949 resultados para Objective good faith


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The article discusses the problems of applicable law to copyright infringements online. It firstly identifies the main problems related to the well established territoriality principle and the lex loci protectionis rules. Then; the discussion focuses on the "ubiquitous infringement" rule recently proposed by the American Law Institute (ALI) and the European Max Planck Group for Conflicts of Law and Intellectual Propoperty (CLIP). The author strongly welcomes a compromise between the territoriality and universality approaches suggested in respect of ubiquitous infringement cases. At the same time; the paper draws the attention that the interests of "good faith" online service providers (such as legal certainty and foreseeability) have been until now underestimated and invites to take these interests into account when merging the projects into a common international proposal.


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On 3 April 2012, the Spanish Supreme Court issued a major ruling in favour of the Google search engine, including its ‘cache copy’ service: Sentencia n.172/2012, of 3 April 2012, Supreme Court, Civil Chamber.* The importance of this ruling lies not so much in the circumstances of the case (the Supreme Court was clearly disgusted by the claimant’s ‘maximalist’ petitum to shut down the whole operation of the search engine), but rather on the court going beyond the text of the Copyright Act into the general principles of the law and case law, and especially on the reading of the three-step test (in Art. 40bis TRLPI) in a positive sense so as to include all these principles. After accepting that none of the limitations listed in the Spanish Copyright statute (TRLPI) exempted the unauthorized use of fragments of the contents of a personal website through the Google search engine and cache copy service, the Supreme Court concluded against infringement, based on the grounds that the three-step test (in Art. 40bis TRLPI) is to be read not only in a negative manner but also in a positive sense so as to take into account that intellectual property – as any other kind of property – is limited in nature and must endure any ius usus inocui (harmless uses by third parties) and must abide to the general principles of the law, such as good faith and prohibition of an abusive exercise of rights (Art. 7 Spanish Civil Code).The ruling is a major success in favour of a flexible interpretation and application of the copyright statutes, especially in the scenarios raised by new technologies and market agents, and in favour of using the three-step test as a key tool to allow for it.


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Este trabajo indaga en clave comparativa las propuestas de inclusión social presentes en dos programas impulsados por el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Nación: el 'Banco Popular de la Buena Fe' y el 'Argentina Trabaja'. El mismo se elaboró a partir de metodología cualitativa, especialmente a través del análisis de documentos ministeriales y de la observación participante en distintos contextos vinculados con su implementación en un municipio de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ambos programas se asemejan en que buscan incluir a sus beneficiarios en el mercado de trabajo, aunque difieren en sus estrategias: mientras que el 'Banco Popular' impulsa el microemprendimiento, el programa 'Argentina Trabaja' propone involucrar a sus destinatarios en empresas cooperativas. A su vez, en su afán por diferenciarse de otros programas sociales promovidos por el Estado en etapas previas (principalmente en la década de los noventa), ambos intentan generar valores y prácticas enmarcadas dentro de la 'economía social'


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Este trabajo indaga en clave comparativa las propuestas de inclusión social presentes en dos programas impulsados por el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Nación: el 'Banco Popular de la Buena Fe' y el 'Argentina Trabaja'. El mismo se elaboró a partir de metodología cualitativa, especialmente a través del análisis de documentos ministeriales y de la observación participante en distintos contextos vinculados con su implementación en un municipio de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ambos programas se asemejan en que buscan incluir a sus beneficiarios en el mercado de trabajo, aunque difieren en sus estrategias: mientras que el 'Banco Popular' impulsa el microemprendimiento, el programa 'Argentina Trabaja' propone involucrar a sus destinatarios en empresas cooperativas. A su vez, en su afán por diferenciarse de otros programas sociales promovidos por el Estado en etapas previas (principalmente en la década de los noventa), ambos intentan generar valores y prácticas enmarcadas dentro de la 'economía social'


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Este trabajo indaga en clave comparativa las propuestas de inclusión social presentes en dos programas impulsados por el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Nación: el 'Banco Popular de la Buena Fe' y el 'Argentina Trabaja'. El mismo se elaboró a partir de metodología cualitativa, especialmente a través del análisis de documentos ministeriales y de la observación participante en distintos contextos vinculados con su implementación en un municipio de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ambos programas se asemejan en que buscan incluir a sus beneficiarios en el mercado de trabajo, aunque difieren en sus estrategias: mientras que el 'Banco Popular' impulsa el microemprendimiento, el programa 'Argentina Trabaja' propone involucrar a sus destinatarios en empresas cooperativas. A su vez, en su afán por diferenciarse de otros programas sociales promovidos por el Estado en etapas previas (principalmente en la década de los noventa), ambos intentan generar valores y prácticas enmarcadas dentro de la 'economía social'


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O estudo refere-se à verificação da admissibilidade e da conveniência da exclusão facultativa de acionista controlador em sociedade anônima. O tema não é propriamente novo no Brasil. Intenciona-se, no entanto, construir a hipótese a partir de fundamento legal diferente. A Lei 6.404/76 (LSA) apenas destina a exclusão para casos de acionista remisso (artigo 107, II), permanecendo silente com relação ao inadimplemento de deveres de colaboração e lealdade (em conjunto, deveres de cooperação). Nesse contexto, a doutrina e a jurisprudência brasileiras tendem a admitir a hipótese de exclusão em tais casos por aplicação do artigo 1.030 do Código Civil, destinado a regular a matéria no âmbito das sociedades simples. Para tanto, aproximam a companhia fechada das sociedades de pessoas a fim de justificar, dada a alegada omissão da lei especial a esse respeito, o tratamento por analogia. A partir do estudo sistemático da LSA, que compreende, entre outros, o entendimento do princípio da circulação de ações e da extensão dos deveres de boa-fé entre os sócios, pretende-se admitir a hipótese com base na própria lógica acionária, em razão da eventual relevância do relacionamento societário para a consecução do fim social. Em tais companhias, o adimplemento dos deveres de cooperação torna-se tão imprescindível quanto o adimplemento do dever de conferimento para o alcance do escopo comum. Em decorrência desse raciocínio, a exclusão torna-se admissível na ocorrência de inadimplemento de qualquer dever social que inviabilize, real ou potencialmente, o preenchimento do fim social. A identificação de eventual affectio societatis entre os acionistas, portanto, passa a ser irrelevante. Admitir a hipótese no que se refere a acionista controlador se revela ainda importante instrumento de limitação do exercício ilegítimo do poder de controle e não se confunde com a sanção de perdas e danos prevista na LSA por abuso de poder de controle. Por fim, será analisada a conveniência da exclusão do controlador, em razão de sua relevância pessoal para a consecução da atividade, a participação societária por ele detida e da possibilidade de dissolver-se parcialmente a sociedade, com a saída do acionista minoritário descontente.


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O estudo da responsabilidade civil dos administradores de companhias abertas na doutrina nacional trata usualmente dos deveres fiduciários, do ato regular de gestão e da teoria ultra vires, da culpa ou dolo do administrador, das ações ut universi e ut singuli e da solidariedade entre a responsabilidade do administrador e a da companhia. Poucos abordam as causas extintivas dessa responsabilidade, e raro são os que tratam da hipótese de exclusão de responsabilidade do artigo 159, § 6º, da Lei nº 6.404/76. Como a disciplina dos deveres fiduciários prevista na lei societária brasileira tem forte influência do Direito norte-americano, buscou-se na legislação, doutrina e jurisprudência daquele país os fundamentos necessários à melhor interpretação e aplicação da regra de exclusão e, em especial, na business judgment rule, doutrina que protege os administradores contra responsabilização por prejuízos à companhia decorrentes de decisões por eles adotadas, proteção esta também conferida pela hipótese do artigo 159, § 6º, da Lei nº 6.404/76, ao administrador leal e de boa-fé.


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In 1993 Leggatt L.J. said in Abu Dhabi National Tanker Co. v. Product Star Shipping Ltd. (The Product Star) [1993] 1 Lloyds Rep. 397, 404: Where A and B contract with each other to confer a discretion on A, that does not render B subject to A’s uninhibited whim. In my judgment, the authorities show that not only must the discretion be exercised honestly and in good faith, but, having regard to the provisions of the contract by which it is conferred, it must not be exercised arbitrarily, capriciously or unreasonably.


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In his study -The IRS Collection Division: Contacts and Settlements - by John M. Tarras, Assistant Professor School of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management, Michigan State University, Tarras initially states: “The collection division of the internal revenue service is often the point of contact for many hospitality businesses. The author describes how the division operates, what the hospitality firm can expect when contacted by it, and what types of strategies firms might find helpful when negotiating a settlement with the IRS.” The author will have you know that even though most chance meetings with the IRS Collection Division are due to unfortunate tax payment circumstances, there are actually more benign reasons for close encounters of the IRS kind. This does not mean, however, that brushes with the IRS Collection Division will end on an ever friendlier note. “…the Tax Reform Act of 1986 with its added complexity will cause some hospitality firms to inadvertently fail to make proper payments on a timely basis,” Tarras affords in illustrating a perhaps less pugnacious side of IRS relations. Should a hospitality business owner represent himself/herself before the IRS? Never, says Tarras. “Too many taxpayers ruin their chances of a fair settlement by making what to them seem innocent remarks, but ones that turn out to be far different,” warns Professor Tarras. Tarras makes the distinction between IRS the Collection Division, and IRS the Audit Division. “While the Audit Division is interested in how the tax liability arose, the Collection Division is generally only interested in collecting the liability,” he informs you. Either sounds firmly in hostile territory. They don’t bluff. Tarras does want you to know that when the IRS threatens to levy on the assets of a hospitality business, they will do so. Those assets may extend to personal and real property as well, he says. The levy action is generally the final resort in an IRS collection effort. Professor Tarras explains the lien process and the due process attached to that IRS collection tactic. “The IRS can also levy a hospitality firm owner's wages. In this case, it is important to realize that you are allowed to exempt from levy $75 per week, along with $25 per week for each of your dependents (unless your spouse works),” Professor Tarras says with the appropriate citation. What are the options available to the hospitality business owner who finds himself on the wrong side of the IRS Collection Division? Negotiate in good faith says Professor Tarras. “In many cases, a visit to the IRS office will greatly reduce the chances that a simple problem will turn into a major one,” Tarras advises. He dedicates the last pages of the discussion to negotiation strategies.


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La cuestión del género fue trabajada dentro de los estudios de traducción de diversas formas, incluyendo la asignación de género en la lengua meta, la traducción de lenguaje marcado de género y la traducción feminista. En este trabajo se estudia el uso o ausencia de marcas de género y de la praeterio a la hora de afrontar una traducción al gallego de la autora irlandesa Eiléan Ní Chuillanáin, feminista y nacionalista. Ambas situaciones se reflejan conscientemente en sus poemas de manera significativa. A través de ejemplos prácticos seleccionados, se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de tener en cuenta que la traslación de sus textos a una lengua que obligatoriamente establece elecciones lingüísticas entre el femenino y el masculino, debe hacerse respetando el sentido de la autora. Esto supone, para quien traduzca, compartir la perspectiva feminista y nacional de la autora familiarizándose con el marco y condicionantes de su obra poética.


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This study investigated how the types of confidence based on competence and good will act in the formation and maintenance of cooperation relationships between the Camanor and its partners (Aquatec, Purina, Caçuá, Uvifrios and Malta / Cleyton). It used organizational approaches on networks based primarily on studies of Powell (1987, 1990), Das and Teng (2000, 2001), Child (2001) and Contractor and Lorange (2004) which have described the advantages that cooperative relationships can provide, as well as their limits as alternative governance structures. Confidence has been considered an important factor affecting the actions and development of organizations involved in networks or in strategic alliances (ZAHEER; HARRIS, 2006) and is the most appropriate control mechanism in these situations (SYDOW, 1998). Confidence is seen from two different approaches: the economic and the sociological (ZAHEER; HARRIS, 2006). To facilitate the understanding of confidence some typologies have been created, as proposed by Barney and Hansen (1994), Lane (1998), Das and Teng (2000), Child (2001) and Wever, Martens and Vandenbempt (2005). This study made use of the case study as proposition of Yin (2005). Semi-structured interviews were held with pre-determined routes, in a single stage performed in early 2008. The research subjects were owners and / or responsible for Camanor and its business partners (Aquatec, Purina, Caçuá, Uvifrios and Malta / Cleyton). Also secondary data were collected in several sites related to the industry and enterprises studied, in addition to data collected by previous studies conducted by CARCINEREDES (2006). The primary data were analyzed using the analysing technique of the content proposed by Bardin (1994). Regarding the secondary data, they were qualitatively analyzed according to documentary analysis technique (BARDIN, 1994). Thus, through the data collected, could be concluded that although there is confidence based on good faith in relationships(UZZI, 1998; OF; TENG, 2001), their presence does not determine the formation and / or maintenance of a partnership, serves only in order to facilitate the relationship, making them more flexible. The confidence based on competence (DAS; TENG, 2001) influenced the formation and maintenance of relations studied. Because whether or not to form a relationship with another organization it is used the perception of the partner acts, namely the reputation (image) as decision basis. And it is through the verification of the performance of the partner activities that will determine the continuation of the partnership


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Knowledge Exchange has funded the translation a recommended practice of the National Information Standard Organization (NISO) called SERU: Shared Electronic Resource Understanding. The SERU wording offers publishers and libraries the opportunity to save both the time and the costs associated with a negotiated and signed licence agreement by agreeing to operate within a framework of shared understanding and good faith. The statements in the document provide a set of common understandings for publishers and libraries to reference as an alternative to a formal licence when conducting business. The SERU wording has been translated in three languages of the Knowledge Exchange partners. German organisations are recommended to make use of the English wording


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When a dominant undertaking holding a standard-essential patent uses its exclusive right to the IP to seek injunctions against those wishing to produce either de jure or de facto standard compliant products, it creates a conflict between the exclusive right to the use of the IP on the one hand and the possible abuse of dominance due to the exclusionary conduct on the other. The aim of the thesis is to focus on the issues concerning abuse of dominance in violation of Article 102 TFEU when the holder of the standard-essential patent seeks an injunction against a would-be licensee. The thesis is mainly based on the most recent ECJ case law in Huawei and the Commission’s recent decisions in Samsung and Motorola. The case law in Europe prior to those decisions was mainly focused on the German case law from Orange Book Standard which provided IP holders great leverage due to the almost automatic granting of injunctions against infringers. The ECJ in Huawei set out the requirements for when a de jure standard-essential patent holder would not be violating Article 102 TFEU when seeking an injunction, requiring that negotiations in good faith must take place prior to the seeking of the injunction and that all offers must comply with FRAND terms, thus limiting the scope of case law derived from Orange Book Standard in Germany. The ECJ chose not to follow all of the reasoning the Commission had laid out in Samsung and Motorola which provided a more licensee-friendly approach on the matter, but rather chose a compromise between the IP holder friendly German case law and the Commission’s decisions. However, the ECJ did not disclose how FRAND terms themselves should be interpreted, but rather left it for the national courts to decide. Furthermore, the thesis strongly argues that Huawei did not change the fact that only vertically integrated IP holders who have made a FRAND declaration are subject to the terms laid out in Huawei, thus leaving non-practicing entities such as patent trolls and entities that have not made a FRAND declaration outside its scope. The resulting conclusion from the thesis is that while the ECJ in Huawei presented new exceptional circumstances for when an IP holder could be abusing its dominant position when it seeks an injunction, it still left many more questions answered, such as the meaning of FRAND and whether deception in giving a FRAND declaration is prohibited under Article 102 TFEU or not.


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This study investigated how the types of confidence based on competence and good will act in the formation and maintenance of cooperation relationships between the Camanor and its partners (Aquatec, Purina, Caçuá, Uvifrios and Malta / Cleyton). It used organizational approaches on networks based primarily on studies of Powell (1987, 1990), Das and Teng (2000, 2001), Child (2001) and Contractor and Lorange (2004) which have described the advantages that cooperative relationships can provide, as well as their limits as alternative governance structures. Confidence has been considered an important factor affecting the actions and development of organizations involved in networks or in strategic alliances (ZAHEER; HARRIS, 2006) and is the most appropriate control mechanism in these situations (SYDOW, 1998). Confidence is seen from two different approaches: the economic and the sociological (ZAHEER; HARRIS, 2006). To facilitate the understanding of confidence some typologies have been created, as proposed by Barney and Hansen (1994), Lane (1998), Das and Teng (2000), Child (2001) and Wever, Martens and Vandenbempt (2005). This study made use of the case study as proposition of Yin (2005). Semi-structured interviews were held with pre-determined routes, in a single stage performed in early 2008. The research subjects were owners and / or responsible for Camanor and its business partners (Aquatec, Purina, Caçuá, Uvifrios and Malta / Cleyton). Also secondary data were collected in several sites related to the industry and enterprises studied, in addition to data collected by previous studies conducted by CARCINEREDES (2006). The primary data were analyzed using the analysing technique of the content proposed by Bardin (1994). Regarding the secondary data, they were qualitatively analyzed according to documentary analysis technique (BARDIN, 1994). Thus, through the data collected, could be concluded that although there is confidence based on good faith in relationships(UZZI, 1998; OF; TENG, 2001), their presence does not determine the formation and / or maintenance of a partnership, serves only in order to facilitate the relationship, making them more flexible. The confidence based on competence (DAS; TENG, 2001) influenced the formation and maintenance of relations studied. Because whether or not to form a relationship with another organization it is used the perception of the partner acts, namely the reputation (image) as decision basis. And it is through the verification of the performance of the partner activities that will determine the continuation of the partnership


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OBJECTIVE: In the last decade, some attention has been given to spirituality and faith and their role in cancer patients' coping. Few data are available about spirituality among cancer patients in Southern European countries, which have a big tradition of spirituality, namely, the Catholic religion. As part of a more general investigation (Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study--SEPOS), the aim of this study was to examine the effect of spirituality in molding psychosocial implications in Southern European cancer patients. METHOD: A convenience sample of 323 outpatients with a diagnosis of cancer between 6 to 18 months, a good performance status (Karnofsky Performance Status > 80), and no cognitive deficits or central nervous system (CNS) involvement by disease were approached in university and affiliated cancer centers in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland (Italian speaking area). Each patient was evaluated for spirituality (Visual Analog Scale 0-10), psychological morbidity (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale--HADS), coping strategies (Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer--Mini-MAC) and concerns about illness (Cancer Worries Inventory--CWI). RESULTS. The majority of patients (79.3%) referred to being supported by their spirituality/faith throughout their illness. Significant differences were found between the spirituality and non-spirituality groups (p ≤ 0.01) in terms of education, coping styles, and psychological morbidity. Spirituality was significantly correlated with fighting spirit (r = -0.27), fatalism (r = 0.50), and avoidance (r = 0.23) coping styles and negatively correlated with education (r = -0.25), depression (r = -0.22) and HAD total (r = -0.17). SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: Spirituality is frequent among Southern European cancer patients with lower education and seems to play some protective role towards psychological morbidity, specifically depression. Further studies should examine this trend in Southern European cancer patients.