785 resultados para Portuguese Realism- Naturalism


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This essay shows the report of a series of searches that deal the acquisition of a first and a second language by deaf children, in inclusive contexts. Due to hearing deprivation, and for not having a whole acoustic duct, deaf people end up not acquiring naturally the language that is common for Brazilians in general. Among the searches carried out, those that deal the written expression of deaf undergraduates, whose path in the acquisition of the language(s) did not follow the model prescribed by current theoreticians. The search shows that the analyzed students did not acquire sign language as first language in the first phase of childhood and Portuguese as second language, contradicting the bilingual model adopted in Brazil


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The text displayed here makes considerations around the social interaction conception of language and, based on that, understands it as a fundament for didactic and methodological approaches of language teaching and, similarly, relates it to social practices, which means understanding the interactions as fundamental for the process of development and learning of the human being. To do so, this text goes back to Vygotsky, according to whom the relationships of interaction are favorable to the development of language, as the beginning and the development of cognition are charged upon language and social interactions. We discussed language – which is conceived as a historical fact and the result of collective actions that men developed in working processes along history – through a theoretical standpoint.


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Discutem-se neste artigo as ocorrências do verbo tomar como verbo-suporte no português arcaico, tomando como corpus de análise o Orto do Esposo, texto religioso pertencente ao fim do século XIV ou começo do século XV. Objetiva-se investigar se, já na fase arcaica da língua portuguesa, essas construções apresentavam características semelhantes àquelas identificadas em textos contemporâneos. As construções aqui eleitas para análise se restringem àquelas que apresentam, no texto, verbos plenos correspondentes à estrutura tomar + SN (sintagma nominal). Excluímos, portanto, construções com predicados nominais autônomos ou nomes autônomos.


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Inserted in the perspective of literary studies, this paper proposes an analysis of the “Cartas Portuguesas” (Portuguese Letters), a work attributed to Mariana Alcoforado, assuming that this work is constituted within the Lusitanian literature as an important formative element of the imaginary loving Portuguese female voice. Through the study, it is possible to identify the fact that the letters are prefaced, stylistically or thematically, by the songs of love and of friend, and succeeded by works such as “Livro de Sóror Saudade” (Book of Longing Sóror), of Florbela Espanca, and “Novas Cartas Portuguesas” (New Portuguese Letters) by Maria Isabel Barreno, Maria Velho da Costa and Maria Teresa Horta.


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This paper aims to reflect on the teaching of Portuguese language in the context of twenty-first century, taking as its starting point the proposal of multiliteracies. We propose to discuss the applicability of genres in the classroom as a condition to ensure the construction of fundamental knowledge to social practices of language. For this, we rely on recent studies on the possibilities that the genre can bring to practice reading, writing papers, and linguistic analysis. We intend, therefore, to assist the planning of teachers who still find themselves unsure on curricula that suggest what they have to do, but did not say how. Understand the reason why this work is another contribution to the teaching of Portuguese in the final years of elementary school and high school bringing out a space for discussion about what needs to be taught and some teaching procedures that favor the democratization of school and interaction linguistics. Curricular innovations and new ways of thinking about teaching and learning of mother tongue are already part of the reflections of most professionals, but there is still an open field to think of more effective alternatives through multimodality an interactionist conception of language.


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This paper aims at investigating how and which theoretical aspects of linguistics are effective for implementing a Letters course directed across the educations of Portuguese language teachers. This study is anchored to a theoretical-methodological perspective of the French discourse analysis which dialogues with the History of Linguistic Ideas. Our analysis is carried out through a documental investigation of a corpus of analysis containing accounts on the Letters course, specifically at UNOCHAPECÓ-SC.


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In O retorno (2011), Dulce Maria Cardoso invite us to know the Rui’s story, a Portuguese Angolan teenager that returned from Angola, together his family. He is compelled to rebuild his life in Continental Portugal, from a precarious and limited financial situation. The scenario was the seventies and the turbulent period of return of more than a half million of Portuguese citizens, during the decolonization of former Portugal overseas territories in Africa. In this paper, we have analyzed the theme of diaspora in the contemporaneous Portuguese Literature, considering as the start point the sociocultural context contained in the book O retorno. Thus, we have established a bridge with two other novels, within a comparative perspective, in order to find similarities or dissimilarities among them, once they address the same theme: Pouca terra...Poucá terra, by Júlia Nery (1984), that brings to the center of the narrative the emigrants story from France, under the approach of a girl called  Leonor, and Livro, by José Luís Peixoto (2012), which has the main focus, among the multiplicity of themes, the emigration scenario from France, and the loving disagreements between two young lovers: Ilídio and Adelaide. The goal is to sketch a viewpoint, clarified by the cultural studies, which conduct us to understand more largely some questions which come by the Dulce Maria Cardoso novel, and also the two other books in question.  They give us the measure of the construction of the contemporaneous Portuguese novel, and reflect the idea of a nation which uses to have a condition of discomfort. This discomfort is proper to who are at the mercy of the diasporic fateful experience, since the most remote past.  


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The project for the History of Brazilian Portuguese (PHPB), in celebration of its fifteen years of activity, intends to publish in 2012 a series of books with the previous studies on the Portuguese of Brazil. Among the projected volumes, the fourth one will be dedicated to the history of Brazilian Portuguese lexicon, made ​​from data corpora collected and organized by the different regional teams of the Project. In this article, we present a brief review on similar lexicographical works, published in Brazil, on some ongoing projects of this nature; we also treat the objectives, the adopted methodology and the first steps towards achieving such a bold undertaking.


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The present essays shows that the Italian dictionaristic tradition started with the publishing of the first monolingual dictionary, edited by the Accademia della Crusca, in 1612, whose participants used to defend the purity of the Florentine language. The selection of vocabulary for this first dictionary has reflected the thought of an intellectual elite. In fact, this first edition does not display a single word from Portuguese, despite the frequent commercial and cultural contact that existed between the Portuguese people and several Italian states and republics.


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In this paper, we discuss important echoes of Galician-Portuguese lyric that remain in the 17th-century love lyric poetry produced in Portugal. In order to achieve this main objective, we highlight some specificities of the troubadours’ lyric and of the 17th-century poetry, particularly the fundamentally musical character of the troubadours’ songs as opposed to the fundamentally written character of the 17th-century poems. This contrast indicates that they are compositions from different times (predominantly the 13th and the 17th centuries) and produced according to distinct poetic conceptions. However, they are compositions which are also similar in many ways, and whose similarities, especially regarding the lyrical genre, point to similar quests for perfect practice of love, outlining “arts of love” understood as unsystematic precepts of loving which are practiced in poetry. In this article, we intend to show that these poetic loves are technically conceived and, as historical constructs, they differ from each other, since they are characterized by their peculiar moments of achievement. However, they are not isolated in the time. As mentioned above, the troubadours’ songs are essentially musical while the 17th-century poems, as indicated by the prevalent poetic preceptive in their time, are essentially written. Nevertheless, those trobar songs reverberate in these poems (“written songs”) and in both kinds we read and listen to similar precepts of love, as though we were in labyrinths of love echoes with no way out.


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The present work proposes a reading of the artistic-intellectual project of the Portuguese writer Augusto Abelaira, from de novels The City of Flowers and Bolor, in order to place him in the scenery of the Portuguese neo-realism and the intellectual resistance against fascism. The expression of the idealizations and disappointments in the work of Abelaira points to an opposite direction to that identified with the socialist realism and with what was conventionally called doctrinaire neo-realism in Portugal before the public emergency of the controversy between those who defended the primacy of the content and another aesthetic response that problematizes the pre-eminence of a specular model. Thus, there never was an internal homogeneity neither aesthetic nor theoretical in the movement. The public emergency of this debate translates a controversy that is not confined to the aesthetic, but is, in its most profound dimension, theoretical and political. The objective of the work is to demonstrate the writing procedures of Augusto Abelaira as susceptible techniques to represent conceptions of life and of the world able to translate a social demand, that are, ultimately, writing programs appropriate to the envisioned transformations. Therefore, there is not one unique neo-realistic writing program, but there is a neo-realistic aesthetics which is the literary neo-realism itself that the works of Augusto Abelaira helps to compose.      Keywords: Augusto Abelaira; Intellectual writer; Neo-realism. 


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The aim of this article is to propose thoughts on the process of teacher formation, theoretically based on the principles of discourse as social interaction that defend the idea that the development of people happens in social activities, in an environment constituted and organized by different pre-constructions and by means of mediation processes, mostly language-related ones. Thus, since birth, people can get these so-called social pre-constructions, what permit their development and, dialectically, enables them to contribute for their own permanent transformation. With this in mind, we assume that the role of the linguist in activities related to teacher formation goes far beyond the supply of subjects adequate for teaching, for this work approaches all the levels of educational activity, with a critical, collaborative and methodologically and theoretically developed attitude.


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The purpose of this article is to analyze the initial training of foreign language teachers within an extension project, whose goal is to promote teaching Portuguese for Speakers of Other Languages ​​(PFOL) in the Federal  University of Technology- Paraná ( UTFPR), Curitiba Campus. Thus, a brief history about the activities developed in the program  will be presented as well as its relevance within the university. Also, an analysis of the program and its current status within the Language and Literature undergraduate course - UTFPR will be discussed. Finally, concepts of reflective teaching  (Perrenoud, 2002) and  teaching based on the indissociation between practice and theory (GIMENEZ, 2005) will be brought up.


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A Itália abriga em sua paisagem elementos arquitetônicosrepresentantes do antigo e do moderno. O país acompanha o desenvolvimentodo continente, empregando novas técnicas e materiais ao erigir novas edificações.É o caso de muitos arranha-céus da cidade de Milão, como o GrattacieloPirelli , com 31 andares e o Palazzo Lombardia , com 43, e outros projetos emandamento. As cidades crescem, mas o território italiano, devido à cultura dapreservação, mantém edificações representantes de muitos séculos de história,bem como áreas com achados arqueológicos, entre outros. Diante disso,neste trabalho serão investigadas, pelo viés terminológico, as fortificações, ouseja, construções erguidas com a finalidade da defesa. Como exemplos deproteção dos centros habitados há os mura aureliane , ao redor do centrohistórico de Roma, e de proteção de morada de nobres, o Castel Nuovo(Nápoles). O ponto de partida, então, é a realidade italiana, rica de exemplaresdesta tipologia. Já o objetivo, com base na Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia,é analisar os termos na língua italiana e a existência ou não das formas equivalentesna língua portuguesa, nos dicionários monolíngues gerais das duas línguas.Serão verificados desde o hiperônimo fortificazione até hipônimos comofortezza, cinta muraria. Aliada à análise terminológica, serão fornecidos algunsdados históricos sobre algumas dessas fortificações.


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In this study, we discuss the complex social and linguistic experience of Portuguese immigrant, at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The empirical patterns of clitic placement were described and analyzed in texts taken from Portuguese immigrant press. Under this approach, the social conditions of language production and reproduction are taken into account; in other words, we focus on the structure of the subjective and objective relations that underlie the speakers’ choices.