780 resultados para Strategic management. Performance evaluation. Strategic map. Balanced scorecard. Third sector


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Atividade física, saúde e bem-estar são temas presentes no dia-a-dia das pessoas. O mercado do Fitness está dinâmico e ativo, quer na comunicação, através das novas tecnologias de informação, quer na especialização da oferta de produtos ou serviços. O Personal training surge como um produto feito á medida do cliente, importante numa sociedade onde a individualidade sobressai, as preferências e necessidades divergem de cliente para cliente. É solicitada uma boa performance constantemente ao profissional, que se pretende traduzida em altas taxas de angariação e retenção. O Balanced Scorecard (BSC), apresenta soluções válidas neste contexto de mercado, já que é uma ferramenta de apoio á gestão estratégica e simultaneamente um sistema de monitorização em tempo real dos indicadores de performance dos profissionais (Personal Trainer) e dos restantes níveis hierárquicos da Organização. Num mercado concorrencial, a valorização do recurso humano tem-se revelado crucial nos resultados alcançados e principal fator de criação de valor e vantagem competitiva, quando bem monitorizada e orientada pela Gestão da Organização. Surge como desafio maior, elaborar, posicionar, implementar, avaliar e medir através deste instrumento (BSC), num contexto laboral diferente (prestadores de serviços) onde já foi aplicado e apurar o nível de desempenho alcançado pela organização orientado nas respetivas visões: financeira, clientes, aprendizagem – crescimento e processos internos.


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This thesis employs the theoretical fusion of disciplinary knowledge, interlacing an analysis from both functional and interpretive frameworks and applies these paradigms to three concepts—organisational identity, the balanced scorecard performance measurement system, and control. As an applied thesis, this study highlights how particular public sector organisations are using a range of multi-disciplinary forms of knowledge constructed for their needs to achieve practical outcomes. Practical evidence of this study is not bound by a single disciplinary field or the concerns raised by academics about the rigorous application of academic knowledge. The study’s value lies in its ability to explore how current communication and accounting knowledge is being used for practical purposes in organisational life. The main focus of this thesis is on identities in an organisational communication context. In exploring the theoretical and practical challenges, the research questions for this thesis were formulated as: 1. Is it possible to effectively control identities in organisations by the use of an integrated performance measurement system—the balanced scorecard—and if so, how? 2. What is the relationship between identities and an integrated performance measurement system—the balanced scorecard—in the identity construction process? Identities in the organisational context have been extensively discussed in graphic design, corporate communication and marketing, strategic management, organisational behaviour, and social psychology literatures. Corporate identity is the self-presentation of the personality of an organisation (Van Riel, 1995; Van Riel & Balmer, 1997), and organisational identity is the statement of central characteristics described by members (Albert & Whetten, 2003). In this study, identity management is positioned as a strategically complex task, embracing not only logo and name, but also multiple dimensions, levels and facets of organisational life. Responding to the collaborative efforts of researchers and practitioners in identity conceptualisation and methodological approaches, this dissertation argues that analysis can be achieved through the use of an integrated framework of identity products, patternings and processes (Cornelissen, Haslam, & Balmer, 2007), transforming conceptualisations of corporate identity, organisational identity and identification studies. Likewise, the performance measurement literature from the accounting field now emphasises the importance of ‘soft’ non-financial measures in gauging performance—potentially allowing the monitoring and regulation of ‘collective’ identities (Cornelissen et al., 2007). The balanced scorecard (BSC) (Kaplan & Norton, 1996a), as the selected integrated performance measurement system, quantifies organisational performance under the four perspectives of finance, customer, internal process, and learning and growth. Broadening the traditional performance measurement boundary, the BSC transforms how organisations perceived themselves (Vaivio, 2007). The rhetorical and communicative value of the BSC has also been emphasised in organisational self-understanding (Malina, Nørreklit, & Selto, 2007; Malmi, 2001; Norreklit, 2000, 2003). Thus, this study establishes a theoretical connection between the controlling effects of the BSC and organisational identity construction. Common to both literatures, the aspects of control became the focus of this dissertation, as ‘the exercise or act of achieving a goal’ (Tompkins & Cheney, 1985, p. 180). This study explores not only traditional technical and bureaucratic control (Edwards, 1981), but also concertive control (Tompkins & Cheney, 1985), shifting the locus of control to employees who make their own decisions towards desired organisational premises (Simon, 1976). The controlling effects on collective identities are explored through the lens of the rhetorical frames mobilised through the power of organisational enthymemes (Tompkins & Cheney, 1985) and identification processes (Ashforth, Harrison, & Corley, 2008). In operationalising the concept of control, two guiding questions were developed to support the research questions: 1.1 How does the use of the balanced scorecard monitor identities in public sector organisations? 1.2 How does the use of the balanced scorecard regulate identities in public sector organisations? This study adopts qualitative multiple case studies using ethnographic techniques. Data were gathered from interviews of 41 managers, organisational documents, and participant observation from 2003 to 2008, to inform an understanding of organisational practices and members’ perceptions in the five cases of two public sector organisations in Australia. Drawing on the functional and interpretive paradigms, the effective design and use of the systems, as well as the understanding of shared meanings of identities and identifications are simultaneously recognised. The analytical structure guided by the ‘bracketing’ (Lewis & Grimes, 1999) and ‘interplay’ strategies (Schultz & Hatch, 1996) preserved, connected and contrasted the unique findings from the multi-paradigms. The ‘temporal bracketing’ strategy (Langley, 1999) from the process view supports the comparative exploration of the analysis over the periods under study. The findings suggest that the effective use of the BSC can monitor and regulate identity products, patternings and processes. In monitoring identities, the flexible BSC framework allowed the case study organisations to monitor various aspects of finance, customer, improvement and organisational capability that included identity dimensions. Such inclusion legitimises identity management as organisational performance. In regulating identities, the use of the BSC created a mechanism to form collective identities by articulating various perspectives and causal linkages, and through the cascading and alignment of multiple scorecards. The BSC—directly reflecting organisationally valued premises and legitimised symbols—acted as an identity product of communication, visual symbols and behavioural guidance. The selective promotion of the BSC measures filtered organisational focus to shape unique identity multiplicity and characteristics within the cases. Further, the use of the BSC facilitated the assimilation of multiple identities by controlling the direction and strength of identifications, engaging different groups of members. More specifically, the tight authority of the BSC framework and systems are explained both by technical and bureaucratic controls, while subtle communication of organisational premises and information filtering is achieved through concertive control. This study confirms that these macro top-down controls mediated the sensebreaking and sensegiving process of organisational identification, supporting research by Ashforth, Harrison and Corley (2008). This study pays attention to members’ power of self-regulation, filling minor premises of the derived logic of their organisation through the playing out of organisational enthymemes (Tompkins & Cheney, 1985). Members are then encouraged to make their own decisions towards the organisational premises embedded in the BSC, through the micro bottom-up identification processes including: enacting organisationally valued identities; sensemaking; and the construction of identity narratives aligned with those organisationally valued premises. Within the process, the self-referential effect of communication encouraged members to believe the organisational messages embedded in the BSC in transforming collective and individual identities. Therefore, communication through the use of the BSC continued the self-producing of normative performance mechanisms, established meanings of identities, and enabled members’ self-regulation in identity construction. Further, this research establishes the relationship between identity and the use of the BSC in terms of identity multiplicity and attributes. The BSC framework constrained and enabled case study organisations and members to monitor and regulate identity multiplicity across a number of dimensions, levels and facets. The use of the BSC constantly heightened the identity attributes of distinctiveness, relativity, visibility, fluidity and manageability in identity construction over time. Overall, this research explains the reciprocal controlling relationships of multiple structures in organisations to achieve a goal. It bridges the gap among corporate and organisational identity theories by adopting Cornelissen, Haslam and Balmer’s (2007) integrated identity framework, and reduces the gap in understanding between identity and performance measurement studies. Parallel review of the process of monitoring and regulating identities from both literatures synthesised the theoretical strengths of both to conceptualise and operationalise identities. This study extends the discussion on positioning identity, culture, commitment, and image and reputation measures in integrated performance measurement systems as organisational capital. Further, this study applies understanding of the multiple forms of control (Edwards, 1979; Tompkins & Cheney, 1985), emphasising the power of organisational members in identification processes, using the notion of rhetorical organisational enthymemes. This highlights the value of the collaborative theoretical power of identity, communication and performance measurement frameworks. These case studies provide practical insights about the public sector where existing bureaucracy and desired organisational identity directions are competing within a large organisational setting. Further research on personal identity and simple control in organisations that fully cascade the BSC down to individual members would provide enriched data. The extended application of the conceptual framework to other public and private sector organisations with a longitudinal view will also contribute to further theory building.


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The dynamic capabilities view (DCV) focuses on renewal of firms’ strategic knowledge resources so as to sustain competitive advantage within turbulent markets. Within the context of the DCV, the focus of knowledge management (KM) is to develop the KMC through deploying knowledge governance mechanisms that are conducive to facilitating knowledge processes so as to produce superior business performance over time. The essence of KM performance evaluation is to assess how well the KMC is configured with knowledge governance mechanisms and processes that enable a firm to achieve superior performance through matching its knowledge base with market needs. However, little research has been undertaken to evaluate KM performance from the DCV perspective. This study employed a survey study design and adopted hypothesis-testing approaches to develop a capability-based KM evaluation framework (CKMEF) that upholds the basic assertions of the DCV. Under the governance of the framework, a KM index (KMI) and a KM maturity model (KMMM) were derived not only to indicate the extent to which a firm’s KM implementations fulfill its strategic objectives, and to identify the evolutionary phase of its KMC, but also to bench-mark the KMC in the research population. The research design ensured that the evaluation framework and instruments have statistical significance and good generalizabilty to be applied in the research population, namely construction firms operating in the dynamic Hong Kong construction market. The study demonstrated the feasibility of quantitatively evaluating the development of the KMC and revealing the performance heterogeneity associated with the development.


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Knowledge management (KM) strategy is the planned or actual coordination of a firm's major goals and learning in time; this coordination continually co-aligns the firm's knowledge-based resources with the environment. Based on the organic perspective of strategy, a KM performance evaluation approach should be able to 1) review the knowledge governance mechanisms and learning routines that underpin the KM strategy, as well as the performance outcomes driven by the strategy, and 2) predict the evolution of performance drivers and outcomes into the future to facilitate strategic planning. This study combined a survey study and a system dynamics (SD) simulation to demonstrate the transformation from a mechanistic to an organic perspective on KM strategy and performance evaluation. The survey study was conducted based on a sample of 143 construction contractors and used structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques to develop a KM performance index for reviewing the key elements that underpin KM strategy. The SD simulation predicted the development of KM strategy configurations and the evolution of KM performance over time. The organic KM performance evaluation approach demonstrated by this study has significant potential to improve the alignment of KM strategy within an increasingly dynamic business environment.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os impactos da utilização da Dinâmica de Sistemas na elaboração do mapa estratégico do Balanced Scorecard em organizações públicas de saúde. Dois objetivos específicos suportam o alcance deste objetivo geral. O primeiro objetivo específico busca elaborar o mapa estratégico do Balanced Scorecard utilizando a Dinâmica de Sistemas para uma organização pública de saúde. O segundo objetivo específico busca comparar a visão do mapa estratégico tradicional com a visão proporcionada pelo mapa estratégico dinâmico. A metodologia utilizada para a coleta de dados foi o grupo de foco e a presente pesquisa está classificada conforme a tipologia proposta por Raupp e Beuren (2003). Quanto aos objetivos, quanto aos procedimentos e quanto à abordagem do problema. Quanto aos objetivos o presente estudo pode ser classificado como exploratório. Quanto aos procedimentos, esta pesquisa é classificada como bibliográfica e também como pesquisa participante, pois há interação entre pesquisador e pesquisado. E, quanto à abordagem do problema este estudo é classificado como qualitativo. Inicialmente foi elaborado um modelo conceitual de mapa estratégico de um hospital privado. Este modelo foi apresentado a um gestor com vasta experiência em gestão de hospitais universitários públicos. Com base nos dados coletados este modelo conceitual inicial foi modificado e transformado em um mapa estratégico dinâmico de um hospital universitário público. Este mapa estratégico dinâmico foi comparado com um mapa tradicional e desta comparação concluiu-se que a Dinâmica de Sistemas pode construir modelos de mapas estratégicos muito mais corretos e elaborados do que aqueles construídos pela metodologia tradicional e ainda apresentar outras ferramentas potentes para a gestão estratégica de hospitais universitários públicos.


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The Balanced Scorecard of Kaplan and Norton is a management tool that supports the successful implementation of corporate strategies. It has been discussed and considered widely in both practice and research. By linking operational and non-financial corporate activities with causal chains to the firm's long-term strategy, the Balanced Scorecard supports the alignment and management of all corporate activities according to their strategic relevance. The Balanced Scorecard makes it possible to take into account non-monetary strategic success factors that significantly impact the economic success of a business. The Balanced Scorecard is thus a promising starting-point to also incorporate environmental and social aspects into the main management system of a firm. Sustainability management with the Balanced Scorecard helps to overcome the shortcomings of conventional approaches to environmental and social management systems by integrating the three pillars of sustainability into a single and overarching strategic management tool. After a brief discussion of the different possible forms of a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard the article takes a closer look at the process and steps of formulating a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard for a business unit. Before doing so, the basic conventional approach of the Balanced Scorecard and its suitability for sustainability management will be outlined in brief.


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O estudo trata da utilização do Balanced Scorecard como instrumento de gestão estratégica para hospitais privados. O texto faz uma avaliação do nível de aplicação desse modelo na área hospitalar e desenvolve um estudo exploratório com executivos desse segmento. A pesquisa trata dos principais temas e objetivos estratégicos para o segmento de hospitais privados no Brasil e utiliza o modelo de mapa estratégico genérico para adaptar a ferramenta às especificidades do setor


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The changes that have taken place in the organizational environment in recent decades have led to new performance measurement systems being proposed, given the inadequacy of traditional models. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) emerged as an instrument to translate financial and non-financial assets into real values for all interested parties in the organization, allowing the introduction of strategies to achieve the desired goals. Research shows that most errors committed with the use of this method are related to the implementation process. Thus, the aim of this dissertation is to analyze the process of building and implementing the BSC in an organization. This empirical exploratory study is based on the classic case study method, which enables the researcher to work with a set of evidence, including direct observation, interviews and document analysis. The results show that the use of BSC in the company investigated posed problems during the process of building and implementing the method. These problems were caused mainly by the lack of involvement on the part of upper management and the team s scant knowledge of Balanced Scorecard. One of the gains obtained from adopting the system was the introduction and/or consolidation of a culture of strategic planning and participative management. The continuous implementation phase was highlighted in the monitoring program, created by the organization in an attempt to reverse existing problems, using the BSC as a third generation strategic management system, which led to significant gains, better use of the system and stronger management practices


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In this study the objective is to implant Balanced Scorecard administration for the development of a Strategic Map, for the support of the electric outlet of decisions in the administration of operations of an unit of attendance doctor-hospitalar. The present work presents a case study developed at a private hospital in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The collection of data was developed after the analysis of the revision of the literature, and he/she had as critical judgement of evaluation used by the following Unit. The work is concluded in the proposition of a strategic map that elevates the return on investment (financial perspective), in the item profitability and growth. In the search of the customer's satisfaction (customer's perspective), that is nothing else than it already exists inside of the Unit in study, just needing to be organized and aligned with the executive picture and the other collaborators. The requirements competitiveness, information, innovation and technology (perspective of the internal processes), they were indispensable to eliminate the re-work, waste and to improve the automation. It is finally, the investment and development of innovation mechanisms, they enlarge important competitive advantage in the processes for creation of value, through the ability, attitude and knowledge (perspective of the learning and growth). As one of the results of this study a strategic map was developed, looked for in Balanced Scorecard, for support in the electric outlet of decisions of the administration of operations of an Unit Doctor- Healthcare


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This paper presents an analysis of the current strategic plan of the Judiciary of Rio Grande do Norte emphasizing the evaluation of strategic indicators verifying the effectiveness in implementation, since the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard as a tool for performance evaluation of strategic management. The research presents the strategy map and the evaluation indices of strategic performance reporting on the effectiveness. After literature review and documentary, is making the measurement of indicators that are treated from the standpoint of an exploratory and descriptive in strategic planning used by the judiciary Potiguar. The problem was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively using statistical techniques for data analysis comparing them between Judiciaries of Brazilian States. With respect to data collection was used performance indicators extracted from the data of Justice in Numbers provided by CNJ the period from 2004 to 2011, and the information sought in the Sector Strategic Planning TJ / RN. The main results of this study are as follows: Acquisition of insight into what level is the strategic planning of the judiciary of Rio Grande do Norte and the evolution of its performance indicators comparing them with the states of RS, CE, SE and the National Judiciary


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This Thesis deals with the performance improvement on hotels that have adopted the ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems. It is researched the Brazilian hotels that have an ISO 9001 registration with an assessment form based on the Balanced Scorecard approach. The main findings are that ISO 9000 provided improvement on the performance of the hotels in general and also in all the BSC perspectives, and that are different perception on managers and directors, what suggests a need for a tool like BSC to register the performance improvements on the same basis. The Thesis contributes to provide information on the performance improvement in hotels, one of the claimed regarding the low ISO 9000 adoption rate in Brazilian hotels


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The expansion of the electrical system is currently a subject of great importance to the development of Brazil. For its realization, large projects are needed, requiring large-scale investment and realization processes of great complexity. Thus, this type of project has a high strategic importance for the performance of companies that conduct. Seeking a way to determine a method to align traditional practices for measuring quality to the corporate strategic needs, this work is the study of the use of the balanced scorecard methodology, applying quality management and operational excellence, with a focus on projects in power systems. We analyzed some cases of successful application of the methodology in business segments in the next study, culminating in a proposed model of the method


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Many restaurant organizations have committed a substantial amount of effort to studying the relationship between a firm’s performance and its effort to develop an effective human resources management reward-and-retention system. These studies have produced various metrics for determining the efficacy of restaurant management and human resources management systems. This paper explores the best metrics to use when calculating the overall unit performance of casual restaurant managers. These metrics were identified through an exploratory qualitative case study method that included interviews with executives and a Delphi study. Experts proposed several diverse metrics for measuring management value and performance. These factors seem to represent all stakeholders’interest.