983 resultados para Resonant tunneling


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Semiconductor nanostructures show many special physical properties associated with quantum confinement effects, and have many applications in the opto-electronic and microelectronic fields. However, it is difficult to calculate their electronic states by the ordinary plane wave or linear combination of atomic orbital methods. In this paper, we review some of our works in this field, including semiconductor clusters, self-assembled quantum dots, and diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dots. In semiconductor clusters we introduce energy bands and effective-mass Hamiltonian of wurtzite structure semiconductors, electronic structures and optical properties of spherical clusters, ellipsoidal clusters, and nanowires. In self-assembled quantum dots we introduce electronic structures and transport properties of quantum rings and quantum dots, and resonant tunneling of 3-dimensional quantum dots. In diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dots we introduce magnetic-optical properties, and magnetic field tuning of the effective g factor in a diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent experiments indicated that disorder effect in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) may lead to a transition of the electronic hole transport mechanism from band resonant tunneling to thermally activated hopping. In this letter, based on Mott's variable-range hopping theory, we present a kinetic study for the hole transport properties of DNA molecules. Beyond the conventional argument in large-scale systems, our numerical study for finite-size DNA molecules reveals a number of unique features for: (i) the current-voltage characteristics, (ii) the temperature and length dependence, and (iii) the transition from conducting to insulating behaviors. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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In a specially- designed three-barrier-double-well tunneling structure, electron injecting from the emitter in combination with escaping through a resonant-tunneling structure were used to adjust and control the filling of electrons in different subbands. It was observed that the occupation in the first-excited electron state can result in a suppression to quantum confinement Stark effect. Moreover, at very low bias, a series of intrigue photoluminescence peaks appeared as a small quantity of excess electron was filled in the ground state of the quantum well, that cannot be explained by the theory of hand-to-hand transition in the framework of single electron picture.


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In this work a practical scheme is developed for the first-principles study of time-dependent quantum transport. The basic idea is to combine the transport master equation with the well-known time-dependent density functional theory. The key ingredients of this paper include (i) the partitioning-free initial condition and the consideration of the time-dependent bias voltages which base our treatment on the Runge-Gross existence theorem; (ii) the non-Markovian master equation for the reduced (many-body) central system (i.e., the device); and (iii) the construction of Kohn-Sham master equations for the reduced single-particle density matrix, where a number of auxiliary functions are introduced and their equations of motion (EOMs) are established based on the technique of spectral decomposition. As a result, starting with a well-defined initial state, the time-dependent transport current can be calculated simultaneously along with the propagation of the Kohn-Sham master equation and the EOMs of the auxiliary functions.


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The transmission through quantum dots (QDs) is calculated using the recursion method. In our calculation, the effect of finite offset is taken into account. The results show that the shapes of the QDs determine the number of resonant tunneling peaks and the distances between the peaks decrease as the radii of the QDs increase. The intensities of the conductance are strongly dependent on the barrier widths. The conductance peaks are split when transmitting through two QDs. The theoretical results qualitatively agree with the available experimental data. Our calculated results should be useful for the application of QDs to photoelectric devices. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The electronic structure of quantum rings is studied in the framework of the effective-mass theory and the two dimensional hard wall approximation. In cases of both the absence and presence of a magnetic field the electron momenta of confined states and the Coulomb energies of two electrons are given as functions of the angular momentum, inner radius, and magnetic-field strength. By comparing with experiments it is found that the width of the real confinement potential is 14 nm, much smaller than the phenomenal width. The Coulomb energy of two electrons is calculated as 11.1 meV. The quantum waveguide transport properties of Aharonov-Bohm (AB) rings are studied complementarily, and it is found that the correspondence of the positions of resonant peaks in AB rings and the momentum of confined states in closed rings is good for thin rings, representing a type of resonant tunneling.


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Gallium nitride (GaN)-based Schottky junctions were fabricated by RF-plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The GaN epitaxial layers were deposited on novel double buffer layers that consist of a conventional low-temperature buffer layer (LTBL) grown at 500 degreesC and an intermediate-temperature buffer layer (ITBL) deposited at 690 degreesC. Low-frequency excess noise and deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) were measured from the devices. The results demonstrate a significant reduction in the density of deep levels in the devices fabricated with the GaN films grown with an ITBL. Compared to the control sample, which was grown with just a conventional LTBL, a three-order-of-magnitude reduction in the deep levels 0.4 eV below the conduction band minimum (Ec) is observed in the bulk of the thin films using DLTFS measurements.


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We have investigated the photo-excited capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics as well as the photoluminescence spectra under different biases of a wide quantum well (QW) embedded in an n(+)-i-n(+) double-barrier structure. The pronounced peak feature at zero bias in the C-V spectrum observed upon illumination is regarded as a kind of quantum capacitance related to the quantum confined Stark effect, originating from the spatial separation of the photo-generated electron and hole gas in the QW. This fact is further demonstrated through the comparison between the C-V curve with the PL intensity versus applied voltage relationship under the same excitation. The results may provide us with a more direct and sensitive means in the detection of the separation and accumulation of both types of free carriers-electrons and holes-in low-dimensional semiconductor structures, especially in a new type of optical memory cell.


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We have studied the capacitance-voltage characteristics of an optically excited wide quantum well. Both self-consistent simulations and experimental results show the striking quantum contribution to the capacitance near zero bias which is ascribed to the swift decreasing of the overlap between the electron and hole wave functions in the well as the longitudinal field goes up. This quantum capacitance feature is regarded as an electrical manifestation of the quantum-confined Stark effect.


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We report experiments on high de current stressing in commercial III-V nitride based heterojunction light-emitting diodes. Stressing currents ranging from 100 mA to 200 mA were used. Degradations in the device properties were investigated through detailed studies of the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics, electroluminescence, deep-level transient Fourier spectroscopy and flicker noise. Our experimental data demonstrated significant distortions in the I-V characteristics subsequent to electrical stressing. The room temperature electro-luminescence of the devices exhibited a 25% decrement in the peak emission intensity. Concentration of the deep-levels was examined by deep-level transient Fourier spectroscopy, which indicated an increase in the density of deep-traps from 2.7 x 10(13) cm(-3) to 4.2 x 10(13) cm(-3) at E-1 = E-C - 1.1 eV. The result is consistent with our study of 1/f noise, which exhibited up to three orders of magnitude increase in the voltage noise power spectra. These traps are typically located at energy levels beyond the range that can be characterized by conventional techniques including DLTS. The two experiments, therefore, provide a more complete picture of trap generation due to high dc current stressing.


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Room-temperature microwave (MW) oscillations are observed in GaAs/AlAs (10 nm/2 nm) doped weakly coupled superlattices (SLs) in the first plateau of the I-V curve. Oscillations induced by sequential resonant tunneling are detected in a temperature range from 15 to 300 K by applying DC bias on the Si, diodes. The temperature dependence of current at small fixed bias voltage is also measured. Through analysis, it is found that the dominant transport mechanisms are sequential resonant tunneling and phonon-assisted tunneling when the temperature is below 300 K. The low bias voltage at which oscillations are realized is helpful to restrain thermionic emission through the X valley of AlAs barriers in the room-temperature transport. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The traditional monostable-bistable transition logic element (MOBILE) structure is usually composed of resonant tunneling diodes (RTD). This letter describes a new type MOBILE structure consisting of single-electron transistors (i.e. SET-MOBILE). The analytical model of single-electron transistors ( SET) has been considered three states (including an excited state) of the discrete quantum energy levels. The simulation results show negative differential conductance (NDC) characteristics in I-DS-V-DS curve. The SET-MOBILE utilizing NDC characteristics can successfully realize the basic logic functions as the RTD-MOBILE.


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We have observed periodic current and capacitance oscillations with increasing bias on doped GaAs/AlAs superlattices at a temperature of 77 K. The maximum of the observed capacitance is larger than usual geometric capacitances in superlattices, being comparable to the quantum capacitance of the two-dimensional (2D) electron system proposed by Luryi. A model based on well-to-well sequential resonant tunneling due to the movement of the boundary between the electric field domains in superlattice was proposed to explain the origin of the giant capacitance oscillations. It was demonstrated that the capacitance at the peaks of capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics reflects the quantum capacitance of the space-charge region at the boundary between the domains (a novel 2D electron system).


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We have analyzed electronic transport through a single, 200-angstrom-thick, Ga0.74Al0.36As barrier embedded in GaAs. At low temperatures and high electric field, the Fowler-Nordheim regime is observed, indicating that the barrier acts as insulating layers. At higher temperatures the thermionic regime provides an apparent barrier height, decreasing with the field, which is equal to the expected band offset when extrapolated to zero field. However, for some samples, the current is dominated by the presence of electron traps located in the barrier. A careful analysis of the temperature and field behavior of this current allows to deduce that the mechanism involved is field-enhanced emission from electron traps. The defects responsible are tentatively identified as DX centers, resulting from the contamination of the barrier by donor impurities.


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We have studied the vertical transport and formation mechanisms of electric field domains in doped weakly-coupled GaAs/AlAs superlattices. Under hydrostatic pressure two kinds of sequential resonant tunneling are observed within the pressure range from 0 to 4.5 kbar. A transition from Gamma-Gamma to Gamma-X sequential resonant tunneling occurs at P-t approximate to 1.6 kbar. For P < P-t, the high electric field domain is formed by the Gamma-Gamma process, while for P > P-t it is preferentially formed by the Gamma-X process.