843 resultados para Social qualitative research
The purpose of this study was to find out how a software company can successfully expand business to the Danish software market through distribution channel. The study was commissioned by a Finnish software company and it was conducted using a qualitative research method by analyzing external and internal business environment, and interviewing Danish ICT organizations and M-Files personnel. Interviews were semi-structured interviews, which were designed to collect comprehensive information on the existing ICT and software market in Denmark. The research used three external and internal analyzing frameworks; PEST analysis (market level), Porter´s Five Force analysis (industry level competition) and SWOT analysis (company level). Distribution channels theory was a base to understand why and what kind of distribution channels the case company uses, and what kind of channels target markets companies’ uses. Channel strategy and design were integrated to the industry level analysis. The empirical findings revealed that Denmark has very business friendly ICT environment. Several organizations have ranked Denmark´s information and communication technology as the best in the world. Denmark’s ICT and software market are relatively small, compared to many other countries in Europe. Danish software market is centralized. Largest software clusters are in the largest cities; Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg. From these clusters, software companies can most likely find suitable resellers. The following growing trends are clearly seen in the software market: mobile and wireless applications, outsourcing, security solutions, cloud computing, social business solutions and e-business solutions. When expanding software business to the Danish market, it is important to take into account these trends. In Denmark distribution channels varies depending on the product or service. For many, a natural distribution channel is a local partner or internet. In the public sector solutions are purchased through a public procurement process. In the private sector the buying process is more straight forwarded. Danish companies are buying software from reliable suppliers. This means that they usually buy software direct from big software vendors or local partners. Some customers prefer to use professional consulting companies. These consulting companies can strongly influence on the selection of the supplier and products, and in this light, consulting companies can be important partners for software companies. Even though the competition is fierce in ECM and DMS solutions, Danish market offers opportunities for foreign companies. Penetration to the Danish market through reseller channel requires advanced solutions and objective selection criteria for channel partners. Based on the findings, Danish companies are interested in advanced and efficient software solutions. Interest towards M-Files solutions was clearly seen and the company has excellent opportunity to expand business to the Danish market through reseller channel. Since the research explored the Danish ICT and software market, the results of the study may offer valuable information also to the other software companies which are expanding their business to the Danish market.
China’s phenomenal economic growth and social development have brought along interesting opportunities for Finnish companies. One intriguing sector offering significant growth potential is the food industry. Due to the local food safety issues, rising disposable income level and changing consumer habits, the demand for foreign food is increasing. Finnish food companies have much to offer in terms of high quality, food safety in production, technological development and innovation. The purpose of this study is to examine how the Finnish food enterprises choose their entry modes in the Chinese market. This study increases understanding of entry modes the Finnish companies can use to successfully enter the unpredictable market of China in the food industry context. The study examines the industry specific challenges and the possible solutions to them. Qualitative research is selected as research methodology for this study because the intention is to understand the reasons behind the Finnish food enterprises’ entry mode choices in the Chinese market. The study is conducted as a qualitative case analysis. Six Finnish case companies operating in the food industry were interviewed. The results of the research indicate that most of the food industry companies use exporting as their entry mode to China; only one case company used an investment mode. This study illustrates the significance of the factors related to company’s background, mode concerns and Chinese market influences in the entry mode choice.
The thesis explores how the business ecosystem of financial services has changed and what its drivers of change are. Existing literature in the field of financial industry is concerned with financial innovations and their features, determinants and factors, but also with how to organize innovation activities such as open innovation principles. Thus, there is a clear need for understanding changes in financial service ecosystem. First, the comprehensive theory framework is conducted in order to serve the reader’s necessary understanding of basic theoretical concepts that are related to ecosystem changes. Second, the research is carried out by using qualitative research methods; the data is collected by interviewing 11 experts from the field of financial services in Finland. According to the results of this thesis, the most significant changes in the financial service ecosystem are the new market players. They have increased competition, created new courses of action, set new requirements for financial services, and first and foremost, they have shifted customers into the heart of the whole ecosystem. These new market players have a willingness to cooperate with external partners, which means a shift towards the world of open innovation. In addition, the economic environment has changed which has resulted in tighter regulation for incumbents making them even unyielding. Technology change, together with digitalization, has lead new financial innovations and new digital service channels, which have challenged the traditional business models in the financial industry. They have improved transparency, openness and efficiency, but also lead to the fragmentation of financial services. Thus, customers search for financial services from different sources and different service providers, and finally combine them into a coherent whole, which meets their own needs. The change of customers’ behavior and social environment has enabled and boosted these changes in the financial ecosystem. All in all, the change of the financial ecosystem is not a result of one or a few change forces, but instead it is a combination of many different factors.
The main objective of this study is to examine the motivations behind sharing information and other content in social media. The goal was also to research how social media has changed information sharing behavior online. The theoretical part of the study covers social media marketing, motivations and Rioux’s framework of Information-Acquiring–and-Sharing in Internet environments. Marketer’s abilities to influence information sharing is explained through the MOA-model. The empirical research was conducted by using deductive research methods to assess Rioux’s framework of IA&S behavior in social media. This study included interviews of 12 respondents. The data was collected and analyzed by using qualitative research methods. This study confirms Rioux’s findings. Everyday information needs motivate information acquiring behavior. The findings show that social and emotional needs for maintaining relationships and the need for participation are considered as the most important internal motivations of sharing information and other content on social media. External motivations include expectations of others, environmental norms, and opportunities to win money. Social media strengthens the motivation for sharing information by offering a platform for satisfying these needs. It has also increased information sharing online due to its ease of use.
Tutkimuksessa selvitetään yritysvastuun käytännön toteutumista työntekijöiden näkökulmasta kaupan alalla toimivassa kohdeyrityksessä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella työntekijöiden roolia yritysvastuun toteuttajina ja sisäisen yritysvastuuviestinnän merkitystä työntekijöille. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus ja tutkimusaineisto on kerätty kaupan alalla toimivassa kohdeyrityksessä. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella, joka lähetettiin 20 toimihenkilölle ja ylemmälle toimihenkilölle kohdeyrityksessä. Vastauksia tuli 13. Kyselyn lisäksi aineistona käytettiin yritysvastuu johtajan teemahaastattelua ja yrityksen julkaisemaa julkista yritysvastuumateriaalia. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että työntekijät ovat tärkeässä osassa yritysvastuun toteutumista. Yritysten tulisi sitouttaa ja motivoida työntekijät toimimaan yritysvastuun eteen. Sisäisen yritysvastuuviestinnän merkitys korostuu tässä ja sillä onkin suuri merkitys yritysvastuutoiminnan onnistumisessa ja työntekijöille. Kohdeyrityksessä yritysvastuu näkyy työntekijöiden jokapäiväisessä työssä erilaisina asioina, riippuen työtehtävästä. Haasteet liittyvät sisäiseen viestintään ja erityisesti kahdensuuntaiseen kommunikaatioon.
The article-based doctoral dissertation deals with adult individuals in Western societies who were born into multilingual and multicultural families and have parents of different nationalities. The study’s participants grew up outside their parents’ countries of origin and relate to a multitude of bonds that link them across various cultures, languages and places. The study explores the social dimension of cultural belonging and examines diverse approaches that enable the participants to create notions of belonging and identification despite possessing at times contradictory transnational allegiances. The works offers new perspectives on transnational belonging and makes a timely contribution to discussions in the fields of cultural heritage studies, ethnology and transnational studies. The dissertation combines qualitative research methods with an insider perspective. The empirical material is based on semi-structured interviews with fifteen participants, among which are also the author’s siblings. The study addresses the relevance of the author’s personal situatedness and her multi-faceted roles as well as ethical concerns related to the methodological approach of insider research. The social dimension of cultural identities affect both the participants’ identification with their multiple attachments and language use in everyday life. The key research findings present interrelated discussions of the participants’ notion of being a mixture, the importance of family bonds and multilingualism, a specific mixed family lifestyle, the notion of non-belonging and the study participants’ sense of otherness as a means of creating communality with others. The study discusses the participants’ various life strategies of flexible relativising, juggling with multiple affiliations, the approach of “blending in” and their sense of ironic nation-ness for constructing a coherent sense of belonging. The author argues that multicultural belonging is inextricably connected to an association with multiple languages, cultures and places. Multicultural belonging is relational and depends on the context, social relationships and locations. The study proposes that multicultural belonging creates a tolerant understanding of membership and enables experiences of cosmopolitanism and selected notions of allegiance.
Tämän pro gradu – tutkielman tavoitteena oli ymmärtää ja kuvata, kuinka yritysvastuura-porttien varmennusraportit ovat muuttuneet tarkasteluajanjaksolla vuosina 2002 – 2013 sekä kuinka varmennuksen antaja voi vaikuttaa annettaviin varmennusraportteihin. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa on todettu, että pienilläkin eroilla varmennusraporteissa voi olla suuri vaikutus niiden tulkintaan. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli lisätä ymmärrystä siitä, millaista vaihtelua raporteissa on ollut eri ajanjaksojen ja varmentajien välillä, ja millainen vaikutus tällä on raportin lukijan kannalta. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisen menetelmin, ja tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty kvantitatiivista sisällönerittelyä ja laadullista sisältöanalyysiä. Empiirisen aineiston muodostivat 16 yrityksen yritysvastuuraporteille tilintarkastajan antamat varmennusraportit, joita tarkasteluajanjaksolla oli yhteensä 67 kappaletta. Varmennusraportit kerättiin yritysten internetsivuilta. Tutkimuksen perusteella varmennusraportit ovat monin tavoin standardisoituneet tarkasteluajanjaksolla. Merkittävä vaikutus varmennusraportteihin on ollut ISAE3000-standardien voimaantulolla, koska ne määrittävät melko tarkasti, kuinka varmennus tulee suorittaa sekä millainen varmennusraportti suoritetun työn perusteella tulee antaa. Jotkut raportit osat ovat sisällöltään samanlaisia varmentajasta riippumatta, mutta toiset osat vaihtelivat paljon varmentajasta riippuen. Eroja oli niin raportissa käytetyissä sananmuodoissa kuin itse sanoman sisällössäkin. Jossain kohdin, kuten varmennusraporttien johtopäätöksissä, oli kuitenkin havaittavissa, että vaikka standardi ei sinänsä määritä, mistä asioista johtopäätös tulee antaa, oli tässä tapahtunut ns. luonnollinen standardoituminen eri varmentajien välillä.
Marketing has changed because of digitalization. Marketing is moving towards digital channels and more companies are transitioning from “pushing” advertising messages to “pull” marketing, that attracts audience with the content that interests and benefits the audience. This kind of marketing is called content marketing or “inbound” marketing. This study focuses on how marketing communications agencies utilize digital content marketing and what are the best practices with the selected digital content marketing channels. In this study, those channels include blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The qualitative research method was utilized in order to examine the phenomenon of digital content marketing in-depth. The chosen data collecting method was semi-structured interviewing. A total of seven marketing communications agencies, who currently utilize digital content marketing, were selected as case companies and interviewed. All the case companies are from the marketing communications industry because that industry can be assumed to be well adapted to digital content marketing techniques. There is a research gap about digital content marketing in the B2B context, which increases the novelty value of this research. The study examines what is digital content marketing, why B2B companies use digital content marketing, and how should digital content marketing be conducted through blogs and social media. The informants perceived digital marketing to be a fundamental part of their all marketing. They conduct digital content marketing for the following reasons: to increase sales, to improve their brand image and to demonstrate their own skills. Concrete results of digital content marketing for the case companies include sales leads, new clients, better brand image, and that recruiting is easier. The most important success factors with blogs and social media are the following: 1) Audience-centric thinking. All content planning should start from figuring out which themes interests the target audience. Social media channel choices should be based on where the target audience can be reached. 2) Companies should not talk only about themselves. Instead, content is made about themes that interests the target audience. On social media channels, only a fragment of all shared content is about the company. Rather, most of the shared content is industry-specific content that helps the potential client.
Yritysten yhteiskuntavastuu on viime vuosina noussut merkittäväksi osaksi yritysten jokapäiväistä toimintaa. Yhteiskuntavastuun aseman kehittymiseen yritysten strategiseksi valinnaksi on edesauttanut internetin sidosryhmille tarjoama lähes rajaton informaatio, joka on pakottanut yritykset muuttamaan toimintatapojaan kestävämpään suuntaan. Nykyinen asetelma on myös pakottanut yritykset miettimään uudestaan mitä he yhteiskuntavastuullaan haluavat sidosryhmilleen viestiä, ja miten he sen tekevät. Vastauksena tähän yritykset ovat kehittäneet voimakkaasti yhteiskuntavastuuraportointikäytäntöjään viime vuosien aikana, mikä näkyy muun muassa erialaisten raportointiohjeistusten hyödyntämisen yleistymisenä yhteiskuntavastuuraportoinnin apuvälineenä. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää mitä yhteiskuntavastuu on, ja millaisia keinoja yrityksillä on integroida yhteiskuntavastuullinen toiminta osaksi hankintatoimeen kuuluvaa toimittajavalintaa. Työn empiriaosuus on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena vertailemalla kahden suomalaisen eri toimialoilla toimivan yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuuraportteja, ja sen tavoitteena on löytää teemoja ja työkaluja, joiden avulla yritykset implementoivat yhteiskuntavastuuta toimittajavalinnassaan. Tutkimuksen yksi merkittävimmistä löydöistä oli yritysten tarve nostaa sekä yhteiskuntavastuu että toimittajavalinta strategisiksi toiminnoiksi, mitä tukee molempien empiriaosuudessa käytettyjen yritysten yhteiskuntavastuuraporteista löytynyt maininta toimitusketjujen sekä toimittajavalinnan suuresta merkityksestä yritysten yhteiskuntavastuun toteuttamisen välineenä.
The Arctic region is experiencing a significant change in terms of climate change and a growing economic interest towards its natural resources and emerging business opportunities. The purpose of this study is to explore how can Finnish companies create sustainable business in the Arctic. This is done by examining the arctic business environment, identifying sectors with growth potential, addressing challenges related to operating in the Arctic and suggesting how to ensure sustainability and succeed in the globally competed arctic market. The theoretical framework is based on theories of sustainable development, corporate social responsibility and the role of strategy in creating sustainable business. Empirical data was collected by using qualitative research methods: first, background knowledge was formed based on written documents and, secondly, six expert interviews were conducted in early 2014. The interviewees represented the viewpoints of companies, political decision makers and NGO’s. The analysis of the data was conducted using thematic categorization. The empirical findings of the study suggest that in order to create sustainable business in the Arctic companies should adopt a long-term perspective, embrace a holistic approach to sustainability, understand interdependencies between the dimensions of sustainability and aim at high-level engagement in responsible behavior. To succeed in the arctic market core competencies, customer needs, multivendor cooperation and long-term presence need to be invested in on a company level. In addition, to promote and advance arctic development on a national level support is needed in terms of investments in infrastructure, funding research and design, creating a regulative framework and removing barriers of trade.
The purpose of this qualitative research study was to foster an understanding of the rehabilitation counselling practice offamilies of the brain-injured. Specifically, the study explores the perceptions of stakeholders in regards to the degree of satisfaction with the quality of service received. Questionnaires were administered, and semi-structured, openended interviews were conducted, with six participating families (n=8). Preliminary data were collected via two instruments: (i) the Family Participant Questionnaire, consisting of participants' sample characteristics, information pertaining to the history of the family, details of the injury, and information relating to the type, use, and need offamily services utilized; and (ii) the Community Integration Questionnaire, a measurement of the degree of social displacementllevel of community integration of the injured family member. Utilizing the procedural steps outlined by Colaizzi's (1978) method of protocol analysis, recommendations for a future program based on related and current family needs are discussed in detail. Substantiating and supporting information are offered to rehabilitation practitioners, educational planners, and policymakers alike, concerning the degree of satisfaction with rehabilitative service, and the means of improving upon the overall quality of health care to families of the brain-injured. Implications for clinical practice and research are also raised for discussion.
The topic of this research was alternative programming in secondary public education. The purpose of this research was to explore the perceived effectiveness of two public secondary programs that are aJternative to mainstream or "regular" education. Two case study sites were used to research diverse ends of the aJtemative programming continuum. The first case study demonstrated a gifted program and the second demonstrated a behavioral program. Student needs were examined in terms of academic needs, emotional needs, career needs, and social needs. Research conducted in these sites examined how the students, teachers, onsite staff, and program administrators perceived that individual needs were met and unmet in these two programs. The study was qualitative and exploratory, using deductive and inductive research techniques. Similar themes of best practice that were identified in the case study sites aided in the development of a teaching and learning model. Four themes were identified as important within the case study sites. These themes included the commitment and motivation of teachers and the support of administration in the gifted program, and the importance of location and the flow of information and communication in the behavior program. Six themes emerged that were similar across the case study sites. These themes included the individual nature of programming, recognition of student achievement, the alternative program as a place of safety and community, importance of interpersonal capacity, priority of basic needs, and, finally, matching student capacity with program expectations. The model incorporates these themes and is designed as a resource for teachers, program administrators, parents, and policy makers of alternative educational programs.
As a result of the current changes taking place in the delivery of acute care services, the emergence of acute ambulatory care (AAC) settings is expanding. According to a literature review, the volume, acuity, and complexity of patient care in these settings is increasing while the time the patients spend under the care of nurses is decreasing. Two forces, hospital downsizing and advancing technology, are identified as the major contributors to the shift in acute care delivery. The effects that these changes are having on the clinical nursing practice of registered nurses working in AAC settings are not known. Given that AAC settings are rapidly expanding, it can be anticipated that the delivery of nursing care will continue to be compressed into a shorter time frame. Therefore, the following qualitative research question was formulated: What are the problems and issues related to clinical nursing practice in acute ambulatory settings? The purpose of this study was to explore the problems and issues associated with change and clinical nursing practice including the educational needs of nurses working in MC settings. Specific objectives of the study included the following: (a) to explore the problems and issues related to nursing practice in select AAC settings; (b) to explore the similarities and differences in perspectives related to role expectation between nurse managers, nurse educators, and staff nurses; and (c) to develop a conceptual framework that will guide the construction of an instrument needed for further research. This study used semistructured individual interviews and focus group sessions to collect data from the three categories of registered nurses. More specifically, data were collected from one nurse manager, two charge nurses, two nurse educators and fifteen staff nurses, working in three different MC settings of a major teaching hospital. Collected data were separately analyzed by the researcher and an external rater following grounded theory methodology. By using open and axial coding, the problems and issues identified by nurses were grouped into several major and minor themes. In final analysis, by using selective coding, the four core themes (intensification, moderation, frustration, and adaptation) were extracted. Each core theme was presented and discussed in relation to hospital downsizing and advancing technology. The relationships among the four core themes were discussed and depicted in a model termed the "Impact and Consequence Model on Nursing Practice in MC Settings." Implications for further research are discussed and research hypotheses, based on the research findings, are presented.
The world of work with Western society appears to be undergoing a major change. The literature has described this phenomenon as a change from an industrialbased economy to a knowledge-based economy. This change will represent a complete transformation of the world of work; some suggest that everything we have come to accept and know as normal will change. Our present society seems to be in a period of transition. It is a time with many challenges and problems, many of which cannot be solved with thinking patterns from an old industrial-based economy. A fundamental shift in thinking patterns consistent with a new emerging world of work must take place. This change in thinking represents a fundmental shift from traditional and linear ways of seeing the world (worldview), to more holistic ways of seeing the world. In this investigation the word paradigm was used to define how people see their world. A paradigm shift is defined as a change in how a person sees their world: a change from an old to new or different way of viewing the world. Those individuals who are the first to shift their paradigm are called paradigm pioneers. These individuals do not only shift their ways of seeing the world, but they also begin to act and behave in ways consistent with the new paradigm. Thus far the research literature has adequately described the concepts of paradigms and paradigm shifts. However, little is known regarding how people actually and eventually make a shift. As it will be important for each individual to make a personal paradigm shift, then it will be extremely valuable to learn more about the process itself. The purpose of this investigation was to explore these issues in more detail and specifically, describe the experience of paradigm shifts and explore the experience of paradigm pioneers. A qualitative research methodology involving in-depth interviews was used to investigate the experiences of four participants identified as paradigm pioneers. It is interesting to note that the participants in this study did not describe an allencompassing paradigm shift. In fact, each participant, defined a paradigm shift in several different ways. They did relate several examples of paradigm shifts. However, even among these examples, there was a high degree of variability. The findings of this investigation centered upon the participants' experience as pioneers. Each pioneer shared many of the same qualities, the first quality of which described how these pioneers dealt with change. I called this a change-sense quality. The pioneers viewed change in an open and positive manner, and were also aware of change taking place in their world. Finally, they displayed an understanding of change, and a bias to take positive action in the face it. The participants also shared an inner quality. The four pioneers demonstrated a personal purpose and vision, and were selfdirected individuals. They also had an innate curiosity which translated into a love of learning. They also displayed a quality where relationships with others were highly valued. Relationships were important to the pioneers because they played a support role to help them deal with the challenges of being a pioneer. Pioneers also valued relationships because, they relied on others to make change happen. The above mentioned qualities enabled pioneers to be effective in a changing world of work. The findings from this investigation have many implications for research and practice. First, the concept of paradigms and paradigm shifts must be further researched. A great deal more must be learned in order to better understand the kind of shift individuals must make to be effective in the new world of work. Second, the qualities displayed by pioneers are important for all members of the world of work to develop. The qualities shared by pioneers appeared to represent an enduring set of traits that can possibly help individuals deal more positively with uncertainty and rapid change taking place in today's North American world of work.
Narrative therapy is a postmodern therapy that takes the position that people create self-narratives to make sense of their experiences. To date, narrative therapy has compiled virtually no quantitative and very little qualitative research, leaving gaps in almost all areas of process and outcome. White (2006a), one of the therapy's founders, has recently utilized Vygotsky's (1934/1987) theories of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and concept formation to describe the process of change in narrative therapy with children. In collaboration with the child client, the narrative therapist formalizes therapeutic concepts and submits them to increasing levels of generalization to create a ZPD. This study sought to determine whether the child's development proceeds through the stages of concept formation over the course of a session, and whether therapists' utterances scaffold this movement. A sequential analysis was used due to its unique ability to measure dynamic processes in social interactions. Stages of concept formation and scaffolding were coded over time. A hierarchical log-linear analysis was performed on the sequential data to develop a model of therapist scaffolding and child concept development. This was intended to determine what patterns occur and whether the stated intent of narrative therapy matches its actual process. In accordance with narrative therapy theory, the log-linear analysis produced a final model with interactions between therapist and child utterances, and between both therapist and child utterances and time. Specifically, the child and youth participants in therapy tended to respond to therapist scaffolding at the corresponding level of concept formation. Both children and youth and therapists also tended to move away from earlier and toward later stages of White's scaffolding conversations map as the therapy session advanced. These findings provide support for White's contention that narrative therapists promote child development by scaffolding child concept formation in therapy.