990 resultados para Georgenthal, Ger. (Cistercian monastery)


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The aim of this study is to investigate different dimensions of religiosity and spirituality among psychiatric in-patients. The study examines differences between addictive (ICD 10: F1x) and anxious/depressive (ICD 10: F3x/F4x) patients and considers the main implications for treatment.

Differences in dimensions of religious/spiritual well-being (RSWB) between addictive (n = 389) and anxious/depressive patients (n = 200) are investigated, also by comparison to a control group (n = 1,500). Furthermore dimensions of RSWB are related to personality factors and different psychiatric parameters within the psychiatric groups.

The psychiatric groups show a lower amount of overall RSWB (p < 0.001) than the healthy controls. Furthermore, dimensions of RSWB turned out to be negatively correlated with several psychiatric symptoms.

Based on these results we emphasize religious/spiritual issues within psychiatric treatment. Moreover, there may be a strong potential of the RSWB dimensions such as “Hope” or “Forgiveness” as positive therapeutic factors in psychiatric treatment.


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 Motion Bank Phase One (2010-2013) was a four-year international and interdisciplinary research project of The Forsythe Company providing a broad context for research into choreographic practice. The main focus was on the creation of on-line digital scores in collaboration with guest choreographers, to be made publicly available via this website. For Phase One, the guest choreographers were Deborah Hay, Jonathan Burrows & Matteo Fargion, Bebe Miller and Thomas Hauert. Teams from the Motion Bank Score Partners worked with these artists to make their diverse choreographic approaches accessible in new ways through the digital medium with the results published here: http://scores.motionbank.org/. Alongside this core research, Motion Bank Education Partners and an International Education Workgroup researched ways to integrate the new on-line digital scores and related choreographic resources produced by other artists into their academic programs. Accompanying the Motion Bank education research was an interdisciplinary initiative titled Dance Engaging Science aiming to stimulate new forms of collaborative research involving dance practice. Motion Bank public events offered at The Frankfurt Lab included performances and talks with the guest choreographers as well as a series of Motion Bank Workshops with internationally recognized practitioners from different fields. An extensive series of reports and documentation on all Motion Bank activities and results are available on-line at http://motionbank.org.

Motion Bank Score Partners:
- Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design and Department of Dance at The Ohio State University
- Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD
- Hochschule Darmstadt - University of applied sciences
- Hochschule für Gestaltung (HFG) Offenbach.

Motion Bank Education Partners:
- Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts
- Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden


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Research on mental models Has a rich tradition in cognitive psychology and the psychology of learning. Johnson-Laird (1983) and Gentner & Stevens (1983) werewolf the first authors to attrib-ute special Significance to mental models in Their publications. Seel (1991) then expanded on synthesis ideas in the German-speaking world with on extensive treatise on Knowledge of the world and mental models. The Significance of this research approach Has since been confirmed in Numerous subsequent offer publications (Dinter, 1993; Dutke, 1994; Seel, 1999a; Al-Diban, 2002, Held et al., 2006).In the present study, I would like to Contribute to this discussion from a Methodological per-Spective. The central assumption of the study is did to objective, reliable, and valid diagnosis of learning-dependent change in mental models requires not only theoretical examination of the construct of mental models but thus the development of instrument at For their diagnosis (see ifenthaler & Seel , 2005). The newly developed SMD technology Enables the automated and com-puter-aided diagnosis of externalized models independent of content domain. The externalized models are Diagnosed on three levels, each with a different focus.The central research question as to Whether, and if so how, mental models change in the course of the learning process is Investigated in three experimental studies (N = 106). The longi-tudinal design of the studies Enables a precise diagnosis across a total of seven points of meas-urement. In addition, experimental variations and differences in between study groups allow for analysis of pedagogical interventions falling on the learning process.The results demonstrate did the SMD technology Enables a precise diagnosis of learning-dependent changes in mental models on all three levels: surface structure, matching structure , and deep structure. It was Possible in the three experimental studies to detect a learning-dependent change in mental models on the relational and the structural level. Additionally, the semantic structure of the externalized models Proved to be more Closely similar to the explanation model than to the expert model.The study Concludes with a discussion of the empirical findings and a research outlook Which CLEARLY demarcates Their Range of application. Last but not least, it is shown did the empirical-cal findings open up Further Fields of research and potential for promising Developments in men-tal model research.


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Most species of long-distance migratory birds put on energy stores to fuel their travels. However, recent studies have highlighted the potential costs associated with carrying too much fuel, either through increased predation risk or decreased flight efficiency. Consequently, it is now widely accepted that migratory birds should carry optimal rather than maximum fuel loads. Information from 372 garganey (Anas querquedula) ringed and recaptured at least once during the same spring in the Camargue, southern France, was used to document fuelling rates of individual ducks in relation to environmental variation and individual variation in condition. On average, garganey added very little fuel stores in the Camargue (mean gain per day = 0.33 g, less than 0.5% of mean body-mass in total over an average stay of 5 days). Fuelling rates were negatively correlated with body mass at capture, but it cannot be excluded that this pattern was a statistical artefact. Given their body-mass at ringing, garganey could potentially still fly long distances when they stop in the Camargue. It is therefore likely that the aim of their stay in southern France is more for resting than refuelling, a finding that may have implications for the proper management of stop-over sites.


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 This thesis successfully developed a novel strategy using chemical antibodies for targeting cancer stem cells, suggesting that this novel strategy of effective targeting the roots of cancer could potentially revolutionize the future cancer treatment.


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Project and program alliances have been an accepted form of project procurement for public infrastructure engineering projects in Australia and New Zealand (Australasia). Alliancing often provides best value and superior value for money when compared to traditional approaches such as Design and Construct, however considerable debate continues about its success and applicability. This paper reports on three studies of completed construction project alliance performance in 2008, 2010 and 2012. Consolidated findings are presented on 61 project alliances, data is analysed and emerging trends discussed. Recent government policy changes in Australia at Federal and State level have led to a decline in the number of project alliances, however, while the volume of alliance activity is declining it still represents billions of dollars of infrastructure construction work being undertaken. Results also revealed that communication and trust between the executive leadership and operational management teams was a major factor contributing to the functioning of the alliance. Furthermore, the research identifies several key factors that were necessary preconditions for successful alliances.


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O refluxo gastroesofágico (RGE) tem sido diagnosticado em uma elevada proporção de lactentes com apnéia e episódios de ALTE (apparent life threatening events) ou eventos com aparente risco de vida, entretanto, a relação entre eles per-manece pouco entendida. A proposta deste estudo é avaliar a coexistência de apnéia e refluxo gastroesofágico em um grupo de lactentes durante o sono e vigília, através da utilização da polissonografia e, pela inclusão de um canal para aferição do pH na porção distal do esôfago, determinar a relação temporal entre estes dois eventos e aferir a associação entre ALTE e RGE. Método: A população em estudo constituiu-se de lactentes com história clínica compatível com eventos sugestivos de RGE, além de alguma anormalidade do ponto de vista ventilatório, os quais realizaram polissonografia com a inclusão de um canal para registro contínuo do pH esofágico. Os estudos polissonográficos foram analisados individualmente, em três etapas assim constituídas: Etapa 1 - realização do escore dos eventos respiratórios e dos estágios de sono e vigília, com o pesquisador cego para a ocorrência de RGE; Etapa 2 - indicação do escore isolado dos eventos de RGE; Etapa 3 - reintrodução de canal do pH e estabelecimento da correlação temporal entre os dois eventos, levando-se em consideração o período compreendido entre um minuto antes da queda do pH abaixo de 4,0, até um minuto após a elevação do pH acima de 4,0. A relação entre a história clínica de ALTE e a ocorrência de RGE durante o estudo polissonográfico também foi aferida. A partir de dados publicados na literatura, foi calculada uma amostra de 88 indivíduos (lactentes). A amostra final constituiu-se de 89 pacientes. Resultados: Quarenta pacientes apresentaram RGE e quarenta e nove não. Ambos os grupos tinham composição semelhante quanto à idade, peso, duração total do estudo polissonográfico, duração do tempo total de sono durante o estudo e história de ALTE. Ocorreu uma média de 2,82 episódios de RGE por paciente (1-20 episódios/ paciente). Os episódios de RGE foram mais freqüentes e longos durante o sono que durante os períodos de vigília. O número de eventos obstrutivos/minuto de sono (densidade de apnéias) foi significativamente maior durante os períodos de RGE (mediana 0,4), se comparados aos períodos sem RGE (mediana 0,2), p = 0,002. Em relação às apnéias centrais, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa, p = 0, 039. Em 62% dos períodos de RGE, houve associação temporal com eventos obstrutivos, dos quais a apnéia obstrutiva precedeu o RGE em 67% dos casos. A correlação entre história de ALTE e a presença de RGE não foi estatisticamente significativa. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem que a apnéia obstrutiva em lacten-tes está freqüentemente associada com RGE do ponto de vista de temporalidade, e é mais provável que ela ocorra precedendo um episódio de refluxo. Especula-se que a apnéia obstrutiva no lactente possa, em algumas circunstâncias, ser a causa e não a conseqüência do RGE.


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As marcas globais mantiveram muita atenção no campo do marketing (Kotler, 1997; Holt, Quelch, e Taylor, 2004; Özsomer e Altaras, 2008), enquanto as marcas locais foram subestimadas (Ger, 1999; Schuiling e Kapferer, 2004). No entanto, o debate adaptação contra padronização foi amplamente discutido. Centra-se na definição de como uma empresa internacional deve construir a sua estratégia: ao padronizar sua estratégia de marketing ou, adaptando para melhor atender a cultura e às necessidades locais (Levitt, 1983; Subhash, 1989; Herbig, 1998; Holt, 2004; Melewar e Vemmervik , 2004; Heerden e Barter, 2008). No entanto, este assunto não foi discutido no contexto específico do consumo alternativo oferecido por concorrentes locais específicos. Hoje em dia, um aumento na oferta de produtos alternativos é observado. O consumo socialmente responsável está crescendo (Sen e Bhattacharya, 2001; Holt, 2002; Loureiro, 2002; François-Lecompte e Valette-Florence, 2006). O mercado dos refrigerantes de cola é de interesse particular. Colas alternativas são refrigerantes de cola que surgiram durante a última década em algumas regiões ou zonas específicas do mundo. Estas colas claramente posicionam-se como uma alternativa ao refrigerante global Coca-Cola. A alternativa não é baseada no preço mas nas características especiais dos produtos que constituem uma proposição de valor específica, diferente da Coca-Cola. Na França, desde uma década, o número de colas regionais aumentou, sendo mais de quinze hoje. O refregirante Breizh Cola foi lançado em 2002 e atinge quase uma quota de mercado de 10% na região Bretanha hoje. Em 2009, a Coca-Cola Entreprise iniciou uma campanha de marketing específica, na Bretanha, baseada em recursos visuais e parcerias regionais. Este caso de adaptação em um contexto de concorrência local específico é explorado nesta dissertação que incide sobre as razões da preferência para Breizh Cola, de um lado, e sobre as acções empreendidas pela Coca-Cola na Bretanha, do outro lado. Este estudo mostra que a Coca-Cola anda nos passos de Breizh Cola, a fim de melhor atender às expectativas local.