665 resultados para Linguística Aplicada
In this study we investigate the representations that constitute the teaching culture of eleven English (as an additional language) teachers in Santarém, Pará. Following a qualitative paradigm based on interpretation, we could identify twelve representations that allowed the possibility to affirm that, besides the feelings of accomplished regarding their profession, the teachers hold the need to always seek for improvement.
This is a qualitative, documental and interpretative metasearch article on Applied Linguistics (LA) area, where the characteristics of the subjects involved (teachers and learners) in orality appropriation in the Foreign Language (LE) teaching-learning process are studied. In order to develop this article, theatrical texts, body and voice should be considered as appropriation mediators. The assumptions of Ortiz-Alvarez (2009) and Basso (2008) – reflexive competence – concerning the attitude of the teacher as a language professional who is reflexive on his/her practices, together with the definitions of Perrenoud (2000; 2008); Dewey (1959; [1916]2012; Freire (1975; 1976; 1984; 1996); Libâneo (2006) and Schön (1992; 2000) are here used. The professors metasearched on this article are Massaro (2001; 2007; 2008), from the University of São Paulo (USP) and Reis (2008; 2011; 2012), from the University of Brasilia(UnB); they are (re)analyzed according to the paradigms: a reflexive teacher in the exercise of his/her reflexive practices. The search for the conciliation between a practice peddled by theories and the classroom reality is visible on teachers’ thoughts – those professors not only contemplate their approaches and techniques, but also try to change or propose changes on the world perceptions of learners, other language teachers and, sometimes, their institutions. The term reflexivity is used to define the proposal of acting-thinking-(re)acting as a constant of language professionals lives. Along the reading of the metasearched professors’ work, it is noticed that they have a critical reflexive path (reflexivity) on their reflexive practices reality. They demand an emotional and cognitive involvement that supposes personal unique attitudes - such as an open mind that has the ability of listening to different opinions, with no prejudices or resistance which can block a certain question to be seen from a different point of view.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the initial training of foreign language teachers within an extension project, whose goal is to promote teaching Portuguese for Speakers of Other Languages (PFOL) in the Federal University of Technology- Paraná ( UTFPR), Curitiba Campus. Thus, a brief history about the activities developed in the program will be presented as well as its relevance within the university. Also, an analysis of the program and its current status within the Language and Literature undergraduate course - UTFPR will be discussed. Finally, concepts of reflective teaching (Perrenoud, 2002) and teaching based on the indissociation between practice and theory (GIMENEZ, 2005) will be brought up.
Based on a(n) (in)transdisciplinary view, we aim at discussing the relationship between utterance and hybridism upon Bakhtin’s Circle perspective (BAKHTIN, 2003[1979]; 1998[1975]; 2008[1963]; BAKHTIN/VOLOCHÍNOV, 2006[1929]; MEDVIÉDEV, 2012[1928]), by objectiving to construct a comprehension concerning the hybrid genres, in special, to this present study, the hybrid genres from the journalism sphere. To do so, we follow an epistemological, theoretical and methodological way in accordance with Bakhtin’s Circle studies and we selected utterances from the talk show discourse genre. We believe that the study is relevant, because it doesn’t only confirm the importance to join dialogues between Applied Linguistics and Discourse Analysis, in terms of ratifying the permeability among the disciplinary boundaries in order to understand the social life (MOITA LOPES, 2006) but also it contributes to sediment plural views about discourse genres in bakhtinian analysis of discourse/utterance.
Tutors´ role in Distance Education is investigated by analyzing and identifying representations built on their work and expressed in their discourses in half-structured interviews (BULEA, 2010). The theoretical and methodological framework is based on Social-Discursive Interactionism (SDI) within its most didactic pathway (BRONCKART, 2003; 2005), Social Interactionism (SI) (BAKHTIN, 1993; 2003). Current paper comprises (a) a synthesis of theoretical and methodological guidelines on the theoretical framework of SDI and on the procedures of human action represented in texts for the construction of a broader perception on tutors´ educational work; (b) theoretical guidelines for a research interview to foreground the better use of such a tool; (c) tutors´ discourse. Data produced in a public university in the state of Paraná, Brazil, are given in the Methodology section. They comprise half-structured interviews with tutors of the Language & Literature Distance Education course. Results of tutors´ deposition evidence the relevance of the tutor in distance education modality in Brazil.
Regarding reading and writing practice, Higher Education context is one privileged setting for text study in order to provide knowledge acquisition and production for students. It is also recognizable that texts vary linguistically depending on the purpose and context of production which leads to academic literacy notion. In such context, courses are developed aiming to prepare students to master texts and practices in order to achieve academic success. Text Reading and Production I Course is an example of a course which has been introduced in the university programs. The paper aims to analyze the pedagogical practice that takes such projects as leading planning for reading and writing education at the university. It is part of a research carried out by the researcher who is a professor of Text Reading and Production I Course of a university center placed in the Taquari Valley/RS. The present essay aims to analyze texts the students read and wrote in the mentioned project. It is understood that (KLEIMAN, 2000, P. 238) literacy projects represent activities that result from real interest in students’ life and the implementation involves reading and writing as social practice. Data were collected from a group of students enrolled in the Text Reading and Production I Course during 2013/B term. One of the eleven projects developed by the students and the importance as literacy practices for reading and writing education at the university are analyzed.
ABSTRACT: This research is the outcome of the results obtained in the development of the research Project “Genres in the journalistic media as objects of external didactic transposition”, developed in Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná (UENP/CCP). It has as its study focus the journal genres and its usage as an object of school literacy. For this work we theoretically follow the studies developed by the Sociodiscursive Interactionism (ISD), which systematizes categories for the analysis of language practices materialized in texts and gives us epistemological feedback for the development of the research. Methodologically, the study has four steps: 1) bibliographic study of the journalistic sphere and newspaper genres; 2) interview with Folha de Londrina; 3) identification of the genres that compose the CFC; 4) Description of the CFC based in a category analysis of the ISD: the production context. The general objective is to present part of a theoretical model from the Caderno Folha Cidades of Folha de Londrina newspaper. The results show the importance of this Caderno as object of local literacy, because it is geared towards issues of the Londrina region and serves as a guide for the local population to inform themselves of events and happenings in the area. We aim to expose a contextual overview of the CFC in order to encourage research towards journalistic genres by a sociodiscursive bias. KEYWORDS: Sociodiscursive interactionism. Newspaper genres. Theoretical models. Production context.
This article is part of a research that investigated the practices of reading and literacy of students from a public school in Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso, and promote reflective meetings with teachers to know their views and practices regarding the teaching and learning of reading, searching contribute to the critical reflection on these practices. Thus, the proposed work was guided by reading theories and critical literacy, combined with the Bakhtin’s language theory and Vygotsky’s learning theory and human development. The data revealed that students participate in a variety of literacy practices out of school contexts, however the context of school literacy uncovers centralization of activities in traditional tasks in school, especially copy of texts and activities of the blackboard. In the first meetings with the teachers, their perceptions about these practices were marked by uncertainty, not understanding what to do with some school problems. As the meetings were going on, the discourses could reveal critical reflection moments.
Our work is primarily concerned with the challenges involved in the appropriation of DICT by beginner-level participants of the Institutional Program for Scholarships for Initiation in Teaching in Brazil. Although the current generation of beginner-level undergraduate students may be seen as “digital natives”, their use of digital technologies, however frequent, takes place only outside the school environment. The technology skills which they acquire in their daily lives are not transposed to the classroom when they find themselves in the position of teachers. It is still challenging to understand their difficulties in appropriating technology to educational purposes, since educational agents seem all to agree on how important digital technologies are in school, while failing to put it to actual classroom use, and while simply providing access to digital technology is far from sufficient. These skills should be understood and applied in schools by meaningful teaching practice, which should go beyond the mere instrumental use of technology. Therefore, we here focus on the process of elaboration of digital technologies assisted teaching practices in the foreign language classroom. Our corpus is composed of classroom activities and classroom interventions, elaborated and staged by beginner-level teachers in training, who are the project participants, during the course of a school year. These activities comprise the development of an intervention project, which consists of an activity plan, its critical discussion, its application and further reflection.
James Paul Gee (2007) define identidade, para o jogador digital, de três maneiras: virtual, real e projetiva. Ele afirma também que a aprendizagem pode ser um convite para se experimentar uma nova identidade ou se tornar uma nova pessoa. Neste trabalho, discutirei a maneira como jogadores se identificam com suas personagens ou avatares durante o jogo. Alguns deles podem se identificar com essas personagens, mas por outro lado podem escolhê-las simplesmente porque a mecânica do jogo lhes dá condições mais vantajosas. Nesse processo, aspectos como gênero e etnia podem assumir papel relevante.
A Prótese da lLíngua: uma Reflexão sobre Relações Trans/interculturais de Pesquisa/ensino de Línguas
Neste texto, atualizo reflexão sobre metalinguagem e colonialidade e o seu impacto nas políticas de pesquisa e ensino de línguas a partir da experiência de pesquisa que venho acompanhando há alguns anos com os povos indígenas na Bahia. Para isso, retomo discussão sobre conceito de língua e correlatos, presentes em outros trabalhos, agora com o foco nos processos de nomeação/quantificação das línguas e na experiência de retomada da língua pataxó. Recorro também à contribuição teórica de diversos autores e autoras no campo da linguística aplicada, antropologia, estudos culturais e de gênero.
O presente artigo versa sobre as atitudes de quarenta e dois alunos em relação à aprendizagem da língua inglesa. Para tanto, são delineados fatores que estão intimamente relacionados às atitudes, tais como orientação, motivação, desmotivação, ideologia e resistência. Este trabalho, desenvolvido à luz da linguística aplicada, tem caráter interdisciplinar, e por isso está ancorado nas concepções sobre o tema, encontradas na psicologia social. Os dados apresentados aqui foram obtidos através de uma pesquisa etnográfica sobre atitudes, desenvolvida em duas escolas públicas, na região do Recôncavo Baiano por Anjos (2013). Foram utilizados três instrumentos de geração de dados: um questionário, uma entrevista e observação de aulas. Os resultados apontaram alto grau de atitudes positivas para aprender inglês e de orientação instrumental. Entretanto, alguns estudantes pesquisados sinalizaram atitudes negativas. Os resultados são discutidos na parte final do artigo com a apresentação de dados qualitativos e quantitativos.
RESUMO: A educação de surdos hoje no Brasil vive um período de transição, de conflitos e contradições: por um lado o discurso da diferença cada vez mais presente na fala de educadores e em parte da legislação educacional em vigor; por outro lado a “diferença” surda continua sendo representada nas práticas escolares em geral sob a ótica da normalização que insiste em invisibilizar as especificidades linguísticas e culturais dessa minoria, apesar dos avanços alcançados pelo decreto 5626. Com esse cenário em mente objetivamos refletir sobre as pressões normativas guiadas por ideologias monolíngues (BLACKLEDGE, 2000) que tentam formatar um suposto uso ideal de português e de Libras. O capítulo está dividido em três partes: primeiro, apresentamos algumas considerações no âmbito da legislação acerca do estatuto de Libras no Brasil. Em seguida, tematizamos o processo de (in)visibilização das línguas de sinais com vistas a mostrar que a (re)construção do conceito de língua como algo fixo, também, em relação às línguas de sinais, pode ser usado para sedimentar desigualdades em relação ao surdo na escola. Por fim, refletimos, a partir de alguns dados de pesquisa, sobre as tensões existentes entre as línguas nos contextos bi-multilíngues que caracterizam a escolarização de surdos e as ideologias linguísticas que geram efeitos de hierarquização sobre os usos de Libras e de Português.
Neste artigo, descrevemos e refletimos sobre experiências de pesquisa e formação de professoras e professores indígenas e afro-brasileiros, com foco nos seus múltiplos letramentos, no sentido de contribuir para a inclusão da história e cultura afro-brasileira, africana e indígena na educação formal, como estabelecem as Leis 10.639/03 e 11.645/08. Através dessa reflexão, estabelecemos diálogos com autores (as) que versam sobre educação para relações étnico-raciais, linguística aplicada, letramento e literatura negra, tendo em vista a proposição de ações direcionadas por uma educação antirracismo.