975 resultados para Entalpia específica
Se indaga en los desplazamientos entre herramientas de comunicación que ponen en juego profesores a la hora de comunicar qué y cómo cambia en una situación, en el marco de una línea de investigación en Pensamiento y Lenguaje Variacional (Proyecto Fondecyt Nº1030413 y Proyecto Diumce 06/07). Adscribimos a una mirada sistémica en la que entendemos a las matemáticas como una actividad humana en donde cobra vital importancia la persona haciendo matemáticas y no sólo el producto matemático. Por ello resulta relevante considerar -en la praxis educativa- las negociaciones y búsqueda de consenso entrelazadas éstas, con las acciones cognitivas de la persona al momento de enfrentarse a la solución de un problema. Asumimos una naturaleza de la noción de variación como red semántico operacional transversal, que imbrica distintos contenidos escolares de ciencia experimental y de matemática, particularmente aquellos de tiempo y velocidad. Entendemos al tiempo cotidiano formado por una red compleja de intencionalidades y coordinaciones que se estructuran a partir de las necesidades de coordinación con lo otro, con los otros y de las proyecciones intencionales hacia un futuro y un pasado, y, al tiempo matemático en su calidad de parámetro y figurado sobre la base de la metáfora de una distancia horizontal. A continuación se analizan, desde ese marco conceptual, las herramientas a que recurren profesores para comunicar cambios en una situación específica desarrollada en el marco las actividades del Proyecto de Investigación Las representaciones docentes del Cambio.
El curso funciones matemáticas en la enseñanza secundaria es la primera experiencia de capacitación masiva de docentes a nivel nacional en la modalidad a distancia, usando las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICs), con cobertura nacional e impulsada por el Ministerio de Educación de Chile. La formación se centra en una área específica del currículo como lo es la matemática en el nivel secundario y en un contenido curricular concreto las funciones. El conocimiento de la reforma curricular, la generación de material didáctico, la incorporación de las TICs en las prácticas pedagógicas y la evaluación de los aprendizajes, han sido los contenidos sobre los cuales se ha diseñado y estructurado el curso. La metodología de trabajo situó al docente en el centro del aprendizaje, como una aprendiz que define en forma autónoma su camino de aprendizaje de acuerdo a sus intereses y motivaciones. Los resultados muestran una deserción inicial importante, pero luego un alto compromiso y permanencia en el curso, valoración de los contenidos, los recursos propuestos, las estrategias de enseñanza y, la metodología de trabajo implementada.
La sociedad actual demanda a su sistema educativo una formación estadística que capacite a sus ciudadanos para entender, comprender y resolver, la diversidad de información y problemas surgidos desde diversos ámbitos e interpretarlos en los contextos culturales que se presenten. En consecuencia, las curriculas educativas han incrementado sus contenidos estadísticos, desde la enseñanza primaria, hasta la universitaria, destacando la necesidad de la enseñanza de la estadística como una valiosa herramienta de la metodología científica. Un buen ejemplo lo constituye la estructura curricular del Sistema Educativo Argentino que a partir de 1995 establece la escolaridad obligatoria en 10 años, incluyendo la estadística desde los primeros cursos del nivel inicial. La formación básica en estadística ha sido encomendada, en los niveles no universitarios, a los profesores de matemáticas que generalmente no han recibido capacitación específica en el área. Para los profesores que se encuentran en esta situación, la enseñanza de la estadística supone un problema debido a que se requieren conocimientos, destrezas y experiencias en el tratamiento y elaboración de información que demanda: la selección de técnicas e instrumentos que mejor se adapten a los datos, la flexibilización para cambiar procedimientos, la interpretación adecuada de los resultados y la capacidad para evaluar la validez y fiabilidad de las conclusiones extraídas. Ser capaz de dominar esta actividad o enseñarla a un grupo de estudiantes no es una tarea simple, necesita de preparación previa y cierta experiencia. Holmes (2002) indica que, puesto que las lecciones de estadística, dentro de los libros de matemática han sido generalmente escritas por matemáticos, el objetivo preferente de las mismas es la actividad matemática y no la actividad estadística. Esta puede ser la razón por la cual prevalece la idea de que la estadística que se enseña en las escuelas o niveles básicos universitarios no refleja suficientemente la naturaleza eminentemente práctica de esta disciplina.
Con la ayuda de algunos ejemplos, se estudia el comportamiento de los sintáxones en los límites corológicos de las unidades fitosociológicas superiores; se muestra que, a medida que nos alejamos de su centro de gravedad, esas unidades pierden poco a poco sus especies y que, en sus límites corológicos, no quedan más especies características de unidades superiores para definir las comunidades. Se evocan entonces algunas consecuencias de esas observaciones: noción de combinación específica original, interpretación fitosociológica de los sintáxones, nomenclatura fitosociológica.
There is a significant lack of sociological research in Spain about anti-Semitism. At the same time there are alarming anti-Semitic tendencies and anti-Jewish stereotypes which are above the European average. This article aims to explain this lack of sociological research about anti-Semitism in Spain. Therefore two types of explications are offered: on the one hand side some structural problems will be shown which sociology in general had since its beginnings and which complicate the understanding of anti-Semitism. Furthermore explications regarding the specific social and historic situation in Spain and of Spanish sociology in particular will be exposed. It will be shown that for its rationalistic character and with the exception of very few authors – who are considered marginalized for practical research – sociology in general has had enormous problems in understanding anti-Semitism. The specific historic situation, Francoism, the dispute about the historic memory and the delayed institutionalisation of sociology could also explain the lack of sociological interest in the topic especially in Spain. The article shows that the study of anti-Semitism is not only relevant for struggling against this burden of society in many of its variants. Furthermore, thinking about anti-Semitism can help sociology to recognise its own epistemological problems. It can serve to criticise and improve instruments of sociological research by showing the limitations of the sociological approach and to uncover the importance of interdisciplinary research for understanding specific social phenomena. In that sense, anti-Semitism, far from being a marginal subject, can be considered a key topic in the process of civilisation and it can help us to decipher the contemporary Spanish society.
This article studies the gender values that are promoted both in the literacy courses for gypsy women beneficiaries of the Social Integration Revenue Policy of the Region of Madrid and in the events that are organized for this group by public institutions and NGOs. The process of “socialization” that occurs in the educative groups for Gypsy women is focused on constructing an image of what it is to be a “Gypsy modern woman”. Through multiple mechanisms and discursive techniques a specific conception of gender equality is transmitted in these educative spaces. In addition to this, Gypsy women are continually urged to assume certain values and social practices (of gender identity, of "citizenship", of parenting, etc..), while an archetype of "Gypsy Woman" which condenses powerful stereotypes and prejudices about the "Gypsy culture" and the gender relations characteristics of this group is constructed.
Las empresas de economía social comparten unos valores que motivan un comportamiento diferente de éstas en relación con la composición de sus plantillas, las condiciones de trabajo, su especialización productiva y su ubicación geográfica frente a las empresas ordinarias (sociedades anónimas y laborales) que no son de economía social. Este comportamiento diferencial constituye, a su vez, una importante aportación a la cohesión social y, de forma específica, desde el punto de vista de género, proporciona una mejora de la presencia y posición de las mujeres en el ámbito laboral. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es evaluar la existencia de elementos diferenciales entre las empresas de economía social y las ordinarias en cuanto a la igualdad de oportunidades, condiciones y trayectorias laborales desde una perspectiva de género, centrando el estudio en el caso de España. A partir de la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (2010) se identifican dos grupos de empresas, de economía social (grupo objetivo) y de economía "no social" u ordinaria (grupo de control) equivalentes en cuanto a tamaño y sector de actividad. Para cada grupo y sus respectivos/as trabajadores/as, se realizan contrastes paramétricos y no paramétricos de diferencias de medias entre mujeres y hombres en relación a diferentes características laborales como el tipo de jornada, la duración del contrato o la estabilidad en la trayectoria laboral en la empresa. Además, se lleva a cabo una estimación de la discriminación salarial en ambos grupos siguiendo el modelo Oaxaca-Blinder. Los resultados muestran que las empresas de economía social ofrecen mejores condiciones en el acceso y la permanencia en el puesto laboral a las mujeres, una mayor estabilidad laboral y menor discriminación salarial frente a los hombres.
In this paper the claim for the market for a new business management to ensure the presence of women in decision -making to respond to new social needs addressed. Thus, this paper analyzes the influence of gender diversity of the directors on the profitability and the level of debt for a sample of 5,199 Spanish cooperatives. Unlike capitalist societies, these organizations have a number of peculiarities in their government, and that the partners are themselves major time, agents and customers. The study focuses on the Spanish context, where there is an open debate on the importance of women's business management, as in other countries, driven by the proliferation of legislation on gender equality, being, in addition, Spain, the pioneer in having specific legislation on Social Economy. The results show that cooperatives with greater female representation in theirs Boards have higher profitability. On the other hand, those Boards with a higher percentage of women show a lower level of indebtedness.
The ways of incorporating newcoming students into schools and colleges have been at the center of debate in most OECD countries in recent years. In Spain, the set of measures developed for the reception of immigrant pupils in different Autonomous Communities has also been the subject of specific research, pointing out the similarities and contradictions between pedagogic discourses and school practices. This article takes into account these considerations and presents the reflections from the results of research on the Educational Welcome Facilities (and specifically the EBE) conducted during the school years 2008-2010. This device was created in Catalonia to attend newcomers before enrolling them in the school. It was a pilot project which took place in Vic and Reus for two consecutive years. The research of the EBE has enabled us to explain the relationship between educational assessment that schools made about this facility and reception processes that schools were implementing. The conclusions that emerge from this analysis allowed us to establish relationships between educational host practices of the seven centers analyzed with three different conceptual and educational frameworks of reception.
Analysis of the admissions tests for teacher training in Spain and Finland: knowledge or competences
One of the most decisive factors in the quality of education and academic performance of students is quality, preparation and dedication of the teachers. The exquisite system of selecting candidates for teacher training programs is one of the fundamentals of success of the Finnish Education System. The responsibility of choosing the best students to convert them into teachers is a challenge that involves a significant reform of university admission. Achieving this goal involves the choice of strategies and educational tools in accordance to the complexity of the demands presented by the teaching profession in the digital age. This study describes, analyzes and compares the admission tests in the University of Spain (PAU) and Finland (VAKAVA), for those who wish to become professional educators, in order to understand the possible influence of these tests to select the most suitable candidates to develop into future teaching professionals. The results showed that in Spain, the entrance test to universities is developed in a general way for all the students that aspire to any field of knowledge, while in Finland, the test is specific and particular for students aspiring to the field of education. The results of this study can guide and encourage the necessary changes that have to be done in the admission tests to Spanish university in general and to teacher education faculties in particular.
The present study aims to identify the framework of personal, organizational and technical variables that contribute to the viability and successful of innovative educational practices with video games within the school context to enhance the multiple intelligences. For this purpose, advantage was taken on the information previously collected through a questionnaire about the views, thoughts and experiences of a group of teachers of childhood and primary education (N=25) who voluntarily participated in a blended training activity from Center of Teachers (CEFIRE) of Valencia, around a community of practice aimed at promoting and advising projects for implementing educational video games in the classroom. The mixed methodology adopted has allowed the following: a) describe the relationship between their degree of development and daily use made of ICT in the classroom, their level of familiarity with video games, their previous experience to integrate them for educational purposes..., and their participation in projects that focus on game-based learning; b) conduct content analysis of the opinions and thoughts expressed in a forum for teachers on innovation on and methodological strategies adopted reflected in a virtual board; and c) develop a SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats inherent in the implementation of experience with video games in the classroom. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that, even though most did not have specific training or enough technological resources and the planning and implementation of innovation required them a great investment of time, their personal interest, the support given by members of the online community of practice, helped to encourage their activity, along with receptivity, positive attitude and high motivation of students with the experience. These aspects have been crucial to promote successful innovative practices with video games.
In this paper we present the process and results of an investigation in which, after reflecting on the concept of Practicum and, specifically, in the Practicum in Educational Psychology degree taught at the University of A Coruña, an assessment is made taking into account the opinion of the students who have studied this matter, as to the relevance that the planned objectives are given and subsequent achievement of these. The results differ considering the area that the teacher who has tutored belongs to. Methodologicaly, it is a descriptive research, survey type, which involved a significant sample of students in their final year of the degree in the year 2012/13 through a questionnaire which validity (Teaching and content) and reliability (internal consistency) have been properly set (judgment of experts and a pilot experience for the calculation of Cronbach's alpha). The results show that the Practicum program has a good development of most of the objectives, especially those related to skills, where the average of the highest rated goals exceed the rating of 4. This suggests clear lines for innovation and improvement in the areas of conceptual and attitudinal level.
In this article we think about the need to generate spaces of meeting between museum educators and teachers. We analyze the results of different works elaborated by the research group Art and Education, basically in the report of the project maestrosymuseos.com. Red Iberoamericana de educación en museos (AECID A/8780/07), as well as the offers that we have developed. We appear how we see the teachers in his visits, and how they would like to be seen when they submerge in the territory of the museum. We introduce the supposition that the majority of teachers turn into invisible figures on having come to the museum. The methodology is based on the case studies, affecting in the observation, the interviews, and very special in the specific attention towards the protagonists: the teachers. The work introduces photos that they try to investigate in the same aspects that the article text treats, but enriching it with images that can be read in his format and with particular intentions.
En el área textil, sea esta tejeduría, hilandería, tintorería, o acabados de tela intervienen una infinidad de factores externos, relacionados con el tipo de material a procesar, se necesita tener un control riguroso de los factores externos tales como humedad relativa (HR) y temperatura, por lo que en el diseño de un área específica de cualquier planta textil, en este caso tejeduría, se invierte mucho dinero para garantizar condiciones estables de climatización tanto para el proceso como para el recurso humano.
O presente trabalho teve como objectivo o estudo da prevalência de mastites ovinas em explorações do Alentejo e a identificação dos agentes etiológicos, seus factores de virulência e epitopos imunorrelevantes. A prevalência de mastite clínica e subclínica foi 1,7% e 32,2%, respectivamente. O agente etiológico mais prevalente foi Staphylococcus epidermidis (N=115), tendo sido também identificados Staphylococcus aureus (N=27) e Streptococcus agalactiae (N=17). A pesquisa de factores de virulência permitiu identificar os padrões de susceptibilidade (N=404) e as Concentrações Inibitórias Mínimas de princípios activos (N=130). De 109 isolados de Staphylococcus epidermidis; oito revelaram capacidade para produzir biofilme in vitro. Os isolados estudados aderiam e eram internalizados por células epiteliais mamárias (N=12). A pesquisa de cinco superantigénios resultou negativa (N=27). Foram estudados os perfis proteicos de Staphylococcus epidermidis, tendo sido identificados os epitopos imunorrelevantes, reconhecidos por imunoglobulinas séricas e mamárias. Verificou-se uma resposta imunológica local específica nos animais infectados./SUMMARY - OVINE MASTITIS: EPIDEMIOLOGY, VIRULENCE FACTORS AND IMMUNORELEVANT ANTIGENES OF AETIOLOGICAL MICRORGANISMS The present work aimed at investigating the prevaleance of ovine mastitis in farms from Aletenjo and the identification of causative microrganisms, their virulence factors and immunorelevant epitopes. The preva lence of clinical and subclinical mastitis was 1.7% and 32.2%,respect ively. The most preva lent aet iologica l agent was Staphylococcus epidermidis (N=115); Staphylococcus aureus (N=27) and Streptococcus agalactiae (N=17) were also identified. The investigation of virulence factors allowed the identification of susceptibility patterns (N=404) and drug Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations (N=130). From 109 Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates; eight showed the ability to produce biofilm in vitro. The isolates studied adhered and were internalised by mammary epithelial cells (N=12). None of the five superantigens studied was detected (N=27). The protein profile of Staphylococcus epidermidis was determined, and the immunorelevant epitopes, recognised by blood and milk immunoglobulins, were identified. It was possible to detect a specific local immune response in infected animals.