Monostable-Bistable Transition Logic Element (MOBILE) Model for Single-Electron Transistors

Autoria(s): Wang Y; Han WH; Yang X; Chen JJ; Yang FH



The traditional monostable-bistable transition logic element (MOBILE) structure is usually composed of resonant tunneling diodes (RTD). This letter describes a new type MOBILE structure consisting of single-electron transistors (i.e. SET-MOBILE). The analytical model of single-electron transistors ( SET) has been considered three states (including an excited state) of the discrete quantum energy levels. The simulation results show negative differential conductance (NDC) characteristics in I-DS-V-DS curve. The SET-MOBILE utilizing NDC characteristics can successfully realize the basic logic functions as the RTD-MOBILE.

The traditional monostable-bistable transition logic element (MOBILE) structure is usually composed of resonant tunneling diodes (RTD). This letter describes a new type MOBILE structure consisting of single-electron transistors (i.e. SET-MOBILE). The analytical model of single-electron transistors ( SET) has been considered three states (including an excited state) of the discrete quantum energy levels. The simulation results show negative differential conductance (NDC) characteristics in I-DS-V-DS curve. The SET-MOBILE utilizing NDC characteristics can successfully realize the basic logic functions as the RTD-MOBILE.



IEEE Beijing Sect.; Chinese Inst Elect.; IEEE Electron Devices Soc.; IEEE EDS Beijing Chapter.; IEEE Solid State Circuits Soc.; IEEE Circuites & Syst Soc.; IEEE Hong Kong EDS, SSCS Chapter.; IEEE SSCS Beijing Chapter.; Japan Soc Appl Phys.; Elect Div IEEE.; URSI Commiss D.; Inst Elect Engineers Korea.; Assoc Asia Pacific Phys Soc.; Peking Univ, IEEE EDS Student Chapter.

[Wang, Ying; Han, Weihua; Yang, Xiang; Chen, Jianjun; Yang, Fuhua] Chinese Acad Sci, Res Ctr Semicond Integrated Technol, Inst Semicond, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China

IEEE Beijing Sect.; Chinese Inst Elect.; IEEE Electron Devices Soc.; IEEE EDS Beijing Chapter.; IEEE Solid State Circuits Soc.; IEEE Circuites & Syst Soc.; IEEE Hong Kong EDS, SSCS Chapter.; IEEE SSCS Beijing Chapter.; Japan Soc Appl Phys.; Elect Div IEEE.; URSI Commiss D.; Inst Elect Engineers Korea.; Assoc Asia Pacific Phys Soc.; Peking Univ, IEEE EDS Student Chapter.






345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA


Wang, Y;Han, WH;Yang, X;Chen, JJ;Yang, FH.Monostable-Bistable Transition Logic Element (MOBILE) Model for Single-Electron Transistors .见:IEEE .2008 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOLID-STATE AND INTEGRATED-CIRCUIT TECHNOLOGY,345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA ,2008,VOLS 1-4: 393-395

Palavras-Chave #微电子学 #DEVICES
