878 resultados para limited company
The importance of university-company collaboration has increased during the last decades. The drivers for that are, on the one hand, changes in business logic of companies and on the other hand the decreased state funding of universities. Many companies emphasize joint research with universities as an enabling input to their development processes, which aim at creating new innovations, products and wealth. These factors have changed universities’ operations and they have adopted several practices of dynamic business organizations, such as strategic planning, monitoring and controlling methods of internal processes etc. The objective of this thesis is to combine different characteristics of successful university-company partnership and its development. The development process starts with identifying potential partners in the university’s interest group, which requires understanding the role of different partners in the innovation system. Next, in order to find a common development basis, matching the policy and strategy between partners is needed. The third phase is to combine the academic and industrial objectives of a joint project, which is a typical form of university-company collaboration. The optimum is a win-win situation where both partners, universities and companies, can get addedvalue. For the companies added value typically means access to new research results before their competitors. For the universities added value offers a possibility to carry on high level scientific work. The research output in the form of published scientific articles is evaluated by the international science community. Because the university-company partnership is often executed by joint projects, the different forms of this kind of projects is discussed in this study. The most challenging form of collaboration is a semi-open project model, which is not based on bilateral activities between universities and companies but on a consortium of several universities, research institutes and companies. The universities and companies are core actors in the innovation system. Thus the discussion of their roles and relations to public operators like publicly funded financiers is important. In the Finnish innovation system there are at least the following doers executing strategies and policies: EU, Academy of Finland and TEKES. In addition to these, Strategic Centres for Science, Technology and Innovation which are owned jointly by companies, universities and research organizations have a very important role in their fields of business. They transfer research results into commercial actions to generate wealth. The thesis comprises two parts. The first part consists of an overview of the study including introduction, literature review, research design, synthesis of findings and conclusions. The second part introduces four original research publications.
Pro gradu –tutkielman ensisijaisena tavoitteena on selvittää miksi kiinteistön omista-minen on perusteltua järjestää konsernissa kiinteistöyhtiön välityksellä. Tutkielman aiheen käsittely on rajattu koskemaan vain kotimaista lainsäädäntöä. Tutkimuson-gelman perusteella tutkielmassa keskitytään tarkastelemaan emoyhtiön näkökulmas-ta siihen kohdistuvia tuloverovaikutuksia, kun se omistaa kiinteistöyhtiön. Tutkielmas-sa on tutkimusmetodina sovellettu lainoppia ja tutkimus kuuluu vero-oikeuden alaan. Koska vero-oikeutta tulkitaan lain sanamuodon mukaisesti, tutkimuksessa annetaan runsaasti painoarvoa voimassa olevalle lainsäädännölle. Kuitenkin tulkinnanvaraisis-sa kysymyksissä tutkielmassa on myös hyödynnetty korkeimman hallinto-oikeuden ratkaisukäytäntöä sekä vero-oikeudellista kirjallisuutta. Tutkielmassa selvitettyjen seikkojen perusteella voidaan todeta, että yksiselitteisen tulkintasuosituksen antaminen tutkimusongelman ratkaisemiseksi on haastavaa, kos-ka jokaisen yrityksen tarpeet kiinteistön omistamiseen vaihtelevat liiketoiminnan olo-suhteiden mukaisesti. Toisaalta konsernirakenteen synnyttämistä emoyhtiön ja kiin-teistöyhtiön välille voidaan perustella esimerkiksi osinkotulon verotehokkaalla kana-voimiselle kiinteistöyhtiön tasolta emoyhtiölle sekä konsernin efektiivisen veroasteen pienentämisellä konserniyhtiöiden välisen lainan avulla. Lisäksi kiinteistöyhtiön luovu-tustilanteessa verotuksen tulolähdejaon merkitys korostuu, kun ratkaistaan voidaanko myyntiin soveltaa elinkeinoverolain mukaista käyttöomaisuusosakkeiden luovutuksen verovapaussäännöksiä, ja toisaalta, miten mahdollisia kiinteistöyhtiön myynnistä johtuvia luovutustappioita käsitellään emoyhtiön tuloverotuksen näkökulmasta.
Arvoverkostojen välinen kilpailu nykyisessä liiketoiminnassa on johtanut siihen, että toimittajaportfolioita pyritään hallitsemaan yhä strategisemmin. Yksi tapa hallita yrityksen toimittajaportfoliota on segmentoida toimittajat eri kategorioihin ja asettaa näille kategorioille strategiset tavoitteet. Segmentoinnin työkaluina voidaan käyttää ostoportfolioita, joita on suunniteltu useita erilaisia erilaisiin tarpeisiin. Käytetyin portfoliomalli on Kraljicin ostoportfolio, jota käytetään visualisoimaan yrityksen toimittajia ja tuotteita niiden tuottovaikutuksen ja toimitusriskin perusteella. Tutkimuksen tavoite oli ymmärtää, miten hankinta-alan asiantuntijat hallitsevat toimittajaportfoliotaan, painottaen erityisesti sitä, miten hankinta-asiantuntijat käyttävät tieteellisiä ostoportfolioita todellisessa liike-elämässä. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisin menetelmin, koska työn tarkoituksena oli ymmärtää syvällisesti tutkittavia kohteita ja pohtia niitä taustatekijöitä, jotka puoltavat tai hidastavat ostoportfolioiden käyttöä yrityksissä. Työssä haastateltiin viittä hankinta-alan asiantuntijaa, joista kaksi työskentelee johtavissa tehtävissä yksityisessä osakeyhtiössä ja kolme työskentelee johtavissa tehtävissä julkisessa osakeyhtiössä. Työn lopputuloksena voidaan todeta, että Kraljicin ostoportfoliota käytetään laajasti erilaisissa hankinnoissa, mutta muita tieteellisiä malleja ei käytetä. Portfolionanalyysin käyttö liittyy usein hankintaosaston kokoon, hankintahenkilöstön asiantuntevuuteen ja koulutukseen, strategisuuteen ja strategiseen vaikutusvaltaan yrityksessä. Niiden käyttö riippuu myös siitä, minkälaisia hankintoja tehdään. Haastavimmaksi ostoportfolioiden käyttö koetaan palveluiden hankinnoissa. Portfoliomallia hyödynnetään erityisesti, kun yritys kartoittaa toimittajakenttäänsä hakiessaan uusia muutossuuntia liiketoimintaansa.
Sosiaalinen media on muuttanut markkinointia vuorovaikutteisuudella, avoimuudella ja läpinäkyvyydellä. Siksi yritysten kannattaa miettiä kuinka ja miksi lähteä mukaan sosiaaliseen mediaan. Tutkimusta asiasta on rajallisesti ja siksi tässä työssä rakennetaan sosiaalisen media strategia muoviteollisuusalan yritykselle. Työn empiirisessä osuudessa sosiaalisen median strategisia tavoitteita kysyttiin Uponorin johdolta sähköpostikyselyllä. Tulokset analysoitiin kvalitatiivisesti. Lisäksi kartoitettiin Uponorin henkilökunnalle tehdyn verkkopohjaisen lähtötila-analyysin avulla sosiaalisen median käyttöönottoa edistäviä ja estäviä tekijöitä yrityksissä. Aineisto analysoitiin kvantitatiivisin menetelmin. Tulosten perusteella myönteinen suhtautuminen voi edistää sosiaalisen median käyttöönottoa yrityksissä. Toisaalta tutkimuksessa ei voitu osoittaa, että yrityskulttuuriset tekijät estäisivät sosiaalisen median käyttöönottoa. Sosiaalisen median strategia rakennettiin teorian ja kyselyiden tulosten perusteella. Sosiaalisen median käyttö yrityksissä lisääntyy, joten jatkotutkimusta tarvitaan sosiaalisen median hyödyntämisestä yrityskontekstissa myös ulkoisten sidosryhmien osalta.
The shift towards a knowledge-based economy has inevitably prompted the evolution of patent exploitation. Nowadays, patent is more than just a prevention tool for a company to block its competitors from developing rival technologies, but lies at the very heart of its strategy for value creation and is therefore strategically exploited for economic pro t and competitive advantage. Along with the evolution of patent exploitation, the demand for reliable and systematic patent valuation has also reached an unprecedented level. However, most of the quantitative approaches in use to assess patent could arguably fall into four categories and they are based solely on the conventional discounted cash flow analysis, whose usability and reliability in the context of patent valuation are greatly limited by five practical issues: the market illiquidity, the poor data availability, discriminatory cash-flow estimations, and its incapability to account for changing risk and managerial flexibility. This dissertation attempts to overcome these impeding barriers by rationalizing the use of two techniques, namely fuzzy set theory (aiming at the first three issues) and real option analysis (aiming at the last two). It commences with an investigation into the nature of the uncertainties inherent in patent cash flow estimation and claims that two levels of uncertainties must be properly accounted for. Further investigation reveals that both levels of uncertainties fall under the categorization of subjective uncertainty, which differs from objective uncertainty originating from inherent randomness in that uncertainties labelled as subjective are highly related to the behavioural aspects of decision making and are usually witnessed whenever human judgement, evaluation or reasoning is crucial to the system under consideration and there exists a lack of complete knowledge on its variables. Having clarified their nature, the application of fuzzy set theory in modelling patent-related uncertain quantities is effortlessly justified. The application of real option analysis to patent valuation is prompted by the fact that both patent application process and the subsequent patent exploitation (or commercialization) are subject to a wide range of decisions at multiple successive stages. In other words, both patent applicants and patentees are faced with a large variety of courses of action as to how their patent applications and granted patents can be managed. Since they have the right to run their projects actively, this flexibility has value and thus must be properly accounted for. Accordingly, an explicit identification of the types of managerial flexibility inherent in patent-related decision making problems and in patent valuation, and a discussion on how they could be interpreted in terms of real options are provided in this dissertation. Additionally, the use of the proposed techniques in practical applications is demonstrated by three fuzzy real option analysis based models. In particular, the pay-of method and the extended fuzzy Black-Scholes model are employed to investigate the profitability of a patent application project for a new process for the preparation of a gypsum-fibre composite and to justify the subsequent patent commercialization decision, respectively; a fuzzy binomial model is designed to reveal the economic potential of a patent licensing opportunity.
Sales and operations research publications have increased significantly in the last decades. The concept of sales and operations planning (S&OP) has gained increased recognition and has been put forward as the area within Supply Chain Management (SCM). Development of S&OP is based on the need for determining future actions, both for sales and operations, since off-shoring, outsourcing, complex supply chains and extended lead times make challenges for responding to changes in the marketplace when they occur. Order intake of the case company has grown rapidly during the last years. Along with the growth, new challenges considering data management and information flow have arisen due to increasing customer orders. To manage these challenges, case company has implemented S&OP process, though initial process is in early stage and due to this, the process is not managing the increased customer orders adequately. Thesis objective is to explore extensively the S&OP process content of the case company and give further recommendations. Objectives are categorized into six different groups, to clarify the purpose of this thesis. Qualitative research methods used are active participant observation, qualitative interviews, enquiry, education, and a workshop. It is notable that demand planning was felt as cumbersome, so it is typically the biggest challenge in S&OP process. More proactive the sales forecasting can be, more expanded the time horizon of operational planning will turn out. S&OP process is 60 percent change management, 30 percent process development and 10 percent technology. The change management and continuous improvement can sometimes be arduous and set as secondary. It is important that different people are required to improve the process and the process is constantly evaluated. As well as, process governance is substantially in a central role and it has to be managed consciously. Generally, S&OP process was seen important and all the stakeholders were committed to the process. Particular sections were experienced more important than others, depending on the stakeholders’ point of views. Recommendations to objective groups are evaluated by the achievable benefit and resource requirement. The urgent and easily implemented improvement recommendations should be executed firstly. Next steps are to develop more coherent process structure and refine cost awareness. Afterwards demand planning, supply planning, and reporting should be developed more profoundly. For last, information technology system should be implemented to support the process phases.
This master’s thesis studies the case company’s current purchase invoice process and the challenges that are related to it. Like most of other master’s thesis this study consists of both theoretical- and empirical parts. The purpose of this work is to combine theoretical and empirical parts together so that the theoretical part brings value to the empirical case study. The case company’s main business is frequency converters for both low voltage AC & DC drives and medium voltage AC Drives which are used across all industries and applications. The main focus of this study is on the current invoice process modelling. When modelling the existing process with discipline and care, current challenges can be understood better. Empirical study relays heavily on interviews and existing, yet fragmented, data. This, along with own calculations and analysis, creates the foundation for the empirical part of this master’s thesis.
The thesis aims to build a coherent view and understanding of the innovation process and organizational technology adoption in Finnish bio-economy companies with a focus on innovations of a disruptive nature. Disruptive innovations are exceptional hence in order to create generalizations and a unified view of the subject the perspective is also on less radical innovations. Other interests of the thesis are how ideas are discovered and generated and how the nature of the innovation and size of the company affect the technology adoption and innovation process. The data was collected by interviewing six small and six large Finnish bio-economy companies. The results suggest companies regardless of size consider innovation as a core asset in the competitive markets. Organizations want to be considered innovators and early adopters yet these qualities are limited by certain, mainly resource-based factors. In addition the industry, scalability and Finland’s geographical location when seeking funding provide certain challenges. The innovation process may be considered relatively similar whether the idea or technology stems from an internal or external source suggesting the technology adoption process can in fact be linked to the innovation process theories. Thus the thesis introduces a new theoretical model which based on the results of the study and the theories of technology adoption and innovation process aims on characterizing how ideas and technology from both external and internal sources generate into innovations. The innovation process is in large bio-economy companies most often similar to or a modified version of the stage-gate model, while small companies generally have less structured processes. Nevertheless the more disruptive the innovation, the less it fits in the structured processes. This implies disruptive innovation cannot be put in a certain mould but it is rather processed case-by-case.
In the globalising business environment ever fewer market areas remain unknown. Mongolia is yet only considered as an isolated strip between two power states. The purpose of this study is to put Mongolia on the map of academic business research. This is done by describing the transforming network of a foreign company operating in Mongolia. The objective of the study is approached through a case study, which presents the transformation of a Finnish company operating in Mongolia. This study aims at providing understanding on how the foreign case company observes the transformations of its network. The transformation within the case company is reflected to the transformations that occur in the Mongolian business environment. This study was conducted through a qualitative, intrinsic case study approach. The empirical data was gathered by using the method of network pictures. The network pictures were completed with the assistance of themed interviews. In order to be able to analyse the transformation within a network, three different time periods were observed: the past period around 2000, the present around 2014, and the estimated future around 2020. The data was collected from four executives positioned either in Finland, Russia or Mongolia. The respondents have a long experience within the case company, they hold managerial position, and therefore were able to offer valuable data for this study. The analytical framework used to analyse the collected data was built on the industrial network model, the ARA (actors-resources-activities)-model. The study shows that the changing business environment of Mongolia was utilised by the case company. In order to better meet the transforming customer wishes, the case company transformed from being a retailer to being a manufacturer. The case company was able to become a pioneer in the market. Thus, the case company has undergone similar kind of rapid transformation as the economy of Mongolia in entirety. This study shows that the general nature of the ARA-model makes it usable for new research contexts. The initial ARA-model offers a way to identify the dimensions of a network and a mean to understand these dimensions. The ARA-model can be applied to different contexts and to all time dimensions, past, present and future. The managerial recommendations offered in this study are directed towards the managers that plan to start operations in Mongolia. While this study is the first of its kind, it offers a good starting point for the future research on the change of Mongolian business networks. Valuable information could, for example, be obtained from a comparative study between the case company of this study and a multinational mining company operating in Mongolia.
The European Union has gone through significant changes in the past 20 years. The importance of public opinion in politics has increased and the new technologies are empowering the wider public to express its opinions. The purpose of this study is to explore how corporations use the tactic of grassroots lobbying in the European Union environment. The research objectives were addressed through qualitative research methods. Six expert interviews were conducted to find new perspectives and to deepen the understanding of the research objectives. Following the data collection, the research material was transcribed and analysed. In the analysis, the data was organized based on concepts and themes found from the literature review. The empirical findings on grassroots lobbying in the EU were presented. It was found that when a company is selecting grassroots lobbying tactic, the familiarity of the tactic, organizational culture, financial resources and amount of stakeholders seem to have an impact to the selection. The issues that are successfully lobbied through the grassroots-lobbying tactic were seen to be those, which have high and direct impact on lives of people, arouse strong feelings and are not very complex. Furthermore, when deciding on the timing of a campaign, in the EU it was found that a company should take into account the long policy process and limited capabilities to mobilise people. Targeting the object of the campaign and selecting the channels used in a grassroots- lobbying campaign were seen to be in function of identifying the key decision-makers on the issue. The decisions of who to mobilise and the mobilisation channels were considered to be dependant on who the campaign is trying to influence. Also, it was found that when the implementing a grassroots lobbying campaign in the EU environment, the special features such as multiple cultures and languages should be taken into account. This study has provided novel practical insights for corporate grassroots lobbying in the EU environment and furthermore successfully contributed to the academic research in the field.
This research is looking to find out what benefits employees expect the organization of data governance gains for an organization and how it benefits implementing automated marketing capabilities. Quality and usability of the data are crucial for organizations to meet various business needs. Organizations have more data and technology available what can be utilized for example in automated marketing. Data governance addresses the organization of decision rights and accountabilities for the management of an organization’s data assets. With automated marketing it is meant sending a right message, to a right person, at a right time, automatically. The research is a single case study conducted in Finnish ICT-company. The case company was starting to organize data governance and implementing automated marketing capabilities at the time of the research. Empirical material is interviews of the employees of the case company. Content analysis is used to interpret the interviews in order to find the answers to the research questions. Theoretical framework of the research is derived from the morphology of data governance. Findings of the research indicate that the employees expect the organization of data governance among others to improve customer experience, to improve sales, to provide abilities to identify individual customer’s life-situation, ensure that the handling of the data is according to the regulations and improve operational efficiency. The organization of data governance is expected to solve problems in customer data quality that are currently hindering implementation of automated marketing capabilities.
The purpose of this thesis is to explore a different kind of digital content management model and to propose a process in order to manage properly the content on an organization’s website. This process also defines briefly the roles and responsibilities of the different actors implicated. In order to create this process, the thesis has been divided into two parts. First, the theoretical analysis helps to find the two main different content management models, content management adaptation and content management localization model. Each of these models, have been analyzed through a SWOT model in order to identify their particularities and which of them is the best option according to particular organizational objectives. In the empirical part, this thesis has measured the organizational website performance comparing two main data. On one hand, the international website is analyzed in order to identify the results of the content management standardization. On the other hand, content management adaptation, also called content management localization model, is analyzed by looking through the key measure of the Dutch page from the same organization. The resulted output is a process model for localization as well as recommendations on how to proceed when creating a digital content management strategy. However, more research is recommended to provide more comprehensive managerial solutions.
Integration of marketing research data in new product development. Case study: Food industry company
The aim of this master’s thesis is to provide a real life example of how marketing research data is used by different functions in the NPD process. In order to achieve this goal, a case study in a company was implemented where gathering, analysis, distribution and synthesis of marketing research data in NPD were studied. The main research question was formulated as follows: How is marketing research data integrated and used by different company functions in the NPD process? The theory part of the master’s thesis was focused on the discussion of the marketing function role in NPD, use of marketing research particularly in the food industry, as well as issues related to the marketing/R&D interface during the NPD process. The empirical part of the master’s thesis was based on qualitative explanatory case study research. Individual in-depth interviews with company representatives, company documents and online research were used for data collection and analyzed through triangulation method. The empirical findings advocate that the most important marketing data sources at the concept generation stage of NPD are: global trends monitoring, retailing audit and consumers insights. These data sets are crucial for establishing the potential of the product on the market and defining the desired features for the new product to be developed. The findings also suggest the example of successful crossfunctional communication during the NPD process with formal and informal communication patterns. General managerial recommendations are given on the integration in NPD of a strategy, process, continuous improvement, and motivated cross-functional product development teams.