growth and performance of B-to-B firms. We also address the three mechanisms of customer reference marketing which are 'status transfer', 'validation through testimonials' and 'demonstration of experience and prior performance'. The concept of social media stands for social interaction and creation of user-based content which exclusively occurs through Internet. The social media are excellent tools for networking because of the fast and easy access, easy interaction and vast amount of multimedia attributes. The allocation of social media is determined. The case company helps clarify the specific characteristics of social media usage as part of customer-reference-marketing activities. For IT-firms the best channels to utilize social media in their customer reference marketing activities are publishing and distribution services of content and networking services.