897 resultados para College student orientation
Student engagement in a course is an important precursor of academic success. Within the discipline of accounting, successful completion of the self-study component of the course is a critical aspect of student engagement and success. Web-enhanced learning offers an apportunity to provide a structured learning environment with improved access to learning tools and immediate feedback that can improve completion rates of self-study activities. This study evaluated student perceptions and academic results relating to the implementation of a web-enhanced study module in an introductory accounting course in Business Administration department at John Abbott College. The results of this study indicate both a strongly favourable student perception of the web-enhanced study module as well as improved homework completion rates and academic results, particularly among students that had previously performed poorly within a tradional, non web-enhanced seelf study environment.||Résumé : L'engagement des élèves dans un cours est un précurseur important de la réussite scolaire. Dans la discipline de la comptabilité, la réussite de la composante d'auto-apprentissage du cours est un aspect critique de l'engagement et la réussite des élèves. Amélioration de l'apprentissage par Internet offre la possibilité de fournir un environnement d'apprentissage structuré avec un meilleur accès aux outils d'apprentissage et la rétroaction immédiate qui peuvent améliorer les taux d'achèvement des activités d'auto-apprentissage. Cette étude a évalué les perceptions des élèves et les résultats scolaires relatives à la mise en oeuvre d'un module d'étude avec accès Internet à un cours d'introduction à la comptabiblilté dans le département d'administration des affaires au Cégep John Abbott. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent à la fois une perception des étudiants fortement favorable du module d'étude avec accès Internet ansi que l'amélioration des taux d'achèvement des devoirs et des résultats scolaires en particulier chez les élèves qui avaient de mauvais résultats dans un cadre traditionnel, l'environnement d'étude non accès Internet.
Based on a multidimensional definition of academic expectations (AEs), the authors examine students’ AE component scores across countries and genders. Two samples (343 Portuguese and 358 Spanish students) completed the Academic Perceptions Questionnaire (APQ) six months after enrolling in their universities. Factorial invariance was ensured across countries and genders, allowing us to study AEs using the APQ for both genders and in both countries. No significant differences in factor means were found between countries, indicating that AEs are not an obstacle to student mobility. Gender differences were found in some AE factor means, Training for employment, Personal and social development, Student mobility, Political engagement and citizenship, and Social pressure, with males exhibiting higher scores. Because these differences are not supported by most literature in this domain, further studies are needed to clarify the causes of women’s lower expectations and, therefore, risk of adaptation difficulties.
The impact of service direction, service training and staff behaviours on perceptions of service delivery are examined. The impact of managerial behaviour in the form of internal market orientation (IMO) on the attitudes of frontline staff towards the firm and its consequent influence on their customer oriented behaviours is also examined. Frontline service staff working in the consumer transport industry were surveyed to provide subjective data about the constructs of interest in this study, and the data were analysed using structural equations modelling employing partial least squares estimation. The data indicate significant relationships between internal market orientation (IMO), the attitudes of the employees to the firm and their consequent behaviour towards customers. Customer orientation, service direction and service training are all identified as antecedents to high levels of service delivery. The study contributes to marketing theory by providing quantitative evidence to support assumptions that internal marketing has an impact on services success. For marketing practitioners, the research findings offer additional information about the management, training and motivation of service staff towards service excellence.