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We performed a first principles investigation on the electronic properties of 4f-rare earth substitutional impurities in zincblende gallium nitride (GaN:REGa, with RE=Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er and Tm). The calculations were performed within the all electron methodology and the density functional theory. We investigated how the introduction of the on-site Hubbard U potential (GGA + U) corrects the electronic properties of those impurities. We showed that a self-consistent procedure to compute the Hubbard potential provides a reliable description on the position of the 4f-related energy levels with respect of the GaN valence band top. The results were compared to available data coming from a recent phenomenological model. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electrical conductivity σ has been calculated for p-doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As and cubic GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N thin superlattices (SLs). The calculations are done within a self-consistent approach to the k → ⋅ p → theory by means of a full six-band Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian, together with the Poisson equation in a plane wave representation, including exchange correlation effects within the local density approximation. It was also assumed that transport in the SL occurs through extended minibands states for each carrier, and the conductivity is calculated at zero temperature and in low-field ohmic limits by the quasi-chemical Boltzmann kinetic equation. It was shown that the particular minibands structure of the p-doped SLs leads to a plateau-like behavior in the conductivity as a function of the donor concentration and/or the Fermi level energy. In addition, it is shown that the Coulomb and exchange-correlation effects play an important role in these systems, since they determine the bending potential.


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Piezoelectric ceramics, such as PZT, can generate subnanometric displacements, bu t in order to generate multi- micrometric displacements, they should be either driven by high electric voltages (hundreds of volts ), or operate at a mechanical resonant frequency (in narrow band), or have large dimensions (tens of centimeters). A piezoelectric flextensional actuator (PFA) is a device with small dimensions that can be driven by reduced voltages and can operate in the nano- and micro scales. Interferometric techniques are very adequate for the characterization of these devices, because there is no mechanical contact in the measurement process, and it has high sensitivity, bandwidth and dynamic range. A low cost open-loop homodyne Michelson interferometer is utilized in this work to experimentally detect the nanovi brations of PFAs, based on the spectral analysis of the interfero metric signal. By employing the well known J 1 ...J 4 phase demodulation method, a new and improved version is proposed, which presents the following characteristics: is direct, self-consistent, is immune to fading, and does not present phase ambiguity problems. The proposed method has resolution that is similar to the modified J 1 ...J 4 method (0.18 rad); however, differently from the former, its dynamic range is 20% larger, does not demand Bessel functions algebraic sign correction algorithms and there are no singularities when the static phase shift between the interferometer arms is equal to an integer multiple of  /2 rad. Electronic noise and random phase drifts due to ambient perturbations are taken into account in the analysis of the method. The PFA nanopositioner characterization was based on the analysis of linearity betw een the applied voltage and the resulting displacement, on the displacement frequency response and determination of main resonance frequencies.


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In molecular and atomic devices the interaction between electrons and ionic vibrations has an important role in electronic transport. The electron-phonon coupling can cause the loss of the electron's phase coherence, the opening of new conductance channels and the suppression of purely elastic ones. From the technological viewpoint phonons might restrict the efficiency of electronic devices by energy dissipation, causing heating, power loss and instability. The state of the art in electron transport calculations consists in combining ab initio calculations via Density Functional Theory (DFT) with Non-Equilibrium Green's Function formalism (NEGF). In order to include electron-phonon interactions, one needs in principle to include a self-energy scattering term in the open system Hamiltonian which takes into account the effect of the phonons over the electrons and vice versa. Nevertheless this term could be obtained approximately by perturbative methods. In the First Born Approximation one considers only the first order terms of the electronic Green's function expansion. In the Self-Consistent Born Approximation, the interaction self-energy is calculated with the perturbed electronic Green's function in a self-consistent way. In this work we describe how to incorporate the electron-phonon interaction to the SMEAGOL program (Spin and Molecular Electronics in Atomically Generated Orbital Landscapes), an ab initio code for electronic transport based on the combination of DFT + NEGF. This provides a tool for calculating the transport properties of materials' specific system, particularly in molecular electronics. Preliminary results will be presented, showing the effects produced by considering the electron-phonon interaction in nanoscale devices.


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Subduction zones are the favorite places to generate tsunamigenic earthquakes, where friction between oceanic and continental plates causes the occurrence of a strong seismicity. The topics and the methodologies discussed in this thesis are focussed to the understanding of the rupture process of the seismic sources of great earthquakes that generate tsunamis. The tsunamigenesis is controlled by several kinematical characteristic of the parent earthquake, as the focal mechanism, the depth of the rupture, the slip distribution along the fault area and by the mechanical properties of the source zone. Each of these factors plays a fundamental role in the tsunami generation. Therefore, inferring the source parameters of tsunamigenic earthquakes is crucial to understand the generation of the consequent tsunami and so to mitigate the risk along the coasts. The typical way to proceed when we want to gather information regarding the source process is to have recourse to the inversion of geophysical data that are available. Tsunami data, moreover, are useful to constrain the portion of the fault area that extends offshore, generally close to the trench that, on the contrary, other kinds of data are not able to constrain. In this thesis I have discussed the rupture process of some recent tsunamigenic events, as inferred by means of an inverse method. I have presented the 2003 Tokachi-Oki (Japan) earthquake (Mw 8.1). In this study the slip distribution on the fault has been inferred by inverting tsunami waveform, GPS, and bottom-pressure data. The joint inversion of tsunami and geodetic data has revealed a much better constrain for the slip distribution on the fault rather than the separate inversions of single datasets. Then we have studied the earthquake occurred on 2007 in southern Sumatra (Mw 8.4). By inverting several tsunami waveforms, both in the near and in the far field, we have determined the slip distribution and the mean rupture velocity along the causative fault. Since the largest patch of slip was concentrated on the deepest part of the fault, this is the likely reason for the small tsunami waves that followed the earthquake, pointing out how much the depth of the rupture plays a crucial role in controlling the tsunamigenesis. Finally, we have presented a new rupture model for the great 2004 Sumatra earthquake (Mw 9.2). We have performed the joint inversion of tsunami waveform, GPS and satellite altimetry data, to infer the slip distribution, the slip direction, and the rupture velocity on the fault. Furthermore, in this work we have presented a novel method to estimate, in a self-consistent way, the average rigidity of the source zone. The estimation of the source zone rigidity is important since it may play a significant role in the tsunami generation and, particularly for slow earthquakes, a low rigidity value is sometimes necessary to explain how a relatively low seismic moment earthquake may generate significant tsunamis; this latter point may be relevant for explaining the mechanics of the tsunami earthquakes, one of the open issues in present day seismology. The investigation of these tsunamigenic earthquakes has underlined the importance to use a joint inversion of different geophysical data to determine the rupture characteristics. The results shown here have important implications for the implementation of new tsunami warning systems – particularly in the near-field – the improvement of the current ones, and furthermore for the planning of the inundation maps for tsunami-hazard assessment along the coastal area.


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Zusammmenfassung:Um Phasenseparation in binären Polymermischungen zuuntersuchen, werden zwei dynamische Erweiterungen der selbstkonsistenten Feldtheorie (SCFT)entwickelt. Die erste Methode benutzt eine zeitliche Entwicklung der Dichten und wird dynamische selbstkonsistente Feldtheorie (DSCFT) genannt, während die zweite Methode die zeitliche Propagation der effektiven äußeren Felder der SCFT ausnutzt. Diese Methode wird mit External Potential Dynamics (EPD) bezeichnet. Für DSCFT werden kinetische Koeffizienten verwendet, die entweder die lokale Dynamik von Punktteilchen oder die nichtlokale Dynamik von Rouse'schen Polymeren nachbilden. Die EPD-Methode erzeugt mit einem konstanten kinetischen Koeffizienten die Dynamik von Rouse'schen Ketten und benötigt weniger Rechenzeit als DSCFT. Diese Methoden werden für verschiedene Systeme angewendet.Zuerst wird spinodale Entmischung im Volumen untersucht,wobei der Unterschied zwischen lokaler und nichtlokalerDynamik im Mittelpunkt steht. Um die Gültigkeit derErgebnisse zu überprüfen, werden Monte-Carlo-Simulationen durchgeführt. In Polymermischungen, die von zwei Wänden, die beide die gleiche Sorte Polymere bevorzugen, eingeschränkt werden, wird die Bildung von Anreicherungsschichten an den Wänden untersucht. Für dünne Polymerfilme zwischen antisymmetrischen Wänden, d.h. jede Wand bevorzugt eine andere Polymerspezies, wird die Spannung einer parallel zu den Wänden gebildeten Grenzfläche analysiert und der Phasenübergang von einer anfänglich homogenen Mischung zur lokalisierten Phase betrachtet. Des Weiteren wird die Dynamik von Kapillarwellenmoden untersucht.


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Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Strukturbildung im schlechten Lösungsmittel bei ein- und zweikomponentigen Polymerbürsten, bei denen Polymerketten durch Pfropfung am Substrat verankert sind. Solche Systeme zeigen laterale Strukturbildungen, aus denen sich interessante Anwendungen ergeben. Die Bewegung der Polymere erfolgt durch Monte Carlo-Simulationen im Kontinuum, die auf CBMC-Algorithmen sowie lokalen Monomerverschiebungen basieren. Eine neu entwickelte Variante des CBMC-Algorithmus erlaubt die Bewegung innerer Kettenteile, da der bisherige Algorithmus die Monomere in Nähe des Pfropfmonomers nicht gut relaxiert. Zur Untersuchung des Phasenverhaltens werden mehrere Analysemethoden entwickelt und angepasst: Dazu gehören die Minkowski-Maße zur Strukturuntersuchung binären Bürsten und die Pfropfkorrelationen zur Untersuchung des Einflusses von Pfropfmustern. Bei einkomponentigen Bürsten tritt die Strukturbildung nur beim schwach gepfropften System auf, dichte Pfropfungen führen zu geschlossenen Bürsten ohne laterale Struktur. Für den graduellen Übergang zwischen geschlossener und aufgerissener Bürste wird ein Temperaturbereich bestimmt, in dem der Übergang stattfindet. Der Einfluss des Pfropfmusters (Störung der Ausbildung einer langreichweitigen Ordnung) auf die Bürstenkonfiguration wird mit den Pfropfkorrelationen ausgewertet. Bei unregelmäßiger Pfropfung sind die gebildeten Strukturen größer als bei regelmäßiger Pfropfung und auch stabiler gegen höhere Temperaturen. Bei binären Systemen bilden sich Strukturen auch bei dichter Pfropfung aus. Zu den Parametern Temperatur, Pfropfdichte und Pfropfmuster kommt die Zusammensetzung der beiden Komponenten hinzu. So sind weitere Strukturen möglich, bei gleicher Häufigkeit der beiden Komponenten bilden sich streifenförmige, lamellare Muster, bei ungleicher Häufigkeit formt die Minoritätskomponente Cluster, die in der Majoritätskomponente eingebettet sind. Selbst bei gleichmäßig gepfropften Systemen bildet sich keine langreichweitige Ordnung aus. Auch bei binären Bürsten hat das Pfropfmuster großen Einfluss auf die Strukturbildung. Unregelmäßige Pfropfmuster führen schon bei höheren Temperaturen zur Trennung der Komponenten, die gebildeten Strukturen sind aber ungleichmäßiger und etwas größer als bei gleichmäßig gepfropften Systemen. Im Gegensatz zur self consistent field-Theorie berücksichtigen die Simulationen Fluktuationen in der Pfropfung und zeigen daher bessere Übereinstimmungen mit dem Experiment.


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In dieser Arbeit wird der Orientierungsglasübergang ungeordneter, molekularer Kristalle untersucht. Die theoretische Behandlung ist durch die Anisotropie der Einteilchen-Verteilungsfunktion und der Paarfunktionen erschwert. Nimmt man ein starres Gitter, wird der reziproke Raum im Gegenzug auf die 1. Brillouin-Zone eingeschränkt. Der Orientierungsglasübergang wird im Rahmen der Modenkopplungsgleichungen studiert, die dazu hergeleitet werden. Als Modell dienen harte Rotationsellipsoide auf einem starren sc Gitter. Zur Berechnung der statischen tensoriellen Strukturfaktoren wird die Ornstein-Zernike(OZ)-Gleichung molekularer Kristalle abgeleitet und selbstkonsistent zusammen mit der von molekularen Flüssigkeiten übernommenen Percus-Yevick(PY)-Näherung gelöst. Parallel dazu werden die Strukturfaktoren durch MC-Simulationen ermittelt. Die OZ-Gleichung molekularer Kristalle ähnelt der von Flüssigkeiten, direkte und totale Korrelationsfunktion kommen jedoch wegen des starren Gitters nur ohne Konstantanteile in den Winkelvariablen vor, im Gegensatz zur PY-Näherung. Die Anisotropie bringt außerdem einen nichttrivialen Zusatzfaktor. OZ/PY-Strukturfaktoren und MC-Ergebnisse stimmen gut überein. Bei den Matrixelementen der Dichte-Dichte-Korrelationsfunktion gibt es drei Hauptverläufe: oszillatorisch, monoton und unregelmäßig abfallend. Oszillationen gehören zu alternierenden Dichtefluktuationen, führen zu Maxima der Strukturfaktoren am Zonenrand und kommen bei oblaten und genügend breiten prolaten, schwächer auch bei dünnen, nicht zu langen prolaten Ellipsoiden vor. Der exponentielle monotone Abfall kommt bei allen Ellipsoiden vor und führt zu Maxima der Strukturfaktoren in der Zonenmitte, was die Tendenz zu nematischer Ordnung zeigt. Die OZ/PY-Theorie ist durch divergierende Maxima der Strukturfaktoren begrenzt. Bei den Modenkopplungsgleichungen molekularer Kristalle zeigt sich eine große Ähnlichkeit mit denen molekularer Flüssigkeiten, jedoch spielen auf einem starrem Gitter nur die Matrixelemente mit l,l' > 0 eine Rolle und es finden Umklapps von reziproken Vektoren statt. Die Anisotropie bringt auch hier nichtkonstante Zusatzfaktoren ins Spiel. Bis auf flache oblate Ellipsoide wird die Modenkopplungs-Glaslinie von der Divergenz der Strukturfaktoren bestimmt. Für sehr lange Ellipsoide müssen die Strukturfaktoren zur Divergenz hin extrapoliert werden. Daher treibt nicht der Orientierungskäfigeffekt den Glasübergang, sondern Fluktuationen an einer Phasengrenze. Nahe der Kugelform ist keine zuverlässige Glasline festlegbar. Die eingefrorenen kritischen Dichte-Dichte-Korrelatoren haben nur in wenigen Fällen die Oszillationen der statischen Korrelatoren. Der monotone Abfall bleibt dagegen für lange Zeiten meist erhalten. Folglich haben die kritischen Modenkopplungs-Nichtergodizitätsparameter abgeschwächte Maxima in der Zonenmitte, während die Maxima am Zonenrand meist verschwunden sind. Die normierten Nichtergodizitätsparameter zeigen eine Fülle von Verläufen, besonders tiefer im Glas.


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In this thesis we consider three different models for strongly correlated electrons, namely a multi-band Hubbard model as well as the spinless Falicov-Kimball model, both with a semi-elliptical density of states in the limit of infinite dimensions d, and the attractive Hubbard model on a square lattice in d=2. In the first part, we study a two-band Hubbard model with unequal bandwidths and anisotropic Hund's rule coupling (J_z-model) in the limit of infinite dimensions within the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). Here, the DMFT impurity problem is solved with the use of quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations. Our main result is that the J_z-model describes the occurrence of an orbital-selective Mott transition (OSMT), in contrast to earlier findings. We investigate the model with a high-precision DMFT algorithm, which was developed as part of this thesis and which supplements QMC with a high-frequency expansion of the self-energy. The main advantage of this scheme is the extraordinary accuracy of the numerical solutions, which can be obtained already with moderate computational effort, so that studies of multi-orbital systems within the DMFT+QMC are strongly improved. We also found that a suitably defined Falicov-Kimball (FK) model exhibits an OSMT, revealing the close connection of the Falicov-Kimball physics to the J_z-model in the OSM phase. In the second part of this thesis we study the attractive Hubbard model in two spatial dimensions within second-order self-consistent perturbation theory. This model is considered on a square lattice at finite doping and at low temperatures. Our main result is that the predictions of first-order perturbation theory (Hartree-Fock approximation) are renormalized by a factor of the order of unity even at arbitrarily weak interaction (U->0). The renormalization factor q can be evaluated as a function of the filling n for 00, the q-factor vanishes, signaling the divergence of self-consistent perturbation theory in this limit. Thus we present the first asymptotically exact results at weak-coupling for the negative-U Hubbard model in d=2 at finite doping.


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This thesis analyzes theoretically and computationally the phenomenon of partial ionization of the substitutional dopants in Silicon Carbide at thermal equilibrium. It is based on the solution of the charge neutrality equation and takes into account the following phenomena: several energy levels in the bandgap; Fermi-Dirac statistics for free carriers; screening effects on the dopant ionization energies; the formation of impurity bands. A self-consistent model and a corresponding simulation software have been realized. A preliminary comparison of our calculations with existing experimental results is carried out.


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The goal of this thesis is the application of an opto-electronic numerical simulation to heterojunction silicon solar cells featuring an all back contact architecture (Interdigitated Back Contact Hetero-Junction IBC-HJ). The studied structure exhibits both metal contacts, emitter and base, at the back surface of the cell with the objective to reduce the optical losses due to the shadowing by front contact of conventional photovoltaic devices. Overall, IBC-HJ are promising low-cost alternatives to monocrystalline wafer-based solar cells featuring front and back contact schemes, in fact, for IBC-HJ the high concentration doping diffusions are replaced by low-temperature deposition processes of thin amorphous silicon layers. Furthermore, another advantage of IBC solar cells with reference to conventional architectures is the possibility to enable a low-cost assembling of photovoltaic modules, being all contacts on the same side. A preliminary extensive literature survey has been helpful to highlight the specific critical aspects of IBC-HJ solar cells as well as the state-of-the-art of their modeling, processing and performance of practical devices. In order to perform the analysis of IBC-HJ devices, a two-dimensional (2-D) numerical simulation flow has been set up. A commercial device simulator based on finite-difference method to solve numerically the whole set of equations governing the electrical transport in semiconductor materials (Sentuarus Device by Synopsys) has been adopted. The first activity carried out during this work has been the definition of a 2-D geometry corresponding to the simulation domain and the specification of the electrical and optical properties of materials. In order to calculate the main figures of merit of the investigated solar cells, the spatially resolved photon absorption rate map has been calculated by means of an optical simulator. Optical simulations have been performed by using two different methods depending upon the geometrical features of the front interface of the solar cell: the transfer matrix method (TMM) and the raytracing (RT). The first method allows to model light prop-agation by plane waves within one-dimensional spatial domains under the assumption of devices exhibiting stacks of parallel layers with planar interfaces. In addition, TMM is suitable for the simulation of thin multi-layer anti reflection coating layers for the reduction of the amount of reflected light at the front interface. Raytracing is required for three-dimensional optical simulations of upright pyramidal textured surfaces which are widely adopted to significantly reduce the reflection at the front surface. The optical generation profiles are interpolated onto the electrical grid adopted by the device simulator which solves the carriers transport equations coupled with Poisson and continuity equations in a self-consistent way. The main figures of merit are calculated by means of a postprocessing of the output data from device simulation. After the validation of the simulation methodology by means of comparison of the simulation result with literature data, the ultimate efficiency of the IBC-HJ architecture has been calculated. By accounting for all optical losses, IBC-HJ solar cells result in a theoretical maximum efficiency above 23.5% (without texturing at front interface) higher than that of both standard homojunction crystalline silicon (Homogeneous Emitter HE) and front contact heterojuction (Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin layer HIT) solar cells. However it is clear that the criticalities of this structure are mainly due to the defects density and to the poor carriers transport mobility in the amorphous silicon layers. Lastly, the influence of the most critical geometrical and physical parameters on the main figures of merit have been investigated by applying the numerical simulation tool set-up during the first part of the present thesis. Simulations have highlighted that carrier mobility and defects level in amorphous silicon may lead to a potentially significant reduction of the conversion efficiency.


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Graphene, that is a monolayer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice, has been isolated only recently from graphite. This material shows very attractive physical properties, like superior carrier mobility, current carrying capability and thermal conductivity. In consideration of that, graphene has been the object of large investigation as a promising candidate to be used in nanometer-scale devices for electronic applications. In this work, graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), that are narrow strips of graphene, for which a band-gap is induced by the quantum confinement of carriers in the transverse direction, have been studied. As experimental GNR-FETs are still far from being ideal, mainly due to the large width and edge roughness, an accurate description of the physical phenomena occurring in these devices is required to have valuable predictions about the performance of these novel structures. A code has been developed to this purpose and used to investigate the performance of 1 to 15-nm wide GNR-FETs. Due to the importance of an accurate description of the quantum effects in the operation of graphene devices, a full-quantum transport model has been adopted: the electron dynamics has been described by a tight-binding (TB) Hamiltonian model and transport has been solved within the formalism of the non-equilibrium Green's functions (NEGF). Both ballistic and dissipative transport are considered. The inclusion of the electron-phonon interaction has been taken into account in the self-consistent Born approximation. In consideration of their different energy band-gap, narrow GNRs are expected to be suitable for logic applications, while wider ones could be promising candidates as channel material for radio-frequency applications.


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The purpose of this research is to provide empirical evidence on determinants of the economic use of patented inventions in order to contribute to the literature on technology and innovation management. The current work consists of three main parts, each of which constitutes a self-consistent research paper. The first paper uses a meta-analytic approach to review and synthesize the existing body of empirical research on the determinants of technology licensing. The second paper investigates the factors affecting the choice between the following alternative economic uses of patented inventions: pure internal use, pure licensing, and mixed use. Finally, the third paper explores the least studied option of the economic use of patented inventions, namely, the sale of patent rights. The data to empirically test the hypotheses come from a large-scale survey of European Patent inventors resident in 21 European countries, Japan, and US. The findings provided in this dissertation contribute to a better understanding of the economic use of patented inventions by expanding the limits of previous research in several different dimensions.


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Theories and numerical modeling are fundamental tools for understanding, optimizing and designing present and future laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs). Laser evolution and plasma wave excitation in a LPA driven by a weakly relativistically intense, short-pulse laser propagating in a preformed parabolic plasma channel, is studied analytically in 3D including the effects of pulse steepening and energy depletion. At higher laser intensities, the process of electron self-injection in the nonlinear bubble wake regime is studied by means of fully self-consistent Particle-in-Cell simulations. Considering a non-evolving laser driver propagating with a prescribed velocity, the geometrical properties of the non-evolving bubble wake are studied. For a range of parameters of interest for laser plasma acceleration, The dependence of the threshold for self-injection in the non-evolving wake on laser intensity and wake velocity is characterized. Due to the nonlinear and complex nature of the Physics involved, computationally challenging numerical simulations are required to model laser-plasma accelerators operating at relativistic laser intensities. The numerical and computational optimizations, that combined in the codes INF&RNO and INF&RNO/quasi-static give the possibility to accurately model multi-GeV laser wakefield acceleration stages with present supercomputing architectures, are discussed. The PIC code jasmine, capable of efficiently running laser-plasma simulations on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) clusters, is presented. GPUs deliver exceptional performance to PIC codes, but the core algorithms had to be redesigned for satisfying the constraints imposed by the intrinsic parallelism of the architecture. The simulation campaigns, run with the code jasmine for modeling the recent LPA experiments with the INFN-FLAME and CNR-ILIL laser systems, are also presented.


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In this thesis we have extended the methods for microscopic charge-transport simulations for organic semiconductors. In these materials the weak intermolecular interactions lead to spatially localized charge carriers, and the charge transport occurs as an activated hopping process between diabatic states. In addition to weak electronic couplings between these states, different electrostatic environments in the organic material lead to a broadening of the density of states for the charge energies which limits carrier mobilities.rnThe contributions to the method development includern(i) the derivation of a bimolecular charge-transfer rate,rn(ii) the efficient evaluation of intermolecular (outer-sphere) reorganization energies,rn(iii) the investigation of effects of conformational disorder on intramolecular reorganization energies or internal site energiesrnand (iv) the inclusion of self-consistent polarization interactions for calculation of charge energies.These methods were applied to study charge transport in amorphous phases of small molecules used in the emission layer of organic light emitting diodes (OLED).rnWhen bulky substituents are attached to an aromatic core in order to adjust energy levels or prevent crystallization, a small amount of delocalization of the frontier orbital to the substituents can increase electronic couplings between neighboring molecules. This leads to improved charge-transfer rates and, hence, larger charge-mobility. We therefore suggest using the mesomeric effect (as opposed to the inductive effect) when attaching substituents to aromatic cores, which is necessary for example in deep blue OLEDs, where the energy levels of a host molecule have to be adjusted to those of the emitter.rnFurthermore, the energy landscape for charges in an amorphous phase cannot be predicted by mesoscopic models because they approximate the realistic morphology by a lattice and represent molecular charge distributions in a multipole expansion. The microscopic approach shows that a polarization-induced stabilization of a molecule in its charged and neutral states can lead to large shifts, broadening, and traps in the distribution of charge energies. These results are especially important for multi-component systems (the emission layer of an OLED or the donor-acceptor interface of an organic solar cell), if the change in polarizability upon charging (or excitation in case of energy transport) is different for the components. Thus, the polarizability change upon charging or excitation should be added to the set of molecular parameters essential for understanding charge and energy transport in organic semiconductors.rnWe also studied charge transport in self-assembled systems, where intermolecular packing motives induced by side chains can increase electronic couplings between molecules. This leads to larger charge mobility, which is essential to improve devices such as organic field effect transistors, where low carrier mobilities limit the switching frequency.rnHowever, it is not sufficient to match the average local molecular order induced by the sidernchains (such as the pitch angle between consecutive molecules in a discotic mesophase) with maxima of the electronic couplings.rnIt is also important to make the corresponding distributions as narrow as possible compared to the window determined by the closest minima of thernelectronic couplings. This is especially important in one-dimensional systems, where charge transport is limited by the smallest electronic couplings.rnThe immediate implication for compound design is that the side chains should assist the self-assemblingrnprocess not only via soft entropic interactions, but also via stronger specific interactions, such as hydrogen bonding.rnrnrnrn