784 resultados para Cooperação administrativa


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Public policies have been studied in the various fields of humanities and social sciences, from different theoretical and technical aspects. However, there is still a lack of studies that incorporate the dimension that encompasses the political action and its interference in such actions, also recognizing the importance of the institutional setting of the Brazilian presidential model in implementing these policies. This fragmented and multiparty system has led to power heterogeneous sets of political parties. Thus, the ministerial offices, more than assisting the President´s government project, manage particularized agendas, which are party biased and have the influence of interest groups in hegemonic themes addressed by government agencies. When these agendas operate in sectoral and specialized policies, the friction level is apparently low. However, when this occurs in intersectoral actions, such as in regional development, there is evidence of strong signs of competition among government agencies, which in theory, should operate in an integrated manner. Although this is not a specific feature of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva´s government- the period to be studied- there was similar behavior in Fernando Henrique Cardoso´s presidency, one realizes that the expansion of coalition on behalf of governance is increasingly interfering in the outcome of intersectoral public policies, due to these multiple arguments in action. In order to understand these processes, this study focused on the Sustainable and Integrated Development Programme for Differentiated Meso-Regions (PROMESO), part of the National Policy for Regional Development (NPRD). The program provides interface with various government agencies and their public policies in a clear intersectoral design. The research sought to identify and analyze the relationships between government agencies and their programs with interest groups, whether political parties or other segments of civil society, highlighting the logic of favoritism, which poses in second place the integration of actions in the intersectoral policies. Therefore, besides the theoretical debate that incorporates several categories of political science, public administration, public policy, geography and economics, the study focused on secondary sources, using different government agencies databases in order to raise information. It was observed that the interference of partisan politics has been disastrous for some public policies. Thus, the research confirms that cooperative character is fragile within government agencies, often limited to official documents, and that there is indeed, a striking feature of competition, especially when it comes to transversalized policies


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Dissertação de apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética, 2015.


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Tourism in the Northeast of Brazil was introduced as an alternative economic development for the Region by federal promoting policies that focused primarily in structuring the local geographic area. With the completion of these structuring actions, mass tourism expanding the area, as well as spread actions based on cooperation and formalization of governance institutions. This study aimed to examine the relationship between the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal and the cooperation strategies in a historical perspective. Thus was submitted to the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal ; the major projects of tourism development were mapped, the existing cooperation strategies were characterized, and investigated the influence of the cooperation actions for the current stage of product. The specific theoretical support to tourism was built on the perspective of the Theory of Population Ecology, System of Tourism and Touristic Product Life Cycle. Regarding to cooperation the theoretical foundation addressed issues of strategy, New Forms and Collective Efficiency. The survey consisted of a causal descriptive study, using a case study. We used the qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches, and data collected by consulting of secondary data and semistructured interviews with twelve staff working in tourism in Natal. Results showed that the life cycle graph of product 'Coastal Cities of Natal is moving from one stage of growth to a stage of maturity, with a primary upward trend and with crises that are up over the graph. They have been mapped six of tourism development projects of relevance to the product: The Politics of Mega Projects, PRODETUR/NE, Municipalization National Program of Tourism, Regionalization Program, Urbanization Project Beach do Meio and Actions for the Promotion of Destiny. They have been identified sixty-four participating players in process of tourism development, which twenty were considered relevant to the respondents. The main strategies identified for cooperation were the consortium, collective strategy and clusters. Results indicated that co-operation strategies were adopted so that the benefits were obtained at the collective level, dedicated to the strengthening of Natal Destiny and its products. The main reasons were the need of cooperative marketing, international market entry and actions inducing the state. Finally, it was concluded that strategies for cooperation related to product life cycle 'Coastal Cities of Natal' as that work in the consolidation of projects for development of tourism, when the efficiency of collective action is achieved


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Tesis (Maestría en Estudios y Gestión del Desarrollo).-- Universidad de La Salle. Maestría en Estudios y Gestión del Desarrollo, 2014


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Los directores de bibliotecas universitarias se enfrentan al problema estratégico de decidir cómo serán las bibliotecas universitarias en los próximos 10 años, y qué acciones deberán tomarse en los próximos cinco años si se quiere lograr ese futuro.Ha empezado a darse un cambio en el crecimiento rápido de la tecnología informativa, el acceso electrónico a la información, y el concepto de estación de servicio de los académicos. Es necesario que las bibliotecas universitarias desarrollen nuevos proyectos y servicios para que puedan realizar el cambio de un modo de producción de servicios a un modo de producción como facilitadores de información. Esto implica una reconceptualización del papel de la biblioteca universitaria, el papel del usuario, y el del personal bibliotecario. Se necesitarán nuevos perfiles para el personal y habrá una tarea prioritaria de reentrenamiento y desarrollo de los empleados, aspectos esenciales en la reformulación de la futura biblioteca.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.


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A presente proposta de investigação, ao abordar os dilemas inerentes à cooperação transfronteiriça, no âmbito da educação/formação, no Alentejo-Extremadura, traduz-se assim, num diagnóstico a nível meso, já que aborda em termos micro, o papel dos professores das Escolas Oficiais de Idiomas da Extremadura enquanto potenciais agentes de regulação da cooperação transfronteiriça, através das suas relações interpessoais, funcionando esta regulação como uma ponte ou forma intermediária de atingir a regulação macro, entendida aqui como a regulação nacional e internacional, no panorama transfronteiriço Portugal/Espanha. A Escola Oficial de Idiomas, ao possuir uma estrutura organizacional geradora de uma dinâmica das relações sociais dos actores, permitiu diagnosticar, no seu dinamismo, a importância das interdependências entre os indivíduos, e destes com o exterior, as quais poderão constituir "redes emergentes'' de cooperação, assentes essencialmente em relações débeis e muitas informais, servindo de eventuais nós na criação de redes de cooperação transfronteiriça mais formais. / Summary: This research proposal, as it tackles the dilemmas inherent in cross-border cooperation concerning education/training in Alentejo-Extremadura, is thus a meso level analysis, since it deals, at the micro levei, with the role of the teachers in the Official Language Schools of Extremadura as potential regulation agents of cross-border cooperation, through their interpersonal relationships. This regulation acts as a bridge or an intermediary way of achieving macro regulation, which refers to the national and international regulation in Portugal/Spain's cross-border context. The Official Language School, possessing an organizational structure that brings dynamics into the actors’ social relations, has made it possible, within its dynamism, to establish the importance of the interdependence between individuals, and between them and the outside, which may create "emerging networks" of cooperation, based mostly in feeble and many informal relationships, operating as possible ties in the creation of more formal networks of cross-border cooperation.


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A “Dieta Mediterrânica” levada à letra é um modo de viver, próprio das pessoas que vivem perto do mar, no meio das terras. Do grego - “modo de viver” e do latim - mar medi terraneum – “o mar no meio das terras”. Para compreender a Dieta Mediterrânica (DM), é pois necessário refletir sobre o facto de durante séculos, Fenícios, Gregos, Romanos, Árabes e todos os outros povos desta região, terem tido um mar interior navegável, capaz de permitir a partilha de saberes, utensílios, genes, plantas e animais. Que infuenciaram decisivamente o nosso modo de pensar e maneira de viver.


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With the disorganized decentralization occurred in Brazil after the 1988 Constitution, municipalities have risen to the level of federal entities. This phenomenon became known as "municipalism" also brought some negative effects such as low capacity financial, economic and political of these entities. In the face of this reality , the municipalities sought in models of collaborative features to address public policy issues ultrarregionais, one of these models are the Public Consortia. Characterized as the organization of all federal entities that aim to solve public policy implementation alone that they could not, or spend great resources for such. This reality of the municipalities have an aggravating factor when looking at the situation in Metropolitan Regions (MRs). This is because the RMs has a historical process of formation that does not encourage cooperation, since that were created top-down during the military regime. Furthermore, the metropolitan municipalities have significant power asymmetries, localist vision, rigidity earmarked revenues, different scenarios conurbation, difficulty standardization of concepts and others that contribute to the vision of low cooperation of these metropolitan areas. Thus, the problem of this work is in the presence of collaborative arrangements, such as the Public Consortia in metropolitan areas, which are seen as areas of low cooperation. To elucidate this research was used for analysis the cases of CONDIAM/PB and Consórcio Grande Recife/PE, because they are apparently antagonistic, but with some points of similarity. The cases has as foundation the Theory of Common Resources, which provides the possibility of collective action through the initiative of individuals. This theory has as its methodology for analyzing the picture IAD Framework, which proposes its analysis based on three axes: external variables, the arena of action and results. The nature of the method of this research was classified as exploratory and descriptive. For the stage of date analysis, was used the method of document analysis and content, Further than of separation of the cases according to theur especificities. At the end of the study, noted that the CONDIAM/PB was a strategy of municipal government of Joao Pessoa to attract funds from the Federal Government for the purpose of to build a landfill, and over the years the ideology of cooperation was left aside, the prevailing view localist municipalities. In the case of Consórcio Grande Recife/PE, members act with some degree of cooperation, especially the collaborative aspect of the region, however, still prevails with greater strength the power of the state of Pernambuco in the decisions and paths of the consortium. Thus, was conclude that the Public Consortia analyzed are an experience of collaborative arrangement, from the initiative of members, as the theory of common resources says, but has not actually signed as a practice of collective action to overcome the dilemmas faced by metropolitan areas


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional.


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Este artigo pretende salientar a importância da Aprendizagem Organizacional, e consequentemente da mudança comportamental, no contexto da reforma da Administração Pública no século XXI. Para tal começamos por fazer uma breve resenha sobre a evolução dos mais proeminentes paradigmas da Ciência Administrativa da segunda metade do século XX. De seguida apresentamos o conceito de Aprendizagem Organizacional na perspectiva mais tradicionalista, mas sobretudo enquanto elemento dependente versus potenciador de novos tipos de relacionamento e de comportamento organizacional. Por fim, explorase a questão da importância da mudança dos comportamentos no contexto da reforma administrativa. Para tal desenvolvemos os conceitos de: 1) mudança dos comportamentos; 2) resistência à mudança na Administração Pública; 3) associação “inovação/rotina” como força motriz das organizações públicas; 4) recurso à “ciência da complexidade” como tónico para a mudança comportamental na Administração Pública.


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Una buena administración trata de facilitar el trabajo a todos los miembros de un equipo interrelacionando las actividades individuales de las diferentes áreas, departamentos y personas para integrar un todo asegurando la efectiva operación y control de los procesos, además de las mediciones y datos usados para determinar un funcionamiento satisfactorio. El presente documento contiene el diseño de un Sistema de Gestión Administrativa Basado en Competencias con el cual se pretende, fortalecer y orientar el accionar de la gerencia y el personal del Fondo Universitario de Protección (FUP) de la Universidad de El Salvador, relacionado básicamente, con una estructura de dirección basado en competencias, interrelacionando la unidades que lo conforman, con todos los elementos y procesos que coadyuven el buen funcionamiento de las mismas en la gestión y prestación de los servicios. Este estudio se origina a raíz de las fallas observadas en la actual gestión del Fondo de Protección, lo cual no permite aprovechar adecuadamente los recursos. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo de investigación es dotar de una herramienta valiosa, que facilite la gestión de los servicios y el personal, contribuyendo al buen funcionamiento del Fondo de Protección. La investigación consta de tres etapas, en la primera parte se ha recopilado un marco teórico, que sirve de referencia para el conocimiento del tema en estudio y en el cual se exponen la generalidades del Fondo de Protección Universitario, de Seguridad Social y de Sistemas de Gestión Administrativos y conceptos sobre gestión por competencias, enfoque de calidad en la administración y herramientas técnicas administrativas entre otros. Posteriormente se procedió a la elaboración del diagnóstico a través del uso de herramientas como la encuesta la cual se efectuó a través de una entrevista para la gerencia y a los órganos de dirección y el cuestionario para el personal administrativo, así mismo se utilizó la técnica de la observación directa para tener un criterio más amplio de cómo se desarrollan las funciones administrativas. La información obtenida fue tabulada manualmente en el caso de las encuestas y para las entrevistas fue elaborado un resumen en base a las respuestas brindadas por la gerencia y órganos de dirección del Fondo Universitario. Con base a lo anterior se determinó que el Fondo Universitario no cuenta con los principales planes estratégicos como objetivos, misión, visión, valores, políticas, estructura organizacional claramente definida, así como la falta de herramientas técnicas administrativas como: Manual de Análisis y Descripción de Puestos por Competencias, Políticas, Procedimientos y un instrumento para realizar evaluaciones del desempeño. En base a lo anterior se elaboran una serie de conclusiones y recomendaciones lo cual sirve de insumo para la propuesta desarrollada en la tercera y última parte de este trabajo, que describe la Propuesta de un Sistema de Gestión Administrativo Basado en Competencias para El Fondo Universitario de Protección.