994 resultados para Behavioural sciences


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Since 1998, debate has occurred over whether light synchronises the human biological clock through the visual system only, or if the light penetrating our skin is also influential. This thesis provides definitive, debate ending, evidence that skin exposure to even intensely bright light has no impact on circadian timing. The portfolio presents a review of the literature regarding the efficacy of dialectical behavior therapy as a treatment for borderline personality disorder, a summary of the proposed mechanisms of action on the various treatment components, and a description of the clinical application of the four 'skills training modules' via the use of four case study examples.


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The field and experimental studies for this thesis revealed that: the quality of documentation of 'disclosure' (initial) interviews with child abuse witnesses was poor; under optimal note-taking conditions, verbatim records of interview were still not provided, and considerable variability was observed in the quality of notes and strategies employed to document content and structure. The portfolio presents four case studies to illustrate similarities and/or differences between offence behaviour in child sex offenders with impairment, and the offence behaviours that characterise Canter et al.'s intimate, criminal-opportunistic and aggressive type offenders.


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The study aimed to understand how capacity-building was operationalised within obesity prevention projects. It clarified definitions of capacity building and identified patterns in the process of building capacity. A potential framework to guide communities to formalise and contextualise capacity building, and prioritise action for leveraging existing capacities was proposed.


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This study identified the protein PARL (Presenilin-associated rhomboid like) as a potential mediator of the mitochondrial abnormalities that are observed in diabetic skeletal muscle. This was demonstrated by analysing PARL expression in an animal model of type 2 diabetes and by investigating the biological effects of genetic variation in the human PARL gene.


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Behavioural measures confirmed a greater teaching focus in early videoconferenced sessions, while speech style was consistently less interactive, compared with face-to-face. Overall supervision relationships felt closer in person, but some participants preferred the protection of distance. A positive attitude facilitated adaption to the videoconferencing modality for effective supervision.


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Understanding muscle adaptation and repair is vital for preserving muscle loss with aging. Analysis of the inflammatory-responsive signalling pathway, JAK/STAT was performed. After intense exercise, the STAT3 pathway is highly activated, potentially by the pro-inflammatory regulator IL-6. This pathway is suppressed in older individuals, possible leading to altered inflammatory regulation.


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This study found that first aid competencies of participants assessed three months after standard two-day, classroom-based first aid courses, were similar to those assessed three months after flexible learning courses in which participants undertook home study using a text and on-line theory questionnaire, followed by a day of classroom training.


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Adolescent substance abuse is a prevalent problem and family interventions are increasingly used to prevent this problem and to assist family coping. The effectiveness of a prevention-focussed family intervention was evaluated within a randomised school trial for its secondary impacts on improving parental mental health and family functioning.


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This research found that positive irrational beliefs can be separated into distinct categories. These categories only had weak power for explaining aspects of mental health, including emotional state, satisfaction with life, and self-esteem. The direction of these relationships also varied according to the specific positive irrational beliefs being examined. The portfolio presents four case studies to examine the importance of a biopsychosocial model of health and concludes that all health professionals need an understanding of the potential interactions impacting on individuals' experiences with particular conditions.


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Oleocanthal has gained much interest as a natural anti-inflammatory phenolic component in olive oil. The studies conducted as part of this thesis demonstrate that oleocanthal is a stable olive oil phenolic with potential to be a prime health benefiting compound.


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This study investigated the effectiveness of alcohol and other drug education by examining practice change in workers when they returned to their workplace, identifying barriers to and supports for that practice change. The influencing characteristics of the individual, their team environment and their organisation have also been identified.


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The thesis aimed to identify and compare individual differences in anger related affective responses upon exposure to neutral, violent and sexually violent film. The findings revealed that both graphic and non-graphic sexually violent film content may have a stronger impact on viewers' anger levels than exposure to standard violent film. The portfolio examined in four case studies the utility of the Violence Risk Scale when seeking to identify factors associated with risk of violent recidivism and subsequent treatment targets for intellectually disabled offenders . Treatment indications must consider the impaired cognitive and adaptive abilities and the difficulties inherent in modifying the behavioural characteristics of intellectually disabled offenders.


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The collective findings of this dissertation demonstrated little effect of exercise on the absolute or relative expression of glycogen regulatory proteins associated with a glycogen enriched fraction in human skeletal muscle. However the findings of this thesis help inform methodological approaches to future investigations into glycogen-protein associations.


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Little is known about the body image concerns of non-European men living in Australia. In this research, Chinese-Australians demonstrated an "holistic" body image that included body shape, height, clothing and hairstyling concerns. Contrastingly, European-Australians separated muscularity concerns from general appearance considerations. Chinese-Australians utilised both Asian and Western internalisation/appearance comparison targets. The portfolio aims to critically evaluate the clinical utility of Evidence Based Practice (EBP). Four case studies analyse the practical advantages and disadvantages of EBP.


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Borderline personality disorder causes extreme and enduring suffering. Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a psychological intervention that has been developed to treat the disorder. Two studies were conducted to test the effectiveness of the treatment. Results showed that borderline personality disorder can be treated effectively in the public mental health system. The portfolio presents four case studies to examine the notion that Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is efficacious in the treatment of anxiety as a comorbid condition.