992 resultados para Cabrera


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El presente trabajo de investigación hace referencia a la importancia que tienen los países a nivel mundial de contar con un prestamista de última instancia a fin de aplacar las crisis financieras; y expresamente a la realidad ecuatoriana desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad a través del Fondo de Liquidez. En tal sentido se explica los antecedentes, estructura, naturaleza, operatividad, ámbito de aplicación del Fondo de Liquidez, la naturaleza de la administración de sus fideicomisos, así como la problemática persistente en el Código Orgánico Monetario y Financiero con relación a la Ley de Creación la Red de Seguridad Financiera. Esta tesis parte de un análisis de la normativa legal, así como de los criterios expresados a través de entrevistas realizadas a directivos del Banco Central del Ecuador y de la Corporación de Seguros de Depósitos Fondo de Liquidez y Fondo de Seguros Privados, instituciones que tienen a cargo la administración del Fondo de Liquidez. Se evidencia los problemas de la creación de los fideicomisos del Fondo de Liquidez a través de la ley, la duplicidad de ciertas funciones entre las entidades administradoras, pero a la vez se propone alternativas de su gestión de acuerdo al ámbito de sus competencias a fin de clarificar la operatividad del Fondo a pesar del vacío que el Código Orgánico Monetario y Financiero deja sobre el tema.


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En esta tesis se analiza la construcción de la memoria pública que realiza la revista Semana en el caso de la Toma y la Retoma del Palacio de Justicia en los artículos noticiosos publicados durante los años 1985, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1994, 2006, 2007, 2009 y 2010 y que están estrictamente relacionados con dicha construcción. El estudio se realiza entrecruzando las categorías de investigación del Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD) y las de los estudios de la memoria, con el fin de dar cuenta de la metamorfosis en la variable tiempo. Los datos analizados sugieren que la memoria pública del evento, como toda memoria, construida por el medio de comunicación siempre estuvo en relación directamente proporcional con los contextos nacionales, internacionales y del desarrollo de la revista Semana en sí misma; así como que los olvidos fueron inducidos bien sea de forma consciente o inconsciente y se instalaron en el relato de la revista Semana.


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El proceso de paz como elemento que redefine las relaciones internacionales de Colombia con algunos actores del sistema internacional, presenta un avance importante en la construcción de la política exterior de Colombia, que busca dar respuesta al interrogante ¿Cómo el proceso de paz ha redefinido las relaciones internacionales de Colombia con algunos actores del sistema internacional?. Este trabajo aborda un análisis teórico descriptivo sobre la incidencia que ha tenido el proceso de paz en las relaciones internacionales de Colombia (2010-2014), respaldado en los aportes teóricos en los que se estructura esta investigaciòn como el Realismo, Neorrealismo Cooperativo y Constructivismo social, con especial atención en la política de seguridad frente al manejo de los diálogos de paz, que serán utilizados para presentar y advertir el cambio o continuidad en las relaciones internacionales de Colombia. Para cumplir con el objetivo trazado esta investigación se divide en dos capítulos. En el primero, se caracteriza la política exterior de Colombia enfocada en la seguridad democrática durante la presidencia de Álvaro Uribe Vélez, con una lógica operativa ligada a Estados Unidos, que llevó a la fragmentación de las relaciones internacionales con Ecuador y Venezuela, En el segundo, se describe y define el cambio en las relaciones internacionales con la presidencia de Juan Manuel Santos, con la puesta en marcha de un proyecto ambicioso -los diálogos de paz-, que buscan poner fin al conflicto armado mediante la vía negociada con el grupo beligerante de mayor trayectoria las FARC. Este hecho, permitió a Colombia recomponer las relaciones con Ecuador y Venezuela, todo ello bajo un manejo discrecional de su relación con Estados Unidos.


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Hydrological ensemble prediction systems (HEPS) have in recent years been increasingly used for the operational forecasting of floods by European hydrometeorological agencies. The most obvious advantage of HEPS is that more of the uncertainty in the modelling system can be assessed. In addition, ensemble prediction systems generally have better skill than deterministic systems both in the terms of the mean forecast performance and the potential forecasting of extreme events. Research efforts have so far mostly been devoted to the improvement of the physical and technical aspects of the model systems, such as increased resolution in time and space and better description of physical processes. Developments like these are certainly needed; however, in this paper we argue that there are other areas of HEPS that need urgent attention. This was also the result from a group exercise and a survey conducted to operational forecasters within the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) to identify the top priorities of improvement regarding their own system. They turned out to span a range of areas, the most popular being to include verification of an assessment of past forecast performance, a multi-model approach for hydrological modelling, to increase the forecast skill on the medium range (>3 days) and more focus on education and training on the interpretation of forecasts. In light of limited resources, we suggest a simple model to classify the identified priorities in terms of their cost and complexity to decide in which order to tackle them. This model is then used to create an action plan of short-, medium- and long-term research priorities with the ultimate goal of an optimal improvement of EFAS in particular and to spur the development of operational HEPS in general.


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The CoRoT space observatory is a project which is led by the French space agency CNES and leading space research institutes in Austria, Brazil, Belgium, Germany and Spain and also the European Space Agency ESA. CoRoT observed since its launch in December 27, 2006 about 100 000 stars for the exoplanet channel, during 150 days uninterrupted high-precision photometry. Since the The CoRoT-team has several exoplanet candidates which are currently analyzed under its study, we report here the discoveries of nine exoplanets which were observed by CoRoT. Discovered exoplanets such as CoRoT-3b populate the brown dwarf desert and close the gap of measured physical properties between usual gas giants and very low mass stars. CoRoT discoveries extended the known range of planet masses down to about 4.8 Earth-masses (CoRoT-7b) and up to 21 Jupiter masses (CoRoT-3b), the radii to about 1.68 x 0.09 R (Earth) (CoRoT-7b) and up to the most inflated hot Jupiter with 1.49 x 0.09 R (Earth) found so far (CoRoT-1b), and the transiting exoplanet with the longest period of 95.274 days (CoRoT-9b). Giant exoplanets have been detected at low metallicity, rapidly rotating and active, spotted stars. Two CoRoT planets have host stars with the lowest content of heavy elements known to show a transit hinting towards a different planethost-star-metallicity relation then the one found by radial-velocity search programs. Finally the properties of the CoRoT-7b prove that rocky planets with a density close to Earth exist outside the Solar System. Finally the detection of the secondary transit of CoRoT-1b at a sensitivity level of 10(-5) and the very clear detection of the ""super-Earth"" CoRoT-7b at 3.5 x 10(-4) relative flux are promising evidence that the space observatory is being able to detect even smaller exoplanets with the size of the Earth.


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Of the over 400 known(1) exoplanets, there are about 70 planets that transit their central star, a situation that permits the derivation of their basic parameters and facilitates investigations of their atmospheres. Some short-period planets(2), including the first terrestrial exoplanet(3,4) (CoRoT-7b), have been discovered using a space mission(5) designed to find smaller and more distant planets than can be seen from the ground. Here we report transit observations of CoRoT-9b, which orbits with a period of 95.274 days on a low eccentricity of 0.11 +/- 0.04 around a solar-like star. Its periastron distance of 0.36 astronomical units is by far the largest of all transiting planets, yielding a `temperate` photospheric temperature estimated to be between 250 and 430 K. Unlike previously known transiting planets, the present size of CoRoT-9b should not have been affected by tidal heat dissipation processes. Indeed, the planet is found to be well described by standard evolution models(6) with an inferred interior composition consistent with that of Jupiter and Saturn.


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Eumenitin, a novel cationic antimicrobial peptide from the venom of solitary wasp Eumenes rubronotatus, was characterized by its effects on black lipid membranes of negatively charged (azolectin) and zwitterionic (1,2-diphytanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPhPC) or DPhPC-cholesterol) phospholipids: surface potential changes, single-channel activity, ion selectivity, and pore size were studied. We found that eumenitin binds preferentially to charged lipid membranes as compared with zwitterionic ones. Eumenitin is able to form pores in azolectin (G(1) = 118.00 +/- 3.67 pS or G(2) = 160.00 +/- 7.07 pS) and DPhPC membranes (G = 61.13 +/- 7.57 pS). Moreover, cholesterol addition to zwitterionic DPhPC membranes inhibits pore formation activity but does not interfere with the binding of peptide. Open pores presented higher cation (K (+)) over anion (Cl-) selectivity. The pore diameter was estimated at between 8.5and 9.8 angstrom in azolectin membranes and about 4.3 angstrom in DPhPC membranes. The results are discussed based on the toroidal pore model for membrane pore-forming activity and ion selectivity. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mice selected for a strong (AIRmax) or weak (AIRmin) acute inflammatory response present different susceptibilities to bacterial infections, autoimmune diseases and carcinogenesis. Variations in these phenotypes have been also detected in AIRmax and AIRmin mice rendered homozygous for Slc11a1 resistant (R) and susceptible (S) alleles. Our aim was to investigate if the phenotypic differences observed in these mice was related to the complement system. AIRmax and AIRmin mice and AIRmax and AIRmin groups homozygous for the resistance (R) or susceptibility (S) alleles of the solute carrier family 11a1 member (Slc11a1) gene, formerly designated Nramp-1. While no difference in complement activity was detected in sera from AIRmax and AIRmin strains, all sera from AIRmax Slc11a1 resistant mice (AIRmax(RR)) presented no complement-dependent hemolytic activity. Furthermore, C5 was not found in their sera by immunodiffusion and, polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing of its gene demonstrated that AIRmax(RR) mice are homozygous for the C5 deficient (D) mutation previously described in A/J. Therefore, the C5D allele was fixed in homozygosis in AIRmax(RR) line. The AIRmax(RR) line is a new experimental mouse model in which a strong inflammatory response can be triggered in vivo in the absence of C5.


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Polyhydroxyalcanoates copolymers with 3-hydroxybutirate (3HB) and 3-hydroxyvalerate (3HV) co-monomers, P3(HB-co-x%HV), were produced in fed-batch culture by Ralstonia eutropha DSM428 using fructose as a single carbon source in the first step and adding propionic acid in the second step by alternating feeding. Polymer yield was 0.18 g/L with a content of 24 mol% of the 3HV fraction determined by H-1 NMR. NMR measurements indicated that the polymer obtained is isotactic. The copolymer attained 35% of crystallinity according to X-ray diffraction measurements, and two (020) planes were observed. Thermal behavior presented melting temperature at 154 degrees C and the crystallization temperature was 65 degrees C. A glass transition temperature was observed at -10 degrees C. Average molecular weight measured by GPC was 4.9 x 10(5) Dalton. Isothermal radial growth rates of spherulites of P3(HB-co-24%HV) were studied. All experimental facts and the analysis of the sequence distribution of diads and triads of 3HB and 3HV units led to the conclusion that it is not a completely statistical random copolymer once it contains different types of segments. POLYM.


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Heat-labile toxins (LTs) have ADP-ribosylation activity and induce the secretory diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains in different mammalian hosts. LTs also act as adjuvants following delivery via mucosal, parenteral, or transcutaneous routes. Previously we have shown that LT produced by human-derived ETEC strains encompass a group of 16 polymorphic variants, including the reference toxin (LT1 or hLT) produced by the H10407 strain and one variant that is found mainly among bacterial strains isolated from pigs (LT4 or pLT). Herein, we show that LT4 ( with six polymorphic sites in the A (K4R, K213E, and N238D) and B (S4T, A46E, and E102K) subunits) displays differential in vitro toxicity and in vivo adjuvant activities compared with LT1. One in vitro generated LT mutant (LTK4R), in which the lysine at position 4 of the A subunit was replaced by arginine, showed most of the LT4 features with an similar to 10-fold reduction of the cytotonic effects, ADP-ribosylation activity, and accumulation of intracellular cAMP in Y1 cells. Molecular dynamic studies of the A subunit showed that the K4R replacement reduces the N-terminal region flexibility and decreases the catalytic site crevice. Noticeably, LT4 showed a stronger Th1-biased adjuvant activity with regard to LT1, particularly concerning activation of cytotoxic CD8(+) T lymphocytes when delivered via the intranasal route. Our results further emphasize the relevance of LT polymorphism among human-derived ETEC strains that may impact both the pathogenicity of the bacterial strain and the use of these toxins as potential vaccine adjuvants.


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Due to the effect of catabolite repression, sugar mixtures cannot be metabolized in a rapid and efficient way implicating in lower productivity in bioprocesses using lignocellulosic hydrolysates. In gram-negative bacteria, this mechanism is mediated by the phosphotransferase system (PTS), which concomitantly internalizes and phosphorylates sugars. In this study, we isolated a UV mutant of Burkholderia sacchari, called LFM828, which transports hexoses and pentoses by a non-PTS uptake system. This mutant presented released glucose catabolite repression over the pentoses. In mixtures of glucose, xylose, and arabinose, specific growth rates and the specific sugar consumption rates were, respectively, 10 and 23% higher in LFM828, resulting in a reduced time to exhaust all sugars in the medium. However, in polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) biosynthesis experiments it was necessary the supplementation of yeast extract to maintain higher values of growth rate and sugar consumption rate. The deficient growth in mineral medium was partially recovered by replacing the ammonium nitrogen source by glutamate. It was demonstrated that the ammonium metabolism is not defective in LFM828, differently from ammonium, glutamate can also be used as carbon and energy allowing an improvement on the carbohydrates utilization for PHB production in LFM828. In contrast, higher rates of ammonia consumption and CO(2) production in LFM828 indicate altered fluxes through the central metabolism in LFM828 and the parental. In conclusion, PTS plays an important role in cell physiology and the elimination of its components has a significant impact on catabolite repression, carbon flux distribution, and PHB biosynthesis in B. sacchari.


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Although xylose is a major constituent of lignocellulosic feedstock and the second most abundant sugar in nature, only 22% of 3,152 screened bacterial isolates showed significant growth in xylose in 24 h. Of those 684, only 24% accumulated polyhydroxyalkanoates after 72 h. A mangrove isolate, identified as Bacillus sp. MA3.3, yielded the best results in literature thus far for Gram-positive strains in experiments with glucose and xylose as the sole carbon source. When glucose or xylose were supplied, poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) contents of cell dry weight were, respectively, 62 and 64%, PHB yield 0.25 and 0.24 g g(-1) and PHB productivity (P(PHB)) 0.10 and 0.06 g l(-1) h(-1). This 40% P(PHB) difference may be related to the theoretical ATP production per 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) monomer calculated as 3 mol mol(-1) for xylose, less than half of the ATP/3HB produced from glucose (7 mol mol(-1)). In PHB production using sugar mixtures, all parameters were strongly reduced due to carbon catabolite repression. PHB production using Gram-positive strains is particularly interesting for medical applications because these bacteria do not produce lipopolysaccharide endotoxins which can induce immunogenic reactions. Moreover, the combination of inexpensive substrates and products of more value may lead to the economical sustainability of industrial PHB production.


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A different organization for the xyl operon was found in different genomes of Burkholderia and Pseudomomas species. Degenerated primers were designed based on Burkholderia genomes and used to amplify the xylose isomerase gene (xylA) from Burkholderia sacchari IPT101 The gene encoded a protein of 329 amino acids, which showed the highest similarity (90%) to the homologous gene of Burkholderia dolosa. It was cloned in the broad host range plasmid pBBR1MCS-2, which partially restored growth and polyhydroxybutyrate production capability in xylose to a B. sacchari xyl(-) mutant. When xylA was overexpressed in the wild-type strain, it was not able to increase growth and polyhydroxybutyrate production, suggesting that XylA activity is not limiting for xylose utilization in B. sacchari.