1000 resultados para applied physics


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Combination of femtosecond Kerr, two photon absorption, and impulsive stimulated Raman scattering (ISRS) experiments have been carried out to investigate the effect of pulse energy and crystal temperature on the generation of coherent polaritons and phonons in 〈110〉 cut ZnTe single crystals of three different resistivities. We demonstrate that the effect of two photon induced free carriers on the creation of both the polaritons and phonons is largest at 4 K where the free carrier lifetime is enhanced. The temperature dependant ISRS on high and low purity ZnTe crystals allows us to unambiguously assign the phonon mode at 3.5 THz to the longitudinal acoustic mode at X-point in the Brillouin zone, LA(X).


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Zn1−xMgxO (x = 0.3) thin films have been fabricated on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si substrates using multimagnetron sputtering technique. The films with wurtzite structure showed a (002) preferred orientation. Ferroelectricity in Zn1−xMgxO films was established from the temperature dependent dielectric constant and the polarization hysteresis loop. The temperature dependent study of dielectric constant at different frequencies exhibited a dielectric anomaly at 110 °C. The resistivity versus temperature characteristics showed an anomalous increase in the vicinity of the dielectric transition temperature. The Zn1−xMgxO thin films exhibit well-defined polarization hysteresis loop, with a remanent polarization of 0.2 μC/cm2 and coercive field of 8 kV/cm at room temperature.


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A new method for producing simultaneous lasing at 10.6 μm and 38.3 μm in a CO2‐N2‐CS2 gasdynamic laser is presented. The theoretical analysis predicts small‐signal gain values of the order 0.21 m−1 for 10.6 μm lasing in CO2 molecules and 0.085 m−1 for 38.3 μm lasing in CS2 molecules, indicating the possibility of dual wave lasing.


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We have prepared crystalline nanowires (diameter ∼ 50 nm, length ∼ a few microns) of the charge-ordering manganite Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 using a low reaction temperature hydrothermal method and characterized them using x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry and electron magnetic resonance measurements. While the bulk sample shows a charge ordering transition at 245 K and an antiferromagnetic transition at 175 K, SQUID magnetometry and electron magnetic resonance experiments reveal that in the nanowires phase, a ferromagnetic transition occurs at ∼ 105 K. Further, the antiferromagnetic transition disappears and the charge ordering transition is suppressed. This result is particularly significant since the charge order in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 is known to be very robust, magnetic fields as high as 27 T being needed to melt it.


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This paper describes the dielectric behavior of an insulator‐conductor composite, namely, the wax‐graphite composite. The variation of specific capacitance of these composites with parameters such as volume fraction and grain size of the conducting particles and temperature has been studied. These observed variations have been explained using the same model [C. Rajagopal and M. Satyam, J. Appl. Phys. 49, 5536 (1978)] which explains electrical conduction in composites. The specific capacitance of these materials appears to be governed by the contact capacitance between the conducting particles and the number of contacts each particle has with its neighbors. The variation of specific capacitance with temperature is attributed to the change in contact area.


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X-ray powder diffraction along with differential thermal analysis carried out on the as-quenched samples in the 3BaO–3TiO2–B2O3 system confirmed their amorphous and glassy nature, respectively. The dielectric constants in the 1 kHz–1 MHz frequency range were measured as a function of temperature (323–748 K). The dielectric constant and loss were found to be frequency independent in the 323–473 K temperature range. The temperature coefficient of dielectric constant was estimated using Havinga’s formula and found to be 16 ppm K−1. The electrical relaxation was rationalized using the electric modulus formalism. The dielectric constant and loss were 17±0.5 and 0.005±0.001, respectively at 323 K in the 1 kHz–1 MHz frequency range which may be of considerable interest to capacitor industry.


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Stable and highly reproducible current‐limiting characteristics are observed for polycrystalline ceramics prepared by sintering mixtures of coarse‐grained, donor‐doped BaTiO3 (tetragonal) as the major phase and ultrafine, undoped cubic perovskite such as BaSnO3, BaZrO 3, SrTiO3, or BaTiO3 (cubic). The linear current‐voltage (I‐V) relation changes over to current limiting as the field strength increases, when thermal equilibrium is attained. The grain‐boundary layers with low donor and high Sn, Zr, or Sr have depleted charge carrier density as compared to that in the grain bulk. The voltage drop at the grain‐boundary layers diminishes the temperature gradient between the interior and surface regions.


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The band offsets in InN/p-Si heterojunctions are determined by high resolution x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The valence band of InN is found to be 1.39 eV below that of Si. Given the bandgap of 0.7 eV for InN, a type-III heterojunction with a conduction band offset of 1.81 eV was found. Agreement between the simulated and experimental data obtained from the heterojunction spectra was found to be excellent, establishing that the method of determination was accurate. The charge neutrality level (CNL) model provided a reasonable description of the band alignment of the InN/p-Si interface and a change in the interface dipole by 0.06 eV was observed for InN/p-Si interface.


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Three-component ferroelectric superlattices consisting of alternating layers of SrTiO3, BaTiO3, and CaTiO3 (SBC) with variable interlayer thickness were fabricated on Pt(111)/TiO2/SiO2/Si (100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The presence of satellite reflections in x-ray-diffraction analysis and a periodic concentration of Sr, Ba, and Ca throughout the film in depth profile of secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis confirm the fabrication of superlattice structures. The Pr (remnant polarization) and Ps (saturation polarization) of SBC superlattice with 16.4-nm individual layer thickness (SBC16.4) were found to be around 4.96 and 34 μC/cm2, respectively. The dependence of polarization on individual layer thickness and lattice strain were studied in order to investigate the size dependence of the dielectric properties. The dielectric constant of these superlattices was found to be much higher than the individual component layers present in the superlattice configuration. The relatively higher tunability ( ∼ 55%) obtained around 300 K indicates that the superlattice is a potential electrically tunable material for microwave applications at room temperature. The enhanced dielectric properties were thus discussed in terms of the interfacial strain driven polar region due to high lattice mismatch and electrostatic coupling due to polarization mismatch between individual layers.


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The nanocrystallites ( ≈ 3 nm) of LiNbO3, evolved in the (100−x)LiBO2-xNb2O5 (5x20, in molar ratio) glass system exhibited intense second-harmonic signals in transmission mode when exposed to infrared (IR) light at λ = 1064 nm. The second-harmonic waves were found to undergo optical diffraction which was attributed to the presence of self-organized submicrometer-sized LiNbO3 crystallites that were grown within the glass matrix along the parallel damage fringes created by the IR laser radiation. Micro-Raman studies carried out on the laser-irradiated samples confirmed the self-organized crystallites to be LiNbO3.


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Antiferroelectric lanthanum-modified PbZrO3 thin films with La contents between 0 and 6 at. % have been deposited on Pt(111)/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate by sol-gel route. On the extent of La-modification, maximum polarization (Pmax) and recoverable energy density (W) have been enhanced followed by their subsequent reduction. A maximum Pmax ( ∼ 0.54 C/m2 at ∼ 60 MV/m) as well as a maximum W ( ∼ 14.9 J/cc at ∼ 60 MV/m) have been achieved on 5% La modification. Both Pmax and W have been found to be strongly dependent on La-induced crystallographic orientations.


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Compositionally varying multilayers of (1−x) Pb(Mg1/3N2/3)O3–(x) PbTiO3 were fabricated using pulsed laser ablation technique. An antiferroelectriclike polarization hysteresis was observed in these relaxor based multilayer systems. The competition among the intrinsic ferroelectric coupling in the relaxor ferroelectrics and the antiferroelectric coupling among the dipoles at the interface gives rise to an antiferroelectriclike polarization behavior. An increment in the coercive field and the applied field corresponding to the polarization flipping at low temperatures, provide further insight on the competition among the long-range ferroelectric interaction and the interfacial interaction in the polarization behavior of these relaxor multilayers.


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Novel ferroelectric bismuth vanadate, Bi2VO5.5 (BVO), thin films have been grown between lattice matched metallic LaNiO3 (LNO) layers deposited on SrTiO3 (STO) by the pulsed laser deposition technique. LNO/BVO/LNO/STO and Au/BVO/LNO/STO trilayer structures exhibited c‐oriented (001) growth of BVO. LNO has been found to be a good metallic electrode with sheet resistance ∼20 Ω in addition to aiding c‐axis oriented BVO growth. The dielectric constant, ϵr of LNO/BVO/LNO/STO, at 300 K was about 12. However, when an Au electrode was used on top of BVO/LNO/STO film, it showed a significant improvement in the dielectric constant (ϵr=123). The ferroelectric properties of BVO thin films have been confirmed by hysteresis behavior with a remnant polarization, Pr=4.6×10−8 C/cm2 and coercive field, Ec=23 kV/cm at 300 K.


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In a recent experiment on laser beam transmission through an absorbing gas, the critical Reynold's number for the flow, induced by the heating of the gas, to become turbulent was found to be less than 30, which is many orders of magnitude smaller than that for pure shear flow in pipes. It is shown here that a Rayleigh number is the more appropriate criterion to characterize the stability of flow in this situation, and its value estimated in two limiting cases is found to bracket the expected critical Rayleigh number for vertical concentric cylinders.


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InN quantum dots (QDs) were grown on Si (111) by epitaxial Stranski-Krastanow growth mode using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Single-crystalline wurtzite structure of InN QDs was verified by the x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Scanning tunneling microscopy has been used to probe the structural aspects of QDs. A surface bandgap of InN QDs was estimated from scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) I-V curves and found that it is strongly dependent on the size of QDs. The observed size-dependent STS bandgap energy shifts with diameter and height were theoretical explained based on an effective mass approximation with finite-depth square-well potential model.