808 resultados para ESL learners
In ihrer Arbeit "Mobiles Lernen. Analyse des Wissenschaftsprozesses der britischen und deutschsprachigen medienpädagogischen und erziehungswissenschaftlichen Mobile-Learning-Diskussion." zeichnet Judith Seipold die Phasen und Entwicklungslinien der bisherigen und naturwüchsigen Diskussion um das Mobile Lernen nach. Dabei eröffnet sie mit ihrer Analyse des vornehmlich britischen Wissenschaftsprozesses des Mobilen Lernens ab Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts den Blick auf die Struktur der medienpädagogischen und erziehungswissenschaftlichen Mobile-Learning-Diskussion, auf deren Kontexte, Bezugspunkte, Perspektiven und theoretische Schwerpunkte, aber auch Erfolge und Problembereiche in der praktischen Umsetzung des Lernens mit Mobiltechnologien in formalisierten Lernkontexten wie dem des Schulunterrichts. Auf diese Weise liefert die Autorin eine Systematik, die nicht nur die britische Diskussion für die deutschsprachige Medienpädagogik verfügbar macht, sondern auch eine neue und systematisch begründete Reflexionsebene für eine aktuelle medienpädagogische Entwicklung – das Mobile Lernen – bildet. Zunächst widmet sich die Autorin der Analyse des Wissenschaftsprozesses der bisherigen britischen und teils auch der deutschsprachigen Mobile-Learning-Diskussion. Um diesen Prozess in seiner Struktur greifbar zu machen, skizziert sie die Bezugsdisziplinen, aus denen die medienpädagogische und erziehungswissenschaftliche Mobile-Learning-Forschung schöpft, arbeitet die Legitimationsbasis auf, auf die sich Mobiles Lernen stützt, zeichnet die historische Entwicklung der Diskussion nach, die sowohl Alltagsnutzung von Mobiltechnologien als auch den Fachdiskurs einschließt, und erläutert innerhalb ihres Modells der Phasen und Entwicklungslinien Mobilen Lernens Theorien, Konzepte und Modelle, die in der Mobile-Learning-Community als zentral für Analyse und Planung Mobilen Lernens erachtet werden. Konzepte und Modelle, die in der Mobile-Learning-Diskussion die Rolle der Lernenden in das Zentrum der Betrachtungen rücken und eine explizite Handlungsorientierung unterstützen, sind Kernbereich des theoriebasierten Teils der Arbeit. Überlegungen zu einer „Sozio-kulturellen Ökologie Mobilen Lernens“, zu „user-generated contexts“ und zu einer „kulturökologisch informierten Didaktik des Mobilen Lernens“ sind dabei sowohl reflektierende Einordnung aktueller Konzepte und Modelle als auch theoretische und konzeptionelle Basis für die praktische Umsetzung Mobilen Lernens. Um die Rolle der Handlungskompetenzen, kulturellen Praktiken und Strukturen der Lerner bei der Nutzung von Mobiltechnologien für Lernen analytisch zu fassen, finden im Praxis-Kapitel Planungs- und Analyseschemata unter Rückgriff auf Beispiele aus der Praxisforschung und der Implementierung mobilen Lernens in den Schulunterricht Anwendung. Ihre Erörterungen rahmt die Autorin abschließend kritisch und weist zum einen auf bildungspolitische, strukturelle und handlungspraktische Implikationen hin, die sich aus der Mobile-Learning-Diskussion ergeben; zum anderen lenkt sie das Augenmerk auf Gegensätze und Dialektiken des Mobilen Lernens, die sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen alltäglicher mobiler Mediennutzung und der teils theoretisch informierten schulischen Verwendung von Mobiltechnologien zum Lernen entfalten. Sie gilt es, im weiteren Verlauf der Diskussion zu hinterfragen und aufzulösen.
Since its beginning in 1999, the Bologna Process has influenced various aspects of higher education in its member countries, e.g., degree structures, mobility, lifelong learning, social dimension and quality assurance. The social dimension creates the focus of this research. The social dimension entered the Bologna Process agenda in 2001. Despite a decade of reforms, it somehow remained as a vague element and received low scholarly attention. This research addresses to this gap. Firstly, different meanings of the social dimension according to the major European policy actors are analysed. Unfolding the understandings of the actors revealed that the social dimension is mostly understood in terms reflecting the diversity of population on the student body accessing to, progressing in and completing higher education, with a special concern on the underrepresented groups. However, it is not possible to observe a similar commonality concerning the actual policy measures to achieve this goal. Divergence occurs with respect to the addressed underrepresented groups, i.e., all underrepresented groups or people without formal qualifications and mature learners, and the values and institutional interests traditionally promoted by these actors. Secondly, the dissertation discusses the reflection of this social dimension understanding at the national level by looking at cases of Finland, Germany and Turkey. The in-depth analyses show an awareness of the social dimension among most of the national Bologna Process actors and a common understanding of the social dimension goals. However, this understanding has not triggered action in any of the countries. The countries acted on areas which they defined problematic before the Bologna Process. Finally, based on these findings the dissertation discusses the social dimension as a policy item that managed to get into the Bologna Process agenda, but neither grew into an implementable policy, nor drop out of it. To this aim, it makes use of the multiple streams framework and explains the low agenda status social dimension with: i. the lack of a pressing problem definition: the lack of clearly defined indicators and a comprehensive monitoring system, ii. the lack of a viable solution alternative: the proposal of developing national strategies and action plans closed the way to develop generic guidelines for the social dimension to be translated into national policy processes, iii. low political perceptivity: the recent trends opt for increasing efficiency, excellence and exclusiveness discourses rather than ensuring equality and inclusiveness iv. high constraints: the social dimension by definition requires more public funding which is less appreciated and strategic constraints of the actors in allocating their resources v. the type of policy entrepreneur: the social dimension is promoted by an international stakeholder, the European Students’ Union, instead of the ministers responsible for higher education The social dimension remains a policy item in the Bologna Process which is noble enough to agree but not urgent enough to act on.
Research on autonomous intelligent systems has focused on how robots can robustly carry out missions in uncertain and harsh environments with very little or no human intervention. Robotic execution languages such as RAPs, ESL, and TDL improve robustness by managing functionally redundant procedures for achieving goals. The model-based programming approach extends this by guaranteeing correctness of execution through pre-planning of non-deterministic timed threads of activities. Executing model-based programs effectively on distributed autonomous platforms requires distributing this pre-planning process. This thesis presents a distributed planner for modelbased programs whose planning and execution is distributed among agents with widely varying levels of processor power and memory resources. We make two key contributions. First, we reformulate a model-based program, which describes cooperative activities, into a hierarchical dynamic simple temporal network. This enables efficient distributed coordination of robots and supports deployment on heterogeneous robots. Second, we introduce a distributed temporal planner, called DTP, which solves hierarchical dynamic simple temporal networks with the assistance of the distributed Bellman-Ford shortest path algorithm. The implementation of DTP has been demonstrated successfully on a wide range of randomly generated examples and on a pursuer-evader challenge problem in simulation.
If we are to understand how we can build machines capable of broad purpose learning and reasoning, we must first aim to build systems that can represent, acquire, and reason about the kinds of commonsense knowledge that we humans have about the world. This endeavor suggests steps such as identifying the kinds of knowledge people commonly have about the world, constructing suitable knowledge representations, and exploring the mechanisms that people use to make judgments about the everyday world. In this work, I contribute to these goals by proposing an architecture for a system that can learn commonsense knowledge about the properties and behavior of objects in the world. The architecture described here augments previous machine learning systems in four ways: (1) it relies on a seven dimensional notion of context, built from information recently given to the system, to learn and reason about objects' properties; (2) it has multiple methods that it can use to reason about objects, so that when one method fails, it can fall back on others; (3) it illustrates the usefulness of reasoning about objects by thinking about their similarity to other, better known objects, and by inferring properties of objects from the categories that they belong to; and (4) it represents an attempt to build an autonomous learner and reasoner, that sets its own goals for learning about the world and deduces new facts by reflecting on its acquired knowledge. This thesis describes this architecture, as well as a first implementation, that can learn from sentences such as ``A blue bird flew to the tree'' and ``The small bird flew to the cage'' that birds can fly. One of the main contributions of this work lies in suggesting a further set of salient ideas about how we can build broader purpose commonsense artificial learners and reasoners.
For many types of learners one can compute the statistically 'optimal' way to select data. We review how these techniques have been used with feedforward neural networks. We then show how the same principles may be used to select data for two alternative, statistically-based learning architectures: mixtures of Gaussians and locally weighted regression. While the techniques for neural networks are expensive and approximate, the techniques for mixtures of Gaussians and locally weighted regression are both efficient and accurate.
This paper considers the problem of language change. Linguists must explain not only how languages are learned but also how and why they have evolved along certain trajectories and not others. While the language learning problem has focused on the behavior of individuals and how they acquire a particular grammar from a class of grammars ${cal G}$, here we consider a population of such learners and investigate the emergent, global population characteristics of linguistic communities over several generations. We argue that language change follows logically from specific assumptions about grammatical theories and learning paradigms. In particular, we are able to transform parameterized theories and memoryless acquisition algorithms into grammatical dynamical systems, whose evolution depicts a population's evolving linguistic composition. We investigate the linguistic and computational consequences of this model, showing that the formalization allows one to ask questions about diachronic that one otherwise could not ask, such as the effect of varying initial conditions on the resulting diachronic trajectories. From a more programmatic perspective, we give an example of how the dynamical system model for language change can serve as a way to distinguish among alternative grammatical theories, introducing a formal diachronic adequacy criterion for linguistic theories.
The Bologna Process defends the adoption of a higher education in teaching-learning methodologies that – in contraposition to the previous model based on the transmission of knowledge, which for being essentially theoretical, gives the student a passive role in the knowledge construction process – allows a (pro) active, autonomous and practical learning, where the student acquires and develops his competences. The personal tutorial guidance sessions are included in the teaching contact hours. This abstract presents a study about the University of Minho (first cycle) Courses Students’ perceptions of the personal tutorial guidance sessions’ relevance in the scope of the learning-teaching process, so as to confirm if the implementation/implantation of the commonly called tutorial (type) education, as an approach to an active, autonomous and practical learning, is sensed by the learners themselves
Percepci??n creativa de la ciudad en ni??os y j??venes : estudio emp??rico y propuesta de actuaci??n
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
This tutorial reviews the common elements that all journal articles contain (abstract, methods, etc.) and what can be learned from each element. In addition, the tutorial distinguishes between scholarly journal articles and other publications. The Health Education Assets Library (HEAL) is a digital library that provides freely accessible digital teaching resources of the highest quality that meet the needs of today's health sciences educators and learners.
More Open Education Resources (OER) and learning environments are being created and starting to mature and there are a number of barriers to learning and creator participation. One often overlooked barrier that has been given less attention, especially within OERs, is user experience (UX). UX is the way a person feels about using a product, system or service. We are creatures with emotional needs and, in the rush to get great content open and available sometimes the usability, the wow factor and good design principles get left by the wayside. I will demonstrate ways to think about UX for your OER and learning environments and why this is an important factor in helping engage learners with our educational materials. ‘The real payoff comes when we can make that remarkability last. When we can make people continually feel our work is worthy of discussion. When—for weeks, months, maybe even years— the people who engage with our work continue to sing its praises to everybody they meet’– (Jared Spool in Walter, A. Designing for Emotion). Walter, A. (2011) Designing for Emotion, A Book Apart. http://www.abookapart.com/products/designing-for-emotion
Actualmente, la investigación científica acerca de la influencia de los factores educativos y familiares en el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2) es limitada. En comparación, los efectos que tiene la L2 en la inteligencia y cognición han sido más estudiados. Por esta razón, el artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura empírica existente que relaciona lo mencionado anteriormente, ampliando así la temática del bilingüismo. Se buscaron artículos en cuatro bases de datos (PSICODOC, ISI Web of knowledge y SCOPUS), usando palabras claves específicas, en el periodo de 1990 hasta el 2012. De 79 artículos encontrados, 34 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión para la revisión. Asimismo, se tuvieron en cuenta dos libros, de los cuales se revisó un capítulo por cada uno según los mismos criterios. En conjunto, los resultados arrojaron importantes datos teóricos y de investigación que relacionan el éxito en el aprendizaje de una L2 con la inteligencia y cognición, según la influencia de los factores educativos y familiares. En conclusión, se identificaron más factores educativos que familiares; lo cual a concepto de la autora evidencia la limitada investigación que se ha hecho sobre los factores familiares en el bilingüismo actualmente.
El proyecto de investigación que se trabaja centra su atención en la siguiente cuestión: determinar un instrumento de recolección que permita identificar cuáles son las competencias que caracterizan a los emprendedores bogotanos creadores de empresas de rápido crecimiento. La presente es una investigación cualitativa que busca la mejor manera de preparar a los futuros emprendedores desde la educación superior. Si se conocen las competencias que acompañan al emprendedor se puede comprender mejor su capacidad de crear empresa y así buscar una mejor manera de preparar a los futuros emprendedores. Esto es importante para la economía de un país en general, máxime cuando se dan situaciones de depresión económica como el desempleo que se vive en la actualidad. “La creación y el desarrollo de nuevas empresas contribuye decisivamente a lograr el deseado bienestar para la sociedad, dado que permite incrementar el nivel de empleo, impulsar la innovación y mejorar la competitividad” (Acs, Audretch, & Braunerhjelm, 2006, pág. 83). La investigación abarca la búsqueda de competencias a nivel mundial basándose en estudios realizados por diferentes autores (Alles, Durán, Goleman, Shipmann, Varela, Boyatsis, Mc. Clelland y Blancero). El objetivo es desarrollar un instrumento que permita recolectar información de emprendedores bogotanos exitosos, con base en la clasificación de competencias que se realice a lo largo de la investigación.
Antecedentes: Cada vez es mayor la relevancia que se da al papel del residente como docente, no solo por su importancia en la formación de estudiantes, internos y otros miembros del equipo de salud, sino por su deber en la instrucción del paciente y su familia. A pesar de ello, el rol del residente como docente no se encuentra plenamente definido en nuestro medio. Objetivo: Caracterizar el rol de los residentes de Medicina Interna de la Universidad el Rosario en la Fundación Cardioinfantil como docentes. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo a partir de observaciones en escenarios de enseñanza y entrevistas semiestructuradas a 44 participantes distribuidos en grupos focales Resultados: Los residentes asumen un rol docente en diversos escenarios educativos con estudiantes, internos, residentes y docentes. Reconocen que no tienen la preparación necesaria para asumir esta responsabilidad ni funciones establecidas para tal fin. A pesar de esto, utilizan diferentes estrategias para enseñar y se sienten motivados para hacerlo. Conclusiones: El rol del residente como docente en el servicio de Medicina Interna en la Fundación Cardioinfantil es fundamental para la formación de los futuros médicos y especialistas según la percepción que tienen los grupos focales. Los encuentros pedagógicos están enmarcados por la disponibilidad de tiempo y dependen de características personales del residente, conocimiento disciplinar y formación para enseñar. Se considera que se debe apoyar más el entrenamiento en docencia de los residentes, avanzar en la formalización de las funciones docentes de los mismos y generar sistemas de evaluación de este proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
Resumen de las autoras en catalán
La Cámara de Comercio Internacional, en adelante la CCI, es una organización de carácter no gubernamental, creada en 1919 con el propósito de promover el comercio, la inversión, la economía de mercado abierto, el libre movimiento de capitales