951 resultados para Concentrates


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Tropical forests are sources of many ecosystem services, but these forests are vanishing rapidly. The situation is severe in Sub-Saharan Africa and especially in Tanzania. The causes of change are multidimensional and strongly interdependent, and only understanding them comprehensively helps to change the ongoing unsustainable trends of forest decline. Ongoing forest changes, their spatiality and connection to humans and environment can be studied with the methods of Land Change Science. The knowledge produced with these methods helps to make arguments about the actors, actions and causes that are behind the forest decline. In this study of Unguja Island in Zanzibar the focus is in the current forest cover and its changes between 1996 and 2009. The cover and changes are measured with often used remote sensing methods of automated land cover classification and post-classification comparison from medium resolution satellite images. Kernel Density Estimation is used to determine the clusters of change, sub-area –analysis provides information about the differences between regions, while distance and regression analyses connect changes to environmental factors. These analyses do not only explain the happened changes, but also allow building quantitative and spatial future scenarios. Similar study has not been made for Unguja and therefore it provides new information, which is beneficial for the whole society. The results show that 572 km2 of Unguja is still forested, but 0,82–1,19% of these forests are disappearing annually. Besides deforestation also vertical degradation and spatial changes are significant problems. Deforestation is most severe in the communal indigenous forests, but also agroforests are decreasing. Spatially deforestation concentrates to the areas close to the coastline, population and Zanzibar Town. Biophysical factors on the other hand do not seem to influence the ongoing deforestation process. If the current trend continues there should be approximately 485 km2 of forests remaining in 2025. Solutions to these deforestation problems should be looked from sustainable land use management, surveying and protection of the forests in risk areas and spatially targeted self-sustainable tree planting schemes.


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Viimeisenä kymmenenä vuotena valtiovalta on halunnut panostaa harmaan talouden torjuntaan. Tätä kautta panoksia on lisätty myös talousrikollisuuden torjuntaan, mm. lisäämällä tutkiville viranomaisille myönnettyjen resurssien määrää. Poliisi yhdessä syyttäjän kanssa on keskeisessä roolissa talousrikostutkinnassa ja -torjunnassa. Talousrikosten tunnusmerkistön toteen näyttämisessä rikosperusteiselle erityistarkastuksella on erityisen tärkeä rooli. Tutkielmassa on paneuduttu rikosperusteisen erityistarkastuksen laadun määrittelyyn ja laatuun vaikuttaviin tekijöihin. Tutkielman lähdeaineistona käytettiin mm. teoriakirjallisuutta tilintarkastusalalta sekä talousrikollisuutta käsittelevästä kirjallisuudesta. Lisäksi käytännön työn kannalta olennaisia seikkoja on kerätty asiantuntijahaastatteluilla. Tämän tutkielman tuloksena on eritelty tarkkaan rikosperusteisen erityistarkastuksen laatuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Kyseiset tekijät on jaoteltu neljän eri pääkriteerin kautta. Tarkastuksen laatukriteereitä taas on tarkasteltu suhteessa tilintarkastusalaan ja tuloksena on luotu kriteereiden jaottelu, joka helpottaa laatuun vaikuttavien tekijöiden hahmottamista.


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Osteoclasts are multinucleated bone-degrading cells that undergo large changes in their polarisation and vesicular trafficking during the bone resorption cycle. Rab proteins are small GTPases that offer both temporal and spatial regulation to the transport between membranous organelles. Previously the presence and function of only few of the currently known 60 Rab proteins in osteoclasts have been reported. In this study, the expression of 26 Rab genes in bone-resorbing osteoclasts was demonstrated with gene-specific primer pairs. The further analysis of three Rab genes during human osteoclast differentiation revealed that Rab13 gene is highly induced during osteoclastogenesis. The presence of Rab13 protein in the secretory vesicles directed towards the ruffled border and in the endocytotic or transcytotic pathways in resorbing osteoclasts was excluded. The localisation of Rab13 suggests that that it is associated with a previously unknown vesicle population travelling between the trans-Golgi network and the basolateral membrane in bone resorbing osteoclasts. Rab proteins convey their functions by binding to specific effector proteins. We found a novel Rab13 interaction with endospanins-1 and -2 that are yet poorly characterised small transmembrane proteins. The Rab13 subfamily member Rab8 also bound to endospanins, while Rab10 and unrelated Rabs did not. Rab13 and endospanin-2 co-localised in perinuclear vesicles in transfected cells, demonstrating the interaction also in vivo. The inhibition of Rab13 did not interfere with the localisation of endospanin-2 nor did it affect the cell surface expression of growth hormone receptor, as has been previously described for endospanins. The physiological role of this novel protein-protein interaction thus remains to be clarified. The analysis of the transcytotic route in bone resorbing osteoclasts revealed that multiple vesicle populations arise from the ruffled border and transport the bone degradation products for exocytosis. These vesicles are directed to the functional secretory domain that is encircled by an actin-based molecular barrier. Furthermore, the transcytotic vesicles contain abundant Helix pomatia lectin binding sites and represent lipid raft concentrates. Finally, autophagosomal compartments may also be involved in the transcytosis.


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Sähkö- ja hybridiajoneuvot yleistyvät tiukentuvien päästömääräysten seurauksena, koska sähkömoottoritekniikan avulla ajoneuvon kokonaishyötysuhdetta on mahdollista parantaa merkittävästi. Akkujen kapasiteettiin, kokoon, painoon ja latausaikoihin liittyvien ongelmien vuoksi sekä nestemäistä polttoainetta että sähköä hyödyntävä hybriditekniikka on toistaiseksi pelkkään sähkökäyttöön verrattuna usein toimivampi toteutus. Vanhojen hyötyajoneuvojen hybridikonversiot saattavatkin yleistyä, jos voidaan osoittaa, että konversio on toteutettavissa järkevin resurssein ja voidaan laatia konversion teknisiä haasteita helpottavia ohjeita. Syksyllä 2012 käynnistyi Lappeenrannan Teknillisen Yliopiston vetämä CAMBUS-projekti, jossa on tarkoitus kehittää kaupallisesti tarjolla olevia järjestelmiä pätevämpi hybriditekniikka linja-autokäyttöön. Tämä kandidaatintyö pyrkii kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin selvittämään, minkälainen kaasupolkimen toteutus olisi tätä hybridikonversiota ajatellen paras kuljettajan kontrolloiman säätöohjeen käytännön toteutukseen. Lähdemateriaalina on käytetty mm. Boschin ja Automobiltechnische Zeitschriftin ajoneuvoalan käsikirjoja ja oppikirjoja, Volkswagenin koulutuskäsikirjoja ja täydentävästi tieteellisiä artikkeleita ja patentteja. Niiden pohjalta on koottu yleisimmät tämänhetkiset tekniset toteutustavat, pohdittu tiedonsiirron ja sähkömagneettisen yhteensopivuuden haasteita, sekä kokonaissäätöjärjestelmän näkökulmasta säätöohjeen suuretta. Selvityksen perusteella polkimen asentotunnistuksen kannalta oleellista on turvallisuus, eli lähinnä mekaaninen kestävyys ja riittävä häiriösuojaus. Ajoneuvossa ilmeneviä voimakkaita magneettikenttiä hyvin sietävä digitaalinen väyläjärjestelmä voi hyvin toteutettuna myös yksinkertaistaa ajoneuvon sähköjärjestelmän muuta toteutusta. Aineistojen perusteella vääntömomentti on luonnollisin valinta ohjaussuureeksi. Vääntömomenttiohjeen avulla voidaan helposti luoda selkeä ja johdonmukainen tuntuma kuljettajalle voimanlähteiden turvalliseen hallintaan ja se helpottaa myös kommunikointia pidonhallintajärjestelmän ja muiden ajoneuvon hallintaan liittyvien järjestelmien kanssa.


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Diplomityö liittyy taajuusmuuttajien takuuhuoltoprosessiin. Tutkitaan prosessin toimintaa, sen tehokkuutta, sekä sen yhteydessä tapahtuvaa viestintää. Keskitytään prosessin ylimpään tasoon ja erityisesti vaativampiin tapauksiin, joissa takuuaikana käydään useita kertoja asiakkaan tiloissa tekemässä huoltotoimenpiteitä. Useat perättäiset vikaantumiset asettavat myös viestinnän koetukselle. Lähtökohtana on saada kokonaiskuva, mitä prosessissa tapahtuu siitä lähtien kun taajuusmuuttaja on toimitettu ja ensimmäinen yhteydenotto tulee Helsingin tehtaalle vikatilanteessa. Tutkitaan mitä tapahtuu tehtaan ja paikallisen yhtiön välillä toimituksesta aina siihen asti, kun viimeinen korjauskäynti on tehty kyseisellä työmaalla. Koko prosessi kuvataan, mutta varsinaiset kehitystoimet keskittyvät kuitenkin Product Engineering & Quality -osastoon. Työssä käytettäviä tutkimusmetodeja ovat kirjallisuus, prosessikuvaukset ja haastattelut. Työn tuloksena saadaan yleinen prosessin nykytilan kuvaus, korjauskäyntikohtainen arvovirtauskaavio ja löydetään mahdolliset parannuskohteet prosessiin. Viestintään saadaan systematiikkaa soveltaen kriisiviestinnän ja kriisinhallinnan kirjallisuutta. Näiden avulla päästään tehokkaampaan, ammattimaisempaan ja resursseja paremmin hyödyntävään tapaan toimia. Pitkällä aikavälillä myös asiakkaan luottamus kasvaa ja asiakassuhde säilyy entistä paremmin.


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Tämä raportti perehtyy aasialaisten gadgettien historiaan ja tulevaisuuden näkymiin. Työn historiakatsauksessa perehdytään 1900- ja 2000-luvun gadget -laitteisiin. Gadget on pieni mekaaninen tai elektroninen laite, jolla on jokin käyttötarkoitus. Japani on viimeisen sadan vuoden aikana tuottanut lukuisia merkittäviä gadgetteja. Tunnetuimpina saavutuksina voidaan esimerkiksi pitää CD- ja DVD -levyjä sekä useita tunnettuja pelikonsoleita. Viime vuosina se on saanut kilpailijoita Itä-Aasiasta. Tulevaisuudessa voidaan mahdollisesti odottaa matkapuhelimiin liittyviä gadgetteja, entistä tarkempia ja taivuteltavia näyttöjä sekä tämänhetkisiä gadgetteja yhdisteleviä laitteita.


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This doctoral thesis introduces an improved control principle for active du/dt output filtering in variable-speed AC drives, together with performance comparisons with previous filtering methods. The effects of power semiconductor nonlinearities on the output filtering performance are investigated. The nonlinearities include the timing deviation and the voltage pulse waveform distortion in the variable-speed AC drive output bridge. Active du/dt output filtering (ADUDT) is a method to mitigate motor overvoltages in variable-speed AC drives with long motor cables. It is a quite recent addition to the du/dt reduction methods available. This thesis improves on the existing control method for the filter, and concentrates on the lowvoltage (below 1 kV AC) two-level voltage-source inverter implementation of the method. The ADUDT uses narrow voltage pulses having a duration in the order of a microsecond from an IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) inverter to control the output voltage of a tuned LC filter circuit. The filter output voltage has thus increased slope transition times at the rising and falling edges, with an opportunity of no overshoot. The effect of the longer slope transition times is a reduction in the du/dt of the voltage fed to the motor cable. Lower du/dt values result in a reduction in the overvoltage effects on the motor terminals. Compared with traditional output filtering methods to accomplish this task, the active du/dt filtering provides lower inductance values and a smaller physical size of the filter itself. The filter circuit weight can also be reduced. However, the power semiconductor nonlinearities skew the filter control pulse pattern, resulting in control deviation. This deviation introduces unwanted overshoot and resonance in the filter. The controlmethod proposed in this thesis is able to directly compensate for the dead time-induced zero-current clamping (ZCC) effect in the pulse pattern. It gives more flexibility to the pattern structure, which could help in the timing deviation compensation design. Previous studies have shown that when a motor load current flows in the filter circuit and the inverter, the phase leg blanking times distort the voltage pulse sequence fed to the filter input. These blanking times are caused by excessively large dead time values between the IGBT control pulses. Moreover, the various switching timing distortions, present in realworld electronics when operating with a microsecond timescale, bring additional skew to the control. Left uncompensated, this results in distortion of the filter input voltage and a filter self-induced overvoltage in the form of an overshoot. This overshoot adds to the voltage appearing at the motor terminals, thus increasing the transient voltage amplitude at the motor. This doctoral thesis investigates the magnitude of such timing deviation effects. If the motor load current is left uncompensated in the control, the filter output voltage can overshoot up to double the input voltage amplitude. IGBT nonlinearities were observed to cause a smaller overshoot, in the order of 30%. This thesis introduces an improved ADUDT control method that is able to compensate for phase leg blanking times, giving flexibility to the pulse pattern structure and dead times. The control method is still sensitive to timing deviations, and their effect is investigated. A simple approach of using a fixed delay compensation value was tried in the test setup measurements. The ADUDT method with the new control algorithm was found to work in an actual motor drive application. Judging by the simulation results, with the delay compensation, the method should ultimately enable an output voltage performance and a du/dt reduction that are free from residual overshoot effects. The proposed control algorithm is not strictly required for successful ADUDT operation: It is possible to precalculate the pulse patterns by iteration and then for instance store them into a look-up table inside the control electronics. Rather, the newly developed control method is a mathematical tool for solving the ADUDT control pulses. It does not contain the timing deviation compensation (from the logic-level command to the phase leg output voltage), and as such is not able to remove the timing deviation effects that cause error and overshoot in the filter. When the timing deviation compensation has to be tuned-in in the control pattern, the precalculated iteration method could prove simpler and equally good (or even better) compared with the mathematical solution with a separate timing compensation module. One of the key findings in this thesis is the conclusion that the correctness of the pulse pattern structure, in the sense of ZCC and predicted pulse timings, cannot be separated from the timing deviations. The usefulness of the correctly calculated pattern is reduced by the voltage edge timing errors. The doctoral thesis provides an introductory background chapter on variable-speed AC drives and the problem of motor overvoltages and takes a look at traditional solutions for overvoltage mitigation. Previous results related to the active du/dt filtering are discussed. The basic operation principle and design of the filter have been studied previously. The effect of load current in the filter and the basic idea of compensation have been presented in the past. However, there was no direct way of including the dead time in the control (except for solving the pulse pattern manually by iteration), and the magnitude of nonlinearity effects had not been investigated. The enhanced control principle with the dead time handling capability and a case study of the test setup timing deviations are the main contributions of this doctoral thesis. The simulation and experimental setup results show that the proposed control method can be used in an actual drive. Loss measurements and a comparison of active du/dt output filtering with traditional output filtering methods are also presented in the work. Two different ADUDT filter designs are included, with ferrite core and air core inductors. Other filters included in the tests were a passive du/dtfilter and a passive sine filter. The loss measurements incorporated a silicon carbide diode-equipped IGBT module, and the results show lower losses with these new device technologies. The new control principle was measured in a 43 A load current motor drive system and was able to bring the filter output peak voltage from 980 V (the previous control principle) down to 680 V in a 540 V average DC link voltage variable-speed drive. A 200 m motor cable was used, and the filter losses for the active du/dt methods were 111W–126 W versus 184 W for the passive du/dt. In terms of inverter and filter losses, the active du/dt filtering method had a 1.82-fold increase in losses compared with an all-passive traditional du/dt output filter. The filter mass with the active du/dt method was 17% (2.4 kg, air-core inductors) compared with 14 kg of the passive du/dt method filter. Silicon carbide freewheeling diodes were found to reduce the inverter losses in the active du/dt filtering by 18% compared with the same IGBT module with silicon diodes. For a 200 m cable length, the average peak voltage at the motor terminals was 1050 V with no filter, 960 V for the all-passive du/dt filter, and 700 V for the active du/dt filtering applying the new control principle.


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Adapting and scaling up agile concepts, which are characterized by iterative, self-directed, customer value focused methods, may not be a simple endeavor. This thesis concentrates on studying challenges in a large-scale agile software development transformation in order to enhance understanding and bring insight into the underlying factors for such emerging challenges. This topic is approached through understanding the concepts of agility and different methods compared to traditional plan-driven processes, complex adaptive theory and the impact of organizational culture on agile transformational efforts. The empirical part was conducted by a qualitative case study approach. The internationally operating software development case organization had a year of experience of an agile transformation effort during it had also undergone organizational realignment efforts. The primary data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews supported by participatory observation. As a result the identified challenges were categorized under four broad themes: organizational, management, team dynamics and process related. The identified challenges indicate that agility is a multifaceted concept. Agile practices may bring visibility in issues of which many are embedded in the organizational culture or in the management style. Viewing software development as a complex adaptive system could facilitate understanding of the underpinning philosophy and eventually solving the issues: interactions are more important than processes and solving a complex problem, such a novel software development, requires constant feedback and adaptation to changing requirements. Furthermore, an agile implementation seems to be unique in nature, and agents engaged in the interaction are the pivotal part of the success of achieving agility. In case agility is not a strategic choice for whole organization, it seems additional issues may arise due to different ways of working in different parts of an organization. Lastly, detailed suggestions to mitigate the challenges of the case organization are provided.


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Finnish design has attracted global attention lately and companies within the industry have potential in international markets. Because networks have been found to be extremely helpful in a firm’s international business operations and usefulness of networks is not fully exploited, their role in Finnish design companies is investigated. Accordingly, this study concentrates on understanding the role of networks in the internationalization process of Finnish design companies. This was investigated through describing the internationalization process of Finnish design companies, analyzing what kind of networks are related to internationalization process of Finnish design companies, and analyzing how networks are utilized in the internationalization process of Finnish design companies. The theoretical framework explores the Finnish design industry, internationalization process and networks. The Finnish design industry is introduced in general and the concept of design is defined to refer to the industries of textiles, furniture, clothing, and lighting equipment in the research. The theories of internationalization process, the Uppsala model and Luostarinen’s operation modes, are explored in detail. The Born Global theory, which is a contrary view to stage models, is also discussed. The concept of network is investigated, networks are classified into business and social networks, and network approach to internationalization is discussed. The research is conducted empirically and the research method is a descriptive case study. In this study, four case companies are investigated: the interior decoration unit of L-Fashion Group, Globe Hope, Klo Design, and Melaja Ltd. Data is collected by semi-structured interviews and the analysis is done in the following way: the case companies are introduced, their internationalization processes and networks are described and, finally, the comparison of the case companies is done in a form of cross-case analysis. This research showed that cooperation with social networks, such as locals or employees who have experience from the target market can be extremely helpful in the beginning of a Finnish design company’s internationalization process. This study also indicated that public organizations do not necessarily enhance the internationalization process in a design company point-of-view. In addition, the research showed that there is cooperation between small Finnish design companies whereas large design companies are not as open to cooperation with competitors.


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This thesis is based on studying integration synergies in a merger or acquisition situation with the interest in distribution channel integration. M&As seem to be forever popular and nowadays companies often use them as a certain kind of strategy to develop their business. M&As have attracted research for decades and also distribution in M&As has been found interesting. Moreover, research often concentrates to the horizontal M&A´s potential synergies that emerge in the integration process and so is the case also in this study as the core issue is to study the integration of the distribution channels and its potential synergies. This study concentrates on a single case, an acquisition which took place in 2011. The case consists of two Finnish companies operating in the same business field. Both of the companies are very export orientated, which gives this study its export view. As the companies operate in the same field this acquisition falls into the categorization of horizontal acquisition. The objective of the thesis is to study how the export channels could be integrated after an acquisition? This research question is divided again to three sub-questions asking how the distribution channels of the acquirer and acquired company are organized, what is pursued by the post-acquisition distribution channel integration and what are the integration challenges especially from the logistics point-of-view. The framework was built from the basis of the literature used in this thesis. The framework combines M&A process and distribution channels to a one united model which presents the progress of this thesis. The study was carried out as a qualitative research and as a holistic single case study. The data used in the research includes two interviews, other material from the case companies and also material of the companies collected by the author independently from different sources. There were many motives for the acquisition as usual. From the research results one can find that the integration process is still very ongoing and the synergies have not yet been fully discovered but also they are there to be found. The concentration of the research was in the export distribution which proved to be meaningful since the exports markets of the case companies were found to be quite complementary. The research results brought up also other issues concerning the post-acquisition integration process rather than the distribution channels and export. M&As are always a risky business. The final result can never be predicted. No matter how good the merging companies look on paper the practice is not the same. The acquisition process of this case has not ended yet and there lies potential synergy benefits to be discovered if enough effort is used to go through the process right.


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Tässä Pro gradu -tutkimuksessa selvitettiin yritystenvälisen yhteistyön suunnitelmallisuutta ja systemaattisuutta. Tavoite oli ymmärtää miksi ja miten systemaattinen toimintaohjeisto tulisi tehdä sekä empiirisesti tutkia ovatko valitut yritykset tehneet itselleen toimintaohjeet yritystenväliseen yhteistyöhön. Tutkimuksen yhteydessä kehittyi ”yrityksen 360° -kumppanistrategia”, joka voidaan liittää osaksi yrityksen kokonaisstrategiaa. Kokonaisvaltainen 360° -kumppanistrategia luo pohjan kaikkien ulkoisten yrityssuhteiden systemaattiseen määrittelyyn ja hoitamiseen. 360° -kumppanistrategiasta johdetaan operatiivinen 90° -kumppanikäsikirja yhteistyösuhteiden eri osa-alueille. Operatiivisessa työkalussa määritellään muun muassa miten kuhkin yhteistyösuhde asemoidaan yritykseen nähden ja miten eri yhteistyö-kumppaneiden kanssa tulee toimia. 360° -kumppanistrategialla luodaan selkeyttä yritystenväliseen yhteistyöhön toimintatapoja yhtenäistämällä. Pro gradu -tutkimuksessa tutkittiin 360° -kumppanistrategiaa sekä teoreettisesta että empiirisestä lähtökohdasta. Teoreettisessa osassa selvitettiin, mitä yrityksen 360° -kumppanistrategiasta on kirjoitettu ja onko aiheeseen liittyen olemassa olevaa teoriaa. Empiirisessä osassa tutkittiin miksi ja miten yritykset ovat luoneet itselleen 360° -kumppanistrategian. Empiirinen tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisin menetelmin henkilökohtaisten haastattelu-tutkimusten avulla. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että 360° -kumppanistrategiaa on tutkittu melko vähän. Tieteellinen tutkimus keskittyy lähinnä vallitseviin yhteistyö-malleihin, verkostoihin tai yhteistyöhön liittyviin yksittäisiin komponentteihin, kuten luottamukseen. Empiirinen havainto oli, että muutamilla yrityksillä oli tietoinen toimintatapa ulkoisten yritysten kanssa toimimiseen, mutta sen sisältö vaihteli yrityksestä riippuen. Tässä tutkimuksessa esiteltyä kokonaisvaltaista 360° -kumppanistrategiaa tutkituissa yrityksissä ei aiemmin ollut tässä laajuudessa.


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Työntekijöitä ja heidän tietojaan ja taitojaan pidetään yhtenä yrityksen tär-keimmistä resursseista. Jatkuvasti muuttuvan toimintaympäristön vuoksi on tärkeää huolehtia työntekijöiden terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista. Työhyvinvoinnista tarvitaan ajankohtaista tietoa, jotta voidaan seurata henkilöstön kehitystä ja luoda realistinen kuva henkilöstön pitkäaikaiseen suorituskykyyn vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia kohdeyrityksen henkilöstöraportoinnin kehitystarpeita. Tutkimus on rajattu kohdeyrityksen sisäiseen raportointiin ja työhyvinvointiraportointiin. Aineisto kerättiin teemahaastatteluiden ja sähköpostihaastatteluiden avulla. Kohdeyrityksessä on tarve uusille henkilöstötunnusluvuille ja säännölliselle, tarpeeksi usein toteutettavalle henkilöstökyselylle. Lisäksi henkilöstökyselyiden tuloksista ja työhyvinvoinnin kehittämisen toimenpiteistä tarvitaan koko henkilöstölle näkyvää raportointia.


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Scanning optics create different types of phenomena and limitation to cladding process compared to cladding with static optics. This work concentrates on identifying and explaining the special features of laser cladding with scanning optics. Scanner optics changes cladding process energy input mechanics. Laser energy is introduced into the process through a relatively small laser spot which moves rapidly back and forth, distributing the energy to a relatively large area. The moving laser spot was noticed to cause dynamic movement in the melt pool. Due to different energy input mechanism scanner optic can make cladding process unstable if parameter selection is not done carefully. Especially laser beam intensity and scanning frequency have significant role in the process stability. The laser beam scanning frequency determines how long the laser beam affects with specific place local specific energy input. It was determined that if the scanning frequency in too low, under 40 Hz, scanned beam can start to vaporize material. The intensity in turn determines on how large package this energy is brought and if the intensity of the laser beam was too high, over 191 kW/cm2, laser beam started to vaporize material. If there was vapor formation noticed in the melt pool, the process starts to resample more laser alloying due to deep penetration of laser beam in to the substrate. Scanner optics enables more flexibility to the process than static optics. The numerical adjustment of scanning amplitude enables clad bead width adjustment. In turn scanner power modulation (where laser power is adjusted according to where the scanner is pointing) enables modification of clad bead cross-section geometry when laser power can be adjusted locally and thus affect how much laser beam melts material in each sector. Power modulation is also an important factor in terms of process stability. When a linear scanner is used, oscillating the scanning mirror causes a dwell time in scanning amplitude border area, where the scanning mirror changes the direction of movement. This can cause excessive energy input to this area which in turn can cause vaporization and process instability. This process instability can be avoided by decreasing energy in this region by power modulation. Powder feeding parameters have a significant role in terms of process stability. It was determined that with certain powder feeding parameter combinations powder cloud behavior became unstable, due to the vaporizing powder material in powder cloud. Mainly this was noticed, when either or both the scanning frequency or powder feeding gas flow was low or steep powder feeding angle was used. When powder material vaporization occurred, it created vapor flow, which prevented powder material to reach the melt pool and thus dilution increased. Also powder material vaporization was noticed to produce emission of light at wavelength range of visible light. This emission intensity was noticed to be correlated with the amount of vaporization in the powder cloud.


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This master’s thesis was done for a small company, Vipetec Oy, which offers specialized technological services for companies mainly in forest industry. The study was initiated partly because the company wants to expand its customer base to a new industry. There were two goals connected to each other. First was to find out how much and what kind of value current customers have realized from ATA Process Event Library, one of the products that the company offers. Second was to determine the best way to present this value and its implications for future value potential to both current and potential customers. ATA helps to make grade and product changes, starting after machine downtime, and recovery from production break faster for customers. All three events sometimes occur in production line. The faster operation results to savings in time and material. In addition to ATA Vipetec also offers other services related to development of automation and optimization of controls. Theoretical part concentrates on the concept of value, how it can be delivered to customers, and what kind of risk customer faces in industrial purchasing. Also the function of reference marketing towards customers is discussed. In the empirical part the realized value for existing customers is evaluated based on both numerical data and interviews. There’s also a brief case study about one customer. After that the value-based reference marketing for a target industry is examined through interviews of these potential customers. Finally answers to the research questions are stated and compared also to the theoretical knowledge about the subject. Results show that those customers’ machines which use the full service concept of ATA usually are able to save more time and material than the machines which use only some features of the product. Interviews indicated that sales arguments which focus on improved competitive status are not as effective as current arguments which focus on numerical improvements. In the case of potential customers in the new industry, current sales arguments likely work best for those whose irregular production situations are caused mainly by fault situations. When the actions of Vipetec were compared to ten key elements of creating customer references, it was seen that many of them the company has either already included in its strategy or has good chances to include them with the help of the results of this study.


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Vibrations in machines can cause noise, decrease the performance, or even damage the machine. Vibrations appear if there is a source of vibration that excites the system. In the worst case scenario, the excitation frequency coincides with the natural frequency of the machine causing resonance. Rotating machines are a machine type, where the excitation arises from the machine itself. The excitation originates from the mass imbalance in the rotating shaft, which always exists in machines that are manufactured using conventional methods. The excitation has a frequency that is dependent on the rotational speed of the machine. The rotating machines in industrial use are usually designed to rotate at a constant rotational speed, the case where the resonances can be easily avoided. However, the machines that have a varying operational speed are more problematic due to a wider range of frequencies that have to be avoided. Vibrations, which frequencies equal to rotational speed frequency of the machine are widely studied and considered in the typical machine design process. This study concentrates on vibrations, which arise from the excitations having frequencies that are multiples of the rotational speed frequency. These vibrations take place when there are two or more excitation components in a revolution of a rotating shaft. The dissertation introduces four studies where three kinds of machines are experiencing vibrations caused by different excitations. The first studied case is a directly driven permanent magnet generator used in a wind power plant. The electromagnetic properties of the generator cause harmonic excitations in the system. The dynamic responses of the generator are studied using the multibody dynamics formulation. In another study, the finite element method is used to study the vibrations of a magnetic gear due to excitations, which frequencies equal to the rotational speed frequency. The objective is to study the effects of manufacturing and assembling inaccuracies. Particularly, the eccentricity of the rotating part with respect to non-rotating part is studied since the eccentric operation causes a force component in the direction of the shortest air gap. The third machine type is a tube roll of a paper machine, which is studied while the tube roll is supported using two different structures. These cases are studied using different formulations. In the first case, the tube roll is supported by spherical roller bearings, which have some wavinesses on the rolling surfaces. Wavinesses cause excitations to the tube roll, which starts to resonate at the frequency that is a half of the first natural frequency. The frequency is in the range where the machine normally operates. The tube roll is modeled using the finite element method and the bearings are modeled as nonlinear forces between the tube roll and the pedestals. In the second case studied, the tube roll is supported by freely rotating discs, which wavinesses are also measured. The above described phenomenon is captured as well in this case, but the simulation methodology is based on the flexible multibody dynamics formulation. The simulation models that are used in both of the last two cases studied are verified by measuring the actual devices and comparing the simulated and measured results. The results show good agreement.