972 resultados para Brominated Flame Retardants


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The focus of this thesis was the in-situ application of the new analytical technique "GCxGC" in both the marine and continental boundary layer, as well as in the free troposphere. Biogenic and anthropogenic VOCs were analysed and used to characterise local chemistry at the individual measurement sites. The first part of the thesis work was the characterisation of a new set of columns that was to be used later in the field. To simplify the identification, a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) detector was coupled to the GCxGC. In the field the TOF-MS was substituted by a more robust and tractable flame ionisation detector (FID), which is more suitable for quantitative measurements. During the process, a variety of volatile organic compounds could be assigned to different environmental sources, e.g. plankton sources, eucalyptus forest or urban centers. In-situ measurements of biogenic and anthropogenic VOCs were conducted at the Meteorological Observatory Hohenpeissenberg (MOHP), Germany, applying a thermodesorption-GCxGC-FID system. The measured VOCs were compared to GC-MS measurements routinely conducted at the MOHP as well as to PTR-MS measurements. Furthermore, a compressed ambient air standard was measured from three different gas chromatographic instruments and the results were compared. With few exceptions, the in-situ, as well as the standard measurements, revealed good agreement between the individual instruments. Diurnal cycles were observed, with differing patterns for the biogenic and the anthropogenic compounds. The variability-lifetime relationship of compounds with atmospheric lifetimes from a few hours to a few days in presence of O3 and OH was examined. It revealed a weak but significant influence of chemistry on these short-lived VOCs at the site. The relationship was also used to estimate the average OH radical concentration during the campaign, which was compared to in-situ OH measurements (1.7 x 10^6 molecules/cm^3, 0.071 ppt) for the first time. The OH concentration ranging from 3.5 to 6.5 x 10^5 molecules/cm^3 (0.015 to 0.027 ppt) obtained with this method represents an approximation of the average OH concentration influencing the discussed VOCs from emission to measurement. Based on these findings, the average concentration of the nighttime NO3 radicals was estimated using the same approach and found to range from 2.2 to 5.0 x 10^8 molecules/cm^3 (9.2 to 21.0 ppt). During the MINATROC field campaign, in-situ ambient air measurements with the GCxGC-FID were conducted at Tenerife, Spain. Although the station is mainly situated in the free troposphere, local influences of anthropogenic and biogenic VOCs were observed. Due to a strong dust event originating from Western Africa it was possible to compare the mixing ratios during normal and elevated dust loading in the atmosphere. The mixing ratios during the dust event were found to be lower. However, this could not be attributed to heterogeneous reactions as there was a change in the wind direction from northwesterly to southeasterly during the dust event.


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Lo studio condotto ha lo scopo di aumentare la vita in esercizio di motori idraulici a pistoni radiali a colonna di fluido, studiandone e migliorandone il comportamento tribologico. Questa tipologia di motori è adatta per generare alte coppie a basse velocità e si impiega in sistemi di movimentazione lenta per carichi pesanti. Il contatto in condizioni di strisciamento fra cilindri telescopici ed albero eccentrico rotante, può portare all’usura dei componenti coinvolti e quindi al trafilamento dell’olio che circola nel motore, causando cali di efficienza. Lo studio ha previsto un’indagine del tipo Failure Analysis su componenti del motore sottoposti a prove a banco. Successivamente, è stato condotto uno studio tribologico, al fine di valutare il comportamento del sistema e definire possibili modifiche ai componenti per il miglioramento del motore. Dalla Failure Analysis, è emerso che il meccanismo di usura prevalente risulta essere l’abrasione a due corpi. Le prove tribologiche di laboratorio, condotte in condizioni che hanno permesso di riprodurre i meccanismi di usura dominanti nelle prove a banco, hanno dato luogo a transizioni sia nell’attrito che nell’usura, il cui verificarsi dipende da: carico applicato, distanza di strisciamento, durezza dei materiali a contatto.


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Volatile organic compounds play a critical role in ozone formation and drive the chemistry of the atmosphere, together with OH radicals. The simplest volatile organic compound methane is a climatologically important greenhouse gas, and plays a key role in regulating water vapour in the stratosphere and hydroxyl radicals in the troposphere. The OH radical is the most important atmospheric oxidant and knowledge of the atmospheric OH sink, together with the OH source and ambient OH concentrations is essential for understanding the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere. Oceanic emission and / or uptake of methanol, acetone, acetaldehyde, isoprene and dimethyl sulphide (DMS) was characterized as a function of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and a suite of biological parameters, in a mesocosm experiment conducted in the Norwegian fjord. High frequency (ca. 1 minute-1) methane measurements were performed using a gas chromatograph - flame ionization detector (GC-FID) in the boreal forests of Finland and the tropical forests of Suriname. A new on-line method (Comparative Reactivity Method - CRM) was developed to directly measure the total OH reactivity (sink) of ambient air. It was observed that under conditions of high biological activity and a PAR of ~ 450 μmol photons m-2 s-1, the ocean acted as a net source of acetone. However, if either of these criteria was not fulfilled then the ocean acted as a net sink of acetone. This new insight into the biogeochemical cycling of acetone at the ocean-air interface has helped to resolve discrepancies from earlier works such as Jacob et al. (2002) who reported the ocean to be a net acetone source (27 Tg yr-1) and Marandino et al. (2005) who reported the ocean to be a net sink of acetone (- 48 Tg yr-1). The ocean acted as net source of isoprene, DMS and acetaldehyde but net sink of methanol. Based on these findings, it is recommended that compound specific PAR and biological dependency be used for estimating the influence of the global ocean on atmospheric VOC budgets. Methane was observed to accumulate within the nocturnal boundary layer, clearly indicating emissions from the forest ecosystems. There was a remarkable similarity in the time series of the boreal and tropical forest ecosystem. The average of the median mixing ratios during a typical diel cycle were 1.83 μmol mol-1 and 1.74 μmol mol-1 for the boreal forest ecosystem and tropical forest ecosystem respectively. A flux value of (3.62 ± 0.87) x 1011 molecules cm-2 s-1 (or 45.5 ± 11 Tg CH4 yr-1 for global boreal forest area) was derived, which highlights the importance of the boreal forest ecosystem for the global budget of methane (~ 600 Tg yr-1). The newly developed CRM technique has a dynamic range of ~ 4 s-1 to 300 s-1 and accuracy of ± 25 %. The system has been tested and calibrated with several single and mixed hydrocarbon standards showing excellent linearity and accountability with the reactivity of the standards. Field tests at an urban and forest site illustrate the promise of the new method. The results from this study have improved current understanding about VOC emissions and uptake from ocean and forest ecosystems. Moreover, a new technique for directly measuring the total OH reactivity of ambient air has been developed and validated, which will be a valuable addition to the existing suite of atmospheric measurement techniques.


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The subject of this thesis is the development of a Gaschromatography (GC) system for non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) and measurement of samples within the project CARIBIC (Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container, www.caribic-atmospheric.com). Air samples collected at cruising altitude from the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere contain hydrocarbons at low levels (ppt range), which imposes substantial demands on detection limits. Full automation enabled to maintain constant conditions during the sample processing and analyses. Additionally, automation allows overnight operation thus saving time. A gas chromatography using flame ionization detection (FID) together with the dual column approach enables simultaneous detection with almost equal carbon atom response for all hydrocarbons except for ethyne. The first part of this thesis presents the technical descriptions of individual parts of the analytical system. Apart from the sample treatment and calibration procedures, the sample collector is described. The second part deals with analytical performance of the GC system by discussing tests that had been made. Finally, results for measurement flight are assessed in terms of quality of the data and two flights are discussed in detail. Analytical performance is characterized using detection limits for each compound, using uncertainties for each compound, using tests of calibration mixture conditioning and carbon dioxide trap to find out their influence on analyses, and finally by comparing the responses of calibrated substances during period when analyses of the flights were made. Comparison of both systems shows good agreement. However, because of insufficient capacity of the CO2 trap the signal of one column was suppressed due to breakthroughed carbon dioxide so much that its results appeared to be unreliable. Plausibility tests for the internal consistency of the given data sets are based on common patterns exhibited by tropospheric NMHCs. All tests show that samples from the first flights do not comply with the expected pattern. Additionally, detected alkene artefacts suggest potential problems with storing or contamination within all measurement flights. Two last flights # 130-133 and # 166-169 comply with the tests therefore their detailed analysis is made. Samples were analyzed in terms of their origin (troposphere vs. stratosphere, backward trajectories), their aging (NMHCs ratios) and detected plumes were compared to chemical signatures of Asian outflows. In the last chapter a future development of the presented system with focus on separation is drawn. An extensive appendix documents all important aspects of the dissertation from theoretical introduction through illustration of sample treatment to overview diagrams for the measured flights.


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„Photovernetzbare flüssigkristalline Polymere unterschiedlicher Kettentopologien“, Patrick Beyer, Mainz 2007 Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Synthese und Charakterisierung flüssigkristalliner Elastomere unterschiedlicher Polymertopologien vorgestellt. Dabei wurden Systeme synthetisiert, bei denen die mesogenen Einheiten entweder als Seitengruppen an ein Polymerrückgrat angebunden (Seitenkettenelastomere) oder direkt in die Polymerkette integriert (Hauptkettenelastomere) sind (siehe Abbildung). Bezüglich der Seitenkettensysteme konnten erstmals photovernetzbare smektische Seitenkettenpolymere, in denen aufgrund der Anknüpfung eines photoisomerisierbaren Azobenzols eine Photo- modulation der ferroelektrischen Eigenschaften möglich ist, dargestellt werden. Homöotrop orientierte freistehende Filme dieser Materialien konnten durch Spincoaten dargestellt und unter Ausnutzung des Dichroismus der Azobenzole durch geeignete Wahl der Bestrahlungsgeometrie photovernetzt werden. Aufbauend auf diesen Untersuchungen wurde anhand eines nicht vernetzbaren Modellsystems im Detail der Einfluss der trans-cis Isomerisierung des Azobenzols auf die ferroelektrischen Parameter untersucht. Durch zeitaufgelöste Messungen der Absorption der Azobenzole, der spontanen Polarisation und des Direktorneigungswinkels und Auswertung der kinetischen Prozesse konnte eine lineare Abhängigkeit der ferroelektrischen Eigenschaften vom Grad der Isomerisierungsreaktion festgestellt werden. Durch Vergleich dieser in der flüssigkristallinen Phase erhaltenen Ergebnisse mit der Kinetik der thermischen Reisomerisierung in Lösung (Toluol) konnte ferner eine deutliche Reduzierung der Relaxationszeiten in der anisotropen flüssigkristallinen Umgebung festgestellt und auf eine Absenkung der Aktivierungsenergie zurückgeführt werden. Makroskopische Formänderungen der Seitenkettenelastomere am Phasenübergang von der flüssigkristallinen in die isotrope Phase konnten jedoch nicht festgestellt werden. Aus diesem Grund wurden neue Synthesestrategien für die Darstellung von Hauptkettenelastomeren entwickelt, die sich aufgrund der direkten Kopplung von flüssigkristallinem Ordnungsgrad und Polymerkettenkonformation besser für die Herstellung thermischer Aktuatoren eignen. Auf Basis flüssigkristalliner Polymalonate konnten dabei lateral funktionalisierte smektische Hauptkettenpolymere synthetisiert werden, welche erstmals die Darstellung von LC-Hauptkettenelastomeren durch Photovernetzung in der flüssigkristallinen Phase erlauben. Durch laterale Bromierung konnte in diesen Systemen die Kristallisationstendenz der verwendeten Biphenyleinheiten unterdrückt werden. Bezüglich der Photovernetzung konnten zwei neue Synthesemethoden entwickelt werden, bei denen der Vernetzungsschritt entweder durch radikalische Polymerisation lateral angebundener Acrylatgruppen oder durch photoaktive Benzophenongruppen erfolgte. Basierend auf den Benzophenon funktionalisierten Systemen konnte ein neuartiges Verfahren zur Darstellung makroskopisch orientierter Hauptkettenelastomere durch Photovernetzung entwickelt werden. Die Elastomerproben, deren Ordnungsgrad durch Röntgenuntersuchungen ermittelt werden konnte, zeigen am Phasenübergang von der flüssigkristallinen in die isotrope Phase eine reversible Formänderung von 40%. Im Gegensatz zu anderen bekannten smektischen Systemen konnten die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Elastomere ohne Zerstörung der Phase bis zu 60% entlang der smektischen Schichtnormalen gestreckt werden, was im Kontext einer geringen Korrelation der smektischen Schichten in Hauptkettenelastomeren diskutiert wurde.


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Theories and numerical modeling are fundamental tools for understanding, optimizing and designing present and future laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs). Laser evolution and plasma wave excitation in a LPA driven by a weakly relativistically intense, short-pulse laser propagating in a preformed parabolic plasma channel, is studied analytically in 3D including the effects of pulse steepening and energy depletion. At higher laser intensities, the process of electron self-injection in the nonlinear bubble wake regime is studied by means of fully self-consistent Particle-in-Cell simulations. Considering a non-evolving laser driver propagating with a prescribed velocity, the geometrical properties of the non-evolving bubble wake are studied. For a range of parameters of interest for laser plasma acceleration, The dependence of the threshold for self-injection in the non-evolving wake on laser intensity and wake velocity is characterized. Due to the nonlinear and complex nature of the Physics involved, computationally challenging numerical simulations are required to model laser-plasma accelerators operating at relativistic laser intensities. The numerical and computational optimizations, that combined in the codes INF&RNO and INF&RNO/quasi-static give the possibility to accurately model multi-GeV laser wakefield acceleration stages with present supercomputing architectures, are discussed. The PIC code jasmine, capable of efficiently running laser-plasma simulations on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) clusters, is presented. GPUs deliver exceptional performance to PIC codes, but the core algorithms had to be redesigned for satisfying the constraints imposed by the intrinsic parallelism of the architecture. The simulation campaigns, run with the code jasmine for modeling the recent LPA experiments with the INFN-FLAME and CNR-ILIL laser systems, are also presented.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation behandelt die Anwendung Übergangsmetall-katalysierter Anellierungsreaktionen zur Synthese neuartiger Chromophore. Dabei konnten sowohl benzoide als auch nicht-benzoide Strukturen insbesondere durch den Einsatz ausgewählter Pd(0)-Komplexe dargestellt werden. Die Arbeit gliedert sich in fünf Teile: Zunächst werden innovative Pentanellierungsreaktionen mit Acetylenen an bromierten Polycyclischen Aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen (PAK) beschrieben, wodurch bislang unbekannte Cyclopenta-PAKs zugänglich werden. Die untersuchten neuen Verbindungen umfassen dabei sowohl einfach als auch doppelt pentanellierte Pyrene, Anthracene und Perylene mit variablem Substitutionsmuster. Auf diese Weise werden bathochrome Wellenlängenverschiebungen bis zu max = 780 nm erreicht. Im zweiten Teil wurde die Pentanellierungstechnik auf Perylenmonoimid-(PMI)-Derivate angewandt. Die resultierenden Arylcyclopenta-PMIs weisen in ihren optischen Eigenschaften starke Ähnlichkeiten zu den verwandten Perylendiimiden (PDI) auf, bieten jedoch die Möglichkeit zusätzlicher Funktionalisierungen. Die Vergrößerung des aromatischen Systems des PDI durch Hexanellierung dagegen wurde im darauffolgenden Kapitel untersucht. Analog zur bekannten homologen Reihe der Rylene (Perylen, Terrylen, Quaterrylen) konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die verwandten 1,12:6,7-Coronendiimid-(CDI)-Derivate um das im Kern unsubstituierte CDI selbst und das 3,4:9,10-Dinaphtho-CDI vervollständigt werden. UV/Vis-Absorptionsmessungen zeigen auch hier eine stete bathochrome Verschiebung der Absorptionswellenlängen. Das Wissen um die Coronendiimid-Synthesen sollte im vierten Teil weiterführend zur Darstellung eines Tetraketo-CDIs genutzt werden. Die finalen Oxidationsversuche zur Einführung der Keto-Gruppen waren nicht erfolgreich, bieten jedoch Einblicke in die Reaktivität unterschiedlicher CDI-Derivate. Der letzte Teil illustriert die Anwendung der bereits zuvor beschriebenen Hexanellierungsreaktion auf Tetrabrom-Terrylendiimid (TDI) zur Darstellung eines Tetranaphtho-TDI. Letzteres bildet dabei drei Isomere aus, wobei zwei optische Aktivität zeigen. UV/Vis und Circulardichroismus-Messungen zeigen hierfür auch bei erhöhten Temperaturen bemerkenswert hohe Racemisierungsbarrieren.


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Diese Dissertation zeigt zum ersten Mal den Ansatz gesättigte und ungesättigte Poly(Phosphorester) herzustellen, deren Polymergerüst und Seitenketten durch präzises Anbring-en von funktionellen und/oder solubilisierenden Gruppen modifiziert werden können. Durch Kombinieren der Vorteile der Olefinmetathese mit der Vielseitigkeit der Phos-phorchemie, eröffnet dieser variable Ansatz den Zugang zu einer neuen Klasse ungesättigter Poly-phosphate. Die zu Grunde liegende Idee ist das maßgeschneiderte Anpassen der Architektur und der Mikrostruktur dieser Polymere. Lineare, verzweigte, markierte und telechele Poly(Phosphorester) können in großem Maßstab mit hohen Funktionalisierungsgrad hergestellt werden.rnEiner der größten Vorteile dieses Ansatzes ist es, das Polymerrückrat modifizieren zu können, was weder bei der Ringöffnungs- noch bei klassischen Polymerisationen möglich ist, bei denen nur eine limitierte Anzahl an Monomeren existieren.rnDie Eigenschaften des Phosphors werden in neue Polymerarchitekturen übertragen, was von Nutzen für flammenhemmenden Materialen und Anwendung bei Gewebetherapeutika ist. Diese Doktorarbeit führt auch einzigartige Poly(Phosphorester) ein, welche im Feld der Op-toelektronik als Sauerstofffänger eingesetzten werden können. Die beschriebenen Synthese-vorschriften können einfach in größeren Maßstab durchgeführt werden und sind vielversprechend für industrielle Anwendungen, da ungesättigte Polyester einen sehr wichtigen Markt repräsentieren.


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I depositi di liquidi infiammabili sono stabilimenti industriali in cui avvengono spesso incendi di grandi dimensioni a causa degli ingenti quantitativi di sostanze infiammabili detenute. Gli incendi tipici dei liquidi infiammabili sono gli incendi di pozza in caso di rilascio del liquido al suolo e gli incendi di serbatoio in caso di ignizione del liquido all’interno del serbatoio stesso. Tali incendi hanno la potenzialità di danneggiare le apparecchiature limitrofe, determinandone il cedimento e dunque l’incremento delle dimensioni dell’incendio e dell’area di danno; tale fenomeno è detto effetto domino. Per la modellazione degli incendi sono disponibili diversi strumenti, divisibili essenzialmente in due categorie: modelli semplici, ovvero basati su correlazioni semi-empiriche e modelli avanzati, costituiti dai codici CFD. L’obiettivo principale del presente lavoro di tesi è il confronto tra le diverse tipologie di strumenti disponibili per la modellazione degli incendi di liquidi infiammabili. In particolare sono stati confrontati tra loro il codice FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator), il metodo del TNO ed il modello per gli incendi di pozza incorporato nel software ALOHA. Il codice FDS è un modello avanzato, mentre il metodo del TNO ed il modello implementato nel software ALOHA sono modelli semplici appartenenti alla famiglia dei Solid Flame Models. La prima parte del presente lavoro di tesi è dedicata all’analisi delle caratteristiche e delle problematiche di sicurezza dei depositi di liquidi infiammabili, con specifico riferimento all’analisi storica. Nella seconda parte invece i tre metodi sopra citati sono applicati ad un parco serbatoi di liquidi infiammabili ed è effettuato il confronto dei risultati, anche ai fini di una valutazione preliminare dell’effetto domino. La tesi è articolata in 6 capitoli. Dopo il Capitolo 1, avente carattere introduttivo, nel Capitolo 2 vengono richiamati i principali concetti riguardanti gli incendi e vengono analizzate le caratteristiche e le problematiche di sicurezza dei depositi di liquidi infiammabili. Il Capitolo 3 è dedicato alla discussione delle caratteristiche degli incendi di pozza, alla presentazione delle tipologie di strumenti a disposizione per la loro modellazione ed alla descrizione di dettaglio dei modelli utilizzati nel presente lavoro di tesi. Il Capitolo 4 contiene la presentazione del caso di studio. Nel Capitolo 5, che costituisce il cuore del lavoro, i modelli descritti sono applicati al caso di studio, con un’approfondita discussione dei risultati e una valutazione preliminare dell’effetto domino. Nel Capitolo 6 infine sono riportate alcune considerazioni conclusive.


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Nowadays, aerosol processes are widely used for the manufacture of nanoparticles (NPs), creating an increased occupational exposure risk of workers, laboratory personnel and scientists to airborne particles. There is evidence that possible adverse effects are linked with the accumulation of NPs in target cells, pointing out the importance of understanding the kinetics of particle internalization. In this context, the uptake kinetics of representative airborne NPs over 30 min and their internalization after 24 h post-exposure were investigated by the use of a recently established exposure system. This system combines the production of aerosolized cerium oxide (CeO(2)) NPs by flame spray synthesis with its simultaneous particle deposition from the gas-phase onto A549 lung cells, cultivated at the air-liquid interface. Particle uptake was quantified by mass spectrometry after several exposure times (0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 min). Over 35% of the deposited mass was found internalized after 10 min exposure, a value that increased to 60% after 30 min exposure. Following an additional 24 h post-incubation, a time span, after which adverse biological effects were observed in previous experiments, over 80% of total CeO(2) could be detected intracellularly. On the ultrastructural level, focal cerium aggregates were present on the apical surface of A549 cells and could also be localized intracellularly in vesicular structures. The uptake behaviour of aerosolized CeO(2) is in line with observations on cerium suspensions, where particle mass transport was identified as the rate-limiting factor for NP internalization.


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BACKGROUND: For almost 30 years, phosphatidylethanol (PEth) has been known as a direct marker of alcohol consumption. This marker stands for consumption in high amounts and for a longer time period, but it has been also detected after 1 high single intake of ethanol (EtOH). The aim of this study was to obtain further information about the formation and elimination of PEth 16:0/18:1 by simulating extensive drinking. METHODS: After 3 weeks of alcohol abstinence, 11 test persons drank an amount of EtOH leading to an estimated blood ethanol concentration of 1 g/kg on each of 5 successive days. After the drinking episode, they stayed abstinent for 16 days with regular blood sampling. PEth 16:0/18:1 analysis was performed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (high-performance liquid chromatography 1100 system and QTrap 2000 triple quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer. Values of blood alcohol were obtained using a standardized method with headspace gas chromatography flame ionization detector. RESULTS: Maximum measured concentrations of EtOH were 0.99 to 1.83 g/kg (mean 1.32 g/kg). These values were reached 1 to 3 hours after the start of drinking (mean 1.9 hours). For comparison, 10 of 11 volunteers had detectable PEth 16:0/18:1 values 1 hour after the start of drinking, ranging from 45 to 138 ng/ml PEth 16:0/18:1. Over the following days, concentrations of PEth 16:0/18:1 increased continuously and reached the maximum concentrations of 74 to 237 ng/ml between days 3 and 6. CONCLUSIONS: This drinking experiment led to measurable PEth concentrations. However, PEth 16:0/18:1 concentrations stayed rather low compared with those of alcohol abusers from previous studies.


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Research was to investigate the effects of increasing levels of carbon dioxide addition to the combustion of methane with air. Using an atmospheric-pressure, swirl-stabilized dump combustor, emissions data and flame stability limitations were measured and analyzed.


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Monobrominated diblock copolymers composed of poly(styrene) (PSt), poly(methylacrylate) (PMA), or poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) were synthesized by consecutive atom transfer radical polymerizations (ATRP). The brominated diblocks were utilized in atom transfer radical coupling (ATRC) and radical trap-assisted ATRC (RTA-ATRC) reactions to form ABA type triblock copolymers. Once PMMA-PStBr and PSt-PMABrBr were produced by ATRP, the synthes of PSt-PMA-PSt and PMMA-PSt- PMMA by ATRC and also by RTA-ATRC were attempted. The coupling methods were compared and it was found that RTA-ATRC succeeded in synthesizing PSt-PMA-PSt where ATRC could not, and that RTA-ATRC improved coupling over ATRC for PMMAPSt- PMMA. Incorporation of the radical trap 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane (MNP) midchain allowed for simple thermal cleavage of the triblock to confirm the RTA-ATRC pathway occurred in preference over the head to head radical coupling pathway of ATRC. Triblocks made by ATRC did not cleave under our conditions, as no MNP was present and thus no labile C-O bond was incorporated. The RTA-ATRC pathway allowed for lower catalyst amounts (2 molar equivalents of copper(I)bromide and 2 molar equivalents of copper metal) and a high degree of coupling at lower temperatures (40°C). The RTA-ATRC improved upon ATRC because of its ability to generate a persistent radical and proceed by first order kinetics with respect to the chain end radical.


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The Jing Ltd. miniature combustion aerosol standard (Mini-CAST) soot generator is a portable, commercially available burner that is widely used for laboratory measurements of soot processes. While many studies have used the Mini-CAST to generate soot with known size, concentration, and organic carbon fraction under a single or few conditions, there has been no systematic study of the burner operation over a wide range of operating conditions. Here, we present a comprehensive characterization of the microphysical, chemical, morphological, and hygroscopic properties of Mini-CAST soot over the full range of oxidation air and mixing N-2 flow rates. Very fuel-rich and fuel-lean flame conditions are found to produce organic-dominated soot with mode diameters of 10-60nm, and the highest particle number concentrations are produced under fuel-rich conditions. The lowest organic fraction and largest diameter soot (70-130nm) occur under slightly fuel-lean conditions. Moving from fuel-rich to fuel-lean conditions also increases the O:C ratio of the soot coatings from similar to 0.05 to similar to 0.25, which causes a small fraction of the particles to act as cloud condensation nuclei near the Kelvin limit (kappa similar to 0-10(-3)). Comparison of these property ranges to those reported in the literature for aircraft and diesel engine soots indicates that the Mini-CAST soot is similar to real-world primary soot particles, which lends itself to a variety of process-based soot studies. The trends in soot properties uncovered here will guide selection of burner operating conditions to achieve optimum soot properties that are most relevant to such studies.


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Utilization of biogas can provide a source of renewable energy in both heat and power generation. Combustion of biogas in land-based gas turbines for power generation is a promising approach to reducing greenhouse gases and US dependence on foreign-source fossil fuels. Biogas is a byproduct from the decomposition of organic matter and consists primarily of CH4 and large amounts of CO2. The focus of this research was to design a combustion device and investigate the effects of increasing levels of CO2 addition to the combustion of pure CH4 with air. Using an atmospheric-pressure, swirl-stabilized dump combustor, emissions data and flame stability limitations were measured and analyzed. In particular, CO2, CO, and NOx emissions were the main focus of the combustion products. Additionally, the occurrence of lean blowout and combustion pressure oscillations, which impose significant limitations in operation ranges for actual gas turbines, was observed. Preliminary kinetic and equilibrium modeling was performed using Cantera and CEA for the CH4/CO2/Air combustion systems to analyze the effect of CO2 upon adiabatic flame temperature and emission levels. The numerical and experimental results show similar dependence of emissions on equivalence ratio, CO2 addition, inlet air temperature, and combustor residence time. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.