896 resultados para Managerial competence
This study explores several important aspects of the management of new product development (NPD) in the Chinese steel industry. Specifically it explores NPD success factors, the importance of management functions to new product success and measures of new product success from the perspective of the industry's practitioners. Based on a sample of 190 industrial practitioners from 18 Chinese steel companies, the study provides a mixed picture as China makes the transition from a centrally-controlled to market-based economy. On one hand, respondents ranked understanding users' needs as the most important factor influencing the performance of the new products. Further, formulating new product strategy and strengthening market research are perceived as the most important managerial functions in NPD. However, technical performance measures are regarded as more important and are more widely used in industry than market-based or financial measures of success.
This study details the novel application of predacious copepods, genus Mesocyclops, for control of Ochlerotatus tremulus (Theobald) group and Aedes aegypti (L.) mosquito larvae in subterranean habitats in north Queensland, Australia. During June 1997, 50 Mesocyclops sp. I were inoculated into one service manhole in South Townsville. Wet season rainfall and flooding in both 1998 and 2000 was responsible for the dispersal of copepods via the underground pipe system to 29 of 35 manholes over an area of 1.33 km(2). Significant reductions in Aedes and Ochlerotatus larvae ensued. In these habitats, Mesocyclops and Metacyclops were able to survive dry periods, when substrate moisture content ranged from 13.8 to 79.9%. At the semiarid inland towns of Hughenden and Richmond, cracking clay soil prevents drainage of water from shallow service pits where Oc. tremulus immatures numbered from 292-18,460 per pit. Introduction of Mesocyclops copepods into these sites during May 1999 resulted in 100% control of Oc. tremulus for 18 mo. One uninoculated pit subsequently became positive for Mesocyclops with resultant control of mosquito larvae.
The concept of a basic (i.e., essential) medical emergency kit suitable for a general dental practitioner varies somewhat between different authorities. A practitioner's choice is also dependant on the proximity of medical aid and the nature of the dental practice. Over recent years the trend has been to restrict the items to a minimum, in the interest of both common sense and safety, for example, just oxygen, adrenaline 1:1000, an oral carbohydrate source, glyceryl trinitrate and aspirin as first options. Ancillary equipment should include an oxygen therapy facemask, a pocket mask and a set of oral (Guedel) airways. Two further medication options for consideration are an aerosol bronchodilator and, in certain circumstances, an injectable antihypoglycaemic agent. This paper provides a selective overview of the subject. An absolute necessity is for dentists to be competent in Basic Life Support skills, and to maintain a complete and current medical history for all patients.
This paper examines the proposition that the traditional archetype of the professional partnership is said to have changed into a more 'business-like' entity, the managed professional business. It broadens the restricted case sample base on which much of the evidence has been adduced, by developing a survey questionnaire through which 197 large British law firms were sampled. Change, consistent with the notion of a more commercially oriented and consciously managed organization, is concentrated in the market-facing area of the firm but coexists with areas of continuity in the governance of the firm and its strategic management. The findings reveal a more managerial form of organization in which the core elements of the traditional form of professional organization have not been transformed. These results contest the assertion of either transformational or sedimented change found in other, case-based research and suggest that archetype change needs theoretically to be distinguished from the general phenomenon of greater managerialism within the professional service firm.
This article presents a fairness theory-based conceptual framework for studying and managing consumers’ emotions during service recovery attempts. The conceptual framework highlights the central role played by counterfactual thinking and accountability. Findings from five focus groups are also presented to lend further support to the conceptual framework. Essentially, the article argues that a service failure event triggers an emotional response in the consumer, and from here the consumer commences an assessment of the situation, considering procedural justice, interactional justice, and distributive justice elements, while engaging in counterfactual thinking and apportioning accountability. More specifically, the customer assesses whether the service provider could and should have done something more to remedy the problem and how the customer would have felt had these actions been taken. The authors argue that during this process situational effort is taken into account when assessing accountability. When service providers do not appear to exhibit an appropriate level of effort, consumers attribute this to the service provider not caring. This in turn leads to the customer feeling more negative emotions, such as anger and frustration. Managerial implications of the study are discussed.
As end-user computing becomes more pervasive, an organization's success increasingly depends on the ability of end-users, usually in managerial positions, to extract appropriate data from both internal and external sources. Many of these data sources include or are derived from the organization's accounting information systems. Managerial end-users with different personal characteristics and approaches are likely to compose queries of differing levels of accuracy when searching the data contained within these accounting information systems. This research investigates how cognitive style elements of personality influence managerial end-user performance in database querying tasks. A laboratory experiment was conducted in which participants generated queries to retrieve information from an accounting information system to satisfy typical information requirements. The experiment investigated the influence of personality on the accuracy of queries of varying degrees of complexity. Relying on the Myers–Briggs personality instrument, results show that perceiving individuals (as opposed to judging individuals) who rely on intuition (as opposed to sensing) composed queries more accurately. As expected, query complexity and academic performance also explain the success of data extraction tasks.
This paper reports on the motor and functional outcomes of 20 children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) aged 4-8 years consecutively referred to a pediatric physiotherapy service. Children with a Movement ABC (M-ABC) score less than the 15th percentile, and with no concurrent medical, sensory, physical, intellectual or neurological impairments, were recruited. The Motor Assessment Outcomes Model (MAOM) [Coster and Haley, Infants and Young Children 4 (1992) 11] provided the theoretical base for measurement selection, and preliminary findings at the activities and participation levels of the model are reported in this article. Children with DCD performed at the lower end of the normal range on the Pea-body Developmental Motor Scales (fine motor total score) (M = 85.65, SD = 12.23). Performance on the Visual Motor Integration Test (VMI) standard scores was within the average range (M = 96.15, SD = 10.69). Videotaped observations of the children's writing and cutting indicated that 29% were left-handed and that a large proportion of all children (31%) utilized unusual pencil grasp patterns and immature prehension of scissors. Measurement at the participation level involved use of the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance (PCSA) and Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). Overall, these young children rated themselves towards the more competent and accepted end of the PCSA over the dimensions of physical and cognitive competence and peer and maternal acceptance. The PEDI revealed generally average performance on social (M = 49.98, SD = 16.62) and mobility function (M = 54.71, SD = 3.99), however, self-care function was below the average range for age (M = 38.01, SD = 12.19). The utility of the MAOM as a framework for comprehensive measurement of functional and motor outcomes of DCD in young children is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
After the 1st appearance of Japanese encephalitis virus (JE) on mainland Australia in 1998, a study was undertaken to investigate whether JE had become established in enzootic transmission cycles on western Cape York Peninsula. Adult mosquitoes were collected during the late wet season from Kowanyama and Pormpuraaw in April 1999, and Pormpuraaw and Barr's Yard in April 2000. Despite processing 269,270 mosquitoes for virus isolation, no isolates of JE were obtained. However, other flaviviruses comprising Murray Valley encephalitis virus, Kunjin virus, Alfuy virus, and Kokobera virus (KOK) were isolated. Isolates of the alphaviruses Ross River virus, Barmah Forest virus (BF), and Sindbis virus (SIN) also were obtained. The majority (88%) of isolates were from members of the Culex sitiens subgroup. Single isolates of KOK, BF and SIN were obtained from Ochlerotatus vigilax, Oc. normanensis, and Anopheles bancroftii, respectively. The isolations of flaviviruses during the late wet season indicate that conditions were suitable for flavivirus activity in the area. No evidence was found to suggest that JE has become established in enzootic transmission cycles on western Cape York, although study sites and field trips were limited.
In response to the increasing use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), governments are exploring ways to ensure patients' safety and respond to complaints. One solution is to establish registration boards and procedures based on the model of existing health practitioner Acts. Registration will require defined minimum standards for competence, which will have to be based on scientific evidence. As scientific evidence accumulates, these modalities are likely to lose their identities as alternative and become assimilated into Western medicine.
Changes in plasma zinc concentration and markers of immune function were examined in a group of 10 male runners (n = 10) following a moderate increase in training over four weeks. Seven sedentary males acted as controls. Fasting blood samples were taken at rest, before (T0) and after T4) four weeks of increased (+ 16 %) training and after two weeks of reduced (- 31 %) training (W. Blood was analysed for plasma zinc concentration, differential leucocyte counts, lymphocyte subpopulations and lymphocyte proliferation using incorporation of H-3-thymidine. The runners increased their training volume by 16 % over the four weeks. When compared with the nonathletes, the runners had lower concentrations of plasma zinc (p = 0.012), CD3(+) (p = 0.042) and CD19(+) lymphocytes (p = 0.010) over the four weeks. Lymphocyte proliferation in response to Concanavalin A stimulation was greater in the runners (p = 0.0090). Plasma zinc concentration and immune markers remained constant during the study. Plasma zinc concentration correlated with total leucocyte counts in the athletes at T6 (r = -0.72, p < 0.05) and with Pokeweed mitogen stimulation in the nonathletes at T6 (r = -0.92, p < 0.05). Therefore, athletes are unlikely to benefit from zinc supplementation during periods of moderately increased training volume.
Refletindo sobre modelo de carreira mais adequado para a Administra????o P??blica nesta era de economia globalizada e de maiores exig??ncias de efici??ncia e flexibilidade na gest??o dos aparatos governamentais, questiona-se aqui a id??ia de que o modelo burocr??tico deva ser substitu??do pelo modelo gerencial. Considerando essa id??ia apenas parcialmente verdadeira, nossa argumenta????o vai na seguinte dire????o: como a burocracia ?? a forma espec??fica de organiza????o do aparato administrativo do Estado de Direito, este modelo n??o pode ser rejeitado, sob pena de comprometimento desse Estado. Mas ele precisa ser flexibilizado, superando e reduzindo o formalismo excessivo e a rigidez que sua realiza????o hist??rica possa ter gerado nos diferentes pa??ses. Igualmente, deve ser aperfei??oado em seus mecanismos de controle, at?? como condi????o para sua manuten????o eficaz nos governos democr??ticos contempor??neos.
O trabalho pretende desenvolver uma reflex??o sobre a profissionaliza????o dos cargos de dire????o na administra????o p??blica e sua evolu????o ao longo das ??ltimas d??cadas nos pa??ses desenvolvidos, tendo como eixo condutor a institucionaliza????o dos cargos de dirigentes p??blicos nos sistemas pol??tico-administrativos contempor??neos. Inicia-se definindo a expans??o e o desenvolvimento do gerenciamento nos sistemas p??blicos, descrevendo, de forma breve e comparada, sua evolu????o mais recente em alguns pa??ses da OCDE. Em seguida, s??o apontados os tra??os b??sicos de um modelo de exerc??cio das fun????es de dire????o na administra????o p??blica. A seguir, trata-se do tema central mencionado. Primeiramente, o texto define os elementos que configuram um marco institucional para as fun????es de dire????o no setor p??blico. Depois, aborda o conte??do, o alcance e o ??mbito das reformas necess??rias para a constru????o desse marco. Por ??ltimo, analisa as vari??veis que podem influenciar a elabora????o das reformas, expondo os principais desafios e dificuldades tra??ados pelos empenhos de reforma.
Este artigo tem como objetivo avan??ar no estudo do processo de reforma do Poder Judici??rio brasileiro, o qual se insere no processo de reforma do Estado p??trio. A partir das contribui????es de Osborne e Gaebler (1992) e Abrucio (2006), buscou-se tra??ar um paralelo entre as l??gicas gerencial e fiscal e esclarecer como as mesmas refletiram nos indicadores de efic??cia, efici??ncia e efetividade do Poder Judici??rio no Brasil. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, optou-se por utilizar como m??todo a an??lise de conte??do de Bardin (2002), pela regra de enumera????o do tipo frequ??ncia, buscando, com isso, observar o papel que o Conselho Nacional de Justi??a exerceu nesse processo e a l??gica do plano de metas estabelecido pela institui????o para os anos de 2012 e 2013. Como resultado, observou-se que as metas estabelecidas para o bi??nio buscaram implantar uma gest??o mais eficaz nesse n??cleo estrat??gico do Estado, com ??nfase na celeridade processual, gest??o administrativa e informatiza????o dos procedimentos. Percebeu-se que a l??gica gerencial continua exercendo grande influ??ncia no modelo de gest??o adotado. Como novidade, verificou-se a inser????o de indicadores de efetividade, os quais podem permitir aproximar os objetivos dessa esfera de poder com os da sociedade brasileira, repercutindo na elabora????o de metas futuras.
Reformas de corte gerencial n??o s??o uma novidade no Brasil e est??o condenadas a reaparecerem de forma recorrente, dado o incessante processo de renova????o das teorias de administra????o no setor privado. Dado permanente apelo que det??m junto ?? ??rea governamental, ?? natural que estejam continuamente sendo transplantadas para o setor p??blico com maior ou menor sucesso, conforme um conjunto de circunst??ncias e caracter??sticas. O trabalho busca fazer uma breve an??lise comparativa dos processos de transforma????es em determinadas pol??ticas de gest??o p??blica nos dois ciclos de reformas autodenominadas gerenciais ocorridas nos dois mandatos de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. O texto identifica contrastes em rela????o a aspectos do policy making process nos dois momentos, com ??nfase para os momentos relacionados com a forma????o da agenda, especifica????o de propostas e processos decis??rios. Na primeira parte s??o recuperadas algumas quest??es comuns a outro esfor??o de reforma ??? no caso a de 1967 ??? e na conclus??o, s??o feitos alguns coment??rios relacionados com o legado de reformas de cunho gerencial no contexto do governo atual.
O artigo discute o processo de reforma administrativa implementada na Nova Zel??ndia a partir de 1984, com a chegada do Partido Trabalhista ao poder, abordando seus principais desdobramentos nos anos 90. Parte de uma apresenta????o do modelo administrativo em vigor na Nova Zel??ndia antes das reformas empreendidas em 1984, delimitando dessa forma o quadro referencial para comparar a situa????o anterior com a atual, de maneira que proporcione uma avalia????o sobre os impactos das medidas empreendidas. Em seguida, apresenta uma descri????o dos objetivos e princ??pios norteadores da reforma tais como, separa????o das fun????es comerciais das n??o-comerciais; separa????o entre as fun????es administrativas e de assessoria; princ??pio do ???quem usa paga???, user pays; transpar??ncia na concess??o de subs??dios; neutralidade competitiva, descentraliza????o e aumento do poder discricion??rio do administrador; melhoramento da accountability, entre outros. A seguir, s??o apresentadas as principais medidas empreendidas pelo governo trabalhista entre 1984 e 1990, dando ??nfase ?? metodologia adotada para a implementa????o e accountability dos contratos de gest??o firmados entre os executivos- chefe e os ministros. Posteriormente, o autor apresenta as modifica????es introduzidas nas regras de contrata????o de pessoal no servi??o p??blico neozeland??s e, de um modo mais geral, na pol??tica de recursos humanos. Finalmente, ?? tra??ado um perfil da situa????o atual da Nova Zel??ndia, bem como ?? feita a apresenta????o sucinta daqueles que o autor considera como sendo os ???suportes conceituais da reforma???: o movimento gerencialista, a teoria do Public Choice e a teoria Principal-Agente.