961 resultados para DIMENSIONAL ELECTRON-GAS


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We present a theoretical study on the electron tunneling through a single barrier created in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) and quantum spin Hall (QSH) bar in a HgTe/CdTe quantum well with inverted band structures. For the 2DEG, the transmission shows the Fabry-Perot resonances for the interband tunneling process and is blocked when the incident energy lies in the bulk gap of the barrier region. For the QSH bar, the transmission gap is reduced to the edge gap caused by the finite size effect. Instead, transmission dips appear due to the interference between the edge states and the bound states originated from the bulk states. Such a Fano-like resonance leads to a sharp dip in the transmission which can be observed experimentally.


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Electron spin-dependent transport properties have been theoretically investigated in two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) modulated by the magnetic field generated by a pair of anti-parallel magnetization ferromagnetic metal stripes and the electrostatic potential provided by a normal metal Schottky stripe. It is shown that the energy positions of the spin-polarization extremes and the width of relative spin conductance excess plateau could be significantly manipulated by the electrostatic potential strength and width, as well as its position relative to the FM stripes. These interesting features are believed useful for designing the electric voltage controlled spin filters. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Manipulation of the spin degree of freedom has been demonstrated in a spin-polarized electron plasma in a heterostructure by using exchange-interaction-induced dynamic spin splitting rather than the Rashba and Dresselhaus types, as revealed by time-resolved Kerr rotation. The measured spin splitting increases from 0.256 meV to 0.559 meV as the bias varies from -0.3 V to -0.6 V. Both the sign switch of the Kerr signal and the phase reversal of Larmor precessions have been observed with biases, which all fit into the framework of exchange-interaction-induced spin splitting. The electrical control of it may provide a new effective scheme for manipulating spin-selected transport in spin FET-like devices. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2008.


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Magnetotransport properties of two-dimensional electron gas have been investigated for three In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As quantum well samples having two occupied subbands with different well widths. When the intersubband scattering is considered, we have obtained the subband density, transport scattering time, quantum scattering time and intersubband scattering time, respectively, by analyzing the result of fast Fourier transform of the first derivative of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. It is found that the main scattering mechanism is due to small-angle scattering, such as ionized impurity scattering, for the first subband electrons.


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Electrical properties of AlyGa1-yN/AlxGa1-xN/AlN/GaN structure are investigated by solving coupled Schrodinger and Poisson equation self-consistently. Our calculations show that the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) density will decrease with the thickness of the second barrier (AlyGa1-yN) once the AlN content of the second barrier is smaller than a critical value y(c), and will increase with the thickness of the second barrier (AlyGa1-yN) when the critical AlN content of the second barrier y(c) is exceeded. Our calculations also show that the critical AlN content of the second barrier y(c) will increase with the AlN content and the thickness of the first barrier layer (AlxGa1-xN).


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It is shown theoretically that the propagation of plasmons can be tuned by an external electric field via spin-orbit interactions in a two-dimensional electron gas formed in a semiconductor heterostructure. This may provide a manageable way of transmitting quantum information in a quantum device. A possible plasmon field effect transistor is proposed.


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We report on time-resolved Kerr rotation measurements of spin coherence of electrons in the first excited subband of a high-mobility low-density two-dimensional electron system in a GaAs/Al0.35Ga0.65As heterostructure. While the transverse spin lifetime (T-2(*)) of electrons decreases monotonically with increasing magnetic field, it has a nonmonotonic dependence on the temperature and reaches a peak value of 596 ps at 36 K, indicating the effect of intersubband electron-electron scattering on the electron-spin relaxation.


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Using the measured capacitance- voltage curves of Ni Schottky contacts with different areas on strained AlGaN/ GaN heterostructures and the current- voltage characteristics for the AlGaN/ GaN heterostructure field- effect transistors at low drain- source voltage, we found that the two- dimensional electron gas (2DEG) electron mobility increased as the Ni Schottky contact area increased. When the gate bias increased from negative to positive, the 2DEG electron mobility for the samples increased monotonically except for the sample with the largest Ni Schottky contact area. A new scattering mechanism is proposed, which is based on the polarization Coulomb field scattering related to the strain variation of the AlGaN barrier layer. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Magnetotransport properties of In-0.53 GaAs/In-0.52 AlAs high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structures with different channel thickness of 10-35 nm have been investigated in magnetic fields up to 13 T at 1.4 K. Fast Fourier transform has been employed to obtain the subband density and mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas in these HEMT structures. We found that the thickness of channel does not significantly enhance the electron density of the two-dimensional electron gas, however, it has strong effect on the proportion of electrons inhabited in different subbands. When the size of channel is 20 nm, the number of electrons occupying the excited subband, which have higher mobility, reaches the maximum. The experimental values obtained in this work are useful for the design and optimization of InGaAs/InAlAs HEMT devices.


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Transport properties of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) are crucial to metamorphic high-electron-mobility transistors (MM-HEMT). We have investigated the variations of subband electron mobility and concentration versus temperature from Shubnikov-de Hass oscillations., and variable temperature Hall measurements. The results indicate that the electrical performance is the best when the In content is 0.65 in the channel for MM-HEMT. When the In content exceeds 0.65, a large lattice mismatch will cause dislocations and result in the decrease of mobility and the fall of performance in materials and devices.


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InAlAs/InGaAs metamorphic high-electron-mobility transistor structures with different spacer layers on GaAs substrates are characterized by Raman measurements. The influence of In0.52Al0.48As spacer thickness on longitudinal optic phonon-plasmon coupling is investigated. It is found that the intensity of GaAs-like longitudinal optic phonon, which couples with collective intersubband transitions of two-dimensional electron gas, is strongly affected by the different subband energy spacings, subband electron concentrations, and wave function distributions, which are determined by different spacer thicknesses. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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High-quality GaN epilayers were consistently obtained using a home-made gas-sourer MBE system on sapphire substrates. Room-temperature electron mobility of the grown GaN film is 300 cm(2)/V s with a background electron concentration as low as 2 x 10(17) cm(-3) The full-width at half-maximum of the GaN (0 0 0 2) double-crystal X-ray rocking curve is 6 arcmin. At low temperature (3.5 K), the FWHM of the: near-band-edge photoluminescence emission line is 10 meV. Furthermore, using piezoelectric effect alone with the high-quality films, two-dimensional electron gas was formed in a GaN/AlN/GaN/sapphire structure. Its room-temperature and low-temperature (77 K) electron mobility is 680 cm(2)/V s and 1700 cm(2)/V s, and the corresponding sheet electron density is 3.2 x 10(13) and 2.6 x 10(13) cm(-2), respectively. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science.


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High-quality InGaAs/InAlAs/InP high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) structures with lattice-matched or pseudomorphic channels have been grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). The purpose of this work is to enhance the channel conductivity by changing the epitaxial structure and growth process. With the use of pseudomorphic step quantum-well channel, the highest channel conductivity is achieved at x = 0.7, the corresponding electron mobilities are as high as 12300 (300 K) and 61000 cm(2)/V.s (77 K) with two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) density of 3.3 x 10(12) cm(-2). These structures are comprehensively characterized by Hall measurements, photoluminescence, double crystal X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Strong room-temperature luminescence is observed, demonstrating the high optical quality of the samples. We also show that decreasing the In composition in the InyAl1-yAs spacer is very effective to increase the 2DEG density of PHEMT structures. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The beating patterns in the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillatory magnetoresistance originating from zero-field spin splitting of two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) in In0.52Al0.48As/InxGa1-xAs/In0.52Al0.48As quantum wells with silicon delta doped on the upper barrier layer have been investigated by means of magnetotransport measurements before and after illumination. Contrary to the expectation, after each illumination, the beating nodes induced by the zero-field spin-splitting effect shift to lower and lower magnetic field due to the decrease in the zero-field spin-splitting energy of the 2DEGs. The anomalous phenomenon of the shift of the beating nodes and the decrease in spin-orbit coupling constants after illumination cannot be explained by utilizing the previous linear Rashba model. It is suggested that the decrease in the zero-field spin-splitting energy and the spin-orbit coupling constant arise from the nonlinear Rashba spin splitting.


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The influences of channel layer width, spacer layer width, and delta-doping density on the electron density and its distribution in the AlSb/InAs high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have been studied based on the self-consistent calculation of the Schrodinger and Poisson equations with both the strain and nonparabolicity effects being taken into account. The results show that, having little influence on the total two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) concentration in the channel, the HEMT's channel layer width has some influence on the electron mobility, with a channel as narrow as 100-130 angstrom being more beneficial. For the AlSb/InAs HEMT with a Te delta-doped layer, the 2DEG concentration as high as 9.1 X 10(12) cm(-2) can be achieved in the channel by enhancing the delta-doping concentration without the occurrence of the parallel conduction. When utilizing a Si delta-doped InAs layer as the electron-supplying layer of the AlSb/InAs HEMT, the effect of the InAs donor layer thickness is studied on the 2DEG concentration. To obtain a higher 2DEG concentration in the channel, it is necessary to use an InAs donor layer as thin as 4 monolayer. To test the validity of our calculation, we have compared our theoretical results (2DEG concentration and its distribution in different sub-bands of the channel) with the experimental ones done by other groups and show that our theoretical calculation is consistent with the experimental results.