908 resultados para Supply Chain Analysis
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão da Qualidade
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Industrial
Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos de Gestão
A presente investigação desenvolveu uma análise profunda do setor da distribuição farmacêutica, no período compreendido entre 2000 e 2009, procurando identificar as possíveis relações de interdependência entre o meio envolvente e as opções de estratégia das empresas que constituíram a amostra de estudo e entre as referidas opções de estratégia e as estruturas e o desempenho dessas empresas. A dinâmica do mercado do medicamento na economia nacional, com um valor de 3,2 mil milhões de euros anuais (Infarmed, 2010), apresenta um impacto significativo na esperança de vida e na qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. Segundo a OCDE, os produtos farmacêuticos são responsáveis por quase um quinto de todos os gastos com saúde, em média, nos países da OCDE. Neste contexto, a distribuição farmacêutica representa uma componente crítica. A disponibilização de medicamentos em ambulatório num curto espaço de tempo só é possível devido a uma estrutura logística com características muito específicas. A qualidade do armazenamento e do transporte dos medicamentos desde a saída dos laboratórios até à chegada às farmácias é rigorosamente monitorizada e controlada. O setor da distribuição farmacêutica assume assim uma postura elementar na cadeia do medicamento, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade do sistema de saúde que se tem vindo a verificar nas últimas décadas e prestando um serviço com valor para a comunidade, uma vez que se compromete a assegurar um adequado e contínuo fornecimento de medicamentos para que as necessidades dos doentes e das populações em geral sejam satisfeitas. As alterações verificadas ao longo dos últimos anos estimularam a dinâmica concorrencial entre os diferentes agentes neste mercado, bastante regulamentado e com elevado entrosamento financeiro com o Estado, o que obrigou a rápidas mudanças. Neste contexto, a sobrevivência das empresas, o seu crescimento e a sua perenidade futura têm constituído um desafio abordado de forma diversa por cada empresa.
Previously published scientific papers have reported a negative correlation between drinking water hardness and cardiovascular mortality. Some ecologic and case-control studies suggest the protective effect of calcium and magnesium concentration in drinking water. In this article we present an analysis of this protective relationship in 538 municipalities of Comunidad Valenciana (Spain) from 1991-1998. We used the Spanish version of the Rapid Inquiry Facility (RIF) developed under the European Environment and Health Information System (EUROHEIS) research project. The strategy of analysis used in our study conforms to the exploratory nature of the RIF that is used as a tool to obtain quick and flexible insight into epidemiologic surveillance problems. This article describes the use of the RIF to explore possible associations between disease indicators and environmental factors. We used exposure analysis to assess the effect of both protective factors--calcium and magnesium--on mortality from cerebrovascular (ICD-9 430-438) and ischemic heart (ICD-9 410-414) diseases. This study provides statistical evidence of the relationship between mortality from cardiovascular diseases and hardness of drinking water. This relationship is stronger in cerebrovascular disease than in ischemic heart disease, is more pronounced for women than for men, and is more apparent with magnesium than with calcium concentration levels. Nevertheless, the protective nature of these two factors is not clearly established. Our results suggest the possibility of protectiveness but cannot be claimed as conclusive. The weak effects of these covariates make it difficult to separate them from the influence of socioeconomic and environmental factors. We have also performed disease mapping of standardized mortality ratios to detect clusters of municipalities with high risk. Further standardization by levels of calcium and magnesium in drinking water shows changes in the maps when we remove the effect of these covariates.
The main objective of this perspective paper is to analyze the role of the judiciary in resolving conflicts between cattle raisers and meatpacking firms in Brazil. Looking at the transaction for the acquisition of cattle for slaughter in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (the central-western region of Brazil), the analysis encompasses three steps. First, the authors describe the transaction pattern between cattle raisers and meatpacking firms, identifying a guarantee vacuum within the supply chain. Secondly, the authors present evidence that the guarantee vacuum may give rise to legal conflicts of non-payment, which are indeed prevalent in disputes that reach the courts. Finally, the role of the judiciary in resolving these conflicts is investigated. Results suggest that, on average, producers have little confidence in the legal system, indicating the potential function that informal mechanisms may play in the supply chain. The paper concludes by suggesting some implications for public and private strategies.
In this thesis, I develop analytical models to price the value of supply chain investments under demand uncer¬tainty. This thesis includes three self-contained papers. In the first paper, we investigate the value of lead-time reduction under the risk of sudden and abnormal changes in demand forecasts. We first consider the risk of a complete and permanent loss of demand. We then provide a more general jump-diffusion model, where we add a compound Poisson process to a constant-volatility demand process to explore the impact of sudden changes in demand forecasts on the value of lead-time reduction. We use an Edgeworth series expansion to divide the lead-time cost into that arising from constant instantaneous volatility, and that arising from the risk of jumps. We show that the value of lead-time reduction increases substantially in the intensity and/or the magnitude of jumps. In the second paper, we analyze the value of quantity flexibility in the presence of supply-chain dis- intermediation problems. We use the multiplicative martingale model and the "contracts as reference points" theory to capture both positive and negative effects of quantity flexibility for the downstream level in a supply chain. We show that lead-time reduction reduces both supply-chain disintermediation problems and supply- demand mismatches. We furthermore analyze the impact of the supplier's cost structure on the profitability of quantity-flexibility contracts. When the supplier's initial investment cost is relatively low, supply-chain disin¬termediation risk becomes less important, and hence the contract becomes more profitable for the retailer. We also find that the supply-chain efficiency increases substantially with the supplier's ability to disintermediate the chain when the initial investment cost is relatively high. In the third paper, we investigate the value of dual sourcing for the products with heavy-tailed demand distributions. We apply extreme-value theory and analyze the effects of tail heaviness of demand distribution on the optimal dual-sourcing strategy. We find that the effects of tail heaviness depend on the characteristics of demand and profit parameters. When both the profit margin of the product and the cost differential between the suppliers are relatively high, it is optimal to buffer the mismatch risk by increasing both the inventory level and the responsive capacity as demand uncertainty increases. In that case, however, both the optimal inventory level and the optimal responsive capacity decrease as the tail of demand becomes heavier. When the profit margin of the product is relatively high, and the cost differential between the suppliers is relatively low, it is optimal to buffer the mismatch risk by increasing the responsive capacity and reducing the inventory level as the demand uncertainty increases. In that case, how¬ever, it is optimal to buffer with more inventory and less capacity as the tail of demand becomes heavier. We also show that the optimal responsive capacity is higher for the products with heavier tails when the fill rate is extremely high.
Diplomityön tavoite jaettiin kahteen osaan, joista ensimmäinen oli laskentamallin rakentaminen tulologistiikkaan. Tavoitteen toinen osa muodostui optimaalisen ratkaisuehdotuksen tekemisestä työn tilaajana olevan yrityksen eräälle tuoteperheelle rakennettua laskentamallia hyödyntäen. Työn teoriaosuudessa esiteltiin keskeisiä tekijöitä, joilla on vaikutusta toimitusketjun sekä tulologistiikan hallintaan. Lisäksi teorian ja esimerkkilaskelmien avulla esiteltiin rakennetun laskentamallin kannalta keskeistä toimitusketjun varastojen laskentaa. Työn tuloksina esiteltiin rakennettua laskentamallia sekä yrityksen kahdelle valmistuspaikalle laskentamallilla tehtyjen tulologististen laskelmien keskeisiä tuloksia. Laskelmien yksityiskohtaiset tulokset eivät ole sisällytetty työhön. Tuoteperheen optimaaliset ratkaisuehdotukset valmistuspaikoittain muodostettiin laskelmien analysoinnin pohjalta.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli määrittää hyötyjä, joita Stora Enso on saavuttanut ottamalla käyttöön extranet-järjestelmän, jonka avulla asiakkaat voivat seurata toimitusketjuaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskityttiin taloudellisten hyötyjen määrittämiseen ja aineettomien hyötyjen tutkiminen rajattiintyön ulkopuolelle. Samalla tuli kehittää mittarit itsepalveluasteiden laskemiseksi tietyille toiminnoille, joita asiakkaat voivat hyödyntää järjestelmässä. Myös toiminnot, joita järjestelmässä pääasiassa käytetään, tuli määrittää kvantitatiivisen tutkimuksen avulla. Myyntihenkilöstön haastattelut toimivat apuna laskettaessa taloudellisia hyötyjä. Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään yleisesti sähköisiä palveluita erityisesti yritysten välistä kaupankäyntiä koskevalla alueella. Myös toimitusketjua ja tunnusluku mittareiden rakentamista on esitelty yleisellä tasolla teoriaosassa. Työn keskeisimmät tulokset ovat itsepalveluasteiden mittarit, niiden avulla lasketut itsepalveluasteet sekä taloudelliset hyödyt, joita yrityson saavuttanut järjestelmän käyttöönoton jälkeen.
Diplomityössä tavoitteena on saada selvitys, jonka avulla yritys löytää toimitusprojekteistaan parannusta ja huomiota vaativat osa-alueet projektimuotoisten toimitusten kustannusrakennetta ja optimointia tarkastelemalla. Näin yritys voi tulevaisuudessa kehittää projektitoimituksen osa-alueita niin että se voi vastata asiakkaiden asettamiin vaatimuksiin sekä haasteisiin entistä nopeammin ja tarkemmin. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana ovat projektiajattelu sekä siihen liittyvän toimitusketjun prosessit, joiden avulla lähestytään tutkimuksen ongelmaa ja selvitetään koko toimitusprojektin kehitystä vaativat alueet. Tutkimuksessa vaaditut tiedot saavutettiin vapaamuotoisten haastattelujen, yrityksen dokumentteja tutkimalla sekä yhteistyökumppanien avulla. Projektitoimituksen kokonaisvaltainen kehitys vaatii yhteistyötä ja huomiota toimitusketjun jokaisessa osa-alueessa aina raaka-ainelähteiltä loppukäyttäjälle asti. Näin voidaan saavuttaa tietojen avoimuus ja täsmällisyys, jotta päästään parhaaseen lopputulokseen projektitoimituksen osalta. Erityisesti kustannusrakenteen jakauma tuleehuomioida tulevaisuudessa tarkasti tehtäessä projektitoimitukseen liittyviä ratkaisuja. Esivalmistusasteen tarkastelu asetettiin työn alussa yhdeksi tärkeimmäksi tutkimuskohteeksi. Tarkastelussa havaittiin, että valmistusasteen valinnalla voidaan vaikuttaa lähes puoleen reaktorin kustannusrakenteen mukaisista kustannuksista kuten työ-, kuljetus- ja asennuskustannukseen. Myös materiaalikustannukset ovat suuressa roolissa reaktorinkustannusrakenteessa, joten tähän tulee kiinnittää myös huomiota. Muita tutkittavia tekijöitä, jotka pääasiassa vaikuttivat materiaali- ja asennuskustannuksiin työssä olivat paineastiastandardin ja paineluokan sekä valmistuspaikan valinta. Lisäksi huomioitiin toteutuneiden toimitusten eroavaisuuksia teoreettisiin ratkaisuihin ja etsittiin näistä mahdollisia kehitys- ja kustannussäästökohteita.
Työn tavoitteena on ideoida keinoja, joilla tehottomasti toimivaa tilaustoimitusprosessia voidaan kehittää. Ideoidut kehittämistoimet pohjautuvat tilaustoimitusprosessin toimivuutta selvittävään tutkimukseen ja niillä tavoitellaan kohdeyrityksessä valmistettavien suurien tahtikoneiden tilaustoimitusprosessin korkeampaa tuottavuutta ja laaduntuottokykyä, lyhyempiä läpäisyaikoja sekä pienempää keskeneräisen tuotannon määrää. Työssä keskitytään kehittämään tilaustoimitusprosessin alkupään vaiheiden eli tilauskohtaisen suunnittelun ja projektinhoidon epästandardeja toimintatapoja sekä puutteellisia työvälineitä. Työn tutkimusvaiheessa selvitetään tilaustoimitusprosessinnykytila prosessiin osallistuvia henkilöitä haastattelemalla, tutkimalla toteutuneita toimitusaika- ja nimikerakenteita sekä esiintyneitä laatupoikkeamia. Näin pyritään löytämään nykyisen toimintamallin ongelmakohdat, joihin kehittämisen painopistealue asetetaan. Tutkimusvaiheeseen kuuluu myös kirjallisuustutkimus, jossa paneudutaan tilaustoimitusprosessin toimintaan yleisellä tasolla sekä kartoitetaan niitä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat tilaustoimitusprosessin tehokkuuteen. Lisäksi kirjallisuustutkimuksessa perehdytään yksittäistuotantoon liittyvään teoriaan ja erilaisiin tapoihin organisoida sen toimintaa. Tutkimusvaiheen jälkeen esitellään tutkimukseen pohjautuvat toimenpide-ehdotukset kohdeyrityksen tilaustoimitusprosessin tehokkuuden parantamiseksi.Ehdotettuja toimintaa tehostavia keinoja ovat simultaanisuunnittelu, erilaistensuunnittelun ja tuotannon yhteistyötä tukevien tietojärjestelmien rakentaminen,DFMA-analyysin käyttöönotto, tuotteiden rakenteiden tehokas modulointi sekä mallirakenne yrityksen heikoimmin vakioidulle tuotteelle. Ennen kehitystoimien aloittamista yrityksen toimistoprosessin toimivuutta ehdotetaan lisäksi tarkasteltavan työntutkimuksen keinoin.
The aim of this study is to present an Activity-Based Costing spreadsheet tool for analyzing the logistics costs. The tool can be used both by customer-companies and logistics service providers. The study discusses the influence of different activity models on costs. Additionally this paper discusses about the logistical performance across the total supply chain This study is carried out using ananalytical research approach and literature material has been used for supplementing the concerned research approach. Cost structure analysis was based on the theory of activity-based management. This study was outlined to spare part logistics in machine-shop industry. The outlines of logistics services and logisticalperformance discussed in this report are based on the new logistics business concept (LMS-concept), which has been presented earlier in the Valssi-project. Oneof the aims of this study is to increase awareness of different activity modelson logistics costs. The report paints an overall picture about the business environment and requirements for the new logistics concept.
VALOSADE (Value Added Logistics in Supply and Demand Chains) is the research project of Anita Lukka's VALORE (Value Added Logistics Research) research team inLappeenranta University of Technology. VALOSADE is included in ELO (Ebusiness logistics) technology program of Tekes (Finnish Technology Agency). SMILE (SME-sector, Internet applications and Logistical Efficiency) is one of four subprojects of VALOSADE. SMILE research focuses on case network that is composed of small and medium sized mechanical maintenance service providers and global wood processing customers. Basic principle of SMILE study is communication and ebusiness insupply and demand network. This first phase of research concentrates on creating backgrounds for SMILE study and for ebusiness solutions of maintenance case network. The focus is on general trends of ebusiness in supply chains and networksof different industries; total ebusiness system architecture of company networks; ebusiness strategy of company network; information value chain; different factors, which influence on ebusiness solution of company network; and the correlation between ebusiness and competitive advantage. Literature, interviews and benchmarking were used as research methods in this qualitative case study. Networks and end-to-end supply chains are the organizational structures, which can add value for end customer. Information is one of the key factors in these decentralized structures. Because of decentralization of business, information is produced and used in different companies and in different information systems. Information refinement services are needed to manage information flows in company networksbetween different systems. Furthermore, some new solutions like network information systems are utilised in optimising network performance and in standardizingnetwork common processes. Some cases have however indicated, that utilization of ebusiness in decentralized business model is not always a necessity, but value-add of ICT must be defined case-specifically. In the theory part of report, different ebusiness and architecture models are introduced. These models are compared to empirical case data in research results. The biggest difference between theory and empirical data is that models are mainly developed for large-scale companies - not for SMEs. This is due to that implemented network ebusiness solutions are mainly large company centered. Genuine SME network centred ebusiness models are quite rare, and the study in that area has been few in number. Business relationships between customer and their SME suppliers are nowadays concentrated more on collaborative tactical and strategic initiatives besides transaction based operational initiatives. However, ebusiness systems are further mainly based on exchange of operational transactional data. Collaborative ebusiness solutions are in planning or pilot phase in most case companies. Furthermore, many ebusiness solutions are nowadays between two participants, but network and end-to-end supply chain transparency and information systems are quite rare. Transaction volumes, data formats, the types of exchanged information, information criticality,type and duration of business relationship, internal information systems of partners, processes and operation models (e.g. different ordering models) differ among network companies, and furthermore companies are at different stages on networking and ebusiness readiness. Because of former factors, different customer-supplier combinations in network must utilise totally different ebusiness architectures, technologies, systems and standards.
This study focuses on corporate social responsibility (or CSR)as the latest dimension to emerge in the corporate responsibility and sustainability agenda, which in the recent past has rapidly risen to the top of the list of concerns for civil societies worldwide. Despite the continuing debates and discussions about the scope, benefits, and impacts of CSR to business and community in various sectors, levels, and types of society, many companies have moved forward to confront the opportunities and challenges of CSR. Thus, this study is about those proactive companies with a focus on the importance of CSR and its management inside and outside the company. It is an exploration and learning from the experience of Finnish companies, as well as other actors interested or involved in shaping the course of CSR, locally and globally. It also looks closely at how national culture affects the views, thinking, and management of CSR in a welfare state. This dissertation primarily draws on the analyses of information collected from a series of qualitative interviews and the existing literature in the area. This is complemented by an analysis of written and published documents on CSR from various sources. The results of the study give insightful information and detailed descriptions of a roadmap useful in learning and understanding CSR in Finnish companies. Despite the varying conceptual connotations, essential roadmap indicators point to the importance of framing CSR within the corporate responsibility concept, Finnish development and the welfare state system, globalization, stakeholders, and the pursuit of sustainable development as the main drivers of CSR, the remarkable progress of CSR in companies, and identification of key management areas and practices relevant to CSR. Similarly,the study reveals the importance of culture as essential in understanding and learning CSR. Finnish culture has a positive influence on the views, thinking, and management practices of CSR issues. Such a positive influence of culture, therefore, makes it easy for business people to discuss and understand CSR, because those CSR issues are already considered common and taken-for-granted by Finns and are implicit in the welfare state provisions. The experience of Finnish companies in implementing CSR policies in the supply chain is a concrete proactive step in advancing the message of CSR, that is, to bring companies and suppliers together to work on improving and strengthening relationships towards socially responsible practices worldwide. Such a forward step to deal with CSR issues in the supply chain reflects the companies' commitments and belief that CSR can be managed with the suppliers and gain positive benefits. Despite the problems and complexities, particularly in the global supply chain, managing CSR for Finnish companies presents new opportunities and challenges that are expected to intensify in the near future. The focus on CSR policy implementation inthe supply chain points to the importance of companies taking initiatives and forging cooperation with suppliers with the aim of addressing and improving CSR questions in the supply chains. The proactive stance of Finnish companies toward CSR is complemented by the active supporting role of important societalactors such as the government and NGOs. These actors carry out various promotional efforts and campaigns, thus bringing CSR into the mainstream of Finnish companies and strengthening the synergistic learning about CSR within the Finnish business and civil circles. The efforts of the government and NGOs to promote CSR are indicative of the importance of multipartite involvement and the emergence of better civil regulations. Likewise, their drive to learn from each other, exchange experiences, and contribute in CSR debates facilitated the evolution of CSRnetworks in the country. The results of this study add to the mounting evidence that CSR, in general, has created a new dimension in managing corporate sustainability. This study provides compelling empirical evidence and some direct quotations about CSR in the Finnish context. This information can be used to learn and gain new useful insights, approaches, and concepts for managing CSR.
The major objective of this thesis is to describe and analyse how a railcarrier is engaged in an intermodal freight transportation network through its role and position. Because of the fact that the role as a conceptualisation has a lot of parallels with the position, both these phenomena are evaluated theoretically and empirically. VR Cargo (a strategical business unitof the Finnish railway company VR Ltd.) was chosen to be the focal firm surrounded by the actors of the focal net. Because of the fact that networks are sets of relationships rather than sets of actors, it is essential to describe the dimensions of the relationships created through the time thus having a past, presentand future. The roles are created during long common history shared by the actors especially when IM networks are considered. The presence of roles is embeddedin the tasks, and the future is anchored to the expectations. Furthermore, in this study role refers to network dynamics, and to incremental and radical changes in the network, in a similar way as position refers to stability and to the influences of bonded structures. The main purpose of the first part of the study was to examine how the two distinctive views that have a dominant position in modern logistics ¿ the network view (particularly IMP-based network approach) and the managerial view (represented by Supply Chain Management) differ, especially when intermodalism is under consideration. In this study intermodalism was defined as a form of interorganisational behaviour characterized by the physical movement of unitized goods with Intermodal Transport Units, using more than one mode as performed by the net of operators. In this particular stage the study relies mainly on theoretical evaluation broadened by some discussions with the practitioners. This is essential, because the continuous dialogue between theory and practice is highly emphasized. Some managerial implications are discussed on the basis of the theoretical examination. A tentative model for empirical analysis in subsequent research is suggested. The empirical investigation, which relies on the interviews among the members in the focal net, shows that the major role of the focal company in the network is the common carrier. This role has some behavioural and functional characteristics, such as an executive's disclosure expressing strategic will attached with stable and predictable managerial and organisational behaviour. Most important is the notion that the focal company is neutral for all the other operators, and willing to enhance and strengthen the collaboration with all the members in the IM network. This also means that all the accounts are aimed at being equal in terms of customer satisfaction. Besides, the adjustments intensify the adopted role. However, the focal company is also obliged tosustain its role as it still has a government-erected right to maintain solely the railway operations on domestic tracks. In addition, the roles of a dominator, principal, partner, subcontractor, and integrator were present appearing either in a dyadic relationship or in net(work) context. In order to reveal differentroles, a dualistic interpretation of the concept of role/position was employed.