890 resultados para Facteurs cognitivo-langagiers
Chronic pain, without any organic or physical cause (DC), which in psycho-medical terminology is known as fi bromyalgia, (FM), is diagnosed each year to a considerable number of women in capitalistic societies. Our main interest in the following paper is to go in depth in the elaboration of this symptom, its treatment and the psychosocial effects, both in the social order as well as in the lives of the people who suffer from it. Our main goal in the following paper is to look deeper in the elaboration (conceptualization) of this symptom, its treatment and psychological affects, both in the social order as well as in the lives of the people who suffer from it, we are using linked speeches in Spanish magazines publications. The result has been the emergence of three hegemonic discourse positions: One position “scientist”, one “therapeutic of the conformity” position and one “economic and legalistic” position. Each of these has a specifi c feature, but on the whole, is enhanced, producing effects such as the absence of social context to explain the disease; disregard of gender differences in the management and treatment; the instrumentalization of pain to legitimize their practices and the subjection of women to the “psycho-biomedical” paradigm. In that way, a new signifi cance and politicization of the concept of pain is proposed.
The students academic performance is a key aspect for all agents involved in a higher education quality program. However, there is no unanimity on how to measure it. Some professionals choose assessing only cognitive aspects while others lean towards assessing the acquisition of certain skills. The need to train increasingly adapted professionals in order to respond to the companies’ demands and being able to compete internationally in a global labour market requires a kind of training that goes beyond memorizing. Critical and logical thinking are amongst written language skills demanded in the field of Social Sciences. The objective of this study is to empirically demonstrate the impact of voluntary assignments on the academic performance of students. Our hypothesis is that students who complete high quality voluntary assignments are those more motivated and, therefore, those with higher grades. An experiment with students from the "Financial Accounting II" during the academic year of 2012/13 at the Business and Economics School of the UCM was carried out. A series of voluntary assessments involving the preparation of accounting essays were proposed in order to develop skills and competencies as a complement to the lessons included in the curriculum of the subject. At the end of the course, the carrying-out or not of the essay together with its critical, reflective quality and style, were compared. Our findings show a relationship between the voluntarily presented papers of quality and the final grade obtained throughout the course. These results show that the students intrinsic motivation is a key element in their academic performance. On the other hand, the teachers role focuses on being a motivating element through the learning process.
El objetivo del presente texto es la indagación del razonamiento moral en los profesores de secundaria como un elemento de la competencia ética. Se realizó con dilemas morales hipotéticos (analizados y probados previamente para su validación y cuya fiabilidad se obtuvo a través del alfa de Cronbach) y con dilemas reales. Se aplicó a 264 profesores, miembros de la comunidad académica de la Escuela Normal Superior de Michoacán, México. Se analizó a través del programa estadístico Aquad 6. Entre los descubrimientos se encuentra una presencia mayoritaria de conflictos entre las normas éticas interpersonales con las normas de conformidad social y con las normas institucionales particulares. También que la justicia y la protección contra daños a los alumnos son valores presentes en los dilemas reales y una prevalencia en el razonamiento convencional de los profesores
Since remote times, certain sectors of society have been exposed to inequality and vulnerability, where adequate intervention processes have become conspicuous because of their absence. Nowadays, current societies have the responsibility of contributing, based on their experience and knowledge, with more efficient policies and programs that improve the life quality of the most disadvantaged. It is here where art and its different tools play a very important role, not only on a physical level, but also as an education tool that allows the development of emotional, mental and communicative skills. The aim of this paper is to make clear the potential of art as an instrument of social and educational intervention. It starts by showing worldwide-collected experience related to education and arts, and then, it acquaints the reader with two parallel intervention projects that worked with youths under social vulnerability conditions. These interventions were developed based on a qualitative research (Grounded theory), using as methodology “The Artistic Mediation” with emphasis on body language. This methodology helped researchers to get close to the participants and to know their experiences and emotions. At the same time, it was possible to evidence the positive effects of educative interventions through art. These workshops were based on an artistic methodology especially focused on body language. Data in this work is qualitative, and as such, it permits a special approach to the personal and emotional experiences of the participants; clearly showing the positive effects of the referenced practice on them.
Students' learning process can be negatively affected when their reading and comprehension control is not appropriated. This research focuses on the analysis of how a group of students from high school evaluate their reading comprehension in manipulated scientific texts. An analysis tool was designed to determine the students' degree of comprehension control when reading a scientific short text with an added contradiction. The results have revealed that the students from 1st and 3rd ESO do not properly self-evaluated their reading comprehension. A different behavior has been observed in 1st Bachillerato, where appropriate evaluation and regulation seem to be more frequent. Moreover, no significant differences have been found regarding the type of text, year or gender. Finally, as identified by previous research, the correlations between the students' comprehension control and their school marks have shown to have a weak relationship and inversely proportional to the students' age.
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar la evolución de los destinos turísticos litorales consolidados a partir del análisis comparado entre Balneario Camboriú y Benidorm. Se trata de dos destinos localizados en contextos territoriales y turísticos diferentes, en los que se contrastan de manera empírica los indicadores de evolución de los destinos y se vinculan las dinámicas evolutivas con el modelo territorial-turístico resultante en cada destino. El análisis realizado permite contrastar los postulados de los modelos evolutivos clásicos (Butler, 1980) e incorporar los nuevos planteamientos de la geografía económica evolutiva. La investigación delimita cronológicamente los periodos de desarrollo de ambos destinos para identificar los factores con mayor incidencia en la evolución de los mismos. Una evolución marcada, fundamentalmente, por la ubicación geográfica, la planificación y gestión urbanoturística a diferentes escalas, la dependencia de determinados mercados emisores y la influencia de factores macroeconómicos. Un conjunto de factores interrelacionados que dibujan trayectorias dispares para los destinos analizados.
The goal of this study is to identify cues for the cognitive process of attention in ancient Greek art, aiming to find confirmation of its possible use by ancient Greek audiences and artists. Evidence of cues that trigger attention’s psychological dispositions was searched through content analysis of image reproductions of ancient Greek sculpture and fine vase painting from the archaic to the Hellenistic period - ca. 7th -1st cent. BC. Through this analysis, it was possible to observe the presence of cues that trigger orientation to the work of art (i.e. amplification, contrast, emotional salience, simplification, symmetry), of a cue that triggers a disseminate attention to the parts of the work (i.e. distribution of elements) and of cues that activate selective attention to specific elements in the work of art (i.e. contrast of elements, salient color, central positioning of elements, composition regarding the flow of elements and significant objects). Results support the universality of those dispositions, probably connected with basic competencies that are hard-wired in the nervous system and in the cognitive processes.
Cette communication a pour objectif de présenter et d’analyser les résultats d’une enquête portant sur l’accord sujet-verbe en français contemporain. Dans le domaine de l’accord sujet-verbe, bien que dans la plupart des cas le locuteur n’ait pas le choix de l’accord – c’est–à-dire qu’il n’y a qu’un accord possible – il existe néanmoins des contextes dans lesquels on peut trouver une variation entre l’accord singulier et le pluriel (cf. Corbett 2006 ; Grevisse 1993 ; Riegel et al 1994). Cette variation est souvent liée à une discordance entre le nombre syntaxique et le nombre sémantique. C’est le cas de certaines expressions de quantité, comme dans les exemples suivants : Singulier : « On a affaire à une minorité qui fait la loi à l’université » (Ouest France, 23-24 mai 2009, p.13) Pluriel : « Un petit millier de producteurs allemands, français et belges se sont déplacés, hier, à Bruxelles […] » (Ouest France, 26 mai 2009, p.3) Cette variation nous offre plusieurs pistes de recherche : dans une perspective linguistique, elle peut nous aider à mieux comprendre comment interagissent les différents facteurs linguistiques qui ont une influence sur l’accord, et dans une perspective sociolinguistique, elle représente un nouveau domaine à explorer pour l’étude sociolinguistique de la variation grammaticale en français, ce qui reste jusqu’à présent relativement peu étudiée. Nous traitons dans cette communication de la perspective sociolinguistique, c'est-à-dire les facteurs externes tels que l’âge, le sexe, et le niveau d’éducation du locuteur qui jouent un rôle dans l’accord sujet-verbe avec les expressions de quantité. Nous considérons en particulier la variation sexolectale : dans un premier temps, nous examinons les résultats de quelques études précédentes de la variation morphosyntaxique en français contemporain par rapport à l’influence du sexe du locuteur. Nous en concluons que les Principes élaborés par Labov (1990) pour décrire la variation sexolectale en anglais semblent être moins valables pour le cas du français de la France ; ou bien, qu’ils ne s’appliquent pas de façon simpliste. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présentons les résultats de nôtre étude, et nous voyons que pour nôtre projet aussi, les résultats pour la variation sexolectale ne s’expliquent pas facilement dans le cadre des Principes de Labov (1990).
Dans cet article, nous évaluons le rôle du cotexte (les facteurs internes ou linguistiques) et du contexte (les facteurs externes ou sociaux, et la situation de l’interaction) dans l’accord sujet-verbe induit par les expressions de quantité en français contemporain. Dans l’emploi de ces expressions, par exemple la majorité, le reste etc., il existe une variation entre l’accord singulier et le pluriel, qui est liée à une discordance entre le nombre syntaxique et le nombre sémantique de l’expression. Dans un premier temps, nous présentons la méthodologie d’une première enquête dont le but était d’identifier les principaux facteurs internes et externes qui ont une influence sur les accords de ce type. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présentons les résultats pour les facteurs sociaux avant d’en tirer quelques conclusions pour l’étude principale.
Dissertação, Mestrado, Sistemas de Informação de Gestão, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2013
Dissertação, Mestrado, Sistemas de Informação de Gestão, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2013
Dissertação, Mestrado, Contabilidade e Finanças, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2014
Dissertação, Mestrado, Contabilidade e Finanças, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2014
Este capítulo pretende analisar os contributos das perspetivas socioconstrutivistas para os processos de ensino-aprendizagem e de construção do conhecimento. Num primeiro momento, faz-se uma clarificação dos vários conceitos, examinando os contributos dos vários autores na sua evolução histórica e concetual. Apresentam-se os vários modelos construtivistas de aprendizagem, do construtivismo cognitivo ao construtivismo radical, passando pelo construtivismo social, analisando sucintamente as suas diferentes dimensões teóricas e os contributos dos vários autores para uma definição destes modelos. Seguidamente, é dada particular atenção aos diferentes modelos teóricos que enfatizam o papel dos contextos sociais nos processos de aprendizagem, designadamente: 1) O modelo da ecologia do desenvolvimento e os contributos da teoria de Bronfenbrenner, com os seus conceitos de microssistema,mesossistema, exossistema e macrossistema e as interações entre esses sistemas; 2) A teoria social cognitiva de Bandura, com particular realce para os conceitos de determinismo recíproco e crenças de autoeficácia; 3) As perspetivas do construtivismo social, com as contribuições de Vygotsky e o seu conceito de zona de desenvolvimento próximo. Depois desta exposição, é proposto um modelo integrador das várias conceções construtivistas e apresentam-se algumas aplicações pedagógicas baseadas nestas perspetivas. Num segundo momento, faz-se uma breve revisão de investigações educacionais efetuadas no quadro destas perspetivas teóricas, realçando as suas principais contribuições para a prática educativa. Finalmente, propõe-se um conjunto de atividades de aplicação, com o objetivo de contribuir, não apenas para a re0exão em torno das perspetivas socioconstrutivistas de aprendizagem, mas também para a sua implementação em contexto de sala de aula. No $nal do capítulo, são apresentadas sugestões de leitura para aprofundamento das temáticas aqui apresentadas.
Este ensino clínico permitiu-nos prestar cuidados de enfermagem especializados a 16 homens com esquizofrenia em processo de reabilitação psicossocial. Na sua maioria são: adultos, solteiros, da região sul de Portugal, com uma média de 9 anos de escolaridade, com história de consumo de substâncias (álcool, tabaco, haxixe, cocaína, heroína e anfetaminas), institucionalizados na Casa de Saúde do Telhal (CST) há mais de 11 anos. Todos apresentam diagnósticos de enfermagem das várias dimensões do adoecer, com exceção da dimensão comportamental excitatória, sendo os de maior prevalência: “Conhecimento sobre Processo de doença/Cuidados na doença/Tratamento, Não Demonstrado”; Cognição, Comprometida”; “Processo Social, Alterado”; “Autoestima, Diminuída”. Foram desenvolvidos 4 programas de intervenção: consulta de enfermagem de saúde mental e psiquiatria (CESMP); atelier de estimulação cognitiva (AEC); programa de desenvolvimento de competência intrapessoais, interpessoais e profissionais (PDCIIP); programa de psicoeducação (SABER+). A satisfação global com os programas foi superior a 7 (numa escala de 1 a 10) e os resultados que foram percebidos pela maioria dos reabilitandos situaram-se acima das suas expectativas iniciais. De uma forma geral, todos registaram ganhos: no desempenho cognitivo (em particular os que beneficiaram do AEC); na adaptação psicossocial – nomeadamente ao nível do insight; os reabilitandos que beneficiaram do programa SABER+ melhoraram ainda os comportamentos demonstrados de aceitação do estado de saúde; no bem-estar psicológico – nomeadamente ao nível da autoestima (sobretudo os que beneficiaram da CESMP e/ou do PDCIIP), dos afetos positivos e dos comportamentos de motivação; nos vários domínios da qualidade de vida (QdV) medidos pelo WHOQOL-Bref em particular o domínio ambiental; todos elevaram o seu nível de conhecimentos nos 3 eixos em que que se estruturou o programa de psicoeducação (processo da doença, cuidados na doença, tratamento da doença); na adesão à medicação, sobretudo os que integraram o programa de psicoeducação, contudo todos tendem a necessitar de ajuda parcial para conseguir demonstrar conhecimento no cumprimento do esquema terapêutico e estão envolvidos em treinos supervisionados de preparação e autoadministração; ABSTRACT: This clinical training allowed us to provide skilled nursing care to 16 men with schizophrenia in a psychosocial rehabilitation setting. Most of these individuals are: adults, singles, from the southern region of Portugal, with an average of 9 years of schooling, with a history of substance abuse (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, heroin and amphetamines), institutionalized in Casa de Saúde do Telhal (CST) for over 11 years. We find nursing diagnoses from all of the disease dimensions with the exception of excitatory behavioral dimension, being the most prevalent: "knowledge about disease process / care / treatment, not stated"; cognition, impaired", "social process, impaired”, “self-esteem, decreased". We developed 4 intervention programs: psychiatry and mental health nursing consultation (CESMP); atelier of cognitive stimulation (AEC); intrapersonal, interpersonal and professional competences training (PDCIIP); psychoeducation (SABER+). The overall satisfaction with the programs was above 7 (on a scale of 1 to 10) and the results noticed by most patients were above their initial expectations. All registered nursing results were: in cognitive performance (particularly those who benefited from the AEC); in psychosocial adaptation - especially in terms of insight; patients who benefited from the SABER+ program demonstrated improved further acceptance of their health condition, psychological well-being, particularly in terms of self-esteem (especially those who benefited from the CESMP and/or the PDCIIP), positive affects and motivation; in the different domains of quality of life (QoL) measured by WHOQOL-Bref in particular the environmental domain; every patients raised their level of knowledge in the 3 axes in which the psychoeducational program (SABER+) was structured (disease process, care and treatment); in medication adherence, especially those who benefited of the psychoeducational program, however all the patients tend to need partial help to demonstrate knowledge in meeting the therapeutic regimen and are involved in supervised training programs for preparation and self administration.