582 resultados para Technology Enhance Learning


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This paper aims to better understand the development of students’ learning processes when participating actively in a specific Computer Supported Collaborative Learning system called KnowCat. To this end, a longitudinal case study was designed, in which eighteen university students took part in a 12-month (two semesters) learning project. During this time period, the students followed an instructional process, using some elements of KnowCat (KnowCat key features) design to support and improve their interaction processes, especially peer learning processes. Our research involved both supervising the students’ collaborative learning processes throughout the learning project and focusing our analysis on the qualitative evolution of the students’ interaction processes and on the development of metacognitive learning processes. The results of the current research reveal that the instructional application of the CSCL-KnowCat system may favour and improve the development of the students’ metacognitive learning processes. Additionally, the implications of the design of computer supported collaborative learning networks and pedagogical issues are discussed in this paper.


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Tämä diplomityö määrittelee teknologiaseurantaprosessin, jolla korkean teknologian yritys voi ohjata toimintaansa. Korkean teknologian yrityksille on olennaista seurata teknologian kehitystä. Tällaiset yritykset tarvitsevat hyvin määritellyn järjestelmän, jolla ne voivat seurata ja ennustaa teknologista kehitystä.Työssä esitetään, että teknologiaseuranta ja kilpailuseuranta (competitive intelligence) ovat business intelligencen osa-alueita, jotka täydentävät ja tukevat toisiaan. Tärkeä havainto on, että business intelligence -prosessi on ennen kaikkea organisaation oppimisprosessi. Tästä seuraa, että minkä tahansa BI-prosessin tulisi perustua niihin prosesseihin, joiden avulla organisaatiot oppivat. Työssä esitetään myös, miten business intelligence, tietojohtaminen (knowledge management) ja organisaatioiden oppiminen liittyvät toisiinsa.Teknologiaseuranta on elintärkeä toiminto korkean teknologian yritykselle; sitä tarvitaan monella strategisen johtamisen osa-alueella, ainakin teknologia-, markkinointi- ja henkilöstöjohtamisessa. Teknologiaseurannan havaitaan myös olevan korkean teknologian yritykselle erittäin tärkeä ydinosaamisalue, jota ei voi kokonaan ulkoistaa.Työssä esitellään teknologiaseurantaprosessi, joka perustuu yleiselle business intelligence -prosessille ja siitä johdetulle kilpailuseurantaprosessille. Työssä myös esitetään ehdotus siitä, kuinka teknologiaseuranta voitaisiin järjestää korkean teknologian yrityksessä. Esitetty ratkaisu perustuu Community of practice -käsitteeseen. Community of practice on vapaaehtoisuuteen perustuva tiimi, jonka jäseniä yhdistää kiinnostus johonkin asiaan ja oppimishalu. Esimerkkiyrityksessä on tunnistettu selkeä tarve yhtenäiseen ja koordinoituun teknologiaseurantaan. Työssä esitetään alustava teknologiaseurantaprosessi esimerkkiyritykselle ja tunnistetaan teknologiaseurantaprosessin asiakkaat ja tekijät.


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Tutkimuksen avulla selvitettiin opintomenestykseen liittyviä tekijöitä Lappeenrannan teknillisessä korkeakoulussa (LTKK). Tutkimus liittyi opetuksen ja oppimisen kehitystyöhön tuotantotalouden osastolla. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksen muodosti oppimistuloksia selittävä malli, joka on laadittu Tynjälän (1999) kokoaman mallin perusteella. Tutkimuksen perusjoukko muodostui LTKK:n läsnä olevista perusopiskelijoista lukuun ottamatta jatko- ja vaihto-opiskelijoita. Opiskelijat jaettiin ositetulla otannalla ryhmiin, joissa suoritettiin yksinkertainen satunnaisotanta. Otoskoko oli 645 opiskelijaa. Tiedonkeruumenetelmänä oli Internet-kysely. Aineisto analysoitiin useiden kvantitatiivisten ja kvalitatiivisten menetelmien avulla. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan pitää luotettavina ja tutkimuksen avulla saatiin tärkeää ja hyödyllistä tietoa opintomenestyksestä ja oppimisprosesseista. Tulosten perusteella merkittävimmät oppimistuloksiin positiivisesti liittyvät tekijät ovat syväsuuntautunut opiskelustrategia ja luottaminen omiin kykyihin, ja negatiiviset tekijät ovat oppimisen itsesäätelyn puute, omien kykyjen epäily ja pintasuuntautunut opiskelustrategia. Merkitysorientoituneet, itsesäätelykykyiset opiskelijat menestyivät LTKK:ssa parhaiten.


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The aim of this study is to measure the psychometric properties of a Catalan translation of the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST), and to analyse the different learning styles used by university students, considering the influence of gender and type of studies. The instrument was administered to 834 students at the University of Girona. The results showed that most students interviewed had a deep approach to learning, although the analysis by gender showed that females tended to use a more strategic approach, while males used a deep approach predominantly. As to whether the type of studies influenced learning styles, a prevalence of deep approach was found among Science and Technology students, while a more strategic approach was found among Humanities and Education students


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The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the role and nature of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. In the knowledge-based "learning race" knowledge is considered as a primary source for competitive advantage. In the emerging ICT sector the high pace of technological change, the convergence of technologies and industries as well as the increasing complexity and uncertainty have forced even the largest players to seek cooperation for complementary knowledge and capabilities. Small technology firms need the complementary resources and legitimacy of the large firms to grow and compete in the global market place. Most of the earlier research indicates, however, that partnerships with asymmetric size, managerial resources and cultures have failed. A basic assumption supported by earlier research was that trust is a critical factor in asymmetric technology partnership formation. Asymmetric technology partnership formation is a dynamic and multi-dimensional process, and consequently a holistic research approach was selected. Research issue was approached from different levels: the individual decision-maker, the firm and the relationship between the parties. Also the impact of the dynamic environment and technology content was analyzed. A multitheoretical approach and a qualitative research method with in-depth interviews in five large ICT companies and eight small ICT companies enabled a holistic and rich view of the research issue. Study contributes on the scarce understanding on the nature and evolution of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. It sheds also light on the specific nature of asymmetric technology partnerships. The partnerships were found to be tentative and the diverse strategic intent of small and large technology firms appeared as a major challenge. The role of the boundary spanner was highlighted as a possibility to match the incompatible organizational cultures. A shared vision was found to be a pre-condition for individual-based fast trust leading to intuitive decision-making and experimentation. The relationships were tentative and they were continuously re-evaluated through the key actors' sense making of the technology content, asymmetry and the dynamic environment. A multi-dimensional conceptualization for trust was created and propositions on the role and nature of trust for further research are given. The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the role and nature of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. In the knowledge-based "learning race" knowledge is considered as a primary source for competitive advantage. In the emerging ICT sector the high pace of technological change, the convergence of technologies and industries as well as the increasing complexity and uncertainty have forced even the largest players to seek cooperation for complementary knowledge and capabilities. Small technology firms need the complementary resources and legitimacy of the large firms to grow and compete in the global market place. Most of the earlier research indicates, however, that partnerships with asymmetric size, managerial resources and cultures have failed. A basic assumption supported by earlier research was that trust is a critical factor in asymmetric technology partnership formation. Asymmetric technology partnership formation is a dynamic and multi-dimensional process, and consequently a holistic research approach was selected. Research issue was approached from different levels: the individual decision-maker, the firm and the relationship between the parties. Also the impact of the dynamic environment and technology content was analyzed. A multitheoretical approach and a qualitative research method with in-depth interviews in five large ICT companies and eight small ICT companies enabled a holistic and rich view of the research issue. Study contributes on the scarce understanding on the nature and evolution of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. It sheds also light on the specific nature of asymmetric technology partnerships. The partnerships were found to be tentative and the diverse strategic intent of small and large technology firms appeared as a major challenge. The role of the boundary spanner was highlighted as a possibility to match the incompatible organizational cultures. A shared vision was found to be a pre-condition for individual-based fast trust leading to intuitive decision-making and experimentation. The relationships were tentative and they were continuously re-evaluated through the key actors' sense making of the technology content, asymmetry and the dynamic environment. A multi-dimensional conceptualization for trust was created and propositions on the role and nature of trust for further research are given.


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The European Educational Institutions have the challenge and the commitment to enhance multilingual competence and teaching curricular subjects in a foreign language is seen as one of the most promising alternatives. In that context, professors teaching different engineering subjects at the School of Engineering of the UPC at Manresa (EPSEM) have been involved in projects aiming at analyzing the current linguistic situation and developing some on-line open access materials using CLIL as a strategy. They formed the u-Linguatech Research Group on Multilingual Communication in Science and Technology in order to provide such resources in an effective and efficient way. In this paper, we focus on students’ perception of the improvement of their multilingual competence throughout their Engineering degree, by means of subjects taught in English by non-native speakers. Data about the English level of current students are taken into account. We also describe the use of the above resources to improve the quality of subjects learning related to Chemical Engineering curricula.


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In this paper we study student interaction in English and Swedish courses at a Finnish university. We focus on language choices made in task-related activities in small group interaction. Our research interests arose from the change in the teaching curriculum, in which content and language courses were integrated at Tampere University of Technology in 2013. Using conversation analysis, we analysed groups of 4-5 students who worked collaboratively on a task via a video conference programme. The results show how language alternation has different functions in 1) situations where students orient to managing the task, e.g., in transitions into task, or where they orient to technical problems, and 2) situations where students accomplish the task. With the results, we aim to show how language alternation can provide interactional opportunities for language learning. The findings will be useful in designing tasks in the future.


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Tampere University of Technology is undergoing a degree reform that started in 2013. One of the major changes in the reform was the integration of compulsory Finnish, Swedish and English language courses to substance courses at the bachelor level. The integration of content and language courses aims at higher quality language learning, more fluency in studies, and increased motivation toward language studies. In addition, integration is an opportunity to optimize the use of resources and to offer courses that are more tailored to the students' field of study and to the skills needed in working life. The reform also aims to increase and develop co-operation between different departments at the university and to develop scientific follow up. This paper gives an overview of the integration process conducted at TUT and gives examples of adjunct CLIL implementations in three different languages.


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In this paper, we reflect about the broadening of the field of application of CRM from the business domain to a wider context of relationships in which the inclusion of non-profit making organizations seems natural. In particular, we focus on analyzing the suitability of adopting CRM processes by universities and higher educational institutions dedicated to e-learning. This is an issue that, in our opinion, has much potential but has received little attention in research so far.


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Automation or semi-automation of learning scenariospecifications is one of the least exploredsubjects in the e-learning research area. There isa need for a catalogue of learning scenarios and atechnique to facilitate automated retrieval of stored specifications. This requires constructing anontology with this goal and is justified inthis paper. This ontology must mainlysupport a specification technique for learning scenarios. This ontology should also be useful in the creation and validation of new scenarios as well as in the personalization of learning scenarios or their monitoring. Thus, after justifying the need for this ontology, a first approach of a possible knowledge domain is presented. An example of a concrete learning scenario illustrates some relevant concepts supported by this ontology in order to define the scenario in such a way that it could be easy to automate.


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Teachers of the course Introduction to Mathematics for Engineers at the UOC, an online distance-learning university, have designed,developed and tested an online studymaterial. It includes basic pre-university mathematics, indications for correct follow-up of this content and recommendations for finding appropriate support and complementarymaterials. Many different resources are used,depending on the characteristics of thecontents: Flash sequences, interactive applets, WIRIS calculators and PDF files.During the last semester, the new study material has been tested with 119 students. The academic results and student satisfaction have allowed us to outline and prioritise future lines of action.


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