927 resultados para AUTORITARISMO - ETIOPÍA - 1994-2010


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La propagación frecuente de ondas Kelvin de hundimiento o “downwelling” atrapadas a la costa, suele caracterizar la ocurrencia de El Niño costero frente al Perú. Estas ondas causan la elevación del nivel del mar y se asocian a la profundización de la estructura vertical sub-superficial de la columna de agua, influenciando en la fertilidad del afloramiento costero. En el presente estudio se describe la variabilidad mensual de la estructura vertical de la columna de agua frente a la costa de Paita-Piura y se comparan con anomalías del nivel del mar frente a Galápagos y en la costa norte del país. Para tal propósito se calculó una climatología con la base de datos histórica de temperatura del punto fijo de Paita, puesta a disposición por el Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), para el periodo 1994-2010. Luego de la remoción de datos extremos dudosos, se realizó una interpolación vertical de los datos cada 10 m y una climatología de los datos a frecuencia mensual. La serie de tiempo de anomalía de temperatura muestra una gran consistencia con el arribo de ondas Kelvin a las costa de Sudamérica, por lo cual su monitoreo es de gran utilidad para la alerta temprana de El Niño.


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Los esfuerzos de la presente investigación se concentran en el cumplimiento del objetivo principal, el cual consiste en analizar el arrendamiento como un programa que puede ser incorporado en la política de vivienda en Colombia, para dar respuesta de forma transitoria y/o temporal de alojamiento a los hogares con ingresos iguales o inferiores a dos salarios mínimos, ya que actualmente la política sectorial no incorpora esta forma tenencia de la vivienda para ofertar soluciones habitacionales. El arrendamiento tiene rasgos interesantes e importantes de destacar, tales como que él mismo constituye una forma de tenencia de vivienda eminentemente urbana. Además, es un mercado al que acuden todos los estratos socioeconómicos, por lo cual no es un mercado segregado. Igualmente, al relacionar ésta tenencia con el territorio y por ende con la economía espacial, se puede decir que no existe segregación socio-espacial muy pronunciada frente a la distribución urbana de la tenencia de la vivienda en arrendamiento. En este sentido, la tenencia de la vivienda en forma de arrendamiento se presenta en todo el territorio urbano de Cali, Medellín y Bogotá.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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This study aimed to simulate and evaluate the sediment transport in Upper Basin Stream Cachoeirinha in Rio Claro, SP, and compare the results with previous studies performed in the same basin. The modeling software used in this study was Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), which is a very comprehensive tool that discusses many physical processes. In this work, the hydrosedimentological processes were treated, aiming to understand the sediment production and transport. The Basin Stream Cachoeirinha has an area with predominantly agricultural use, especially sugar cane. The database for inclusion in software was constructed from the following elements: climatic, topographical, soil type and use and land cover of the area, also including the parameters of Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE). The analysis was conducted for a period of 16 years (1994-2010), which is the range of data available from CEAPLA. The results were analyzed in terms of annual runoff and sediment yield. The average sediment delivery in the simulation was 0.94 t/ha/year, while the maximum annual contribution was 7.28 t/ha/year


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Le but de cet article est de démontrer que la production de textes biographiques a été une activité constante pendant toute la carrière intellectuelle et politique du vicomte de Taunay, de façon à contribuer pour rendre célèbres des personnalités brésiliennes et étrangères qui, selon lui-même, ont joué un rôle important dans le projet de constitution de la nationalité brésilienne. Em outre, ce texte vise signaler un aspect caractéristique de la méthode biographique adoptée par l’écrivain, puisqu’il va au-délà de la chronologie tradionnelle qui considère la naissance et la mort comme points de répère identifiant le début et la fin du récit: d’autres textes (écrits ou non par lui) s’y ajoutent toujours, de manière à le rendre fragmentaire et, par conséquent, plus proche de la discontinuité et du caractère aléatoire de l’existence humaine.


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Cet article se propose à analiser les relations discoursives autour de la thémathique de l'émancipation féminine dans le roman Inocência (1872), de Visconde de Taunay, dans le but de constater la présence d'éléments polyphoniques, d'après la théorie du roman polyphonique de Mikhaïl Bakhtine.


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One of two active volcanoes in the western branch of the East African Rift, Nyamuragira (1.408ºS, 29.20ºE; 3058 m) is located in the D.R. Congo. Nyamuragira emits large amounts of SO2 (up to ~1 Mt/day) and erupts low-silica, alkalic lavas, which achieve flow rates of up to ~20 km/hr. The source of the large SO2 emissions and pre-eruptive magma conditions were unknown prior to this study, and 1994-2010 lava volumes were only recently mapped via satellite imagery, mainly due to the region’s political instability. In this study, new olivine-hosted melt inclusion volatile (H2O, CO2, S, Cl, F) and major element data from five historic Nyamuragira eruptions (1912, 1938, 1948, 1986, 2006) are presented. Melt compositions derived from the 1986 and 2006 tephra samples best represent pre-eruptive volatile compositions because these samples contain naturally glassy inclusions that underwent less post-entrapment modification than crystallized inclusions. The total amount of SO2 released from the 1986 (0.04 Mt) and 2006 (0.06 Mt) eruptions are derived using the petrologic method, whereby S contents in melt inclusions are scaled to erupted lava volumes. These amounts are significantly less than satellite-based SO2 emissions for the same eruptions (1986 = ~1 Mt; 2006 = ~2 Mt). Potential explanations for this observation are: 1) accumulation of a vapor phase within the magmatic system that is only released during eruptions, and/or 2) syn-eruptive gas release from unerupted magma. Post-1994 Nyamuragira lava volumes were not available at the beginning of this study. These flows (along with others since 1967) are mapped with Landsat MSS, TM, and ETM+, Hyperion, and ALI satellite data and combined with published flow thicknesses to derive volumes. Satellite remote sensing data was also used to evaluate Nyamuragira SO2 emissions. These results show that the most recent Nyamuragira eruptions injected SO2 into the atmosphere between 15 km (2006 eruption) and 5 km (2010 eruption). This suggests that past effusive basaltic eruptions (e.g., Laki 1783) are capable of similar plume heights that reached the upper troposphere or tropopause, allowing SO2 and resultant aerosols to remain longer in the atmosphere, travel farther around the globe, and affect global climates.


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In this article, the realization of a global terrestrial reference system (TRS) based on a consistent combination of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) is studied. Our input data consists of normal equation systems from 17 years (1994– 2010) of homogeneously reprocessed GPS, GLONASS and SLR data. This effort used common state of the art reduction models and the same processing software (Bernese GNSS Software) to ensure the highest consistency when combining GNSS and SLR. Residual surface load deformations are modeled with a spherical harmonic approach. The estimated degree-1 surface load coefficients have a strong annual signal for which the GNSS- and SLR-only solutions show very similar results. A combination including these coefficients reduces systematic uncertainties in comparison to the singletechnique solution. In particular, uncertainties due to solar radiation pressure modeling in the coefficient time series can be reduced up to 50 % in the GNSS+SLR solution compared to the GNSS-only solution. In contrast to the ITRF2008 realization, no local ties are used to combine the different geodetic techniques.We combine the pole coordinates as global ties and apply minimum constraints to define the geodetic datum. We show that a common origin, scale and orientation can be reliably realized from our combination strategy in comparison to the ITRF2008.


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Using data from individual transactions for the period 1994-2010 in the French NUTS2 region Brittany, the authors investigated how environmental regulations and transaction land regulations influence the price of sold plots. Regressions on three sub-samples of buyers were performed in order to assess whether different buyers have different attitudes or plans regarding the farmland purchased: a sub-sample including only farmer-buyers, a sub-sample including non-farmer individual buyers, and a sub-sample including non-farmer non-individual buyers. Estimations were performed ignoring and accounting for spatial interactions (model SARAR). Results indicate that the price of land decreases when buyers are farmers, that the nitrate surplus area zoning increases the price of land, even more so for farmer-buyers. Regarding land transaction regulations, there is a negative effect, on land price, of the purchaser being the current tenant or being the land regulating public body SAFER. Estimating the model on different sub-samples depending on the buyers’ type shed light on the factors that are more important for each buyer.


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El objetivo del presente artículo es revisar en un principio el concepto de toma de decisiones a partir de los estudios realizados por Antonio Damasio (1994/2010), los cuales nos permiten comprender que este es un proceso que está altamente influenciado por las emociones y los sentimientos -- Más adelante, y siguiendo esta línea de argumentación, se realiza una revisión del concepto de inteligencia emocional a partir de Daniel Goleman (1996) -- La inteligencia emocional nos permite comprender aún más la relación que hay entre las emociones y la forma como decidimos, ya que, como este concepto lo indica: al ser conscientes de las emociones propias y ajenas podremos tener un mejor manejo de las situaciones donde nos vemos enfrentados a tomar decisiones que nos involucran a nosotros mismos y los demás -- Finalmente, en las conclusiones, mencionamos algunas críticas posibles al concepto de inteligencia emocional, mostrando rutas que serían interesantes para continuar con su desarrollo