994 resultados para Soi


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Lateral insulated gate bipolar transistors (LIGBTs) in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) show a unique turn off characteristic when compared to junction-isolated RESURF LIGBTs or vertical IGBTs. The turn off characteristic shows an extended `terrace' where, after the initial fast transient characteristic of IGBTs due to the loss of the electron current, the current stays almost at the same value for an extended period of time, before suddenly dropping to zero. In this paper, we show that this terrace arises because there is a value of LIGBT current during switch off where the rate of expansion of the depletion region with respect to the anode current is infinite. Once this level of anode current is approached, the depletion region starts to expand very rapidly, and is only stopped when it reaches the n-type buffer layer surrounding the anode. Once this happens, the current rapidly drops to zero. A quasi-static analytic model is derived to explain this behaviour. The analytically modelled turn off characteristic agrees well with that found by numerical simulation.


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We report a technique which can be used to improve the accuracy of infrared (IR) surface temperature measurements made on MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical- Systems) devices. The technique was used to thermally characterize a SOI (Silicon-On-Insulator) CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) MEMS thermal flow sensor. Conventional IR temperature measurements made on the sensor were shown to give significant surface temperature errors, due to the optical transparency of the SiO 2 membrane layers and low emissivity/high reflectivity of the metal. By making IR measurements on radiative carbon micro-particles placed in isothermal contact with the device, the accuracy of the surface temperature measurement was significantly improved. © 2010 EDA Publishing/THERMINIC.


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This paper reports on a switchable multi-band filter response achieved within a single micro-electro-mechanical device. A prototype device fabricated in a SOI process demonstrates a voltage programmable and tunable, dual-band, band-pass/band-stop response. Both analytical and finite element models are introduced in this paper to elucidate the operating principle of the filter and to guide filter design. Voltage programmability of the filter characteristic is demonstrated with the ability to independently tune the centre frequency and bandwidth for each band. A representative measurement shows that the minimum 3 dB-bandwidth (BW) is 155 Hz, 140Hz, and 20 dB-BW is 216 Hz, 203Hz for the upper-band and lower-band center frequencies located at 131.5 kHz and 130.7 kHz, respectively. © 2011 IEEE.


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The present paper deals with the influence of El Nino event on the summer monsoon rainfall over Pakistan. The correlation between monthly rainfall of summer monsoon season and bi-Monthly Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) has been calculated to see the influence of El Nino on the summer monsoon rainfall. MEI is bimonthly ENSO Index pertaining to the period from first week of previous month to first week of the month under consideration. While study the correlation's with the ENSO events out side the Pacific Ocean MEI is more appropriate than other indices like Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) as MEI integrates complete information on ENSO viz. six oceanic and meteorological variables over the tropical Pacific. The results of the study show that there is a tendency of reduction in summer monsoon rainfall over Pakistan during El Nino years. The deficiency in % rainfall is statistically significant up to 90% level during July and September months. It is interesting to note that Pakistan receives more than normal rainfall during summer monsoon season in the immediate following year after the El Nino event. The correlation analysis is also performed on the summer monsoon months for individual provinces of Pakistan. All provinces receive deficient rainfall during monsoon months. The deficiency in rainfall over Punjab during all monsoon months is significant, whereas the deficiency in rainfall is significant during July and August over NWFP and Sindh respectively. No significant impact of El Nino on the summer monsoon rainfall over Baluchistan is observed.


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We investigate the electrical properties of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) photonic crystals as a function of both doping level and air filling factor. The resistance trends can be clearly explained by the presence of a depletion region around the sidewalls of the holes that is caused by band pinning at the surface. To understand the trade-off between the carrier transport and the optical losses due to free electrons in the doped SOI, we also measured the resonant modes of L3 photonic crystal nanocavities and found that surprisingly high doping levels, up to 1018 / cm3, are acceptable for practical devices with Q factors as high as 4× 104. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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We present experimental measurements on Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) photonic crystal slabs with an active layer containing Er3+ ions-doped Silicon nanoclusters (Si-nc), showing strong enhancement of 1.54 μm emission at room temperature. We provide a systematic theoretical analysis to interpret such results. In order to get further insight, we discuss experimental data on the guided luminescence of unpatterned SOI planar slot waveguides, which show enhanced light emission in transverse-magnetic (TM) modes over transverse-electric (TE) ones. ©2007 IEEE.


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This paper presents for the first time the performance of a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) p-n thermodiode, which can operate in an extremely wide temperature range of 200°C to 700°C while maintaining its linearity. The thermodiode is embedded in a thin dielectric membrane underneath a tungsten microheater, which allows the diode characterization at very high temperature (> 800°C). The effect of the junction area (Aj) on the thermodiode linearity, sensitivity and self-heating is experimentally and theoretically investigated. Results on the long-term diode stability at high temperature are also reported. © 2013 IEEE.


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Non-dispersive-infra-red (NDIR) sensors are believed to be one of the most selective and robust solutions for CO2 detection, though cost prohibits their broader integration. In this paper we propose a commercially viable silicon-on-insulator (SOI) complementary metal-oxide (CMOS) micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS) technology for an IR thermal emitter. For the first time, vertically aligned multi walled carbon nanotubes (VA-MWCNTs) are suggested as a possible coating for the enhancement of the emission intensity of the optical source of a NDIR system. VA-MWCNTs have been grown in situ by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) exclusively on the heater area. Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy have been used to verify the quality of the VA-MWCNTs growth. The CNT-coated emitter demonstrated an increased response to CO2 of approx. 60%. Furthermore, we show that the VA-MWCNTs are stable up to temperatures of 500°C for up to 100 hours. © 2013 IEEE.


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A high efficiency and broad bandwidth grating coupler between a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) nanophotonic waveguide and fibre is designed and fabricated. Coupling efficiencies of 46% and 25% at a wavelength of 1.55 mu m are achieved by simulation and experiment, respectively. An optical 3 dB bandwidth of 45 nm from 1530 nm to 1575 nm is also obtained in experiment. Numerical calculation shows that a tolerance to fabrication error of 10 nm in etch depth is achievable. The measurement results indicate that the alignment error of +/-2 mu m results in less than 1 dB additional coupling loss.


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The effect of the Coulomb interaction on the energy spectrum and anisotropic distribution of two electron states in a quantum ring in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI) and Dresselhaus SOI (DSOI) is investigated in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. We find that the interplay between the RSOI and DSOI makes the single quantum ring behaves like a laterally coupled quantum dot and the interdot coupling can be tuned by changing the strengths of the SOIs. The interplay can lead to singlet-triplet state mixing and anticrossing behavior when the singlet and triplet states meet with increasing magnetic field. The two electron ground state displays a bar-bell-like spatial anisotropic distribution in a quantum ring at a specific crystallographic direction, i.e., [110] or [1 (1) over bar0], which can be switched by reversing the direction of the perpendicular electric field. The ground state exhibits a singlet-triplet state transition with increasing magnetic field and strengths of RSOI and DSOI. An anisotropic electron distribution is predicted which can be detected through the measurement of its optical properties.


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A silicon-on-insulator optical fiber-to-waveguide spot-size converter (SSC) using Poly-MethylMethAcrylate (PMMA) is presented for integrated optical circuits. Unlike the conventional use of PMMA as a positive resist, it has been successfully used as a negative resist with high-dose electron exposure for the fabrication of ultrafine silicon wire waveguides. Additionally, this process is able to reduce the side-wall roughness, and substantially depresses the unwanted propagation loss. Exploiting this technology, the authors demonstrated that the SSC can improve coupling efficiency by as much as over 2.5 dB per coupling facet, compared with that of SSC fabricated with PMMA as a positive resist with the same dimension.


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We demonstrate a sub-nanosecond electro-optical switch with low crosstalk in a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) dual-coupled micro-ring embedded with p-i-n diodes. A crosstalk of -23 dB is obtained in the 20-mu m-radius micro-ring with the well-designing asymmetric dual-coupling structure. By optimizations of the doping profiles and the fabrication processes, the sub-nanosecond switch-on/off time of < 400 ps is finally realized under an electrical pre-emphasized driving signal. This compact and fast-response micro-ring switch, which can be fabricated by complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible technologies, have enormous potential in optical interconnects of multicore networks-on-chip.


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A wafer-level testable silicon-on-insulator-based microring modulator is demonstrated with high modulation speed, to which the grating couplers are integrated as the fiber-to-chip interfaces. Cost-efficient fabrications are realized with the help of optical structure and etching depth designs. Grating couplers and waveguides are patterned and etched together with the same slab thickness. Finally we obtain a 3-dB coupling bandwidth of about 60nm and 10 Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero modulation by wafer-level optical and electrical measurements.


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